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The human gene deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (DMBT1) is considered to play a role in tumorigenesis and pathogen defense. It encodes a protein with multiple scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domains, which are involved in recognition and binding of a broad spectrum of bacterial pathogens. The SRCR domains are encoded by highly homologous repetitive exons, whose number in humans may vary from 8 to 13 due to genetic polymorphism. Here, we characterized the porcine DMBT1 gene on the mRNA and genomic level. We assembled a 4.5 kb porcine DMBT1 cDNA sequence from RT-PCR amplified seminal vesicle RNA. The porcine DMBT1 cDNA contains an open reading frame of 4050 nt. The transcript gives rise to a putative polypeptide of 1349 amino acids with a calculated mass of 147.9 kDa. Compared to human DMBT1, it contains only four N-terminal SRCR domains. Northern blotting revealed transcripts of approximately 4.7 kb in size in the tissues analyzed. Analysis of ESTs suggested the existence of secreted and transmembrane variants. The porcine DMBT1 gene spans about 54 kb on chromosome 14q28-q29. In contrast to the characterized cDNA, the genomic BAC clone only contained 3 exons coding for N-terminal SRCR domains. In different mammalian DMBT1 orthologs large interspecific differences in the number of SRCR exons and utilization of the transmembrane exon exist. Our data suggest that the porcine DMBT1 gene may share with the human DMBT1 gene additional intraspecific variations in the number of SRCR-coding exons.


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The mammalian collagen, type IX, alpha 2 gene (COL9A2) encodes the alpha-2 chain of type IX collagen and is located on horse chromosome 2p16-->p14 harbouring a quantitative trait locus for osteochondrosis. We isolated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing the equine COL9A2 gene and determined the complete genomic sequence of this gene. Cloning and characterization of equine COL9A2 revealed that the equine gene consists of 32 exons spanning approximately 15 kb. The COL9A2 transcript encodes a single protein of 688 amino acids. Thirty two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) equally distributed in the gene were detected in a mutation scan of eight unrelated Hanoverian warmblood stallions, including one SNP that affects the amino acid sequence of COL9A2. Comparative analyses between horse, human, mouse and rat indicate that the chromosomal location of equine COL9A2 is in agreement with known chromosomal synteny relationships. The comparison of the gene structure and transcript revealed a high degree of conservation towards the other mammalian COL9A2 genes. We chose three informative SNPs for association and linkage disequilibrium tests in three to five paternal half-sib families of Hanoverian warmblood horses consisting of 44 to 75 genotyped animals. The test statistics did not reach the significance threshold of 5% and so we could not show an association of COL9A2 with equine osteochondrosis.


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The DNAL4 (dynein, axonemal, light polypeptide 4) gene encodes a light chain of dynein. Dyneins are motor proteins that contribute to axonal transport. Cloning and characterization of the porcine DNAL4 revealed a conserved organization with respect to the human ortholog. The porcine DNAL4 gene consists of 4 exons and codes for a peptide of 105 amino acids. The porcine DNAL4 gene is located on SSC5p15. Analysis of the naturally occurring variation of the DNAL4 gene in pigs from the Piétrain und Duroc breeds revealed five SNPs in non-coding regions of the gene.


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We report on a father and daughter with hand-foot-genital syndrome (HFGS) with typical skeletal and genitourinary anomalies due to a 14-residue polyalanine expansion in HOXA13. This is the largest (32 residues) polyalanine tract so far described for any polyalanine mutant protein. Polyalanine expansion results in protein misfolding, cytoplasmic aggregation and degradation; however, HOXA13 polyalanine expansions appear to act as loss of function mutations in contrast to gain of function for HOXD13 polyalanine expansions. To address this paradox we examined the cellular consequences of polyalanine expansions on HOXA13 protein using COS cell transfection and immunocytochemistry. HOXA13 polyalanine expansion proteins form cytoplasmic aggregates, and distribution between cytoplasmic aggregates or the nucleus is polyalanine tract size-dependent. Geldanamycin, an Hsp90 inhibitor, reduces the steady-state abundance of all polyalanine-expanded proteins in transfected cells. We also found that wild-type HOXA13 or HOXD13 proteins are sequestered in HOXA13 polyalanine expansion cytoplasmic aggregates. Thus, the difference between HOXA13 polyalanine expansion loss-of-function and HOXD13 polyalanine expansion dominant-negative effect is not the ability to aggregate wild-type group 13 paralogs but perhaps to variation in activities associated with refolding, aggregation or degradation of the proteins.


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Recently, a novel group of fungal peroxidases, known as the aromatic peroxygenases (APO), has been discovered. Members of these extracellular biocatalysts produced by agaric basidiomycetes such as Agrocybe aegerita or Coprinellus radians catalyze reactions--for example, the peroxygenation of naphthalene, toluene, dibenzothiophene, or pyridine--which are actually attributed to cytochrome P450 monooxygenases. Here, for the first time, genetic information is presented on this new group of peroxide-consuming enzymes. The gene of A. aegerita peroxygenase (apo1) was identified on the level of messenger RNA and genomic DNA. The gene sequence was affirmed by peptide sequences obtained through an Edman degradation and de novo peptide sequencing of the purified enzyme. Quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction demonstrated that the course of enzyme activity correlated well with that of mRNA signals for apo1 in A. aegerita. The full-length sequences of A. aegerita peroxygenase as well as a partial sequence of C. radians peroxygenase confirmed the enzymes' affiliation to the heme-thiolate proteins. The sequences revealed no homology to classic peroxidases, cytochrome P450 enzymes, and only little homology (<30%) to fungal chloroperoxidase produced by the ascomycete Caldariomyces fumago (and this only in the N-terminal part of the protein comprising the heme-binding region and part of the distal heme pocket). This fact reinforces the novelty of APO proteins. On the other hand, homology retrievals in genetic databases resulted in the identification of various APO homologous genes and transcripts, particularly among the agaric fungi, indicating APO's widespread occurrence in the fungal kingdom.


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We synthesized recombinant Echinococcus granulosus protoscolex recP29 antigen to be preliminarily assessed by ELISA and immunoblotting. RecP29-serology was carried out on 54 young patients with cystic echinococcosis (CE). Patients were classified into either cured (CCE) (n=40) or non-cured (NCCE) (n=14) CE patients. RecP29 ELISA showed a gradual decrease of antibody concentrations in all CCE cases that were initially (before treatment) seropositive to this antigen (25 out of 40) or that seroconverted following treatment. A complete seronegativity was reached within 3 years post-surgery in all of these cases. Conventional HCF ELISA yielded seronegativity in only 10% of initially recP29-seropositive CCE patients (P=0.086). Likewise, recP29 immunoblotting yielded seronegativity in 93% of 29 out of 40 initially recP29-immunoblot-positive CCE patients after 3 years follow-up, compared with 72% in the HCF immunoblotting (P=0.060). Eleven out of 14 NCCE patients were initially positive by recP29 ELISA, and 10 out of these maintained a marked anti-recP29 antibody reactivity until the endpoint of the follow-up period. All 14 NCCE cases were initially seropositive by recP29 immunoblotting, and 13 cases remained seropositive until the end of the study. Thus, recombinant P29 protein appears prognostically useful for monitoring those post-surgical CE cases with an initial seropositivity to this marker.


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A strain of Saccaromyces cerevisiae (SC3B) with a temperature sensitive defect in the synthesis of DNA has been isolated. This defect is due to a single recessive mutation in a gene named INS1 required for the initiation of S phase. Arrested cells carrying the ins1$\sp{ts}$ allele are defective in the completion of G1 to S phase transition events including SPB duplication or separation, initiation of DNA synthesis, normal control of budding, and bud neck stability. The mutation and a gene which complements the mutation were mapped to chromosome IV. The complementing gene was proved to be the wild type allele of the temperature sensitive mutation by genetic linkage of an integrated clone. A very low abundance 4.2 kb RNA message was observed in the strain SC3B which increased greatly in this strain transformed with a multiple copy plasmid carrying the complementing clone. The wild type gene was sequenced and found to encode a 1268 amino acid protein of with a molecular weight of 142,655 Daltons. Computer assisted searches for similar DNA sequences revealed no significant homology matches. However, searches for protein sequence homology revealed a protein (the DIS3 gene product of S. pombe) with a similar sequence over a 534 amino acid stretch to the predicted INS1 gene product. A later search revealed a near identical sequence for a gene (SRK1) also isolated from S. cerevisiae. ^


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Group B Streptococcus (GBS) causes invasive infections in neonates, older adults and patients with comorbidities. β-hemolysin/cytolysin is an important GBS virulence factor. It is encoded by the cyl operon and confers GBS hemolytic activity. Isolates displaying hyperpigmentation are typically hyperhemolytic. Comparison of clonally identical isolates displaying different levels of pigmentation has shown transcriptional dysregulation due to mutations in components of the control of the virulence S/R (CovS/R) regulatory system. In addition, hyperpigmented isolates show decreased CAMP factor and decreased capsule thickness. In analogy to findings in group A Streptococcus, a pivotal role of CovS/R has been proposed in the host-pathogen interaction of invasive GBS infection. However, corresponding investigations on multiple clinical GBS isolates have not been performed. We prospectively collected hyperpigmented isolates found in a diagnostic laboratory and performed phenotypic, molecular and transcriptional analyses. In the period from 2008 to 2012, we found 10 isolates obtained from 10 patients. The isolates reflected both invasive pathogens and colonizers. In three cases, clonally identical but phenotypically different variants were also found. Hence, the analyses included 13 isolates. No capsular serotype was found to be significantly more frequent. Bacterial pigments were analyzed via spectrophotometry and for their hemolytic activity. Data obtained for typical absorbance spectra peaks correlated significantly with hemolytic activity. Molecular analysis of the cyl operon showed that it was conserved in all isolates. The covR sequence displayed mutations in five isolates; in one isolate, the CovR binding site to cylX was abrogated. Our results on clinical isolates support previous findings on CovR-deficient isogenic mutants, but suggest that - at least in some clinical isolates - for β-hemolysin/cytolysin and CAMP factor production, other molecular pathways may be involved.


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The protein P29 is a potential serological marker for post-treatment monitoring of cystic echinococcosis (CE) especially in young patients. We now have demonstrated that P29 is encoded in the Echinococcus genus by a single gene consisting of 7 exons spanning 1.2 kb of DNA. Variability of the p29 gene at inter- and intra-species level was assessed with 50 cDNA and 280 genomic DNA clones isolated from different E. granulosus s.l. isolates (E. granulosus sensu stricto (G1), E. equinus (G4), E. ortleppi (G5), E. canadensis (G6), E. canadensis (G7) and E. canadensis (G10)) as well as four E. multilocularis isolates. Scarce interspecies polymorphism at the p29 locus was observed and affected predominantly E. granulosus s.s. (G1), where we identified two alleles (A1 and A2) coding for identical P29 proteins and yielding in three genotypes (A1/A1, A2/A2 and A1/A2). Genotypic frequencies expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium revealed a high rate of heterozygosity (47%) that strongly supports the hypothesis that E. granulosus s.s. (G1) is predominantly outbreeding. Comparative sequence analyses of the complete p29 gene showed that phylogenetic relationships within the genus Echinococcus were in agreement with those of previous nuclear gene studies. At the protein level, the deduced P29 amino acid (AA) sequences exhibited a high level of conservation, ranging from 97.9% AA sequence identity among the whole E. granulosus s.l. group to 99.58% identity among E. multilocularis isolates. We showed that P29 proteins of these two species differ by three AA substitutions without implication for antigenicity. In Western-blot analyses, serum antibodies from a human CE patient infected with E. canadensis (G6) strongly reacted with recombinant P29 from E. granulosus s.s. (G1) (recEg(G1)P29). In the same line, human anti-Eg(G1)P29 antibodies bound to recEcnd(G6)P29. Thus, minor AA sequence variations appear not to impair the prognostic serological use of P29.


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Different cytokines are secreted in response to specific microbial molecules referred to as pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Interleukin 6 (IL6) and interleukin 10 (IL10), both secreted by macrophages and lymphocytes, play a central role in the immunological response. In this work we obtained the genomic structure and complete DNA sequence of the porcine IL6 and IL10 genes and identified polymorphisms in the genomic sequences of these genes on a panel of ten different pig breeds. Comparative intra- and interbreed sequence analysis revealed a total of eight polymorphisms in the porcine IL6 gene and 21 in the porcine IL10 gene, which include single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion deletion polymorphisms (indels). Additionally, the chromosomal localization of the IL10 gene was determined by FISH and RH mapping.


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The mammalian glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GART) genes encode a trifunctional polypeptide involved in the de novo purine biosynthesis. We isolated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing the bovine GART gene and determined the complete DNA sequence of the BAC clone. Cloning and characterization of the bovine GART gene revealed that the bovine gene consists of 23 exons spanning approximately 27 kb. RT-PCR amplification of bovine GART in different organs showed the expression of two GART transcripts in cattle similar to human and mouse. The GART transcripts encode two proteins of 1010 and 433 amino acids, respectively. Eleven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in a mutation scan of 24 unrelated animals of three different cattle breeds, including one SNP that affects the amino acid sequence of GART. The chromosomal localization of the gene was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Comparative genome analysis between cattle, human and mouse indicates that the chromosomal location of the bovine GART gene is in agreement with a previously published mapping report.


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Ellis-van Creveld (EvC) syndrome is a human autosomal recessive disorder caused by a mutation in either the EVC or EVC2 gene, and presents with short limbs, polydactyly, and ectodermal and heart defects. The aim of this study was to understand the pathologic basis by which deletions in the EVC2 gene lead to chondrodysplastic dwarfism and to describe the morphologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular hallmarks of EvC syndrome in cattle. Five Grey Alpine calves, with a known mutation in the EVC2 gene, were autopsied. Immunohistochemistry was performed on bone using antibodies to collagen II, collagen X, sonic hedgehog, fibroblast growth factor 2, and Ki67. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed to analyze EVC1 and EVC2 gene expression. Autopsy revealed long bones that were severely reduced in length, as well as genital and heart defects. Collagen II was detected in control calves in the resting, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones and in the primary and secondary spongiosa, with a loss of labeling in the resting zone of 2 dwarfs. Collagen X was expressed in hypertrophic zone in the controls but was absent in the EvC cases. In affected calves and controls, sonic hedgehog labeled hypertrophic chondrocytes and primary and secondary spongiosa similarly. FGF2 was expressed in chondrocytes of all growth plate zones in the control calves but was lost in most EvC cases. The Ki67 index was lower in cases compared with controls. EVC and EVC2 transcripts were detected. Our data suggest that EvC syndrome of Grey Alpine cattle is a disorder of chondrocyte differentiation, with accelerated differentiation and premature hypertrophy of chondrocytes, and could be a spontaneous model for the equivalent human disease.


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Giardia duodenalis is considered the most common protozoan infecting humans worldwide. Molecular characterization of G. duodenalis isolates has revealed the existence of eight groups (assemblages A to H) which differ in their host distribution. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 639 children from La Habana between January and December 2013. Two assemblage-specific PCRs were carried out for the molecular characterization. The overall prevalence of Giardia infection was 11.9%. DNA from 63 of 76 (82.9%) samples was successfully amplified by PCR-tpi, while 58 from 76 (76.3%) were detected by PCRE1-HF. Similar results by both PCRs were obtained in 54 from 76 samples (71%). According to these analyses, assemblage B and mixed assemblages A + B account for most of the Giardia infections in the cohort of children tested. Our current study identified assemblage B as predominant genotype in children infected with Giardia. Univariate analysis indicated that omission of washing hands before eating and keeping dogs at home were significant risk factors for a Giardia infection. In the future, novel molecular tools for a better discrimination of assemblages at the subassemblages level are needed to verify possible correlations between Giardia genotypes and symptomatology of giardiasis.


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The synthesis of the plant cell wall is very complex, and understanding how this process occurs will lead to many benefits for future research and industries dependent upon cell walls for their products. The recent discovery of the functions of AtMUR3 and AtGT18 in Arabidopsis thaliana as xyloglucan galactosyltransferases has led to the identification of many more putative glycosyltransferases in the Arabidopsis genome. Due to the structural differences between the xyloglucans of Arabidopsis and solanaceous plants, we decided to search for putative arabinosyltransferases in the Solanaceae. Solanaceous xyloglucan is substituted by one to two arabinosyl residues at the second xylose position, and sometimes contains an arabinose at the first xylose position. In contrast, Arabidopsis xyloglucan does not contain arabinose, and is substituted by galactose at the second and third xylose position. Furthermore, the second galactose residue in Arabidopsis xyloglucan is usually fucosylated, a modification not found in solanaceous plants. Searching the database of expressed sequence tags (dbEST), we identified many likely glycosyltransferases in solanaceous plants, including tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). AtMUR3 and AtGT18 search queries resulted in the identification of three putative glycosyltransferases in L. esculentum, which were tentatively designated LeGT1, Le1GT18, and Le2GT18. Based on phylogenetic considerations, Le2GT18 was thought to be a putative arabinosyltransferase. The gene was transformed into atmur3-3 and atgt18 mutant plants, and the resulting plants will be screened for homozygous plants with the inserted gene. The homozygous T2 plants can then be screened for changes in the composition of their cell walls. Because Le2GT18 is thought to be an arabinosyltransferase, the levels of arabinose may be increased in the xyloglucan fraction of the cell wall. If so, further testing can be performed to reveal the true function of Le2GT18.