734 resultados para Magnitudes


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No melhoramento da pupunheira, visando a produção de palmito, é primordial o conhecimento de parâmetros genéticos de caracteres produtivos associados aos morfológicos na seleção de plantas promissoras. Por ser uma palmeira perene com caráter de produção destrutivo, o coeficiente de repetibilidade consiste em uma estratégia desejável. Assim, estimou-se o coeficiente de repetibilidade entre oito caracteres morfológicos e oito de produção de palmito em pupunheiras da coleção de germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. Para tanto, foram avaliadas 65 plantas com variação para número de estipes por planta. O coeficiente de repetibilidade, o número de estipes a serem cortados e o coeficiente de determinação foram obtidos através da análise da variância com um fator de variação, com número variável de observações. Quatro caracteres morfológicos apresentaram coeficientes de repetibilidade variando de 0,5317 a 0,6716, o que indica regularidade no comportamento das plantas de uma avaliação para outra. No entanto, apenas o comprimento da ráquis foliar mostrou número de medições necessárias para se obter predições com 95% de confiança. Todos os caracteres produtivos tiveram baixas magnitudes de repetibilidade de (0,1030 a 0,2202), o que expressa irregularidades na superioridade das plantas, além de exibirem números de medições elevados. Portanto, o comprimento da ráquis foliar pode ser usado na seleção de pupunheiras para palmito.


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The objective of this study was to obtain estimates of longitudinal growth stresses in standing trees of the Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden at eight, thirteen, fifteen and nineteen years of age and to determine their relationships with wood characteristics. The longitudinal growth stresses were indirectly measured by the "CIRAD-Forêt" method and estimated from both the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to the grain. The longitudinal residual strain (LRS) and the estimates of the longitudinal growth stresses tended to increase with the age of the material. The LRS correlated positively and significantly with all the growth stresses estimates. The largestes magnitudes were at 13, 15 and 19 years of age. The basic density presented high, positive and significant correlations with the dynamic modulus of elasticity, estimated in the longitudinal direction, for wood saturated and at 12% moisture content, for all the ages assessed. All the growth stresses estimates presented high, positive and significant correlations between themselves.


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El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el efecto de los parámetros dendrométricos de los árboles y la anatomía de la madera sobre las tensiones de crecimiento en tres procedencias de Eucalytpus dunnii Maiden. Se muestrearon 15 árboles de E. dunnii de 19 años en Corrientes, Argentina (28º 26’ 23,7’’ S 58º 59’ 47,7’’ O a una altitud de 65 m). Se determinaron tensiones de crecimiento a través de dos métodos: indicador de tensiones de crecimiento (GSI, CIRAD-Forêt) e índice de rajado en rollizo (IR). Se midió la altura total del árbol, el diámetro (DAP), la relación altura/diámetro, un índice de competencia individual y algunas propiedades anatómicas (espesor de pared fibras, área de pared ocupada, diámetro y frecuencia de vasos). Las procedencias no fueron una fuente significativa de variación para ninguna de las variables. El GSI e IR mostraron magnitudes más bajas que la citadas para la especie (GSI: 0,039-0,137 mm e IR: 0,241-1,866 %). Los valores del espesor de pared de las fibras (3,39 µm ±0,35) son un poco elevados con respecto a los valores esperados lo que podría indicar presencia de leño de tensión. La altura del árbol y la competencia individual no presentaron una asociación significativa con las tensiones de crecimiento. El DAP y la relación AT/DAP tuvieron una relación significativa con el IR solamente (R²=0,42 para AT/DAP y 0,27 para DAP). Las relaciones entre tensiones y las variables anatómicas cuantitativas no fueron significativas en ningún caso.


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Neste trabalho, analisou-se o comportamento da colhedora de cana-de-açúcar picada frente a dois fluxos de alimentação de matéria-prima, mensurando-se as perdas invisíveis, impossíveis de serem quantificadas diretamente no campo, a eficiência de limpeza da colhedora e a velocidade do ar na saída dos extratores. Os ensaios foram realizados sob condições controladas no Centro de Tecnologia Copersucar, em janeiro de 2000. Os resultados apontaram que o fluxo de massa de cana que alimenta a colhedora, na faixa avaliada, não tem influência nas magnitudes das perdas invisíveis totais de cana e na eficiência de limpeza da matéria-prima. A velocidade média do ar na saída do extrator primário foi de 12,0 m s-1, e no extrator secundário, de 9,2 m s-1, com coeficiente de variação médio de 21%, indicando que o baixo desempenho de limpeza da colhedora pode estar associado às diferenças de velocidade do ar nos extratores. Por meio da análise dos dados quantificados nos ensaios, concluiu-se que as perdas invisíveis no processamento da cana na colhedora foram de 10%, e a eficiência de limpeza, de 87%.


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O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de ajustar diferentes modelos matemáticos aos dados experimentais da secagem de sementes de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.), bem como determinar o coeficiente de difusão efetivo e obter a energia de ativação para a faixa de temperatura utilizada. As sementes de pinhão-manso com teor de água de 0,67 (decimal b.s.) passaram por um período de pré-secagem em ambiente natural para reduzir e homogeneizar o teor de água para 0,30 (decimal b.s.). Em seguida, a secagem foi realizada em secador experimental mantendo-se as temperaturas controladas de 30; 40; 50; 60 e 70 ± 1 ºC e umidades relativas de 55,98; 41,44; 35,35; 26,21 e 13,37 ± 3%, respectivamente. Aos dados experimentais foram ajustados onze modelos matemáticos utilizados para a representação do processo de secagem de produtos agrícolas. Conclui-se que, dentre os modelos analisados, Page e Henderson e Pabis Modificado apresentaram os melhores ajustes aos dados experimentais, sendo o modelo de Page selecionado para a descrição das curvas de secagem do pinhão-manso devido a sua simplicidade; o coeficiente de difusão efetiva aumenta com a elevação da temperatura, apresentando magnitudes entre 3,93x10-10 e 9,19x10-10 m² s-1 para o intervalo de temperatura de 30 a 70 ºC, respectivamente; e a energia de ativação para a difusão líquida do pinhão-manso durante a secagem foi de 15,781 kJ mol-1.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten osarakennetekniikkaa voidaan soveltaa siirrettävän kivimurskaimen syötinosan simuloinnissa. Tätä tutkittiin luomalla kahdella eri ohjelmistolla simulaatiomalli syötinosasta ja mallintamalla syötinosan runko joustavaksi kappaleeksi osarakennetekniikan avulla. Luotujen simulointimallien tarkkuutta selvitettiin vertaamalla niistä saatuja rungon jännityksiä tutkittavan rakenteen rungosta mitattuihin jännityksiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli myös tutkia, miten hyvin simulaatiomallit soveltuvat käytettäväksi syötinosan tuotekehityksessä. Tässä työssä käytettiin syötinosan simulaatiomallin luomiseen ANSYS-ohjelmistoa ja ADAMS-ohjelmistoa. Simulaatiomalleihin lisättiin tutkittavasta järjestelmästä mitattu ohjaussignaali sekä syötinosan jousien arvot. Järjestelmän rakenneominaisuudet saatiin suoraan valmistajan luovuttamista tiedoista. ADAMS-ohjelmistolla mallinnetussa simulaatiomallissa runko mallinnettiin joustavaksi ANSYS-ohjelmistossa, josta se siirrettiin ADAMS-ohjelmistoon. Saaduista tuloksista kävi ilmi, että osarakennetekniikkaa voidaan hyödyntää syötinosan joustavan rungon simuloinnissa. Tutkittavasta järjestelmästä mitatuissa jännityksissä ja simulaatiomalleista saaduissa jännityksissä oli eroja, mutta jännityshistorian muodot ja suuruusluokat vastasivat pääosin toisiaan. Tulosten parantamiseksi tulee selvittää lisää alkuarvoja tutkittavasta järjestelmästä ja varmistua nyt saatujen jousiparametrien oikeellisuudesta.


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O período neonatal dos bezerros é um momento crítico para adaptação do recém-nascido à vida extra uterina e o sistema respiratório, um dos mais exigidos funcionalmente, é frequentemente afetado por enfermidades, redundando no prejuízo direto da sua função e acarretando perdas econômicas importantes na pecuária. O ponto básico para reduzir estas perdas, é representado pela adequada avaliação clínica dos neonatos, todavia o diagnóstico baseado exclusivamente no exame físico é muito difícil de ser estabelecido. O uso de exames complementares como a citologia do trato respiratório torna-se uma ferramenta diagnóstica importante nestes casos, porém faz-se necessário, padronizar seus achados frente às diferentes técnicas empregadas para a sua obtenção. Assim, o presente estudo propôs-se acompanhar as variações dos constituintes celulares da região traqueobrônquica e broncoalveolar obtidos por lavados respiratórios pelos métodos de traqueocentese e por colheita nasotraqueal respectivamente, durante o primeiro mês de vida de bezerros sadios. Observou-se alteração no quadro citológico ao longo do tempo, quando a região traqueobrônquica foi lavada, expresso por diminuição da porcentagem de macrófagos alveolares, com aumento de neutrófilos, possivelmente, por maior irritação local provocada pela técnica, que se repetiu sequencialmente e/ou por maior estimulo de microorganismos inalados depositados nesta região. Na região broncoalveolar, não encontraram-se variações nos constituintes celulares em função do tempo. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão que a população celular da região traqueobrônquica modificou-se ao longo das semanas de vida dos bezerros, possivelmente pela técnica empregada e/ou fisiologia normal da região, sendo representadas por maiores magnitudes de neutrófilos. De modo diverso, na região broncolaveolar, as células evidenciaram um comportamento estável durante o primeiro mês de vida dos bezerros neonatos, apresentando predomínio numérico dos macrófagos alveolares.


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Työssä tutkitaan tiedonsiirtoa eri modulaatioilla, bittinopeuksilla ja amplitudin voimakkuuksilla ja tuloksia tarkastellaan Bit Error Ration avulla. Signaaleja siirrettiiin myös koodattuna ja vertailtiin koodauksen etuja ja haittoja verrattuna koodaamattomaan tietoon. Datavirta kulkee AXMK-kaapelissa, joko tasasähkön mukana, tai maadoituskaapelissa. Tuloksissa havaittiin, että suurempi bittinopeus ei kasvattanut häviöiden määrää. Koodauksen käyttö toisaalta vähenti bittivirheiden määrää.


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It is well known that the numerical solutions of incompressible viscous flows are of great importance in Fluid Dynamics. The graphics output capabilities of their computational codes have revolutionized the communication of ideas to the non-specialist public. In general those codes include, in their hydrodynamic features, the visualization of flow streamlines - essentially a form of contour plot showing the line patterns of the flow - and the magnitudes and orientations of their velocity vectors. However, the standard finite element formulation to compute streamlines suffers from the disadvantage of requiring the determination of boundary integrals, leading to cumbersome implementations at the construction of the finite element code. In this article, we introduce an efficient way - via an alternative variational formulation - to determine the streamlines for fluid flows, which does not need the computation of contour integrals. In order to illustrate the good performance of the alternative formulation proposed, we capture the streamlines of three viscous models: Stokes, Navier-Stokes and Viscoelastic flows.


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The aim of the present set of studies was to explore primary school children’s Spontaneous Focusing On quantitative Relations (SFOR) and its role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. The specific goals were to determine if it was possible to identify a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency that indexes children’s tendency to recognize and utilize quantitative relations in non-explicitly mathematical situations and to determine if this tendency has an impact on the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in late primary school. To this end, we report on six original empirical studies that measure SFOR in children ages five to thirteen years and the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in ten- to thirteen-year-olds. SFOR measures were developed to determine if there are substantial differences in SFOR that are not explained by the ability to use quantitative relations. A measure of children’s conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations of rational numbers and the density of rational numbers is utilized to capture the process of conceptual change with rational numbers in late primary school students. Finally, SFOR tendency was examined in relation to the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in these students. Study I concerned the first attempts to measure individual differences in children’s spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in 86 Finnish children from the ages of five to seven years. Results revealed that there were substantial inter-individual differences in the spontaneous recognition and use of quantitative relations in these tasks. This was particularly true for the oldest group of participants, who were in grade one (roughly seven years old). However, the study did not control for ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, so it was not clear if these differences were due to ability or SFOR. Study II more deeply investigated the nature of the two tasks reported in Study I, through the use of a stimulated-recall procedure examining children’s verbalizations of how they interpreted the tasks. Results reveal that participants were able to verbalize reasoning about their quantitative relational responses, but not their responses based on exact number. Furthermore, participants’ non-mathematical responses revealed a variety of other aspects, beyond quantitative relations and exact number, which participants focused on in completing the tasks. These results suggest that exact number may be more easily perceived than quantitative relations. As well, these tasks were revealed to contain both mathematical and non-mathematical aspects which were interpreted by the participants as relevant. Study III investigated individual differences in SFOR 84 children, ages five to nine, from the US and is the first to report on the connection between SFOR and other mathematical abilities. The cross-sectional data revealed that there were individual differences in SFOR. Importantly, these differences were not entirely explained by the ability to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, suggesting that SFOR is partially independent from the ability to use quantitative relations. In other words, the lack of use of quantitative relations on the SFOR tasks was not solely due to participants being unable to solve the tasks using quantitative relations, but due to a lack of the spontaneous attention to the quantitative relations in the tasks. Furthermore, SFOR tendency was found to be related to arithmetic fluency among these participants. This is the first evidence to suggest that SFOR may be a partially distinct aspect of children’s existing mathematical competences. Study IV presented a follow-up study of the first graders who participated in Studies I and II, examining SFOR tendency as a predictor of their conceptual knowledge of fraction magnitudes in fourth grade. Results revealed that first graders’ SFOR tendency was a unique predictor of fraction conceptual knowledge in fourth grade, even after controlling for general mathematical skills. These results are the first to suggest that SFOR tendency may play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Study V presents a longitudinal study of the development of 263 Finnish students’ rational number conceptual knowledge over a one year period. During this time participants completed a measure of conceptual knowledge of the magnitude representations and the density of rational numbers at three time points. First, a Latent Profile Analysis indicated that a four-class model, differentiating between those participants with high magnitude comparison and density knowledge, was the most appropriate. A Latent Transition Analysis reveal that few students display sustained conceptual change with density concepts, though conceptual change with magnitude representations is present in this group. Overall, this study indicated that there were severe deficiencies in conceptual knowledge of rational numbers, especially concepts of density. The longitudinal Study VI presented a synthesis of the previous studies in order to specifically detail the role of SFOR tendency in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. Thus, the same participants from Study V completed a measure of SFOR, along with the rational number test, including a fourth time point. Results reveal that SFOR tendency was a predictor of rational number conceptual knowledge after two school years, even after taking into consideration prior rational number knowledge (through the use of residualized SFOR scores), arithmetic fluency, and non-verbal intelligence. Furthermore, those participants with higher-than-expected SFOR scores improved significantly more on magnitude representation and density concepts over the four time points. These results indicate that SFOR tendency is a strong predictor of rational number conceptual development in late primary school children. The results of the six studies reveal that within children’s existing mathematical competences there can be identified a spontaneous quantitative focusing tendency named spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations. Furthermore, this tendency is found to play a role in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge in primary school children. Results suggest that conceptual change with the magnitude representations and density of rational numbers is rare among this group of students. However, those children who are more likely to notice and use quantitative relations in situations that are not explicitly mathematical seem to have an advantage in the development of rational number conceptual knowledge. It may be that these students gain quantitative more and qualitatively better self-initiated deliberate practice with quantitative relations in everyday situations due to an increased SFOR tendency. This suggests that it may be important to promote this type of mathematical activity in teaching rational numbers. Furthermore, these results suggest that there may be a series of spontaneous quantitative focusing tendencies that have an impact on mathematical development throughout the learning trajectory.


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A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar a influência de diferentes densidades de plantas e genótipos de soja Roundup ReadyTM (RR) em algumas características morfoagronômicas da soja, semeada em duas safras distintas. O experimento foi conduzido na região dos Campos de Cima da Serra, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, nas safras agrícolas 2006/07 e 2007/08, com os cultivares CD 213RR e BRS 255RR, nas densidades de 12, 18, 24, 30 e 36 plantas aptas por m². O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Para isso, foram avaliados altura de plantas, diâmetro da haste, número de ramificações por planta, número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por planta, número de grãos por vagem, massa de mil grãos e rendimento de grãos por hectare. O manejo das plantas daninhas com glyphosate em duas etapas (pré-semeadura e em V4) evitou eficientemente a matocompetição. O aumento da densidade de plantas de soja RR promoveu incremento linear da altura das plantas (0,5 a 0,9 cm por planta m-2), influenciada pelo genótipo e pelo ano de cultivo. O diâmetro da haste foi diminuído com o aumento da densidade de plantas de soja RR de forma linear (-0,03 a -0,2 mm por planta m-2). O número de ramos por planta reduziu com o aumento da densidade (-0,05 a -0,19 ramos por planta). Na segunda safra, o rendimento de grãos e a massa de mil grãos foram menores, afetados por um período de estiagem e também por uma geada no final do ciclo, mais acentuadamente para o CD 213RR. A combinação de maior número de plantas m-2 levou a uma redução do número de vagens por planta e de grãos por vagem, embora de magnitudes distintas entre as cultivares, o que foi discutido pela interação entre os fatores; no entanto, o rendimento de grãos não foi alterado nas diferentes densidades testadas, e sim sofreu influência da safra de cultivo.


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The objectives of this paper were to derive the genetic variance of inbreeding depression ( ) and to predict the range of inbreeding depression (RID) in cross-pollinated populations. The variance of inbreeding depression is a function of the genetic variances related to dominance effects (, D2, and ), and of the inbreeding coefficients of the two generations in which inbreeding depression is measured (Ft and Fg). The results showed that the higher the level of dominance of a trait, the higher the variance of inbreeding depression. The magnitudes of were expected to be lower in improved (mean gene frequencies = > 0.6) and in unimproved ( < 0.4) populations, than in composite populations ( » 0.5). Data from a maize population used to illustrate the study showed that the range of inbreeding depression in the S¥ generation of selfing was from 48.7% to 85.3% for grain yield, and from 13.9% to 24.5% for plant height. A mating design outlined to estimate the genetic variance of inbreeding depression, the range of inbreeding depression, and of the range of inbred lines is presented.


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Reports of uterine cancer deaths that do not specify the subsite of the tumor threaten the quality of the epidemiologic appraisal of corpus and cervix uteri cancer mortality. The present study assessed the impact of correcting the estimated corpus and cervix uteri cancer mortality in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The epidemiologic assessment of death rates comprised the estimation of magnitudes, trends (1980-2003), and area-level distribution based on three strategies: i) using uncorrected death certificate information; ii) correcting estimates of corpus and cervix uteri mortality by fully reallocating unspecified deaths to either one of these categories, and iii) partially correcting specified estimates by maintaining as unspecified a fraction of deaths certified as due to cancer of "uterus not otherwise specified". The proportion of uterine cancer deaths without subsite specification decreased from 42.9% in 1984 to 20.8% in 2003. Partial and full corrections resulted in considerable increases of cervix (31.3 and 48.8%, respectively) and corpus uteri (34.4 and 55.2%) cancer mortality. Partial correction did not change trends for subsite-specific uterine cancer mortality, whereas full correction did, thus representing an early indication of decrease for cervical neoplasms and stability for tumors of the corpus uteri in this population. Ecologic correlations between mortality and socioeconomic indices were unchanged for both strategies of correcting estimates. Reallocating unspecified uterine cancer mortality in contexts with a high proportion of these deaths has a considerable impact on the epidemiologic profile of mortality and provides more reliable estimates of cervix and corpus uteri cancer death rates and trends.


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An investor can either conduct independent analysis or rely on the analyses of others. Stock analysts provide markets with expectations regarding particular securities. However, analysts have different capabilities and resources, of which investors are seldom cognizant. The local advantage refers to the advantage stemming from cultural or geographical proximity to securities analyzed. The research has confirmed that local agents are generally more accurate or produce excess returns. This thesis tests the investment value of the local advantage regarding Finnish stocks via target price data. The empirical section investigates the local advantage from several aspects. It is discovered that local analysts were more focused on certain sectors generally located close to consumer markets. Market reactions to target price revisions were generally insignificant with the exception to local positive target prices. Both local and foreign target prices were overly optimistic and exhibited signs of herding. Neither group could be identified as a leader or follower of new information. Additionally, foreign price change expectations were more in line with the quantitative models and ideas such as beta or return mean reversion. The locals were more accurate than foreign analysts in 5 out of 9 sectors and vice versa in one. These sectors were somewhat in line with coverage decisions and buttressed the idea of local advantage stemming from proximity to markets, not to headquarters. The accuracy advantage was dependent on sample years and on the measure used. Local analysts ranked magnitudes of price changes more accurately in optimistic and foreign analysts in pessimistic target prices. Directional accuracy of both groups was under 50% and target prices held no linear predictive power. Investment value of target prices were tested by forming mean-variance efficient portfolios. Parallel to differing accuracies in the levels of expectations foreign portfolio performed better when short sales were allowed and local better when disallowed. Both local and non-local portfolios performed worse than a passive index fund, albeit not statistically significantly. This was in line with previously reported low overall accuracy and different accuracy profiles. Refraining from estimating individual stock returns altogether produced statistically significantly higher Sharpe ratios compared to local or foreign portfolios. The proposed method of testing the investment value of target prices of different groups suffered from some inconsistencies. Nevertheless, these results are of interest to investors seeking the advice of security analysts.


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Paspalum guenoarum es una forrajera recientemente adaptada al subtrópico argentino, con capacidad para cubrir la deficiencia estacionaria de forraje de la región. Para la producción y comercialización de sus semillas, es necesario contar con metodologías adecuadas para el control de calidad de las mismas. El ensayo de germinación constituye una herramienta eficaz para establecer calidad de lotes de semillas, sin embargo hasta el momento no se cuenta con especificaciones precisas para el desarrollo de esta metodología en P. guenoarum. La temperatura como la luz son determinantes en la expresión del máximo potencial germinativo, pero las magnitudes y regímenes más favorables deben ser establecidos para cada especie. Por estas razones el objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las condiciones de temperatura e iluminación más adecuadas para estimar la calidad mediante el ensayo de germinación en laboratorio. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial de 2 x 2 con cuatro repeticiones de 100 semillas cada uno. Los factores fueron temperatura constante de 27 ºC y alterna de 20-35 ºC y luz continua y en ciclos de 8 h luz y 16 h oscuridad. Se determinó el índice de velocidad de germinación (IVG) y el porcentaje de germinación (PG). Los resultados señalan que el régimen de temperatura alterna de 20-35ºC es el más apropiado para expresar el potencial germinativo, independientemente del régimen lumínico.