998 resultados para Magnetic couplings


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The magnetic moment μB of a baryon B with quark content (aab) is written as μB=4ea(1+δB)eħ/2cMB, where ea is the charge of the quark of flavor type a. The experimental values of δB have a simple pattern and have a natural explanation within QCD. Using the ratio method, the QCD sum rules are analyzed and the values of δB are computed. We find good agreement with data (≊10%) for the nucleons and the Σ multiplet while for the cascade the agreement is not as good. In our analysis we have incorporated additional terms in the operator-product expansion as compared to previous authors. We also clarify some points of disagreement between the previous authors. External-field-induced correlations describing the magnetic properties of the vacuum are estimated from the baryon magnetic-moment sum rules themselves as well as by independent spectral representations and the results are contrasted.


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The scalar coupled proton NMR spectra of many organic molecules possessing more than one phenyl ring are generally complex due to degeneracy of transitions arising from the closely resonating protons, in addition to several short- and long- range couplings experienced by each proton. Analogous situations are generally encountered in derivatives of halogenated benzanilides. Extraction of information from such spectra is challenging and demands the differentiation of spectrum pertaining to each phenyl ring and the simplification of their spectral complexity. The present study employs the blend of independent spin system filtering and the spin-state selective detection of single quantum (SO) transitions by the two-dimensional multiple quantum (MQ) methodology in achieving this goal. The precise values of the scalar couplings of very small magnitudes have been derived by double quantum resolved experiments. The experiments also provide the relative signs of heteronuclear couplings. Studies on four isomers of dilhalogenated benzanilides are reported in this work.


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Octahedral Co2+ centers have been connected by mu(3)-OH and mu(2)-OH2 units forming [Co-4] clusters which are linked by pyrazine forming a two-dimensional network. The two-dimensional layers are bridged by oxybisbenzoate (OBA) ligands giving rise to a three-dimensional structure. The [Co-4] clusters bond with the pyrazine and the OBA results in a body-centered arrangement of the clusters, which has been observed for the first time. Magnetic studies reveal a noncollinear frustrated spin structure of the bitriangular cluster, resulting in a net magnetic moment of 1.4 mu B per cluster. For T > 32 K, the correlation length of the cluster moments shows a stretched-exponential temperature dependence typical of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless model, which points to a quasi-2D XY behavior. At lower temperature and down to 14 K, the compound behaves as a soft ferromagnet and a slow relaxation is observed, with an energy barrier of ca. 500 K. Then, on further cooling, a hysteretic behavior takes place with a coercive field that reaches 5 Tat 4 K. The slow relaxation is assigned to the creation/annihilation of vortex-antivortex pairs, which are the elementary excitations of a 2D XY spin system.


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The hydromagnetic spinup or spindown of an incompressible, rotating, electrically conducting fluid over an infinite insulated disk with an applied magnetic field is studied when the impulsive motion is imparted either to the fluid or to the disk. The nonlinear partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the spinup (or spindown) time due to impulsive motion of the disk is much shorter than the spinup (or spindown) time due to the impulsive motion of the distant fluid. The spinup (or spindown) time for the hydromagnetic case is comparatively smaller than the corresponding nonmagnetic case. Spindown is not merely a mirror reflection of spinup. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Internal motions of the protonic groups have been studied in polycrystalline [(CH3)4N]2HgBr4 and [(CH3)4N]2HgI4 from the temperature dependence of proton spin relaxation time (T 1) and the data analysed according to the spin lattice relaxation model due to Albert and coworkers. The temperature dependence ofT 1 in the above compounds is compared with that in (TMA)2HgCl4 and (TMA)2ZnCl4.


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The routine use of proton NMR for the visualization of enantiomers, aligned in the chiral liquid crystal solvent poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate (PBLG), is restricted due to severe loss of resolution arising from large number of pair wise interaction of nuclear spins. In the present study, we have designed two experimental techniques for their visualization utilizing the natural abundance 13C edited selective refocusing of single quantum (CH-SERF) and double quantum (CH-DQSERF) coherences. The methods achieve chiral discrimination and aid in the simultaneous determination of homonuclear couplings between active and passive spins and heteronuclear couplings between the excited protons and the participating 13C spin. The CH-SERF also overcomes the problem of overlap of central transitions of the methyl selective refocusing (SERF) experiment resulting in better chiral discrimination. Theoretical description of the evolution of magnetization in both the sequences has been discussed using polarization operator formalism.


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Magnetic susceptibilities of several members of the series of oxides of the general formula LaNi1-xMxO3 (M = Cr, Fe, or Co) are reported. The oxides show evidence for interesting ferrimagnetic (Cr and Co) and antiferromagnetic (Fe) interactions.


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Several molecules like ionophores, vitamins, ion-binding cyclic peptides, acidic phospholipids, surfactants are known to expose the inner side of vesicles, to the externally added cations. Whereas ionophores and certain other systems bring about these changes by a selective transport (influx) of the cation by specialized mechanisms known as the carrier and channel mechanism, other systems cause lysis and vesicle fusion. These systems have been successfully studied using1H,31 P and13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy after the demonstration, fifteen years ago, of the ability of paramagnetic lanthanide ions to distinguish the inside of the vesicle from the outside. The results of these ’nuclear magnetic resonance kinetics’ experiments are reviewed.


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Single-phase LaNi1-xMnxO3 samples in the compositional range 0Magnetic susceptibility data suggest Mn4+ solute ions and Stoner-enhanced Pauli paramagnetism of the metallic solvent for x=0.01 with a smooth transition to Mn3+ solute ions and a spontaneously magnetised solvent conduction band at x=0.05. Below 200K, the x=0.05 sample forms superparamagnetic clusters, and below 40K there is evidence for an antiferromagnet spin-density wave. Comparisons with LaCo0.95Mn0.05O3 and La0.98Sr0.02CoO3 confirm that the long-range magnetic coupling occurs via solvent electrons in a narrow conduction band. The conductivity changes from that of a narrow-band metal for x<0.01 to that more characteristic of diffusive motion for x>0.05, but any motional enthalpy appears to remain small ( Delta Hm approximately=0). The x=0.1 sample exhibits ferrimagnetic spin glass behaviour below 40K, and the ferromagnetic interactions increase with manganese concentration. The oxide with x=0.50 is ferromagnetic with a well defined Curie temperature.


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The stability characteristics of parallel magnetic fields when fluid motions are present along the lines of force is studied. The stability criterion for both symmetric (m=0) and asymmetric (m=1) modes are discussed and the results obtained by Trehan and Singh (1978) are amended in the present study. The results obtained for the cylindrical geometry are shown to play an important role forka<4, wherek is the wave number,a is the radius of the cylinder, compared to the results obtained by Geronicolas (1977) for the slab geometry.


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he notion of the gravity-induced electric field has been applied to an entire self-gravitating massive body. The resulting electric polarization of the otherwise neutral body, when taken in conjunction with the latter's rotation, is shown to generate an axial-magnetic field of the right type and order of magnitude for certain astrophysical objects. In the present treatment the electric polarization is calculated in the ion-continuum Thomas-Fermi approximation while the electrodynamics of the continuous medium is treated in the nonrelativistic approximation.


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Aberrant glycosylation of proteins is a hallmark of tumorigenesis, and could provide diagnostic value in cancer detection. Human saliva is an ideal source of glycoproteins due to the relatively high proportion of glycosylated proteins in the salivary proteome. Moreover, saliva collection is non-invasive, technically straightforward and the sample collection and storage is relatively easy. Although, differential glycosylation of proteins can be indicative of disease states, identification of differential glycosylation from clinical samples is not trivial. To facilitate salivary glycoprotein biomarker discovery, we optimised a method for differential glycoprotein enrichment from human saliva based on lectin magnetic bead arrays (saLeMBA). Selected lectins from distinct reactivity groups were used in the saLeMBA platform to enrich salivary glycoproteins from healthy volunteer saliva. The technical reproducibility of saLeMBA was analysed with LC-MS/MS to identify the glycosylated proteins enriched by each lectin. Our saLeMBA platform enabled robust glycoprotein enrichment in a glycoprotein- and lectin-specific manner consistent with known protein-specific glycan profiles. We demonstrated that saLeMBA is a reliable method to enrich and detect glycoproteins present in human saliva.


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Iron nanoparticles are embedded in multiwall carbon nanotubes by the chemical vapor deposition, where benzene and ferrocene are taken as precursor materials. Varying quantity of iron particles are embedded in these tubes by taking different amount of ferrocene. These particles exhibit a magnetic moment up to 98 emu/g and an enhanced coercivity in the range of 500-2000 Oe. Negative magnetoresistance similar to 10% is observed in the presence of magnetic field up to 11 T applied at various temperatures in the range of 1.3 K-300 K. It is argued that the enhanced coercivity is due to the shape anisotropy. The negative magnetoresistance is believed to be due to the weak localization and spin dependent scattering of electrons by the ferromagnetic particles. In addition we also observe a dependence of the magnetoresistance on the direction of applied field and this is correlated with the shape anisotropy of the Fe particles.


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Proteins are complex biomacromolecules playing fundamental roles in the physiological processes of all living organisms. They function as structural units, enzymes, transporters, process regulators, and signal transducers. Defects in protein functions often derive from genetic mutations altering the protein structure, and impairment of essential protein functions manifests itself as pathological conditions. Proteins operate through interactions, and all protein functions depend on protein structure. In order to understand biological mechanisms at the molecular level, one has to know the structures of the proteins involved. This thesis covers structural and functional characterization of human filamins. Filamins are actin-binding and -bundling proteins that have numerous interaction partners. In addition to their actin-organizing functions, filamins are also known to have roles in cell adhesion and locomotion, and to participate in the logistics of cell membrane receptors, and in the coordination of intracellular signaling pathways. Filamin mutations in humans induce severe pathological conditions affecting the brain, bones, limbs, and the cardiovascular system. Filamins are large modular proteins composed of an N-terminal actin-binding domain and 24 consecutive immunoglobulin-like domains (IgFLNs). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a versatile method of gaining insight into protein structure, dynamics and interactions. NMR spectroscopy was employed in this thesis to study the atomic structure and interaction mechanisms of C-terminal IgFLNs, which are known to house the majority of the filamin interaction sites. The structures of IgFLN single-domains 17 and 23 and IgFLN domain pairs 16-17 and 18-19 were determined using NMR spectroscopy. The structures of domain pairs 16 17 and 18 19 both revealed novel domain domain interaction modes of IgFLNs. NMR titrations were employed to characterize the interactions of filamins with glycoprotein Ibα, FilGAP, integrin β7 and dopamine receptors. Domain packing of IgFLN domain sextet 16 21 was further characterized using residual dipolar couplings and NMR relaxation analysis. This thesis demonstrates the versatility and potential of NMR spectroscopy in structural and functional studies of multi-domain proteins.