1000 resultados para Mecanismos de avaliação da assistência à saúde


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The humanization of childbirth implies the understanding of this event as an important experience, and requires the redefinition of human relationships from the review of the assistance project, the understanding of pregnant women condition and human rights. To evaluate child birth assistance using a score that was developed by Botucatu Cuesta Regional Management and Jurumirim Valley Collegiates. This is an epidemiological, descriptive study that is inserted in the field of evaluation of services, programs or health projects. The data has been obtained by direct observation of deliveries, emphasizing the humane care. Results: Approximately one third of the women gave birth in a tertiary hospital (34.1%) and it was their first babies (33%).24.8% of the women received prenatal care in high-risk services. 67.1% of the births were normal, and 84.7% had no companions in the delivery room. In 47.1% of the cases the delivery was performed by obstetrician who used anesthesia in 44.7% and episiotomy in 48.2% of the deliveries. More than half of the newborns were attended by the pediatrician in the delivery room and had a delivery graph completed. Although the present study shows that 67.1% of the births were normal, caesarean rate can be considered excessive, as the WHO points out that c-sections above 15% are unlikely to be justifiable. It is important to emphasize that the Ministry of Health has to have a commitment with all women to promote safe motherhood, even in cases when the pregnancy involves a risk for both the mother and the fetus. It is noteworthy that the created score allowed us to assess variables related to the humanization of childbirth and only average and quite similar situations among the three services were evidenced. We hope that with this study, managers and professionals that work in this area can be subsidized in order to offer effective humane assistance and quality service in the delivery


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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OBJETIVO: Caracterizar os óbitos decorrentes de trauma em um hospital terciário e avaliar a qualidade do atendimento prestado a essas vítimas. MÉTODOS: Tratou-se de um estudo retrospectivo realizado em um centro de referência em trauma no período de um ano. Através da metodologia Trauma Score - Injury Severity Score e da revisão de prontuários foram identificadas e estudadas as mortes evitáveis, potencialmente evitáveis e inevitáveis. RESULTADOS: Setenta e cinco pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. Houve predomínio de mortes em pacientes jovens, do sexo masculino, vítimas de acidentes de trânsito. As médias do Revised Trauma Score, Injury Severity Score e Trauma Score - Injury Severity Score foram 5,60, 30,7 e 62,2%, respectivamente. A taxa de mortes consideradas evitáveis foi de 61,3%, potencialmente evitáveis, 24%, e inevitáveis, 14,7%. CONCLUSÃO: A amostra do estudo apresentou características epidemiológicas semelhantes às amostras de outros estudos, exceto pela alta taxa de mortes evitáveis e pelos altos valores do Revised Trauma Score. Houve dificuldades na obtenção de dados em prontuários, laudos de exames de imagem e laudos de necropsia. A qualidade do atendimento prestado às vítimas de trauma na Instituição se mostrou insatisfatória por problemas na coleta e armazenamento dos dados.


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OBJETIVOS: Verificar a prevalência de úlcera por pressão nas unidades de internação de pacientes adultos do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (HU-USP) e verificar a concordância entre observadores na avaliação de risco, por meio da Escala de Braden. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório, quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados por seis colaboradoras treinadas que realizaram exame físico e avaliação de risco em 87 pacientes, avaliação esta considerada "padrão ouro". Os dados das avaliações feitas pelas enfermeiras, nos mesmos pacientes, foram coletados dos prontuários. RESULTADOS: verificou-se prevalência de 19,5% no hospital e 63,6% na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, 15,6% na Clínica Cirúrgica, 13,9% na Clínica Médica e 0% na Semi-Intensiva. Quanto à concordância entre os observadores na avaliação clínica dos pacientes, a percepção sensorial, atividade, mobilidade e fricção/cisalhamento apresentaram fortíssima concordância. Umidade e nutrição, baixa concordância, sugerindo que esses subescores deverão ser discutidos para verificar as causas da controvérsia. CONCLUSÃO: Estudos de prevalência de úlcera por pressão possibilitam verificar a extensão do problema e fornecem subsídios para construção de estratégias e programas de prevenção.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o componente resultado em um serviço de atenção secundária a usuários com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tomando como indicadores os controles de pressão arterial, hemoglobina glicada e lipoproteína de baixa densidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo documental e retrospectivo envolvendo a análise desses indicadores, obtidos nos anos entre 2007 e 2009, com base na consulta de 108 prontuários de usuários de um serviço de atenção secundária, realizada na avaliação de cuidados em saúde. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram que 30,3% dos usuários alcançaram a meta para a hemoglobina glicada, 48,1%, para a pressão arterial e 42,3%, para a lipoproteína de baixa densidade. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados avaliados foram semelhantes aos encontrados em outras investigações internacionais e nacionais, com grande proporção de usuários com DM2 estudados, apresentando controle dos níveis hemoglobina A1c, PA e LDL-C, aquém do preconizado nos consensos.


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Trata-se de um trabalho com objetivo de apresentar os principais resultados alcançados pela regulação dos planos de saúde exercida pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, autarquia instituída para promover o equilíbrio das relações entre operadoras e consumidores, tornando o mercado de planos de saúde mais eficiente. Como avanços mais significativos oriundos da regulação do setor podem ser citados: as barreiras à entrada e à saída das operadoras no mercado, a ampliação das coberturas assistenciais contratuais, o monitoramento e o controle dos reajustes, a indução a práticas de promoção da saúde e à qualificação do setor, e a possibilidade da portabilidade de carências. Como desafios a serem enfrentados, podem ser apontados: o monitoramento da qualidade da assistência prestada, a renúncia fiscal, a existência dos cartões de desconto, a operação de empresas como operadoras de planos de saúde sem o registro na ANS e a adoção de alguns mecanismos nocivos de regulação assistencial pelas operadoras de planos de saúde.


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A redução da mortalidade é um objetivo fundamental das unidades de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP). O estágio de gravidade da doença reflete a magnitude das comorbidades e distúrbios fisiológicos no momento da internação e pode ser avaliada pelos escores prognósticos de mortalidade. Os dois principais escores utilizados na UTIP são o Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) e o Pediatric Index of Mortality (PIM). O PRISM utiliza os piores valores de variáveis fisiológicas e laboratoriais nas primeiras 24 horas de internação enquanto o PIM2 utiliza dados da primeira hora de internação na UTIP e apenas uma gasometria arterial. Não há consenso na literatura, entre PRISM e PIM2, quanto à utilidade e padronização na admissão na terapia intensiva para as crianças e adolescentes, principalmente em uma UTI de nível de atendimento terciário. O objetivo do estudo foi estabelecer o escore de melhor performance na avaliação do prognóstico de mortalidade que seja facilmente aplicável na rotina da UTIP, para ser utilizado de forma padronizada e contínua. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo onde foram revisados os escores PRISM e PIM2 de 359 pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, considerada uma unidade de atendimento de nível terciário. A mortalidade foi de 15%, o principal tipo de admissão foi clinico (78%) sendo a principal causa de internação a disfunção respiratória (37,3%). Os escores dos pacientes que foram a óbito mostraram-se maiores do que o dos sobreviventes. Para o PRISM foi 15 versus 7 (p = 0,0001) e para o PIM2, 11 versus 5 (p = 0,0002), respectivamente. Para a amostra geral, o Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) subestimou a mortalidade tanto para o PIM2 quanto para o PRISM [1,15 (0,84 - 1,46) e 1,67 (1,23 - 2,11), respectivamente]. O teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow mostrou calibração adequada para ambos os escores [x2 = 12,96 (p = 0,11) para o PRISM e x2 = 13,7 (p = 0,09) para o PIM2]. A discriminação, realizada por meio da área sob a curva ROC, foi mais adequada para o PRISM do que para o PIM2 [0,76 (IC 95% 0,69 - 0,83) e 0,65 (IC 95% 0,57 - 0,72), respectivamente, p= 0,002]. No presente estudo, a melhor sensibilidade e especificidade para o risco de óbito do PRISM foi um escore entre 13 e 14, mostrando que, com o avanço tecnológico, o paciente precisa ter um escore mais elevado, ou seja, maior gravidade clínica do que a população original, para um maior risco de mortalidade. Os escores de gravidade podem ter seus resultados modificados em consequência: do sistema de saúde (público ou privado), da infraestrutura da UTIP (número de leitos, recursos humanos, parque tecnológico) e indicação da internação. A escolha de um escore de gravidade depende das características individuais da UTIP, como o tempo de espera na emergência, presença de doença crônica complexa (por exemplo, pacientes oncológicos) e como é realizado o transporte para a UTIP. Idealmente, estudos multicêntricos têm maior significância estatística. No entanto, estudos com populações maiores e mais homogêneas, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento, são difíceis de serem realizados


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Unplanned pregnancy is experienced by millions of women worldwide. Such fact increases the risk of abortion-related morbimortality, which represents a serious public health problem. This study aims to evaluate the advances and challenges of the implementation of Humanized Abortion Care at the Maternity-School in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research was evaluative, was preceded by an Evaluative Study, and resulted in a Case Study. The intentional sample totaled 102 subjects (60 users, 39 professionals and 3 managers). The collection techniques included documental analysis, semi-structured interview and observation with a field diary. The documental analysis was descriptive, while the Content Analysis by Bardin was used for semi-structured interviews and field diary. The Evaluative Study observed that Humanized Abortion Care is an evaluative program with preparation and pact of the logical model, of the matrix of indicators and evaluative questions. The Case Study showed that users were satisfied with the problem-solving capacity and access to the service; however, is also showed that they pointed out inadequacy in terms of environment, qualified hearing and reproductive planning. Professionals reported that the inefficiency of service consists of infrastructure and environment, which are considered inefficient and inadequate to humanized care, especially regarding patient accommodation, the lack of hospital beds, the reduced number of rooms in the surgical center and the lack of laboratory inside the maternity. Moreover, reproductive planning does not consist of an institutionalized practice in the service, and integrality with other services or partnership with the community is not in place. The Maternity Board emphasizes that the excessive demand of patients is one of the reasons that hinders the appropriate implementation of the technical standard. We then conclude that although satisfied regarding problem-solving capacity in terms of service and ease of access, there is room for improvement in qualified hearing systems, in the creation of a system to promote team work, implementation of ombudsman and satisfaction surveys. The right of shared choice did not prevail among users and health professionals with regard to the option of uterine evacuation procedure. Environment was the most mentioned category as that requiring more changes, seeing as a limited factor for the development of humanized and welcoming practices. Health professionals do not establish a periodic routine of planning practices, and such practices are not aligned with the Technical Standard. Incorporation of guidelines and availability of a plurality of methods and possibilities of choices for family planning are required. There is no institutionalization of reference and counter-reference, or partnerships with the community, which makes integrality of care not viable. The Standard needs to be included in the action plans of managers as one of the priorities in the construction of care strategies for women's health, in order to enable, allied to other initiatives, the real integration among safe conduct service, primary care network and social organizations. As a result, respect for human rights and adequate humanized care, as a way of attention and prevention of abortion, can be secured.


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Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.


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Over the years there has been a broader definition of the term health. At the same time it was found also an evolution of the concept of health care which in turn has led to changes in the approach to delivery of health services and hence in its management. In this regard, currently the nephrology services have been searching for quality technical and social need. In view of these innovations and the quest for quality, it elaborated the general objective: to develop a quality assessment protocol for dialysis service Onofre Lopes University Hospital. It is an intervention project effected through an action research, which consisted of 4 steps. Initially was identified through a literature search in scientific literature, which quality indicators would apply to a dialysis unit being selected as follows: infection rate in hemodialysis access site, microbiological control of water used for hemodialysis and Index User satisfaction. Through critical reflection on the theme researched in the previous step, it was drawn up three data collection instruments, interview form type, applied between the months of October and November 2015. In addition to the information obtained, also made up of the use of information retrieval technique. The results were organized in graphs and tables and analyzed using qualitative and exploratory technical approach. Then a reflective analysis of the data obtained and the diagnosis of reality studied was traced and confronted with the literature was performed. The data produced in this study revealed that the Dialysis Unit of HUOL is much to be desired, considering that some weaknesses have been identified in its structure. Faced with this finding have been proposed, as a contribution and aiming to guide the development of future actions, suggestions for improvement that should be implemented and monitored to be assured overcoming these difficulties, allowing an appropriate organizational restructuring, and resulting in improved service public offered. It was concluded that for hemodialysis treatment results are achieved and positive, it is necessary to have physical structure and adequate infrastructure, multidisciplinary team specialized, trained and in sufficient quantity, well designed processes for professionals to have standards to be followed decreasing the chance to err, and a risk management system to detect and control situations that endanger patient safety.


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Conhecer e realizar a programação em saúde de sua equipe de saúde através da ferramenta PROGRAB, com vistas à qualificação da avaliação da atenção primária em saúde.