994 resultados para Material visual
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma reflexão sobre a importância do design enquanto transmissor da identidade cultural na criação de uma identidade local. Discutir a importância da cultura material e imaterial como um fator diferencial na construção de uma identidade visual associada a um sítio, uma vez que a diversidade cultural assume muitas formas através do tempo e do espaço, A cultura enquanto transmissor de mensagens devem ser tomada e entendida como um elemento essencial na representação do sítio. Qualquer cidade ou freguesia necessita de uma imagem que lhe proporcione visibilidade, não só a nível nacional como também internacional, já que muitas das nossas cidades vivem das capacidades produtivas relacionadas com o turismo, atividade económica que é necessário incrementar com factores de qualidade. Para construir uma identidade local é necessário um levantamento do património existente, das referências do pré-existente, a sua relação com o tecido sócio-urbano, de forma a consubstanciar uma identidade gráfica representativa da localidade. PALAVRAS
Includes bibliographic references (216).
El trabajo, de tipo descriptivo exploratorio, pretende conocer cuál es el estado en que se encuentran algunas de las bibliotecas universitarias de la UNLP para ofrecer un servicio accesible a personas con discapacidad visual. Se analiza qué servicios de este tipo poseen actualmente, con qué barreras se enfrentan los usuarios y qué soluciones se han implementado. A tal fin se indagará, por un lado, cómo están diseñados los sitios web de las bibliotecas elegidas, y por otro, cómo integran estas bibliotecas en sus servicios y productos documentales a estas personas, esto es, si cuentan con material bibliográfico y servicios accesibles. Por último, se esbozan algunas propuestas para superar la situación actual en estas bibliotecas universitarias
O trabalho aborda questões sobre a produção e composição da imagem em alta definição na TV Digital HDTV. Por meio dos dados levantados na literatura específica, impressa e eletrônica, e com entrevistas com profissionais da área e observações da programação disponível em HDTV na cidade de São Paulo puderam ser analisadas as imagens e composição visual que advém com a TV Digital de alta definição e interativa. Para tanto, a produção da imagem em alta definição precisa atender a dois tipos de público: o que assiste a transmissão digital e o que ainda continuará assistindo no sistema analógico com baixa percepção para os detalhes visuais. Os resultados demonstraram duas questões fundamentais e interdependentes: as práticas de produção, materiais cenográficos e processos de composição dos elementos da imagem precisam ser atualizados segundo as novas características tecnológicas e que o processo de implantação da TV Digital no Brasil deve ser revisto, com correções de prazos e das políticas adotadas sob o risco de se atrasar todo o processo de produção de conteúdo e da imagem em alta definição para este suporte.
The human visual system is sensitive to second-order modulations of the local contrast (CM) or amplitude (AM) of a carrier signal. Second-order cues are detected independently of first-order luminance signals; however, it is not clear why vision should benet from second-order sensitivity. Analysis of the first-and second-order contents of natural images suggests that these cues tend to occur together, but their phase relationship varies. We have shown that in-phase combinations of LM and AM are perceived as a shaded corrugated surface whereas the anti-phase combination can be seen as corrugated when presented alone or as a flat material change when presented in a plaid containing the in-phase cue. We now extend these findings using new stimulus types and a novel haptic matching task. We also introduce a computational model based on initially separate first-and second-order channels that are combined within orientation and subsequently across orientation to produce a shading signal. Contrast gain control allows the LM + AM cue to suppress responses to the LM-AM when presented in a plaid. Thus, the model sees LM -AM as flat in these circumstances. We conclude that second-order vision plays a key role in disambiguating the origin of luminance changes within an image. © ARVO.
Purpose. To compare visual function with the Bausch & Lomb PureVision multifocal contact lens to monovision with PureVision single vision contact lenses. Methods. Twenty presbyopic subjects were fitted with either the PureVision multifocal contact lens or monovision with PureVision singlevision lenses. Aftera 1-month trial, the following assessments of visual function were made: (a) distance, intermediate, and near visual acuity (VA); (b) reading ability; (c) distance and near contrast sensitivity function (CSF); (d) near range of clear vision; (e) stereoacuity; and (f) subjective evaluation of near vision ability with a standardized questionnaire. Subjects were then refitted with the alternative correction and the procedure was repeated. All measurements were compared between the two corrections, whereas the ``low addition'' multifocal lens was also compared with the ``high addition'' alternative. Results. Distance and near VA were significantly better with monovision than with the multifocal option (p < 0.05). Intermediate VA (p = 0.13) was similar with both corrections, whereas there was also no significant difference in distance and near CSF (p = 0.29 on both occasions). Reading speeds (p = 0.48) and the critical print size (p = 0.90) were not significantly different between the two contact lens corrections, but stereoacuity (p < 0.01) and the near range of clear vision (p < 0.05) were significantly better with the multifocal option than with monovision. Subjective assessment of near ability was similar for both types of contact lens (p = 0.52). The high addition multifocal lens produced significantly poorer distance and near CSF, near VA, and critical print size compared with the low addition alternative. Conclusions. Monovision performed better than a center-near aspheric simultaneous vision multifocal contact lens of the same material for distance and near VA only. The multifocal option provides better stereoacuity and near range of clear vision, with little differences in CSF, so a better balance of real-world visual function may be achieved due to minimal binocular disruption. (Optom Vis Sci 2009;86:98-105)
Much has been written about the marketing aspects of promotional material in general, and several scholars (particularly in linguistics) have addressed questions relating to the structure and function of advertisements, focusing on images, rhetorical structure, semiotic functions, discourse features and audio-visual media, amongst other aspects of the genre. Not much, on the other hand, has been written within translation studies about the complexities involved in the transfer of an advertising message. Contributors to this volume explore various interdependent aspects of the interlingual and intercultural transfer of an advertising message. They emphasize features of culture specificity, of multi-medial semiotic interaction, of values and stereotypes, and most importantly, they recommend strategies and approaches to assist translators. Topics covered include a critique of the Western-based approach to advertising in the context of the Far East; different perceptions of the concept of cleanliness in advertising texts in Italy, Russia and the UK; the Walls Cornetto strategy of internationalization of product appeal, followed by localization; the role of the translator in recreating appeal in different lingua-cultural contexts; what constitutes 'Italianness' in advertisements for British consumers; and strategies for repackaging France as a tourist destination.
Much has been written on the organizational power of metaphor in discourse, eg on metaphor ‘chains’ and ‘clusters’ of linguistic metaphor in discourse (Koller 2003, Cameron & Stelma 2004, Semino 2008) and the role of extended and systematic metaphor in organizing long stretches of language, even whole texts (Cameron et al 2009, Cameron & Maslen 2010, Deignan et al 2013, Semino et al 2013). However, at times, this work belies the intricacies of how a single metaphoric idea can impact on a text. The focus of this paper is a UK media article derived from a HM Treasury press release on alleviating poverty. The language of the article draws heavily on orientational (spatial) metaphors, particularly metaphors of movement around GOOD IS UP. Although GOOD IS UP can be considered a single metaphoric idea, the picture the reader builds up as they move line by line through this text is complex and multifaceted. I take the idea of “building up a picture” literally in order to investigate the schema of motion relating to GOOD IS UP. To do this, fifteen informants (Masters students at a London university), tutored in Cognitive Metaphor Theory, were asked to read the article and underline words and expressions they felt related to GOOD IS UP. The text was then read back to the informant with emphasis given to the words they had underlined, while they drew a pictorial representation of the article based on the meanings of these words, integrating their drawings into a single picture as they went along. I present examples of the drawings the informants produced. I propose that using Metaphor-led Discourse Analysis to produce visual material in this way offers useful insights into how metaphor contributes to meaning making at text level. It shows how a metaphoric idea, such as GOOD IS UP, provides the text producer with a rich and versatile meaning-making resource for constructing text; and gives a ‘mind-map’ of how certain aspects of a media text are decoded by the text receiver. It also offers a partial representation of the elusive, intermediate ‘deverbalized’ stage of translation (Lederer 1987), where the sense of the source text is held in the mind before it is transferred to the target language. References Cameron, L., R. Maslen, Z. Todd, J. Maule, P. Stratton & N. Stanley. 2009. ‘The discourse dynamic approach to metaphor and metaphor-led analysis’. Metaphor and Symbol, 24(2), 63-89. Cameron, L. & R. Maslen (eds). 2010. Metaphor Analysis: Research Practice in Applied Linguistics, Social Sciences and Humanities. London: Equinox. Cameron, L. & J. Stelma. 2004. ‘Metaphor Clusters in Discourse’. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 107-136. Deignan, A., J. Littlemore & E. Semino. 2013. Figurative Language, Genre and Register. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Koller, V. 2003. ‘Metaphor Clusters, Metaphor Chains: Analyzing the Multifunctionality of Metaphor in Text’. metaphorik.de, 5, 115-134. Lederer, M. 1987. ‘La théorie interprétative de la traduction’ in Retour à La Traduction. Le Francais dans Le Monde. Semino, E. 2008. Metaphor in Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Semino, E., A. Deignan & J. Littlemore. 2013. ‘Metaphor, Genre, and Recontextualization’. Metaphor and Symbol. 28(1), 41-59.
Purpose To examine patient-reported outcome (PRO) in a selected group of Swedish patients about to receive anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment for diabetic macular edema (DME). Material and methods In this cross-sectional study, 59 patients with diabetes mellitus, who regularly visited the outpatient eye-clinics, were included. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected and the patients completed PRO measures before starting anti-VEGF treatment. PRO measures assessed eye-specific outcomes (NEI-VFQ-25) and generic health-related quality of life (SF-36). Results The participants consisted of 30 men and 29 women (mean age, 68.5 years); 54 (92 %) patients had type 2 diabetes; Five (9%) patients had moderate or severe visual impairment; 28 (47 %) were classified as having mild visual impairment. Some of the patients reported overall problems in their daily lives, such as with social relationships, as well as problems with impaired sight as a result of reduced distance vision. Conclusions Further studies are needed to investigate PRO factors related to low perceived general health in this patient population. It is important to increase our understanding of such underlying mechanisms to promote improvements in the quality of patient care.
The project was made during the Erasmus+ Program in Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal. I had a pleasure to do this in Gislotica Mechanical Solution, Lda. This document presents a process of design a vertical inspection station for truck tires. The first part contains an introduction. There are information about Gislotica Company and also first analysis of problem. In next part is presented way to figured out the task and described all issues connected with designed machine. In last part were made some conclusions about problems and results. There is a place not only for sum up design process but also my develop during the project. I repeatedly pointed out which issues were new for me. A lot of times I focus on myself and gained experience and information about design process.
Apparitions of empire and imperial ideologies were deeply embedded in the International Exhibition, a distinct exhibitionary paradigm that came to prominence in the mid-nineteenth century. Exhibitions were platforms for the display of objects, the movement of people, and the dissemination of ideas across and between regions of the British Empire, thereby facilitating contact between its different cultures and societies. This thesis aims to disrupt a dominant understanding of International Exhibitions, which forwards the notion that all exhibitions, irrespective of when or where they were staged, upheld a singular imperial discourse (i.e. Greenhalgh 1988, Rydell 1984). Rather, this thesis suggests International Exhibitions responded to and reflected the unique social, political and economic circumstances in which they took place, functioning as cultural environments in which pressing concerns of the day were worked through. Understood thus, the International Exhibition becomes a space for self-presentation, serving as a stage from which a multitude of interests and identities were constructed, performed and projected. This thesis looks to the visual and material culture of the International Exhibition in order to uncover this more nuanced history, and foregrounds an analysis of the intersections between practices of exhibition-making and identity-making. The primary focus is a set of exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-1880s and early-1900s, which extends the geographic and temporal boundaries of the existing scholarship. What is more, it looks at representations of Canada at these events, another party whose involvement in the International Exhibition tradition has gone largely unnoticed. Consequently, this thesis is a thematic investigation of the links between a municipality routinely deemed the ‘Second City of the Empire’ and a Dominion settler colony, two types of geographic setting rarely brought into dialogue. It analyses three key elements of the exhibition-making process, exploring how iconographies of ‘quasi-nationhood’ were expressed through an exhibition’s planning and negotiation, its architecture and its displays. This original research framework deliberately cuts across strata that continue to define conceptions of the British Empire, and pushes beyond a conceptual model defined by metropole and colony. Through examining International Exhibitions held in Glasgow in the late-Victorian and Edwardian periods, and visions of Canada in evidence at these events, the goal is to offer a novel intervention into the existing literature concerning the cultural history of empire, one that emphasises fluidity rather than fixity and which muddles the boundaries between centre and periphery.
Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de los profesionales de enfermería sobre la utilidad del registro y valoración del dolor agudo como quinta constante clínica; así como, determinar la correlación de la escala visual analógica (EVA) con la verbal simple (EVS) y la verbal numérica (EVN). Material y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Cuestionario de opinión "ad hoc" y correlación lineal entre escalas. Análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial mediante el coeficiente de correlación intraclase y el método de Bland-Altman. Resultados: muestra de 102 profesionales (58% mujeres). El 90,2% cree importante que se mida el dolor agudo; el 65,7% ven la escala EVA poco práctica; el 80,4% no sabe cuándo se debe reevaluar el dolor (p<0,05). La concordancia entre escalas fue baja-moderada, siendo la EVN la mejor alternativa a la EVA. Conclusiones: el procedimiento de registro y medición del dolor fue muy bien valorado por los profesionales, pero su implementación presentó baja adherencia. La concordancia obtenida no fue significativa para sustituir con garantías a la EVA.
65 hojas : ilustraciones, ilustraciones.
Este estudio tiene como objetivo encontrar las ideologías y las concepciones ocultas sobre las personas latinas en la publicidad televisiva finlandesa. Las hipótesis planteadas del análisis incluyen las siguientes: que el uso de la lengua española en los anuncios bajo análisis tiene el fin de crear una imagen estereotipada, exótica, pero a la vez peyorativa de los latinos, y reforzar la impresión ya anteriormente conocida de ellos como inferiores a la élite blanca, con carácter temperamental y apasionado; como personas despreocupadas y descuidadas, hasta deshonestas en que no se puede confiar. La fundación teorética y metodológica del trabajo reside en el Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD) y el análisis crítico semiótico de las imágenes. Pretende encontrar las construcciones ideológicas discriminadoras que se reproducen a través del discurso mediático en forma de los temas y, ante todo los tópicos. Con los tópicos se refiere a temas de nivel más abstracto que los que aparecen explícitamente en los textos. El vínculo lingüístico es de la teoría de apropiación lingüística de elementos de la lengua española al inglés, llamada el Mock Spanish, pero en este estudio se aplica al finés. El análisis propone demostrar qué tipo de ideologías y actitudes se tratan de comunicar realmente en los textos. La parte semiótica del análisis de los signos observa el material empírico con el fin de averiguar las relaciones sociales de poder que se transmiten en las imágenes. Las imágenes contienen mensajes sobre el contexto y la distancia social que pueden ser descifrados analizando, por ejemplo, los ángulos de la cámara y la posición del fotógrafo en relación con el objeto de la fotografía. El material del análisis empírico se consiste en seis anuncios televisivos, estrenados en los canales de televisión pública finlandesa entre los años 2008 y 2016. La selección de los mismos fue realizada según el hecho de que todos emplean principalmente el español como lengua hablada y están subtitulados en finés. En unos se han escogido actores hablantes nativos y en otros finlandeses, pero todos los actores utilizan el español en sus réplicas, y solo la parte informativa al final del anuncio está en finés. Todas las compañías, productores de los productos promocionados, menos Lidl, recalcan ser finlandesas, aunque, por ejemplo, en el caso de dos empresas, son consorcios multinacionales, sociedades anónimas, y sus propietarios extranjeros. El nacionalismo forma parte esencial de la imagen que desean ofrecer para el público.
113 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.