1000 resultados para Medicina Preventiva
Programa de doctorado: Salud Pública (Epidemiología, Planificación y Nutrición)
La humanidad actual se encuentra inmersa en un mundo compuesto por lo tecnológico y lo virtual. Progresivamente se ha ido perdiendo el interés por lo innegable que significa tener calidad de vida. Para tal fin se necesita contar con un tesoro llamado “Salud" y que un porcentaje importante del total de las personas se encuentra despojado de ella. La mayoría de los pueblos apunta a la promoción y prevención para preservar la salud de las personas y evitar mayores costos en asistencialismo, solo que hay algo muy difícil de conseguir y es crear hábitos saludables en la comunidad. La enfermería siendo parte importante del equipo de salud, debe utilizar estrategias que ayuden a educar a la sociedad, con herramientas que le permitan llegar a un número mayor de personas y no solamente estar sujeta al núcleo del paciente internado. Esta realidad, motivó al grupo para investigar sobre el tema, y hacer uso de un medio masivo de comunicación; como es la radio, con el fin de promocionar la salud y prevenir enfermedades. Mediante campañas radiales, se intentarán promocionar a lo largo del tiempo, temas de importancia que ayuden a adquirir conocimientos primordiales para vivir mejor. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: determinar la efectividad de una campaña de promoci ón de la salud radiodifundida por enfermería, en la mejora de conductas y hábitos saludables en la población de la ciudad de Malargüe durante octubre de 2010 a mayo de 2011; identificar el tipo de población que escuchó la campaña de salud por radio en la ciudad de Malargüe; comparar el grado de conocimiento sobre el cuidado de la salud antes de la campaña y luego de realizada; lograr que los pobladores de la ciudad de Malargüe que escucharon la campaña, incorporen los conocimientos necesarios para el cuidado de su salud; lograr que los “spots" de la campaña “Manos limpias, cuerpo sano, más vida" perduren en el tiempo.
Fil: Tarducci, Gabriel Omar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Tarducci, Gabriel Omar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Tarducci, Gabriel Omar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Purpose: To determine the scientific evidence about the prevalence of accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular anomalies. Methods: We carried out a systematic review of studies published between 1986 and 2009, analysing the MEDLINE, CINAHL, FRANCIS and PsycINFO databases. We considered admitting those papers related to prevalence in paediatric and adult populations. We identified 660 articles and 10 papers met the inclusion criteria. Results: There is a wide range of prevalence, particularly for accommodative insufficiency (2 %-61.7 %) and convergence insufficiency (2.25 %-33 %). More studies are available for children (7) compared with adults (3). Most of studies examine clinical population (5 studies) with 3 assessed at schools and 1 at University with samples that vary from 65 to 2048 patients. There is great variability regarding the number of diagnostic signs ranging from 1 to 5 clinical signs. We found a relation between the number of clinical signs used and prevalence values for convergence insufficiency although this relationship cannot be confirmed for other conditions. Conclusion: There is a lack of proper epidemiological studies about the prevalence of accommodative and nonstrabismic binocular anomalies. Studies reviewed examine consecutive or selected patients in clinical settings and schools but in any case they are randomized and representative of their populations with no data for general population. The wide discrepancies in prevalence figures are due to both sample population and the lack of uniformity in diagnostic criteria so that it makes difficult to compile results. Biases and limitations of reports determine that prevalence rates offered are only estimations from selected populations.
OBJECTIVES: The goals of the present study are to explore the association between perceived sexism and self-perceived health, health-related behaviors, and unmet medical care needs among women in Spain; to analyze whether higher levels of discrimination are associated with higher prevalence of poor health indicators and to examine whether these relationships are modified by country of origin and social class. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study is based on a cross-sectional design using data from the 2006 Spanish Health Interview Survey. We included women aged 20-64 years (n = 10,927). Six dependent variables were examined: four of health (self-perceived health, mental health, hypertension, and having had an injury during the previous year), one health behavior (smoking), and another related to the use of the health services (unmet need for medical care). Perceived sexism was the main independent variable. Social class and country of origin were considered as effect modifiers. We obtained the prevalence of perceived sexism. Logistic regression models, adjusted for potential confounders, were fitted to study the association between sexism and poor health outcomes. Results: The prevalence of perceived sexism was 3.4%. Perceived sexism showed positive and consistent associations with four poor health outcomes (poor self-perceived health, poor mental health, injuries in the last 12 months, and smoking). The strength of these associations increased with increased scores for perceived sexism, and the patterns were found to be modified by country of origin and social class. CONCLUSION: This study shows a consistent association between perceived sexism and poor health outcomes in a country of southern Europe with a strong patriarchal tradition.
PURPOSE: We sought to analyze whether the sociodemographic profile of battered women varies according to the level of severity of intimate partner violence (IPV), and to identify possible associations between IPV and different health problems taking into account the severity of these acts. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 8,974 women (18-70 years) attending primary healthcare centers in Spain (2006-2007) was performed. A compound index was calculated based on frequency, types (physical, psychological, or both), and duration of IPV. Descriptive and multivariate procedures using logistic regression models were fitted. RESULTS: Women affected by low severity IPV and those affected by high severity IPV were found to have a similar sociodemographic profile. However, divorced women (odds ratio [OR], 8.1; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.2-20.3), those without tangible support (OR, 6.6; 95% CI, 3.3-13.2), and retired women (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.2-6.0) were more likely to report high severity IPV. Women experiencing high severity IPV were also more likely to suffer from poor health than were those who experienced low severity IPV. CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of low and high severity IPV seems to be influenced by the social characteristics of the women involved and may be an important indicator for estimating health effects. This evidence may contribute to the design of more effective interventions.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the recommendations and interventions addressing violence against women (VAW) in vulnerable women (disabled, pregnant, ethnic minority, immigrant and older women) in key documents and laws enacted in different countries. METHODS: Content analysis of key documents for the development of VAW policies and laws: The United Nations Handbook for Legislation on Violence Against Women Advance Version, the Model of Laws and Policies on Intrafamiliar Violence Against Women of the Pan-American Health Organization and Recommendation No. R(2002)5 of the Committee of Ministers of the European Council. The content of the 62 VAW laws was also analyzed. RESULTS: Key documents demonstrate the importance of eliminating any obstacle facing disabled, pregnant, immigrant, ethnic minority or older women when accessing VAW services. Only 12 laws mention one or more of these groups of vulnerable women. Pregnant, disabled and ethnic minority women are the groups most often mentioned. In these laws, references to punitive measures, action plans and specific strategies to guarantee access to VAW resources are the most common interventions. CONCLUSION: Decisive interventions addressing the specific needs of disabled, pregnant, immigrant, ethnic minority and older women are needed in order to achieve a broader equity approach in VAW legislation.
Objectives: To analyze whether sociodemographics and social support have a different or similar effect on the likelihood of Intimate Partner Violence in immigrants and natives, and to estimate prevalences and associations between different types of IPV depending on women's birthplace. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 10,048 women (18–70 years) attending primary healthcare in Spain (2006–2007). Outcome: Current Intimate Partner Violence (psychological, physical and both). Sociodemographics and social support were considered first as explicative and later as control variables. Results: Similar Intimate Partner Violence sociodemographic and social support factors were observed among immigrants and natives. However, these associations were stronger among immigrants, except in the case of poor social support (adjusted odds ratio natives 4.36 and adjusted odds ratio immigrants 4.09). When these two groups were compared, immigrants showed a higher likelihood of IPV than natives (adjusted odds ratios 1.58). Conclusion: Immigrant women are in a disadvantaged Intimate Partner Violence situation. It is necessary that interventions take these inequalities into account.
BACKGROUND: Household service work has been largely absent from occupational health studies. We examine the occupational hazards and health effects identified by immigrant women household service workers. METHODS: Exploratory, descriptive study of 46 documented and undocumented immigrant women in household services in Spain, using a phenomenological approach. Data were collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through focus groups and semi-structured individual interviews. Data were separated for analysis by documentation status and sorted using a mixed-generation process. In a second phase of analysis, data on psychosocial hazards were organized using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire as a guide. RESULTS: Informants reported a number of environmental, ergonomic and psychosocial hazards and corresponding health effects. Psychosocial hazards were especially strongly present in data. Data on reported hazards were similar by documentation status and varied by several emerging categories: whether participants were primarily cleaners or carers and whether they lived in or outside of the homes of their employers. Documentation status was relevant in terms of empowerment and bargaining, but did not appear to influence work tasks or exposure to hazards directly. CONCLUSIONS: Female immigrant household service workers are exposed to a variety of health hazards that could be acted upon by improved legislation, enforcement, and preventive workplace measures, which are discussed.
Objetivo: Comparar la prevalencia de la violencia de género entre mujeres inmigrantes y españolas. Describir sus respuestas ante esta situación y posibles diferencias entre ellas. Identificar intervenciones ya existentes en España sobre prevención y atención sociosanitaria de violencia de género dirigidas a inmigrantes. Métodos: Estudio transversal mediante encuesta autoadministrada en 10.202 mujeres que acudieron a centros de atención primaria en España (2006-2007). Análisis de contenido del informe de seguimiento de la ley 1/2004 de medidas de protección integral contra la violencia de género remitido por las comunidades autónomas (CC.AA.) (2005) y las leyes y planes autonómicos más recientes. Resultados: La prevalencia de violencia de género en las españolas es del 14,3% y en las inmigrantes del 27,3%. La probabilidad de violencia de género en las inmigrantes es mayor (odds ratio ajustada: 2,06; intervalo de confianza del 95%: 1,61–2,64). Las inmigrantes dijeron haber denunciado a su pareja con más frecuencia, así como que no sabían resolver su situación. Algunas CC.AA. ya han emprendido intervenciones para superar las barreras de acceso a los servicios sociosanitarios, pero sólo tres facilitan el número de mujeres inmigrantes beneficiarias de ayudas económicas y laborales hasta 2005. Conclusiones: Existe una desigual distribución en la prevalencia de la violencia de género según el país de origen, afectando en mayor medida a las mujeres inmigrantes. Éstas denuncian con más frecuencia que las españolas, pero tal actuación no supone una garantía de resultados efectivos. Aunque se han identificado otras intervenciones específicas en algunas CC.AA., sería necesario evaluarlas para asegurar que las mujeres inmigrantes se están beneficiando.
Fundamento: La asociación de la inmigración con el bajo peso al nacimiento (BP) y el parto pretérmino (PP) es un importante indicador de inequidades en salud. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las diferencias entre BP y el PP según la nacionalidad de la madre. Métodos: Los datos proceden del Boletín Estadístico de Nacimientos. Durante el período de estudio hubo 1.878.718 recién nacidos. La nacionalidad fue considerada como variable de exposición (española-inmigrante). Las variables de efecto son BP (nacimientos de 37 o más semanas de gestación con un peso inferior a 2.500 gramos) y PP (recién nacidos con menos de 37 semanas de gestación). Se calcularon odds ratios simples y ajustadas por posibles variables de confusión mediante regresión logística. Resultados: La prevalencia de BP y PP entre las mujeres españolas fue de 7,9% y 3,2% respectivamente, mientras que en las extranjeras fue de 7,3% y 2,4% respectivamente. En comparación con las españolas, el riesgo más bajo de PP lo presentaron las mujeres procedentes de África del Norte (ORa= 0,77 IC95%0,74-0,80). Con respecto al BP el riesgo más bajo se observó en madres de Sudamérica (ORa=0,62 IC95%0,59-0,65) y Europa del Este (ORa=0,65 IC95%0,60-0,71). Conclusión: Los recién nacidos de madre extranjera presentan menos riesgo de BP y PP que los autóctonos, posiblemente como consecuencia del sesgo por la condición de ser inmigrante sano y por la menor frecuencia de prácticas de riesgo durante la gestación de las mujeres inmigrantes.