1000 resultados para Marsh, Christopher, 1794-1859.


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variables GY Cnc, IR Com and HT Cas. We find that the sharp eclipses in GY Cnc and IR Com are due to eclipses of the white dwarf. There is some evidence for a bright-spot on the edge of the accretion disc in GY Cnc, but not in IR Com. Eclipse mapping of HT Cas is presented which shows changes in the structure of the quiescent accretion disc. Observations in 2002 show the accretion disc to be invisible except for the presence of a bright-spot at the disc edge. 2003 observations, however, clearly show a bright inner disc and the bright-spot to be much fainter than in 2002. Although no outburst was associated with either set of quiescent observations, the system was similar to 0.6 mJy brighter in 2003, mainly due to the enhanced emission from the inner disc. We propose that these changes are due to variations in the mass-transfer rate from the secondary star and through the disc. The disc colours indicate that it is optically thin in both its inner and outer regions. We estimate the white dwarf temperature of HT Cas to be 15 000 +/- 1000 K in 2002 and 14 000 +/- 1000 K in 2003.


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We report on new simultaneous phase-resolved spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the polar (AM Herculis star) V834 Cen during a high state of accretion. Strong emission lines and high levels of variable circular and linear polarization are observed over the orbital period. The polarization data are modelled using the Stokes imaging technique of Potter et al. The spectroscopic emission lines are investigated using the Doppler tomography technique of Marsh and Horne and the Roche tomography technique of Dhillon and Watson. Up to now, all three techniques have been used separately to investigate the geometry and accretion dynamics in cataclysmic variables. For the first time, we apply all three techniques to simultaneous data for a single system. This allows us to compare and test each of the techniques against each other and hence to derive a better understanding of the geometry, dynamics and system parameters of V834 Cen.


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the faint eclipsing cataclysmic variable OU Vir. For the first time in OU Vir, separate eclipses of the white dwarf and the bright spot have been observed. We use timings of these eclipses to derive a purely photometric model of the system, obtaining a mass ratio of q=0.175+/-0.025, an inclination of i=79.degrees2+/-0.degrees7 and a disc radius of R-d/a=0.2315+/-0.0150. We separate the white dwarf eclipse from the light curve and, by fitting a blackbody spectrum to its flux in each passband, obtain a white dwarf temperature of T=13900+/-600 K and a distance of D=51+/-17 pc. Assuming that the primary obeys the Nauenberg mass-radius relation for white dwarfs and allowing for temperature effects, we also find a primary mass M-w/M-circle dot=0.89+/-0.20, a primary radius R-w/R-circle dot=0.0097+/-0.0031 and an orbital separation a/R-circle dot=0.74+/-0.05.


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The efficacy of ‘sod removal’ as a fenland restoration technique was tested using an experimental approach at Montiaghs Moss Nature Reserve, Northern Ireland, from 2006 to 2008. The site suffered from rank growth of purple moor-grass Molinia caerulea which was out-competing herbaceous species. Soil was removed up to a depth of 15 cm completely denuding vegetation in the experimental plot exposing bare peat. By July 2007, 15.2% of sod-removal areas were revegetated; by October 2008 cover had risen to 64.6%. Of this cover, purple moor-grass accounted for only 9-11% compared to 78- 79% on control plots. Cover of other rank-forming grass species was also significantly reduced. Sod removal significantly increased the cover of species characteristic of fenlands including sedges Carex spp., rushes Juncus spp., marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle vulgaris and lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula. It seems likely that sod removal, which lowered the surface of the peat, restored minerotrophic conditions and exposed the historical seed bank stimulating regeneration of some fenland specialists and pioneer species; this resulted in significantly higher species richness on sod removal plots than control plots two years after treatment. There was no demonstrable effect of sod removal on abundance of devil’s-bit scabious Succisa pratensis, the larval food plant of the Annex II listed marsh fritillary butterfly Euphydryas aurinia. We recommend that consideration should be given to artificially seeding devil’s-bit scabious soon after sod removal treatment to promote early recolonisation and to increase plant abundance on the site.


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The successful career of Dean Mahomet (1759-1851) as a migrant from India to Ireland (and later, England) has led to scholarly and popular interest in his work. His Travels through several parts of India in the Service of the Honourable East India Company (1794) published by subscription in Cork is reputedly the first English book by an Indian, and has been seen to counterbalance the many accounts of India by western travellers, and to assert, in autobiographical form, his identity as an Indian in 1790s Ireland. My paper analyses this text in relation to moral and economic criticisms of the East India Company in the eighteenth century, and in particular to legislation of 1793 which defined the role of the Company in Ireland’s trade with the east. These aspects of colonial politics involving Ireland and India as subject nations of Britain are shown to shape Mahomet’s discursive strategies and the complex identity produced in his text.


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Several authors have shown that precise measurements of transit time variations of exoplanets can be sensitive to other planetary bodies, such as exo-moons. In addition, the transit timing variations of the exoplanets closest to their host stars can provide tests of tidal dissipation theory. These studies, however, have not considered the effect of the host star. There is a large body of observational evidence that eclipse times of binary stars can vary dramatically due to variations in the quadrupole moment of the stars driven by stellar activity. In this paper, we investigate and estimate the likely impact such variations have on the transit times of exoplanets. We find in several cases that such variations should be detectable. In particular, the estimated period changes for WASP-18b are of the same order as those expected for tidal dissipation, even for relatively low values of the tidal dissipation parameter. The transit time variations caused by the Applegate mechanism are also of the correct magnitude and occur on time-scales such that they may be confused with variations caused by light-travel time effects due to the presence of a Jupiter-like second planet. Finally, we suggest that transiting exoplanet systems may provide a clean route (compared to binaries) to constraining the type of dynamo operating in the host star.