219 resultados para MIXER


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A polimerização em emulsão de estireno em um microrreator Syrris de 250 µL com misturador estático junção \"T\" foi estudada em duas etapas. Primeiro somente a fluidodinâmica deste dispositivo não convencional foi avaliada, depois, foi desenvolvida a reação de polimerização de forma a observar como este fator influencia no sistema. Os experimentos foram realizados procurando se atingir maiores conversões, mas mantendo a estabilidade da emulsão. Foi um trabalho exploratório, portanto se assemelha mais a um processo de evolução (evolutionary process). Foram verificados a partir de qual relação das vazões dos dois fluidos ocorre a formação de gotas, e que com o aumento da vazão da fase contínua, aquosa (Qc), mantendo constante a vazão da fase dispersa (Qd), foi verificado uma diminuição do diâmetro das gotas e um regime de fluxo laminar. Posteriormente, realizou-se a polimerização em emulsão do estireno no microrreator, porém com restrições para altas vazões. Os parâmetros de processo testados foram a proporção Qc e Qd, a temperatura e a concentração do iniciador para então verificar o efeito que a variação destas ocasionam na conversão de monômero, no diâmetro e número de partículas e nas massas moleculares médias. A polimerização foi feita para soma das vazões Qc e Qd da ordem de 100 µ L/min, com 15% de monômero na formulação e com o maior tempo de residência possível de 2,5 minutos. Para maiores concentrações de monômero, acima de 15% foi verificado entupimento do canal do microrreator. A taxa de conversão de monômero aumentou com o aumento da temperatura e com o aumento da concentração do iniciador, mas o maior valor atingido foi de apenas 37% devido ao baixo tempo de residência. Nos casos de maiores taxas de conversão, as massas moleculares obtidas foram as menores conforme o esperado pela teoria. Finalmente, os índices de polidispersão (PDI), obtidos foram da ordem de 2,5 a 3,5.


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In this study, a novel kind of hybrid pigment based on nanoclays and dyes was synthesized and characterized. These nanoclay-based pigments (NCPs) were prepared at the laboratory with sodium montmorillonite nanoclay (NC) and methylene blue (MB). The cation-exchange capacity of NC exchanged with MB was varied to obtain a wide color gamut. The synthesized nanopigments were thoroughly characterized. The NCPs were melt-mixed with linear low-density polyethylene (PE) with an internal mixer. Furthermore, samples with conventional colorants were prepared in the same way. Then, the properties (mechanical, thermal, and colorimetric) of the mixtures were assessed. The PE–NCP samples developed better color properties than those containing conventional colorants and used as references, and their other properties were maintained or improved, even at lower contents of dye compared to that with the conventional colorants.


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back row: manager Robert Precious, Vincent Abbey, Ted Greer, captain Robert Derleth, Richard Mixer, Tom Messinger, Philip Brietmeyer, coach J. Edward Lowrey

front row: Gordon Anderson, John Athens, John Jenswold, Charles Henderson, Herbert Upton


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back row: manager George Howland, Robert Lilienfield, Fred Lounsberry, Robert Precious, coach Victor Heyliger

front row: Richard Mixer, Robert Graham, Karl Sulentich, captain Ted Greer, John Jenswold, Albert Allman, Charles Henderson

not pictured Herb Upton


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In a previous paper, Hoornaert et al. (Powder Technol. 96 (1998); 116-128) presented data from granulation experiments performed in a 50 L Lodige high shear mixer. In this study that same data was simulated with a population balance model. Based on an analysis of the experimental data, the granulation process was divided into three separate stages: nucleation, induction, and coalescence growth. These three stages were then simulated separately, with promising results. it is possible to derive a kernel that fit both the induction and the coalescence growth stage. Modeling the nucleation stage proved to be more challenging due to the complex mechanism of nucleus formation. From this work some recommendations are made for the improvement of this type of model.


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Nucleation is the first step in granulation where the powder and liquid first contact. Two types of nucleation in wet granulation processes are proposed. Drop controlled nucleation, where one drop forms one nucleus, occurs when drops hitting the powder surface do not overlap (low spray flux Psi(a)) and the drop must wet quickly into the bed (short drop penetration time t(p)). If either criterion is not met, powder mixing characteristics will dominate (mechanical dispersion regime). Granulation experiments were performed with lactose powder, water, PEG200, and 7% HPC solution in a 6 L and a 25 L mixer granulator. Size distributions were measured as the drop penetration time and spray flux were varied. At short penetration times, decreasing Psi(a) caused the nuclei distribution to become narrower. When drop penetration time was high, the nuclei size distribution was broad independent of changes in dimensionless spray flux. Nucleation regime maps were plotted for each set of experiments in each mixer as a function of the dimensionless distribution width delta. The nucleation regime map demonstrates the interaction between drop penetration time and spray flux in nucleation. The narrowest distribution consistently occurred at low spray flux and low penetration time, proving the existence of the drop controlled regime. The nucleation regime map provides a rational basis for design and scale-up of nucleation and wetting in wet granulation.


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Particle flow patterns were investigated for wet granulation and dry powder mixing in ploughshare mixers using Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT). In a 4-1 mixer, calcium carbonate with mean size 45 mum was granulated using a 50 wt.% solution of glycerol and water as binding fluid, and particle movement was followed using a 600-mum calcium hydroxy-phosphate tracer particle. In a 20-1 mixer, dry powder flow was studied using a 600-mum resin bead tracer particle to simulate the bulk polypropylene powder with mean size 600 mum. Important differences were seen between particle flow patterns for wet and dry systems. Particle speed relative to blade speed was lower in the wet system than in the dry system, with the ratios of average particle speed to blade tip speed for all experiments in the range 0.01-015. In the axial plane, the same particle motion was observed around each blade; this provides a significant advance for modelling flow in ploughshare mixers. For the future, a detailed understanding of the local velocity, acceleration and density variations around a plough blade will reveal the effects of flow patterns in granulating systems on the resultant distribution of granular product attributes such as size, density and strength. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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Significant advances have been made in the last decade to quantify the process of wet granulation. The attributes of product granules from the granulation process are controlled by a combination of three groups of processes occurring in the granulator: (1) wetting and nucleation, (2) growth and consolidation and (3) breakage and attrition. For the first two of these processes, the key controlling dimensionless groups are defined and regime maps are presented and validated with data from tumbling and mixer granulators. Granulation is an example of particle design. For quantitative analysis, both careful characterisation of the feed formulation and knowledge of operating parameters are required. A key thesis of this paper is that the design, scaleup and operation of granulation processes can now be considered as quantitative engineering rather than a black art. Résumé


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This work investigated the purification of phosphoric acid using a suitable organic solvent, followed by re-extraction of the acid from the solvent using water. The work consisted of practical batch and continuous studies and the economics and design of a full scale plant, based on the experimental data. A comprehensive literature survey on the purification of wet process phosphoric acid by organic solvents is presented and the literature describing the design and operation of mixer-settlers has also been reviewed. In batch studies, the equilibrium and distribution curves for the systems water-phosphoric acid-solvent for Benzaldehyde, Cyclohexanol and Methylisobutylketone (MIBK) were determined together with hydrodynamic characteristics for both pure and impure systems. The settling time increased with acid concentration, but power input had no effect. Drop size was found to reduce with acid concentration and power input. For the continuous studies a novel horizontal mixer~settler cascade was designed, constructed and operated using pure and impure acid with MIBK as the solvent. The cascade incorporates three air turbine agitated, cylindrical 900 ml mixers, and three cylindrical 200 ml settlers with air-lift solvent interstage transfer. Mean drop size in the fully baffled mixer was correlated. Drop size distributions were log-normal and size decreased with acid concentration and power input and increased with dispersed phase hold-up. Phase inversion studies showed that the width of the ambivalent region depended upon rotor speed, hold-up and acid concentration. Settler characteristics were investigated by measuring wedge length. Distribution coefficients of impurities and acid were also investigated. The following optimum extraction conditions were found: initial acid concentration 63%, phase ratio of solvent to acid 1:1 (v/v), impeller speed recommended 900 r.p.m. In the washing step the maximum phase ratio of solvent to water was 8:1 (v/v). Work on phosphoric acid concentration involved constructing distillation equipment consisting of a 10& spherical still. A 100 T/d scale detailed process design including capital cost, operating cost and profitability was also completed. A profit model for phosphoric acid extraction was developed and maximised. Recommendations are made for both the application of the results to a practical design and for extensions of the study.


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The matched filter detector is well known as the optimum detector for use in communication, as well as in radar systems for signals corrupted by Additive White Gaussian Noise (A.W.G.N.). Non-coherent F.S.K. and differentially coherent P.S.K. (D.P.S.K.) detection schemes, which employ a new approach in realizing the matched filter processor, are investigated. The new approach utilizes pulse compression techniques, well known in radar systems, to facilitate the implementation of the matched filter in the form of the Pulse Compressor Matched Filter (P.C.M.F.). Both detection schemes feature a mixer- P.C.M.F. Compound as their predetector processor. The Compound is utilized to convert F.S.K. modulation into pulse position modulation, and P.S.K. modulation into pulse polarity modulation. The mechanisms of both detection schemes are studied through examining the properties of the Autocorrelation function (A.C.F.) at the output of the P.C.M.F.. The effects produced by time delay, and carrier interference on the output A.C.F. are determined. Work related to the F.S.K. detection scheme is mostly confined to verifying its validity, whereas the D.P.S.K. detection scheme has not been reported before. Consequently, an experimental system was constructed, which utilized combined hardware and software, and operated under the supervision of a microprocessor system. The experimental system was used to develop error-rate models for both detection schemes under investigation. Performances of both F. S. K. and D.P. S. K. detection schemes were established in the presence of A. W. G. N. , practical imperfections, time delay, and carrier interference. The results highlight the candidacy of both detection schemes for use in the field of digital data communication and, in particular, the D.P.S.K. detection scheme, which performed very close to optimum in a background of A.W.G.N.


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The main objectives of this research were to develop optimised chemical compositions and reactive processing conditions for grafting a functional monomer maleic anhydride (MA) in polypropylene (PP), ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and mixtures of PP-EPDM, and to optimise synthetic routes for production of PP/EPDM copolymers for the purpose of compatibilisation of PP/EPDM blends. The MA-functionalisation was achieved using an internal mixer in the presence of low concentrations (less than 0.01 molar ratio) of a free radical initiator. Various methods were used to purify MA-functionalised PP and the grafting yield was determined using either FTIR or titrametry. The grafting yield of MA alone, which due to its low free-radical reactivity towards polymer macroradicals, was accompanied by severe degradation in the case of PP and crosslinking for EPDM. In the case of MA-functionalised PP/EPDM, both degradation and crosslinking occurred though not to a great extent. The use of tri-functional coagents e.g. trimethylopropane triacrylates (TRIS) with MA, led to high improvement of the grafting yield of MA on the polymers. This is almost certainly due to high free-radical activity of TRIS leading to copolymerisation of MA and TRIS which was followed by grafting of the copolymer onto the polymer backbone. In the case of PP, the use of coagent was also found to reduce the polymer degradation. PP/EPDM copolymers with optimum tensile properties were synthesised using a 'one-step' continues reactive processing procedure. This was achieved firstly by functionalisation of a mixture of PP (higher w/w ratio) and EPDM (low w/w ratio) with MA, in the presence of the coagent TRIS and a small concentration of a free radical initiator. This was then followed by an imidisation reaction with the interlinking agent hexamethylene diamine (HEMDA). Small amount of copolymers, up to 5 phr, which were interlinked with up to 15 phr of HEMDA, were sufficient to compatibilise PP/EPDM75/25 blends resulting in excellent tensile properties compared to binary PP/EPDM 75/25 blend. Improvement in blend's compatibility and phases-stabilisation (observed through tensile and SEM analysis) was shown in all cases with significant interphases adhesion improvement between PP and EPDM, and reduction in domain size across the fractured surface indicating efficient distribution of the compatibiliser.


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Grafting of antioxidants and other modifiers onto polymers by reactive extrusion, has been performed successfully by the Polymer Processing and Performance Group at Aston University. Traditionally the optimum conditions for the grafting process have been established within a Brabender internal mixer. Transfer of this batch process to a continuous processor, such as an extruder, has, typically, been empirical. To have more confidence in the success of direct transfer of the process requires knowledge of, and comparison between, residence times, mixing intensities, shear rates and flow regimes in the internal mixer and in the continuous processor.The continuous processor chosen for the current work in the closely intermeshing, co-rotating twin-screw extruder (CICo-TSE). CICo-TSEs contain screw elements that convey material with a self-wiping action and are widely used for polymer compounding and blending. Of the different mixing modules contained within the CICo-TSE, the trilobal elements, which impose intensive mixing, and the mixing discs, which impose extensive mixing, are of importance when establishing the intensity of mixing. In this thesis, the flow patterns within the various regions of the single-flighted conveying screw elements and within both the trilobal element and mixing disc zones of a Betol BTS40 CICo-TSE, have been modelled using the computational fluid dynamics package Polyflow. A major obstacle encountered when solving the flow problem within all of these sets of elements, arises from both the complex geometry and the time-dependent flow boundaries as the elements rotate about their fixed axes. Simulation of the time dependent boundaries was overcome by selecting a number of sequential 2D and 3D geometries, used to represent partial mixing cycles. The flow fields were simulated using the ideal rheological properties of polypropylene and characterised in terms of velocity vectors, shear stresses generated and a parameter known as the mixing efficiency. The majority of the large 3D simulations were performed on the Cray J90 supercomputer situated at the Rutherford-Appleton laboratories, with pre- and postprocessing operations achieved via a Silicon Graphics Indy workstation. A mechanical model was constructed consisting of various CICo-TSE elements rotating within a transparent outer barrel. A technique has been developed using coloured viscous clays whereby the flow patterns and mixing characteristics within the CICo-TSE may be visualised. In order to test and verify the simulated predictions, the patterns observed within the mechanical model were compared with the flow patterns predicted by the computational model. The flow patterns within the single-flighted conveying screw elements in particular, showed good agreement between the experimental and simulated results.


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One of the main objectives of this study was to functionalise various rubbers (i.e. ethylene propylene copolymer (EP), ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), and natural rubber (NR)) using functional monomers, maleic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), via reactive processing routes. The functionalisation of the rubber was carried out via different reactive processing methods in an internal mixer. GMA was free-radically grafted onto EP and EPDM in the melt state in the absence and presence of a comonomer, trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TRlS). To optinuse the grafting conditions and the compositions, the effects of various paranleters on the grafting yields and the extent of side reactions were investigated. Precipitation method and Soxhlet extraction method was established to purifY the GMA modified rubbers and the grafting degree was determined by FTIR and titration. It was found that without TRlS the grafting degree of GMA increased with increasing peroxide concentration. However, grafting was low and the homopolymerisation of GMA and crosslinking of the polymers were identified as the main side reactions competing with the desired grafting reaction for EP and EPDM, respectively. The use of the tri-functional comonomer, TRlS, was shown to greatly enhance the GMA grafting and reduce the side reactions in terms of the higher GMA grafting degree, less alteration of the rheological properties of the polymer substrates and very little formation of polyGMA. The grafting mechanisms were investigated. MA was grafted onto NR using both thermal initiation and peroxide initiation. The results showed clearly that the reaction of MA with NR could be thermally initiated above 140°C in the absence of peroxide. At a preferable temperature of 200°C, the grafting degree was increased with increasing MA concentration. The grafting reaction could also be initiated with peroxide. It was found that 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis(ter-butylproxy) hexane (TIOI) was a suitable peroxide to initiate the reaction efficiently above I50°C. The second objective of the work was to utilize the functionalised rubbers in a second step to achieve an in-situ compatibilisation of blends based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), in particular, with GMA-grafted-EP and -EPDM and the reactive blending was carried out in an internal mixer. The effects of GMA grafting degree, viscosities of GMAgrafted- EP and -EPDM and the presence of polyGMA in the rubber samples on the compatibilisation of PET blends in terms of morphology, dynamical mechanical properties and tensile properties were investigated. It was found that the GMA modified rubbers were very efficient in compatibilising the PET blends and this was supported by the much finer morphology and the better tensile properties. The evidence obtained from the analysis of the PET blends strongly supports the existence of the copolymers through the interfacial reactions between the grafted epoxy group in the GMA modified rubber and the terminal groups of PET in the blends.