872 resultados para MMS


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Visual observations of manganese deposits on the Blake plateau from a manned submersible indicate that the occurrence of manganese as nodules, slabs, or pavement may be related to localized environmental conditions. Manganese is concentrated at the crests of sand waves and, in areas of gentle slope, grades locally from nodules to solid pavement.


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It is the purpose of this paper to record information concerning the distribution and occurrence of manganiferous concretions and other manganese oxide deposits that develop on certain lake bottoms. During the summer of 1935 several days were devoted to a study of this type of lake bottom deposit in various parts of Nova Scotia. Lake studies in Ontario have extended the known distribution from lakes on or near the Atlantic coast to lakes in southern Ontario. During the writer's first work on lacustrine manganiferous deposits the concretions of manganese oxide which were found were almost entirely limited to the relatively shallow parts of the lakes examined. Other lakes are now known where the manganese oxide appears to occur only in the maximum depths.


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Uranium, radium, thorium and ionium were determined directly on seven concretions from three stations in the Indian Ocean, and on two concretions and a manganese-rich crust from two stations in the Pacific Ocean. The uranium content averages 3 to 5 gamma/g and the thorium content varies only slightly, but the Th/U ratio in the concretions is typically 2 to 5 in the Indian Ocean and 5 to 15.5 in the Pacific. The ionium content ranges from 1.0 x 10-9 to 3.6 10**-9 g/g in concretions from both oceans. Radium is more abundant in specimens from the Pacific Ocean (Ra = 3 - 12.7 x 10**-11 g/g) than from the Indian Ocean (1.5 - 5.2 x 10**-11 g/g). Analyses for Ca, Mn, Fe, Si, Ni, P, and ignition loss are also given. Radioactive equilibria between uranium, ionium, and radium are strongly disturbed throughout the concretions, and the RA/U and lo/U ratios generally exceed equilibrium ratios. Migration of radium from interior layers was established, so that neither determination of the ages of the concretions nor of their rates of growth can be considered reliable. The age of the concretions cannot exceed 800,000 years, and all grew within relatively short periods of time; there may have been "dormant" periods during growth. Estimates of growth rates are calculated from the radium and ionium contents; they show marked discordance.


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This report studies the principal paramters governing the distribution of iron-manganese concretions on the sea floor of the Indian Ocean, as well as their petrography and mineralogy. The results are mainly based on the recoveries made during voyages 31, 33 and 35 of the "Vityaz"' (1959-1962) and partly during voyages 36 and 41 (1964-1966). During these voyages samples of Mn concretions and Mn crust were collected (by bottom grabs, cores, trawlings, and dredgings) at 39 stations. The following account is devoted to the problems concerning the geochemistry of these concretions.


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A manganese oxide crust from an extensive deposit in the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was found to be unusually high in manganese (up to 39.4% Mn), low in Fe (as low as 0.01% Fe), low in trace metals and deficient in Th230 and Pa231 with respect to the parent uranium isotopes in the sample. The accumulation rate is 100 mm to 200 mm/10 million year, or 2 orders of magnitude faster than the typical rate for deep-sea ferromanganese deposits. The rapid growth rate and unusual chemistry are consistent with a hydrothermal origin or with a diagenetic origin by manganese remobilized from reduced sediments. Because of the association with an active ridge, geophysical evidence indicative of hydrothermal activity, and a scarcity of sediment in the sampling area, we suggest that a submarine hot spring has created the deposit.


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Microscopic and electron probe examination of some manganese nodules show that they consist of segregations of manganese-iron oxides in an interstitial material almost free of manganese but rich in iron and silicates. The segregations are widely spaced in the volcanic cores of the nodules but become more abundant towards their outer crusts where they form the centres of linked polygons of interstitial materials. Most of the minor elements are concentrated in the segregations compared to the interstitial materials. It is suggested that the structures observed result partly from solution and reprecipitation of elements in the original volcanic cores of the nodules and partly from the replacement and coating of these cores by manganese-iron oxides precipitated from sea water.


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During the cruise of the" Mabahiss" from Zanzibar to Colombo at Station 133 (1° 25' 54" S. to 1° 19' 42" S. and 66° 34' 12" E. to 66° 35' 18" E.) several small rock fragments were brought up in the Monegasque net; and, since at this position there is no possibility of the material being transferred by floating Ice, these specimens are of some interest as samples of oceanic rock foundations. All the rocks have a black appearance, but in the majority this skin is of negligible thickness. Exceptionally, however, it may attain to 1/3 in. (St. 133, 8), and then the specimens are rounded. The coating is made of dark opaque manganese material. At Station 166 one or two similar specimens of angular basalt were found in the trawl consisting mainly of manganese nodules.


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This paper presents data on the chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules and associated sediments collected during the 35th voyage of the R/V "Vityaz" in 1962. The samples were made available to the author by Prof, P. L. Bezrukov. Data on the general distribution of manganese nodules at the bottom of the Indian Ocean were already given by P. L. Bezrukov (1962, 1963). Here the author analyzed the geochemistry of nodules samples from seven stations and four samples from the associated sediments. The analysis separates the outer layer of nodules from their apparent internal core.


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Seven manganese nodules, eight ferromanganiferous shales from the Cretaceous Wai Bua Formation of Timor, and a pelagic limestone with four ferromanganese enriched layers from the Middle Eocene of Timor have been analysed. The nodules are compared with modern deep-sea nodules, and the ferromanganiferous shales are contrasted with relatively shallow marine manganiferous shales. The conclusion is reached that these rocks from Timor were probably deposited in a bathypelagic environment. There is a total absence of any indication that volcanic material has contributed to these deposits. The chemical composition of the ferromanganiferous rocks are discussed and some indications of biogenic influences are noted. The Middle Eocene pelagic limestone is compared with a similar modern sediment described from the Easter Island Rise in the Pacific.