969 resultados para Measuring method


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The recognition of individual animals is crucial to many aspects of research. Prawns (Penaeus monodon) present unique difficulties in this respect since they molt regularly. Thus, almost all tagging and marking methods developed for prawns so far have proven inadequate. Some tags or marks are lost during molting; others cause injury to the prawns. A new and efficient method has been developed at the Igang Seafarming Station of the Aquaculture Department. Rectangular brass tags measuring 5 mm by 20 mm and numbered consecutively are used. The prawn is held gently but firmly at the base of the carapace with the left hand while the right hand slips the brass tag around the stalk of the unablated eye and presses the tag gently. All tagging must be made under water to avoid stress. From May 29 to September 7 1977 to a total of 348 unilaterally-ablated adult female prawns were tagged on the unablated eyestalk in 5 batches to enable individual observations on gonadal maturation, molting, and growth. Periodic examinations were made four times a month to coincide with the different phases of the lunar cycle. On each examination, survival and recovery rates were recorded. The data included death due to immediate mortality during ablation and loss to cannibalism for the duration of the experiments. In all five tagging experiments, most of the prawns recovered had their tags intact. These included even dead and molting animals. The eyestalk tagging method is suitable for prawns because the tags can be attached without causing injury and has no effect on the rate of growth, maturity, molting and behavior of the animal. The tags are identifiable and permanent; they remain attached to the animal even after death.


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Preliminary lifetime values have been measured for a number of near-yrast states in the odd-A transitional nuclei 107Cd and 103Pd. The reaction used to populate the nuclei of interest was 98Mo( 12C,3nxα)107Cd, 103Pd, with the beam delivered by the tandem accelerator of the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. Our experiment was aimed at the investigation of collective excitations built on the unnatural parity, ν h11/2 orbital, specifically by measuring the B(E2) values of decays from the excited levels built on this intrinsic structure, using the Doppler Recoil Distance Method. We report lifetimes and associated transition probabilities for decays from the 15/2- and the 19/2- states in 107Cd and the first measurement of the 15/2- state in 103Pd. These results suggest that neither a simple rotational or vibrational interpretation is sufficient to explain the observed structures. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper proposed a non-intrusive method of measuring the optical beam profile at the surface of the liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) device in an optical fiber switch. This method is based on blazed grating and can be employed in situ (on-line) for two-dimensional beam profiling in the LCOS-based optical fiber switches without introducing additional components or rearranging the system. The measured beam radius was in excellent agreement with that measured by the knife-edge technique. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The importance of design to company and national performance has been widely discussed, with a number of studies investigating the value or impact of design on performance. However, none of these studies has measured design investment as an input against which performance can be compared. As yet, there is no established way in which design investment might be measured. Without such a method, we cannot develop a reliable picture, akin to that for R&D spending, on the impact of design spending on company performance. This paper presents a conceptual framework for the measurement of design investment and applies this framework in a survey of UK firms. The framework describes design as being part of the creation and commercialization of new products and services. The survey highlights some surprising patterns of design spend in the reported sample and demonstrates the viability of the underpinning framework. A revised framework is proposed that situates design investment in the context of R&D. The model has implications for policy makers trying to understand the role and scale of design in the private sector, for managers wishing to optimize their design investments and for academics seeking to measure the value of design. © 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A critical element for the successful growth of GaN device layers on Si is accurate control of the AlGaN buffer layers used to manage strain. Here we present a method for measuring the composition of the AlGaN buffer layers in device structures which makes use of a one-dimensional x-ray detector to provide efficient measurement of a reciprocal space map which covers the full compositional range from AlN to GaN. Combining this with a suitable x-ray reflection with low strain sensitivity it is possible to accurately determine the Al fraction of the buffer layers independent of their relaxation state. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Several assay methods were screened for viability assessment in cyanobacteria using Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905. Compared with fluorescent diacetate (FDA), Evan's Blue and autofluorescence, the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, which was based on the ability of viable cells to reduce MTT to formazan, was found to be reliable and was selected for further study. MTT concentration, incubation time and temperature were optimized for M. aeruginosa. Improvements to the sensitivity and reproducibility of the MTT assay included performing it in the dark to reduce the effects of formazan light sensitivity when extracted in DMSO. Another improvement involved collecting viability data by cell by counting rather than colourimetrically, which was concluded from the fact that oxidoreductase activity, responsible for MTT reduction, would elevate or decrease under stress conditions. Half-life of oxidoreductase in dead cell was calculated to be 3 h. The MTT assay was also found to be applicable to other cyanobacteria and diatoms, including field samples, but not for algae belonging to Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta or Chrysophyta. Based on the above results, we proposed an optimized procedure for the MTT method on Microcystis strains. The use of this assay may be of importance to better understand the dynamics of bloom and the fate of Microcystis under natural or disturbed conditions.


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We propose and demonstrate measurement of the frequency response of an electroabsorption (EA) modulator using an extended small-signal power measuring technique. In this technique, the modulator is driven by a microwave carrier amplitude modulated by a low-frequency signal, and the modulator frequency response is obtained without the need of a high-speed photodetector. Based upon the nonlinear characteristics of the EA modulator and the underlying principle of the present method, equations have been derived. A measurement scheme using a network analyzer and a low-speed photodetector has been proposed and constructed, and the experimental results confirm that our proposed method is as accurate as the swept-frequency measurement using a network analyzer directly.


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An improved optical self-heterodyne method utilizing a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) tunable laser and an optical fiber ring interferometer is presented in this paper. The interference efficiency can be increased by 7 dB compared with the scheme using the conventional Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The unsteady process that the beating frequency experiences in each tuning period is investigated. According to the measurement results, the wavelength and optical power of the tunable laser will be steady when the square-wave frequency is lower than 300 kHz. It has been shown that when a square-wave voltage is applied to the phase section of the tunable laser, the laser linewidths vary in a wide range, and are much larger than that under dc voltage tuning. The errors caused by the variations in the linewidth of the beat signal and optical power can be eliminated using the proposed calibration procedures, and the measurement accuracy can, therefore, be significantly improved. Experiments show that the frequency responses obtained using our method agree well with the data provided by the manufacturer, and the improved optical self-heterodyne method is as accurate as the intensity noise technique.


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Accurate measurement of transit time for acoustic wave between two sensors installed on two sides of a furnace is a key to implementing the temperature field measurement technique based on acoustical method. A new method for measuring transit time of acoustic wave based on active acoustic source signal is proposed in this paper, which includes the followings: the time when the acoustic source signal arrives at the two sensors is measured first; then, the difference of two arriving time arguments is computed, thereby we get the transit time of the acoustic wave between two sensors installed on the two sides of the furnace. Avoiding the restriction on acoustic source signal and background noise, the new method can get the transit time of acoustic wave with higher precision and stronger ability of resisting noise interference.


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The influences of microdefects and dislocations on the lattice parameters of undoped semi-insulating GaAs single crystals were analyzed, and a novel nondestructive method for measuring stoichiometry in undoped semi-insulating GaAs was established in this letter. The comparison of this method with coulometric titration indicates that the method of nondestructive measurements is indeed convenient and reliable. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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A new method for quantitative analysis of lactide has been developed by applying chemical kinetics to a HPLC system. The most important advance is its practical approach to the quantification of analytes that are unstable in the HPLC mobile phase. In HPLC analysis, anhydrous mobile phases cannot separate lactide from impurities, and only mixtures of water and organic solvent can achieve effective separation. By selecting conditions for testing and studying the kinetics of lactide hydrolysis, extensive experiments revealed that lactide degradation can be treated as a pseudo-first-order reaction under the given HPLC conditions, and lactide content or purity can be quantitatively determined. This method is practical for measuring the purity of the intermediate lactide in polylactic acid (PLA) production and the lactide content in PLA.


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We present measurements of morphological features in a thick turbid sample using light-scattering spectroscopy (LSS) and Fourier-domain low-coherence interferometry (fLCI) by processing with the dual-window (DW) method. A parallel frequency domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) system with a white-light source is used to image a two-layer phantom containing polystyrene beads of diameters 4.00 and 6.98 mum on the top and bottom layers, respectively. The DW method decomposes each OCT A-scan into a time-frequency distribution with simultaneously high spectral and spatial resolution. The spectral information from localized regions in the sample is used to determine scatterer structure. The results show that the two scatterer populations can be differentiated using LSS and fLCI.


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Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy is an important tool for measuring in vivo gene dynamics in single cells. However, fluorescent proteins are limited by slow chromophore maturation times and the cellular autofluorescence or phototoxicity that arises from light excitation. An alternative is luciferase, an enzyme that emits photons and is active upon folding. The photon flux per luciferase is significantly lower than that for fluorescent proteins. Thus time-lapse luminescence microscopy has been successfully used to track gene dynamics only in larger organisms and for slower processes, for which more total photons can be collected in one exposure. Here we tested green, yellow, and red beetle luciferases and optimized substrate conditions for in vivo luminescence. By combining time-lapse luminescence microscopy with a microfluidic device, we tracked the dynamics of cell cycle genes in single yeast with subminute exposure times over many generations. Our method was faster and in cells with much smaller volumes than previous work. Fluorescence of an optimized reporter (Venus) lagged luminescence by 15-20 min, which is consistent with its known rate of chromophore maturation in yeast. Our work demonstrates that luciferases are better than fluorescent proteins at faithfully tracking the underlying gene expression.


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This paper uses a case study approach to consider the effectiveness of the electronic survey as a research tool to measure the learner voice about experiences of e-learning in a particular institutional case. Two large scale electronic surveys were carried out for the Student Experience of e-Learning (SEEL) project at the University of Greenwich in 2007 and 2008, funded by the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA). The paper considers this case to argue that, although the electronic web-based survey is a convenient method of quantitative and qualitative data collection, enabling higher education institutions swiftly to capture multiple views of large numbers of students regarding experiences of e-learning, for more robust analysis, electronic survey research is best combined with other methods of in-depth qualitative data collection. The advantages and disadvantages of the electronic survey as a research method to capture student experiences of e-learning are the focus of analysis in this short paper, which reports an overview of large-scale data collection (1,000+ responses) from two electronic surveys administered to students using surveymonkey as a web-based survey tool as part of the SEEL research project. Advantages of web-based electronic survey design include flexibility, ease of design, high degree of designer control, convenience, low costs, data security, ease of access and guarantee of confidentiality combined with researcher ability to identify users through email addresses. Disadvantages of electronic survey design include the self-selecting nature of web-enabled respondent participation, which tends to skew data collection towards students who respond effectively to email invitations. The relative inadequacy of electronic surveys to capture in-depth qualitative views of students is discussed with regard to prior recommendations from the JISC-funded Learners' Experiences of e-Learning (LEX) project, in consideration of the results from SEEL in-depth interviews with students. The paper considers the literature on web-based and email electronic survey design, summing up the relative advantages and disadvantages of electronic surveys as a tool for student experience of e-learning research. The paper concludes with a range of recommendations for designing future electronic surveys to capture the learner voice on e-learning, contributing to evidence-based learning technology research development in higher education.


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The silicone elastomer solubilities of a range of drugs and pharmaceutical excipients employed in the development of silicone intravaginal drug delivery rings (polyethylene glycols, norethisterone acetate, estradiol, triclosan, oleyl alcohol, oxybutynin) have been determined using dynamic mechanical analysis. The method involves measuring the concentration-dependent decrease in the storage modulus associated with the melting of the incorporated drug/excipient, and extrapolation to zero change in storage modulus. The study also demonstrates the effect of drug/excipient concentrations on the mechanical stiffness of the silicone devices at 37°C.