1000 resultados para Marguerite-Marie Alacoque, Santa, 1647-1690
Foram estudadas amostras fecais de cães apreendidos em logradouros públicos, pela vigilância sanitária de Itapema, SC. De 158 amostras examinadas, 121 (76,6%) foram positivas, com uma prevalência maior para Ancylostoma spp (70,9%), seguida por Toxocara canis (14,5%), Trichuris vulpis (13,9%), Isospora spp. (6,3%) e Dipylidium caninum (1,9%).
A positive coefficient of association (affinity) between Runchomyia reversa and Anopheles cruzii and high (0.38) index were observed, probably due to the similar breeding places (bromeliads) and to landing habits. Furthermore, a high (0.92) index of association between Oc. scapularis and Wyeomyia incaudata, with low coefficient of association was observed.
REDOL, Pedro; GOMES, Saul António (coord.)
Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Vitória - a fundação, o programa, os arquitectos, as fontes de influência
in Varia, Revista do IHA, N.4 (2007), pp.335-353
Revista do IHA, N.5 (2008), pp.76-95
Mosquitoes (22 species) (0.5%) and Runchomyia reversa (5%) biting humans in the morning in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, were significantly more common below than above waist and all Wyeomyia incaudata were collected below the waist. Short trousers are not recommended, unless using repellents.
Due to the occurrence of cases of dermal leishmaniasis in the Municipality of Piçarras, in the East of the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina, collections of Phlebotomine sandflies by the use of CDC-like light traps were developed near the houses of the patients. Three species (Lutzomyia neivai, Lu. fischeri and Lu. ayrozai) were collected. Lu. neivai was predominant near the houses, and Lu. ayrozai was collected in a secondary forest in a nearby municipality (Navegantes). The novelty of this focus, the most southern one in the East of Brazil, underscores the need for more complete studies on the sandfly fauna.
The objective of this study was to identify ant occurrence in hospital environments in the State of Santa Catarina, along with associated bacteria. Ants were collected monthly from five inpatient clinics in two hospitals in the municipality of Chapecó, from August 2003 to June 2004. They were collected under aseptic conditions using swabs moistened with sterile distilled water and put into test tubes containing BHI for microbiological analysis. After 24 hours, cultures were made in both 5% sheep blood and MacConkey agar, which were incubated for 24 hours at 35/37°C. The Gram characterization, culture identification and biochemical characterization followed standardized rules for clinical microbiology. Seven species of ants were identified, of which the most frequent were Monomorium pharaonis (71.5%) and Solenopsis saevissima (57%), and nineteen species of bacteria was isolated from hospital "A".
The efficacy of treatment with nifurtimox and/or benznidazole among adults with chronic Chagas disease with no previous electrocardiographic disturbances was evaluated over a mean follow-up of 21 years, by means of conventional serology, xenodiagnosis, clinical examination, electrocardiograms and chest X-ray. One hundred and eleven patients, between 17 and 46 years old, were studied: 54 underwent treatment (nifurtimox 27, benznidazole 27) and 57 remained untreated (control group). Xenodiagnosis was performed on 65% of them: 36/38 of the treated and 9/34 of the untreated patients had previous positive xenodiagnosis. Post-treatment, 133 xenodiagnoses were performed on 41 patients, all resulting negative. In the control group, 29 xenodiagnoses were performed on 14 patients; 2 resulted positive. Sera stored during the follow-up were simultaneously analyzed through conventional serology tests (IHA; DA-2ME; IIF). The serological evolution in the treated group was: a) 37% underwent negative seroconversion (nifurtimox 11, benznidazole 9); b) 27.8% decreased titers (nifurtimox 9, benznidazole 6), 9 showed inconclusive final serology (nifurtimox 7, benznidazole 2); c) 35.2% remained positive with constant titers (nifurtimox 7; benznidazole 12). The control group conserved the initial antibody levels during the follow-up. In the clinical evolution, 2/54 (3.7%) of the treated and 9/57 (15.8%) of the untreated patients showed electrocardiographic disturbances attributable to Chagas myocardiopathy, with a statistically relevant difference (p<0.05). Treatment caused deparasitation in at least 37% of the chronically infected adults and a protective effect on their clinical evolution.
The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency of HIV infection among female sex workers in the port area of Imbituba (State of Santa Catarina), and to identify the viral subtype and its susceptibility to antiretroviral medications. Ninety women were interviewed between December 2003 and February 2004. Six (6.7%) were HIV-positive. Genotyping for HIV, performed on four samples, detected subtype C in three of them, which is predominant in Africa and Asia, and subtype B in one of them, which is prevalent in Brazil, USA and Europe. The results suggest that the Port of Imbituba may be one of the gateways for HIV-1 subtype C to enter Brazil, and for its dissemination to the rest of the country and the Mercosul area, along the highway BR-101. This points towards the need for preventive work to reduce the introduction and dissemination of HIV subtype C in Brazil.
Desde 1970 que se tem verificado em Portugal um agravamento no número de ocorrências de incêndios florestais bem como da área ardida resultante dos mesmos. A mesma tendência se tem verificado noutros países, atingindo no entanto mais severamente os países do Sul da Europa, com clima mediterrânico. Neste contexto, procura-se nesta investigação analisar as causas deste fenómeno, nas suas diferentes dimensões: social, económica e ambiental. Deste modo, a análise decorre a duas escalas: uma análise a um nível nacional (evolução do problema em Portugal) e a um nível regional (região do caso de estudo). Ao longo do trabalho analisa-se o actual estado das investigações sobre avaliação de risco de incêndio, considerando sempre o papel que os Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) assumem nesta área. Com este propósito, confrontam-se metodologias elaboradas por diferentes investigadores, reflectindo sobre as opções tomadas em cada uma delas. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a um caso de estudo específico - Santa Cruz (Madeira) com o propósito de analisar a Vulnerabilidade deste território aos incêndios e atingir um melhor entendimento de como combater este problema.
This dissertation focuses on a rare 15th century commemorative programme that has thus far received little scholarly attention: the collective monument erected in the Founder’s Chapel, at the Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória, Batalha, to house the remains of four Avis princes, members of what would become known as ‘the Illustrious Generation’. A patron is proposed for the commission of this erudite monument - the princes’ eldest brother, king Duarte I - arguing its integration into a broader propaganda programme to glorify the memory of the Avis dynasty founder, king João I. The dissertation then proceeds to discuss various highly innovative features of the monument, such as its pseudo-architectural character, its use of sophisticated heraldry and personal badges, the apparent absence of religious iconography on the tombs and, importantly, the collective nature of the programme, key to its interpretation. Using a semiotic approach, a discussion is also offered on the way the various formal, iconographic and conceptual novelties of the princes’ monument impacted on the 15th century monumental landscape in Portugal. Finally, the monument and the chapel housing it are looked at through the prism of the various readings that successive generations of viewers have projected onto it, from the time of its creation to the turn of the 20th century, in order to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the object as it stands today.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
A partir de um caso canino de leishmaniose tegumentar americana na localidade de Santa Rita de Cássia, município de Barra Mansa, Rio de Janeiro, foi realizado um inquérito sorológico em 177 cães e 43 gatos. Na avaliação das amostras de soros caninos, 10% foram positivos na reação de imunofluorescência indireta e 10,7% no ensaio imunoenzimático. Entre as amostras de soros felinos testados, nenhum animal foi positivo na reação de imunofluorescência indireta e apenas um (2,4%) felino apresentou reação positiva ao ensaio imunoenzimático. A detecção de Leishmania braziliensis, autóctone em Barra Mansa, faz um alerta para a instalação de um possível foco de leishmaniose tegumentar americana nessa região.