245 resultados para METAANALYSIS
OBJECTIVES: In this study, we aimed to determine the complications of standard surgical treatments among patients over 75 years in a high-volume urologic center. METHODS: We analyzed 100 consecutive patients older than 75 years who had undergone transurethral prostatic resection of the prostate or open prostatectomy for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia from January 2008 to March 2010. We analyzed patient age, prostate volume, prostate-specific antigen level, international prostatic symptom score, quality of life score, urinary retention, co-morbidities, surgical technique and satisfaction with treatment. RESULTS: Median age was 79 years. Forty-eight patients had undergone transurethral prostatic resection of the prostate, and 52 had undergone open prostatectomy. The median International Prostatic Symptom Score was 20, the median prostate volume was 83 g, 51% were using an indwelling bladder catheter, and the median prostate-specific antigen level was 5.0 ng/ml. The most common comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes and coronary disease. After a median follow-up period of 17 months, most patients were satisfied. Complications were present in 20% of cases. The most common urological complication was urethral stenosis, followed by bladder neck sclerosis, urinary fistula, late macroscopic hematuria and persistent urinary incontinence. The most common clinical complication was myocardial infarction, followed by acute renal failure requiring dialysis. Incidental carcinoma of the prostate was present in 6% of cases. One case had urothelial bladder cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Standard surgical treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia are safe and satisfactory among the elderly. Complications are infrequent, and urethral stenosis is the most common. No clinical variable is associated with the occurrence of complications.
Objective: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV)-associated lipodystrophy syndrome compromises body composition and produces metabolic alterations, such as dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. This study aims to determine whether energy expenditure and substrate oxidation are altered due to human HIV-associated lipodystrophy syndrome. Methods: We compared energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in 10 HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy syndrome (HIV+LIPO+), 22 HIV-infected men without lipodystrophy syndrome (HIV+LIPO-), and 12 healthy controls. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were assessed by indirect calorimetry, and body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The substrate oxidation assessments were performed during fasting and 30 min after eucaloric breakfast consumption (300 kcal). Results: The resting energy expenditure adjusted for lean body mass was significantly higher in the HIV+LIPO+ group than in the healthy controls (P = 0.02). HIV-infected patients had increased carbohydrate oxidation and lower lipid oxidation when compared to the control group (P < 0.05) during fasting conditions. After the consumption of a eucaloric breakfast, there was a significant increase in carbohydrate oxidation only in the HIV+LIPO- and control groups (P < 0.05), but there was no increase in the HIV+LIPO+ group. Conclusion: Hypermetabolism and alteration in substrate oxidation were observed in the HIV+LIPO+ group. (C)2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Consistency within the psychological processes is accepted as a precondition for efficient functioning and good health. Inconsistency in contrast impairs meeting the requirements of environment and therefore impairs the satisfaction of human needs. It is also seen as a stressor and having the potential to increase the vulnerability for mental disorders (Grawe, 1998, 2004). Incongruence is a form of Inconsistency, describing the divergency between the perception of reality and the goals of a person. Discordance as a second form of Inconsistency is the amount of conflict between goals, wishes and motives. According to the Consistency Theory of Grawe, these two forms of Inconsistency together with avoidance goals and satisfaction of human needs play an important role at the emergence and the maintenance of mental disorders, as well as for the wellbeing of humans. This study includes a short overview of the conceptions of Inconsistency in the psychological literature and a metaanalysis about the interrelations between forms of Inconsistency and characteristics of health and disease. The results support mostly the assumptions of Consistency Theory. Almost all forms of Inconsistency are associated with characteristics of subjective wellbeing, health and disease. One has to take into consideration, that most of the results come from correlational studies with only one measuring time. It is therefore not possible to distinguish between cause and effect.
Background: Recently, Cipriani and colleagues examined the relative efficacy of 12 new-generation antidepressants on major depression using network meta-analytic methods. They found that some of these medications outperformed others in patient response to treatment. However, several methodological criticisms have been raised about network meta-analysis and Cipriani’s analysis in particular which creates the concern that the stated superiority of some antidepressants relative to others may be unwarranted. Materials and Methods: A Monte Carlo simulation was conducted which involved replicating Cipriani’s network metaanalysis under the null hypothesis (i.e., no true differences between antidepressants). The following simulation strategy was implemented: (1) 1000 simulations were generated under the null hypothesis (i.e., under the assumption that there were no differences among the 12 antidepressants), (2) each of the 1000 simulations were network meta-analyzed, and (3) the total number of false positive results from the network meta-analyses were calculated. Findings: Greater than 7 times out of 10, the network meta-analysis resulted in one or more comparisons that indicated the superiority of at least one antidepressant when no such true differences among them existed. Interpretation: Based on our simulation study, the results indicated that under identical conditions to those of the 117 RCTs with 236 treatment arms contained in Cipriani et al.’s meta-analysis, one or more false claims about the relative efficacy of antidepressants will be made over 70% of the time. As others have shown as well, there is little evidence in these trials that any antidepressant is more effective than another. The tendency of network meta-analyses to generate false positive results should be considered when conducting multiple comparison analyses.
The Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group (CMSG), one of 53 groups of the not-for-profit, international Cochrane Collaboration, prepares, maintains, and disseminates systematic reviews of treatments for musculoskeletal diseases. It is important that authors conducting CMSG reviews and the readers of our reviews be aware of and use updated, state-of-the-art systematic review methodology. One hundred sixty reviews have been published. Previous method guidelines for systematic reviews of interventions in the musculoskeletal field published in 2006 have been substantially updated to incorporate methodological advances that are mandatory or highly desirable in Cochrane reviews and knowledge translation advances. The methodological advances include new guidance on searching, new risk-of-bias assessment, grading the quality of the evidence, the new Summary of Findings table, and comparative effectiveness using network metaanalysis. Method guidelines specific to musculoskeletal disorders are provided by CMSG editors for various aspects of undertaking a systematic review. These method guidelines will help improve the quality of reporting and ensure high standards of conduct as well as consistency across CMSG reviews.
OBJECTIVE Although protocol registration for systematic reviews is still not mandatory, reviewers should be strongly encouraged to register the protocol to identify the methodological approach, including all outcomes of interest. This will minimize the likelihood of biased decisions in reviews, such as selective outcome reporting. A group of international experts convened to address issues regarding the need to develop hierarchical lists of outcome measurement instruments for a particular outcome for metaanalyses. METHODS Multiple outcome measurement instruments exist to measure the same outcome. Metaanalysis of knee osteoarthritis (OA) trials, and the assessment of pain as an outcome, was used as an exemplar to assess how Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT), the Cochrane Collaboration, and other international initiatives might contribute in this area. The meeting began with formal presentations of background topics, empirical evidence from the literature, and a brief introduction to 2 existing hierarchical lists of pain outcome measurement instruments recommended for metaanalyses of knee OA trials. RESULTS After discussions, most participants agreed that there is a need to develop a methodology for generation of hierarchical lists of outcome measurement instruments to guide metaanalyses. Tools that could be used to steer development of such a prioritized list are the COSMIN checklist (Consensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement Instruments) and the OMERACT Filter 2.0. CONCLUSION We list meta-epidemiological research agenda items that address the frequency of reported outcomes in trials, as well as methodologies to assess the best measurement properties (i.e., truth, discrimination, and feasibility).
Bisphosphonates have proven effectiveness in preventing skeletal-related events (SREs) in advanced breast cancer, prostate cancer and multiple myeloma. The purpose of this study was to assess efficacy of bisphosphonates in preventing SREs, in controlling pain, and in increasing life expectancy in lung cancer patients with bone metastases.^ We performed an electronic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane library databases up to April 4, 2010. Hand searching and searching in clinicaltrials.gov were also performed. Two independent reviewers selected all clinical trials that included lung cancer patients with bone metastases treated with bisphosphonates. We excluded articles that involved cancers other than lung, patients without bone metastasis and treatment other than bisphosphonates. Outcome questions answered were efficacy measured as overall pain control, overall improvement in survival and reduction in skeletal-related events or SREs (fracture, cord compression, radiation or surgery to the bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy). The quality of each study was evaluated using the Cochrane Back Review group questionnaire to assess risk of bias (0-worst to 11-best). Data extraction and quality assessments were independently performed by two assessors. Meta-analyses were performed where more than one study with similar outcomes were found.^ We identified eight trials that met our inclusion criteria. Three studies evaluated zoledronic acid, three pamidronate, three clodronate and two ibandronate. Two were placebocontrol trials while two had multi-group comparisons (radiotherapy, radionucleotides, and chemotherapy) and two had different bisphosphonate as active controls. Quality scores ranged from 1-4 out of 11 suggesting high risk of bias. Studies failed to report adequate explanation of randomization procedures, concealment of randomization and blinding. Metaanalysis showed that patients treated with zoledronic acid alone had lower rates of developing SREs compared to placebo at 21 months (RR=0.80, 95% CI=0.66-0.97, p=0.02). Meta-analyses also showed increased pain control when a bisphosphonate was added to the existing treatment modality like chemotherapy or radiation (RR=1.17, 95% CI=1.03-1.34, p=0.02). However, pain control was not statistically significantly different among various bisphosphonates when other treatment modalities were not present. Despite improvement in SRE and pain control, bisphosphonates failed to show improvement in overall survival (Difference in means=109.1 days, 95% CI= -51.52 – 269.71, p=0.183).^ Adding biphosphonates to standard care improved pain control and reduced SREs. Biphosphonates did not improve overall survival. Further larger studies with higher quality are required to stengthen the evidence.^ Keywords/MeSH terms Bisphosphonates/diphosphonates: generic, chemical and trade names.^
The central problem of complex inheritance is to map oligogenes for disease susceptibility, integrating linkage and association over samples that differ in several ways. Combination of evidence over multiple samples with 1,037 families supports loci contributing to asthma susceptibility in the cytokine region on 5q [maximum logarithm of odds (lod) = 2.61 near IL-4], but no evidence for atopy. The principal problems with retrospective collaboration on linkage appear to have been solved, providing far more information than a single study. A multipoint lod table evaluated at commonly agreed reference loci is required for both collaboration and metaanalysis, but variations in ascertainment, pedigree structure, phenotype definition, and marker selection are tolerated. These methods are invariant with statistical methods that increase the power of lods and are applicable to all diseases, motivating collaboration rather than competition. In contrast to linkage, positional cloning by allelic association has yet to be extended to multiple samples, a prerequisite for efficient combination with linkage and the greatest current challenge to genetic epidemiology.
Objective: This paper reports key findings from an exploratory study of factors associated with women's decision to participate in mass mammography screening in Tasmania. In particular, we explored factors that contribute to the choice to participate in screening by women who are outside the primary target group, and for whom the evidence of benefit remains contentious. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a small sample of women aged between 40 and 49 years in rural Tasmania who had participated in mammography screening. Results: Key ideas that appeared to shape participation included the fear of breast cancer, trust in technology, and taking responsibility for health. Information provision is also an important factor in shaping participation patterns. Conclusions and implications: In order to facilitate informed consent, information provision in this area should take account of the dominant ideas that shape the decision to participate in breast cancer screening.
Objective To improve the accuracy and completeness of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy, to allow readers to assess the potential for bias in a study, and to evaluate a study's generalisability. Methods The Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) steering committee searched the literature to identify publications on the appropriate conduct and reporting of diagnostic studies and extracted potential items into an extensive list. Researchers, editors, and members of professional organisations shortened this list during a two day consensus meeting, with the goal of developing a checklist and a generic flow diagram for studies of diagnostic accuracy. Results The search for published guidelines about diagnostic research yielded 33 previously published checklists, from which we extracted a list of 75 potential items. At the consensus meeting, participants shortened the list to a 25 item checklist, by using evidence, whenever available. A prototype of a flow diagram provides information about the method of patient recruitment, the order of test execution, and the numbers of patients undergoing the test under evaluation and the reference standard, or both. Conclusions Evaluation of research depends on complete and accurate reporting. If medical journals adopt the STARD checklist and flow diagram, the quality of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy should improve to the advantage of clinicians, researchers, reviewers, journals, and the public.
Background: Because alcohol has multiple dose-dependent consequences, it is important to understand the causes of individual variation in the amount of alcohol used. The aims of this study were to assess the long-term repeatability and genetic or environmental causes of variation in alcohol intake and to estimate the degree of overlap with causes of susceptibility to alcohol dependence. Methods: Data were used from three studies conducted between 1980 and 1995 on volunteer adult male and female Australian twin subjects. In each study, alcohol intake was reported both as quantity X frequency and as past-week data. Repeatability was calculated as correlations between occasions and between measures, and the effects of genes and environment were estimated by multivariate model fitting to the twin pair repeated measures of alcohol use. Relationships between mean alcohol use and the lifetime history of DSM-III-R alcohol dependence were tested by bivariate model fitting. Results: Repeatability of the alcohol intake measures was between 0.54 and 0.85, with the highest repeatability between measures within study and the lowest repeatability between the first and last studies. Reported alcohol consumption was mainly affected by genetic factors affecting all times of study and by nonshared environmental factors (including measurement error) unique to each time of study. Genes that affect alcohol intake do affect alcohol dependence, but genetic effects unique to dependence are also significant; environmental effects are largely unique to either intake and dependence. Conclusions: Nearly all the repeatable component of variation in alcohol intake is due to genetic effects. Genes affecting intake also affect dependence risk, but there are other genes that affect dependence alone. Studies aiming to identify genes that affect alcohol use disorders need to test loci and candidate genes against both phenotypes.
Background: The aim of this article was to investigate the size and possible causes of the reported excess in coronary events on Mondays. Methods: We conducted a metaanalysis of data from the World Health Organization (WHO) MONICA Project, which monitored trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease. The MONICA Project was undertaken in 21 countries from 1980 to 1995. Results: We found a small overall excess rate of coronary events on Mondays. In a population experiencing 100 events per week, we estimate there would be approximately I more event on Monday than on any other day. Hierarchical logistic regression showed that the Monday excess was greater in centers with less thorough data collection procedures. Conclusions: The excess of coronary events on Mondays is probably an artifact resulting from events with uncertain dates being coded as taking place on Mondays.
This review paper compares the differences in prevalence, and environmental and genetic risk factors for Parkinson's disease between Chinese and Caucasian subjects. Comparison of age-specific prevalence between Chinese people and Caucasians suggests that the prevalence is lower in the Chinese ( at least in the past), although the prevalence rate in China appears to be rising. Distinctions in environmental risk factors and genetic factors are discussed. The difference in prevalence may be due to distinctions in environmental and genetic risk factors as well as the complex interaction between these environmental and genetic factors, although discrepancies in methodology for prevalence surveys can also be an explanation. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel.
There is a substantial body of work in the scientific literature discussing the role of risk-taking behavior in the causation of injury. Despite the quantity of diverse writings on the subject most is in the form of theoretical commentaries. This review was conducted to critically assess the empirical evidence supporting the association between injury and risk-taking behavior. The review found six case-control studies and one retrospective cohort study, which met all the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was not possible due to the diversity of the independent and outcome variables in each of the studies reviewed. Overall the review found that risk-taking behavior, however it is measured, is associated with an increased chance of sustaining an injury except in the case of high skilled, risk-taking sports where the effect may be in the other direction. Drawing specific conclusions from the research presented in this review is difficult without an agreed conceptual framework for examining risk-taking behavior and injury. Considerable work needs to be done to provide a convincing evidence base on which to build public health interventions around risk behavior. However, sufficient evidence exists to suggest that effort in this area may be beneficial for the health of the community. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.