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Anti-lipopolysaccharide factors are small proteins that bind and neutralize lipopolysaccharide and exhibit potent antimicrobial activities. This study presents the molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the first ALF isoform (Pp-ALF1; JQ745295) identified from the hemocytes of Portunus pelagicus. The full length cDNA of Pp-ALF1 consisted of 880 base pairs encoding 293 amino acids with an ORF of 123 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 24 amino acids. Pp-ALF1 possessed a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 13.86 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 8.49. Two highly conserved cysteine residues and putative LPS binding domain were observed in Pp-ALF1. Peptide model of Pp-ALF1 consisted of two α-helices crowded against a four-strand β-sheet. Comparison of amino acid sequences and neighbor joining tree showed that Pp-ALF1 has a maximum similarity (46%) to ALF present in Portunus trituberculatus followed by 39% similarity to ALF of Eriocheir sinensis and 38% similarity to ALFs of Scylla paramamosain and Scylla serrata. Pp-ALF1 is found to be a new isoform of ALF family and its characteristic similarity with other known ALFs signifies its role in protection against invading pathogens.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a major role in innate immunity. Penaeidins are a family of AMPs that appear to be expressed in all penaeid shrimps. Penaeidins are composed of an N-terminal proline-rich domain, followed by a C-terminal domain containing six cysteine residues organized in two doublets. This study reports the first penaeidin AMP sequence, Fi-penaeidin (GenBank accession number HM243617) from the Indian white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus. The full length cDNA consists of 186 base pairs encoding 61 amino acidswith an ORF of 42 amino acids and contains a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids. Comparison of F. indicus penaeidin (Fi-penaeidin) with other known penaeidins showed that it shared maximum similarity with penaeidins of Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Farfantepenaeus subtilis (96% each). Fi-penaeidin has a predicted molecular weight (MW) of 4.478 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 5.3


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Hepcidin is a family of short cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) participating in various physiological functions with inevitable role in host immune responses. Present study deals with identification and characterisation of a novel hepcidin isoform from coral fish Zanclus cornutus. The 81 amino acid (aa) preprohepcidin obtained from Z. cornutus consists of a hydrophobic aa rich 22 mer signal peptide, a highly variable proregion of 35 aa and a bioactive mature peptide with 8 conserved cysteine residues which contribute to the disulphide back bone. The mature hepcidin, Zc-hepc1 has a theoretical isoelectric point of 7.46, a predicted molecular weight of 2.43 kDa and a net positive charge of ?1. Phylogenetic analysis grouped Z. cornutus hepcidin with HAMP2 group hepcidins confirming the divergent evolution of hepcidin-like peptide in fishes. Zc-hepc1 can attain a b-hairpin-like structure with two antiparallel b-sheets. This is the first report of an AMP from the coral fish Z. cornutus.


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Lignocellulosic biomass is probably the best alternative resource for biofuel production and it is composed mainly of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. Cellulose is the most abundant among the three and conversion of cellulose to glucose is catalyzed by the enzyme cellulase. Cellulases are groups of enzymes act synergistically upon cellulose to produce glucose and comprise of endoglucanase, cellobiohydrolase and β-glucosidase. β -glucosidase assumes great importance due to the fact that it is the rate limiting enzyme. Endoglucanases (EG) produces nicks in the cellulose polymer exposing reducing and non reducing ends, cellobiohydrolases (CBH) acts upon the reducing or non reducing ends to liberate cellobiose units, and β - glucosidases (BGL) cleaves the cellobiose to liberate glucose completing the hydrolysis. . β -glucosidases undergo feedback inhibition by their own product- β glucose, and cellobiose which is their substrate. Few filamentous fungi produce glucose tolerant β - glucosidases which can overcome this inhibition by tolerating the product concentration to a particular threshold. The present study had targeted a filamentous fungus producing glucose tolerant β - glucosidase which was identified by morphological as well as molecular method. The fungus showed 99% similarity to Aspergillus unguis strain which comes under the Aspergillus nidulans group where most of the glucose tolerant β -glucosidase belongs. The culture was designated the strain number NII 08123 and was deposited in the NII culture collection at CSIR-NIIST. β -glucosidase multiplicity is a common occurrence in fungal world and in A.unguis this was demonstrated using zymogram analysis. A total 5 extracellular isoforms were detected in fungus and the expression levels of these five isoforms varied based on the carbon source available in the medium. Three of these 5 isoforms were expressed in higher levels as identified by the increased fluorescence (due to larger amounts of MUG breakdown by enzyme action) and was speculated to contribute significantly to the total _- β glucosidase activity. These isoforms were named as BGL 1, BGL3 and BGL 5. Among the three, BGL5 was demonstrated to be the glucose tolerant β -glucosidase and this was a low molecular weight protein. Major fraction was a high molecular weight protein but with lesser tolerance to glucose. BGL 3 was between the two in both activity and glucose tolerance.121 Glucose tolerant .β -glucosidase was purified and characterized and kinetic analysis showed that the glucose inhibition constant (Ki) of the protein is 800mM and Km and Vmax of the enzyme was found to be 4.854 mM and 2.946 mol min-1mg protein-1respectively. The optimumtemperature was 60°C and pH 6.0. The molecular weight of the purified protein was ~10kDa in both SDS as well as Native PAGE indicating that the glucose tolerant BGL is a monomeric protein.The major β -glucosidase, BGL1 had a pH and temperature optima of 5.0 and 60 °C respectively. The apparent molecular weight of the Native protein is 240kDa. The Vmax and Km was 78.8 mol min-1mg protein-1 and 0.326mM respectively. Degenerate primers were designed for glycosyl hydrolase families 1, 3 and 5 and the BGL genes were amplified from genomic DNA of Aspergillus unguis. The sequence analyses performed on the amplicons results confirmed the presence of all the three genes. Amplicon with a size of ~500bp was sequenced and which matched to a GH1 –BGL from Aspergillus oryzae. GH3 degenerate primers producing amplicons were sequenced and the sequences matched to β - glucosidase of GH3 family from Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus acculateus. GH5 degenerate primers also gave amplification and sequencing results indicated the presence of GH5 family BGL gene in the Aspergillus unguis genomic DNA.From the partial gene sequencing results, specific as well as degenerate primers were designed for TAIL PCR. Sequencing results of the 1.0 Kb amplicon matched Aspergillus nidulans β -glucosidase gene which belongs to the GH1 family. The sequence mainly covered the N-Terminal region of the matching peptide. All the three BGL proteins ie. BGL1, BGL3 and BGL5 were purified by chromatography an electro elution from Native PAGE gels and were subjected to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis. The results showed that BGL1 peptide mass matched to . β -glucosidase-I of Aspergillus flavus which is a 92kDa protein with 69% protein coverage. The glucose tolerant β -glucosidase BGL5 mass matched to the catalytic C-terminal domain of β -glucosidase-F from Emericella nidulans, but the protein coverage was very low compared to the size of the Emericella nidulans protein. While comparing the size of BGL5 from Aspergillus unguis, the protein sequence coverage is more than 80%. BGL F is a glycosyl hydrolase family 3 protein.The properties of BGL5 seem to be very unique, in that it is a GH3 β -glucosidase with a very low molecular weight of ~10kDa and at the same time having catalytic activity and glucose 122 tolerance which is as yet un-described in GH β -glucosidases. The occurrence of a fully functional 10kDA protein with glucose tolerant BGL activity has tremendous implications both from the points of understanding the structure function relationships as well as for applications of BGL enzymes. BGL-3 showed similarity to BGL1 of Aspergillus aculateus which was another GH3 β -glucosidase. It may be noted that though PCR could detect GH1, GH3 and GH5 β-glucosidases in the fungus, the major isoforms BGL1 BGL3 and BGL5 were all GH3 family enzymes. This would imply that β-glucosidases belonging to other families may also co-exist in the fungus and the other minor isoforms detected in zymograms may account for them. In biomass hydrolysis, GT-BGL containing BGL enzyme was supplemented to cellulase and the performances of blends were compared with a cocktail where commercial β- glucosidase was supplemented to the biomass hydrolyzing enzyme preparation. The cocktail supplemented with A unguis BGL preparation yielded 555mg/g sugar in 12h compared to the commercial enzyme preparation which gave only 333mg/g in the same period and the maximum sugar yield of 858 mg/g was attained in 36h by the cocktail containing A. unguis BGL. While the commercial enzyme achieved almost similar sugar yield in 24h, there was rapid drop in sugar concentration after that, indicating probably the conversion of glucose back to di-or oligosaccharides by the transglycosylation activity of the BGl in that preparation. Compared this, the A.unguis enzyme containing preparation supported peak yields for longer duration (upto 48h) which is important for biomass conversion to other products since the hydrolysate has to undergo certain unit operations before it goes into the next stage ie – fermentation in any bioprocesses for production of either fuels or chemicals.. Most importantly the Aspergillus unguis BGL preparation yields approximately 1.6 fold increase in the sugar release compared to the commercial BGL within 12h of time interval and 2.25 fold increase in the sugar release compared to the control ie. Cellulase without BGL supplementation. The current study therefore leads to the identification of a potent new isolate producing glucose tolerant β - glucosidase. The organism identified as Aspergillus unguis comes under the Aspergillus nidulans group where most of the GT-BGL producers belong and the detailed studies showed that the glucose tolerant β -glucosidase was a very low molecular weight protein which probably belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase family 3. Inhibition kinetic studies helped to understand the Ki and it is the second highest among the nidulans group of Aspergilli. This has promoted us for a detailed study regarding the mechanism of glucose tolerance. The proteomic 123 analyses clearly indicate the presence of GH3 catalytic domain in the protein. Since the size of the protein is very low and still its active and showed glucose tolerance it is speculated that this could be an entirely new protein or the modification of the existing β -glucosidase with only the catalytic domain present in it. Hydrolysis experiments also qualify this BGL, a suitable candidate for the enzyme cocktail development for biomass hydrolysis


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Das Phosphorylierungsmuster eines Proteins ist kein statischer Zustand, sondern vielmehr ein dynamischer Status, den es in der modernen funktionellen (Phospho-) Proteomik und Analytik abzubilden gilt. Klassischerweise erfolgt der Nachweis der Proteinphosphorylierung auf Peptid-Ebene mittels MS/MS Sequenzierung. Diese Standardmethode der shotgun Phosphoproteomanalytik vernachlässigt jedoch wegen den in LC MS/MS Analysen oftmals schwer detektierbaren Phosphopeptiden gerade den variablen und oftmals nur geringen Phosphorylierungsgrad vieler Phosphorylierungsstellen (P-Stellen). Mittels phosphospezifischer Anreicherungsstrategien und MS/MS Sequenzierung konnten an der Modellkinase PKA-Cα nach rekombinanter Expression in E. coli insgesamt acht P-Stellen identifiziert werden. Der Phosphorylierungsgrad wurde in Kooperation mit Dr. J. Seidler über quantitative Signalintensitätsmessungen bestimmt und zeigte eine nahezu vollständige Phosphorylierung von pS10, pS139, pT197 und pS338, während der Phosphorylierungsgrad für pS34, pS53, pS65 und pS259 zwischen <5 und 45 % variierte. Neben der Quantifizierung der P-Stellen wurde auch das Auftreten und die Verteilung definierter Phosphoformen der PKA-Cα untersucht und deren Abhängigkeit von der primären Aminosäureabfolge, dem Auftreten von zusätzlichen Modifikationen sowie den gewählten Expressions- und Reinigungsbedingungen aufgezeigt. Endogene, aus Säugergewebe isolierte PKA-Cα wies nur eine einzige Phosphoform mit den P-Stellen pT197 und pS338 auf. Auch in vitro autophosphorylierte rekombinante PKA-Cα, die zuvor dephosphoryliert worden war, wies eine zweifach modifizierte Phosphoform auf. Im Vergleich zum endogenen Protein ließ sich dieses Protein an S10 und S338 exzessiv phosphorylieren, wohingegen an T197 keine Autophosphorylierung nachzuweisen war. Das Ausbleiben weiterer Phosphorylierungen stellt in Frage, ob die Hyperphosphorylierung in E. coli ausschließlich auf Autophosphorylierungsprozessen beruht, was anhand einer nicht phosphorylierten, katalytisch inaktiven Variante von PKA-Cα (PKA-Cα K72H) vermutet wurde. Im Hinblick auf die funktionellen P-Stellen pT197 und pS338 erfordert diese Entdeckung sowie der unabhängige Nachweis, dass zellfrei exprimierte PKA-Cα nur an S338 phosphoryliert ist, eine Modifizierung des sequenziellen Vorhersagemodells, wonach die Phosphorylierung an T197 eine zwingende Voraussetzung für die nachfolgende Phosphorylierung an S338 ist. Ferner konnte über phosphomimetische Mutagenese die Funktionalität der Phosphorylierung an S53 innerhalb der glycinreichen Schleife der PKA-Cα und somit ein potenzieller Weg zur Regulation der enzymatischen Aktivität gezeigt werden. Ein weiterer möglicher upstream Regulator von PKA-Cα ist die Proteinphosphatase 5, die in der Lage war, die bislang als phosphatasestabil beschriebene P Stelle pT197 in vitro zu dephosphorylieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass der Phosphorylierungszustand eines Proteins von zahlreichen internen und externen Faktoren abhängt – eine Tatsache, die gerade für rekombinante Proteine, insbesondere enzymatisch aktive Kinasen, oft vernachlässigt wurde. Daher müssen auch in der shotgun Phosphoproteomanalytik P-Stellen nicht mehr nur identifiziert und quantifiziert werden, sondern die resultierenden Proteinphosphoformen differenziert auch in ihrem physiologischen Kontext beschrieben werden.


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Der Wechsel von Tag und Nacht erzeugt einen regelmäßigen Rhythmus von verschiedenen Umweltreizen, allen voran Licht und Temperatur. Fast jedes bis zum heutigen Tage untersuchte Lebewesen besitzt einen endogenen Mechanismus zur Zeitwahrnehmung, und diese "innere Uhr" befähigt Lebewesen dazu, sich vorausschauend an rhythmische Umwelt-Änderungen anzupassen. Circadiane Rhythmen bestehen auch ohne jegliche äußere Reize und basieren auf einem molekularen Rückkopplungs-Mechanismus, der Rhythmen in Genexpression und Proteinkonzentration von etwa 24 Stunden erzeugt. Obwohl sich die grundsätzlichen Mechanismen und Komponenten dieses molekularen Uhrwerks in allen Insekten ähneln, zeigte sich jedoch immer mehr, dass es im Detail doch wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Insektengruppen gibt. Während das molekulare Uhrwerk der Fruchtfliege Drosophila melanogaster inzwischen sehr gut untersucht ist, fehlen bei den meisten Insektengruppen immernoch eingehende Untersuchungen. Fast nichts ist über die molekulare Basis von circadianen Rhythmen bei der Schabe Rhyparobia maderae bekannt, obwohl diese Art bereits seit Langem als Modellorganismus in der Chronobiologie dient. Um mit der Forschung am molekularen, circadianen System von R. maderae zu beginnen, wurde die Struktur und das Expressionsprofil der core feedback loop Gene per, tim1 und cry2 analysiert. Mittels degenerierten Primern und RACE konnte das vollständige offene Leseraster (OLR) von rmPer und rmCry2, und ein Teil des rmTim1 OLR kloniert werden. Eine phylogenetische Analyse gruppierte rmPER und rmCRY2 gemeinsam mit den Orthologa hemimetaboler Insekten. Viele bei D. melanogaster funktionell charakterisierte Domänen sind bei diesen Proteinen konserviert, was auf eine ähnliche Funktion in der inneren Uhr von R. maderae hinweist. Mittels quantitativer PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass die mRNA von rmPer, rmTim1 und rmCry2 in verschiedenen Lichtregimen in der gleichen Phasenlage Tageszeit-abhängig schwankt. Die Phasenlage stellte sich bei unterschiedlichen Photoperioden jeweils relativ zum Beginn der Skotophase ein, mit Maxima in der ersten Hälfte der Nacht. Auch im Dauerdunkel zeigen sich Rhythmen in der rmTim1 und rmCry2 Expression. Die Amplitude der rmPer Expressionsrhythmen war jedoch so gering, dass keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Zeitgeberzeiten (ZT) festgestellt werden konnten. Mittels Laufrad-Assays wurde untersucht wie Kurz- und Langtag Lichtregime die Verhaltensrhythmen beeinflussen. Es konnten nur Unterschiede in der Periodenlänge unter freilaufenden Bedingungen festgestellt werden, wenn höhere Lichtintensitäten (1000lx) zur Synchronisation (entrainment) genutzt wurden. Die Periode des freilaufenden Rhythmus war bei Tieren aus dem Kurztag länger. Die photoperiodische Plastizität zeigte sich also auch auf Verhaltensebene, obwohl höhere Lichtintensitäten notwendig waren um einen Effekt zu beobachten. Basierend auf den Sequenzen der zuvor klonierten OLR wurden gegen rmPER, rmTIM1 und rmCRY2 gerichtete Antikörper hergestellt. Die Antikörper gegen rmPER und rmTIM1 erkannten in western blots sehr wahrscheinlich spezifisch das jeweilige Protein. Zeitreihen von Gehirngewebe-Homogenisaten zeigten keinen offensichtlichen circadianen Rhythmus in der Proteinkonzentration, wahrscheinlich auf Grund einer Oszillation mit niedriger Amplitude. In Immunhistochemischen Färbungen konnte nur mit dem gegen rmPER gerichteten Antikörper aus Kaninchen ein Signal beobachtet werden. Beinahe jede Zelle des Zentralnervensystems war rmPER-immunreaktiv im Zellkern. Es konnten keine Unterschiede zwischen den untersuchten ZTs festgestellt werden, ähnlich wie bei den western blot Zeitreihen. In dieser Studie konnten erstmals molekulare Daten der circadianen Uhr von R. maderae erfasst und dargestellt werden. Die Uhrgene per, tim1 und cry2 werden in dieser Schabenart exprimiert und ihre Domänenstruktur sowie das circadiane Expressionsmuster ähneln dem hypothetischen ursprünglichen Insektenuhrwerk, welches der circadianen Uhr von Vertebraten nahesteht. Das molekulare Uhrwerk von R. maderae kann sich an unterschiedliche Photoperioden anpassen, und diese Anpassungen manifestieren sich im Expressionsprofil der untersuchten Uhrgene ebenso wie im Verhalten.


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The linear viscoelastic (LVE) spectrum is one of the primary fingerprints of polymer solutions and melts, carrying information about most relaxation processes in the system. Many single chain theories and models start with predicting the LVE spectrum to validate their assumptions. However, until now, no reliable linear stress relaxation data were available from simulations of multichain systems. In this work, we propose a new efficient way to calculate a wide variety of correlation functions and mean-square displacements during simulations without significant additional CPU cost. Using this method, we calculate stress−stress autocorrelation functions for a simple bead−spring model of polymer melt for a wide range of chain lengths, densities, temperatures, and chain stiffnesses. The obtained stress−stress autocorrelation functions were compared with the single chain slip−spring model in order to obtain entanglement related parameters, such as the plateau modulus or the molecular weight between entanglements. Then, the dependence of the plateau modulus on the packing length is discussed. We have also identified three different contributions to the stress relaxation:  bond length relaxation, colloidal and polymeric. Their dependence on the density and the temperature is demonstrated for short unentangled systems without inertia.


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A structurally simple low molecular weight hydrogelator derived from isophthalic acid forms robust pH-responsive hydrogels capable of highly efficient and selective dye adsorption.


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The selective catalytic oxidation of alcohols over a mixture of copper(l) chloride and a number of linear 'linker-less' or 'branched' poly(ethylene glycol)-supported nitroxyl radicals of the 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) family as a catalyst system has been investigated in the presence of molecular oxygen in a batch reactor. It is found that the activity profile of the polymer-supported nitroxyl radicals is in good agreement with that of low-molecular weight nitroxyl catalysts, for example, allylic and benzylic alcohols are oxidised faster than aliphatic alcohols. The oxidations can be tuned to be highly selective such that aldehydes are the only oxidation products observed in the oxidation of primary alcohols and the oxidations of secondary alcohols yield the corresponding ketones. A strong structural effect of the polymeric nitroxyl species on catalytic activity that is dependent upon their spatial orientation of the nitroxyl radicals is particularly noted. The new soluble macromolecular catalysts can be recovered readily from the reaction mixture by solvent precipitation and filtration. In addition, the recycled catalysts demonstrate a similar selectivity with only a small decrease in activity compared to the fresh catalyst even after five repetitive cycles. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystallization of well-defined poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) diblock copolymers, PLLA-b-PCL, was investigated by time-resolved X-ray techniques, polarized optical microscopy (POM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Two compositions were studied that contained 44 and 60 wt % poly(L-lactide), PLLA (they are referred to as (L44C5614)-C-11 and (L60C409)-C-12, respectively, with the molecular weight of each block in kg/mol as superscript). The copolymers were found to be initially miscible in the melt according to small-angle X-ray scattering measurements (SAXS). Their thermal behavior was also indicative of samples whose crystallization proceeds from a mixed melt. Sequential isothermal crystallization from the melt at 100 degreesC (for 30 min) and then at 30 degreesC (for 15 min) was measured. At 100 degreesC only the PLLA block is capable of crystallization, and its crystallization kinetics was followed by both WAXS and DSC; comparable results were obtained that indicated an instantaneous nucleation with three-dimensional superstructures (Avrami index of approximately 3). The spherulitic nature of the superstructure was confirmed by POM. When the temperature was decreased to 30 degreesC, the PCL block was able to crystallize within the PLLA negative spherulites (with an Avrami index of 2, as opposed to 3 in homo-PCL), and its crystallization rate was much slower than an equivalent homo-PCL. Time-resolved SAXS experiments in (L60C409)-C-12 revealed an initial melt mixed morphology at 165 degreesC that upon cooling transformed into a transient microphase-separated lamellar structure prior to crystallization at 100 degreesC.


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A novel protocol for rapid and efficient purification of antimicrobial peptides from plant seedlings has been developed. Two peptides with antimicrobial activity, designated p1 and p2, were purified nearly to homogeneity from Scots pine seedlings by a combination of sulfuric acid extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitation, heat-inactivation and ion-exchange chromatography on phosphocellulose. Purified proteins had molecular masses of 11 kDa (p1) and 5.8 kDa (p2) and were identified by mass spectrometry as defensin and lipid-transfer protein, respectively. We demonstrated their growth inhibitory effects against a group of phytopathogenic fungi. Furthermore, we report for the first time molecular cloning and characterization of defensin I cDNA from Scots pine. A cDNA expression library from 7 days Scots pine seedlings was generated and used to isolate a cDNA clone corresponding to Scots pine defensin, termed PsDef1. The full-length coding sequence of PsDef1 is 252 bp in length and has an open reading frame capable to encode a protein of 83 amino residues. The deduced sequence has the typical features of plant defensins, including an endoplasmic reticulum signal sequence of 33 aa, followed by a characteristic defensin domain of 50 amino acids representing its active form. The calculated molecular weight of the mature form of PsDef1 is 5601.6 Da, which correlates well with the results of SDS-PAGE analysis. Finally, the antimicrobial properties of PsDef1 against a panel of fungi and bacteria define it as a member of the morphogenic group of plant defensins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The rheological properties of fresh gluten in small amplitude oscillation in shear (SAOS) and creep recovery after short application of stress was related to the hearth breadbaking performance of wheat flours using the multivariate statistics partial least squares (PLS) regression. The picture was completed by dough mixing and extensional properties, flour protein size distribution determined by SE-HPLC, and high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) composition. The sample set comprised 20 wheat cultivars grown at two different levels of nitrogen fertilizer in one location. Flours yielding stiffer and more elastic glutens, with higher elastic and viscous moduli (G' and G") and lower tan 8 values in SAOS, gave doughs that were better able to retain their shape during proving and baking, resulting in breads of high form ratios. Creep recovery measurements after short application of stress showed that glutens from flours of good breadmaking quality had high relative elastic recovery. The nitrogen fertilizer level affected the protein size distribution by an increase in monomeric proteins (gliadins), which gave glutens of higher tan delta and flatter bread loaves (lower form ratio).


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The rheological properties of dough and gluten are important for end-use quality of flour but there is a lack of knowledge of the relationships between fundamental and empirical tests and how they relate to flour composition and gluten quality. Dough and gluten from six breadmaking wheat qualities were subjected to a range of rheological tests. Fundamental (small-deformation) rheological characterizations (dynamic oscillatory shear and creep recovery) were performed on gluten to avoid the nonlinear influence of the starch component, whereas large deformation tests were conducted on both dough and gluten. A number of variables from the various curves were considered and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA) to get an overview of relationships between the various variables. The first component represented variability in protein quality, associated with elasticity and tenacity in large deformation (large positive loadings for resistance to extension and initial slope of dough and gluten extension curves recorded by the SMS/Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and the tenacity and strain hardening index of dough measured by the Dobraszczyk/Roberts dough inflation system), the elastic character of the hydrated gluten proteins (large positive loading for elastic modulus [G'], large negative loadings for tan delta and steady state compliance [J(e)(0)]), the presence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 5+10 vs. 2+12, and a size distribution of glutenin polymers shifted toward the high-end range. The second principal component was associated with flour protein content. Certain rheological data were influenced by protein content in addition to protein quality (area under dough extension curves and dough inflation curves [W]). The approach made it possible to bridge the gap between fundamental rheological properties, empirical measurements of physical properties, protein composition, and size distribution. The interpretation of this study gave indications of the molecular basis for differences in breadmaking performance.


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Emerging evidence suggests that a group of dietary-derived phytochemicals known as flavonoids are able to induce improvements in memory acquisition, consolidation, storage and retrieval. These low molecular weight polyphenols are widespread in the human diet, are absorbed to only a limited degree and localise in the brain at low concentration. However, they have been found to be highly effective in reversing age-related declines in memory via their ability to interact with the cellular and molecular architecture of the brain responsible for memory. These interactions include an ability to activate signalling pathways, critical in controlling synaptic plasticity, and a potential to induce vascular effects capable of causing new nerve cell growth in the hippocampus. Their ability to activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) and the protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) signalling pathways, leading to the activation of the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), a transcription factor responsible for increasing the expression of a number of neurotrophins important in de. ning memory, will be discussed. How these effects lead to improvements in memory through induction of synapse growth and connectivity, increases in dendritic spine density and the functional integration of old and new neurons will be illustrated. The overall goal of this critical review is to emphasize future areas of investigation as well as to highlight these dietary agents as promising candidates for the design of memory-enhancing drugs with relevance to normal and pathological brain ageing (161 references).


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The conformational properties of the hybrid amphiphile formed by the conjugation of a hydrophobic peptide with four phenylalanine (Phe) residues and hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol), have been investigated using quantum mechanical calculations and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The intrinsic conformational preferences of the peptide were examined using the building-up search procedure combined with B3LYP/ 6-31G(d) geometry optimizations, which led to the identification of 78, 78, and 92 minimum energy structures for the peptides containing one, two, and four Phe residues. These peptides tend to adopt regular organizations involving turn-like motifs that define ribbon or helicallike arrangements. Furthermore, calculations indicate that backbone ... side chain interactions involving the N-H of the amide groups and the pi clouds of the aromatic rings play a crucial role in Phe-containing peptides. On the other hand,MD simulations on the complete amphiphile in aqueous solution showed that the polymer fragment rapidly unfolds maximizing the contacts with the polar solvent, even though the hydrophobic peptide reduce the number of waters of hydration with respect to an individual polymer chain of equivalent molecular weight. In spite of the small effect of the peptide in the hydrodynamic properties of the polymer, we conclude that the two counterparts of the amphiphile tend to organize as independent modules.