210 resultados para MELANOMAS


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A nivel mundial, el cáncer mamario representa el 23% de las enfermedades oncológicas que afectan a las mujeres. En el año 2008 fue responsable de 458.400 muertes. Las probabilidades de curar a una paciente dependen del avance de la enfermedad en el momento del diagnóstico. La estimación del pronóstico y predicción del tratamiento de las pacientes es fundamental para el manejo clínico de la enfermedad. La metástasis en ganglios linfáticos, el tamaño y el grado tumoral son los factores pronóstico más importantes, mientras que la expresión de los receptores de estrógeno, progesterona y del factor de crecimiento epidérmico 2 son marcadores para la predicción de la respuesta a distintos tratamientos. Las células tumorales presentan un genoma y un epigenoma distinto a las células normales. La alteración epigenética mejor entendida y más estudiada es la metilación aberrante de genes reguladores del ciclo celular. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo identificar las alteraciones epigenéticas relacionadas con el cáncer de mama humano. Para ello el trabajo ha sido dividido en tres bloques. El primero, centrado en el estudio de las alteraciones epigenéticas de la carcinogénesis mamaria. El segundo, enfocado en establecer relaciones entre las alteraciones epigenéticas y los aspectos clínicos de la enfermedad. El tercero, enfocado en la detección no invasiva de procesos oncológicos en las pacientes. Esta tesis muestra los resultados del análisis de la metilación aberrante de 49 regiones del genoma involucradas en el desarrollo de enfermedades oncológicas. El estudio ha permitido determinar el perfil de metilación tumoral de 92 tumores mamarios invasores, 17 melanomas, 8 hepatoblastomas y 6 tumores de próstata. Las alteraciones en la metilación de estos genes es específica para cada paciente y la información epigenética permite diferenciar el proceso tumoral mamario del resto de los tumores. La cantidad y el tipo de genes afectados correlacionan con factores de mal pronóstico y factores que predicen respuesta a tratamientos. Las células que escapan a los ganglios mantienen la metilación aberrante del tumor primario, rasgo que ha servido para detectar ADN tumoral circulando en la sangre de las pacientes con la enfermedad. Los resultados aportan a un mejor entendimiento del proceso tumoral mamario y al futuro diseño de estudios para la detección temprana y no invasiva de la enfermedad.


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The genetic basis of spontaneous melanoma formation in spotted dorsal (Sd) Xiphophorus platyfish–swordtail hybrids has been studied for decades, and is adequately explained by a two-gene inheritance model involving a sex-linked oncogene, Xmrk, and an autosomal tumor suppressor, DIFF. The Xmrk oncogene encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase related to EGFR; the nature of the DIFF tumor suppressor gene is unknown. We analyzed the genetic basis of UV-B-induced melanoma formation in closely related, spotted side platyfish–swordtail hybrids, which carry a different sex-linked pigment pattern locus, Sp. We UV-irradiated spotted side Xiphophorus platyfish–swordtail backcross hybrids to induce melanomas at frequencies 6-fold higher than occur spontaneously in unirradiated control animals. To identify genetic determinants of melanoma susceptibility in this UV-inducible Xiphophorus model, we genotyped individual animals from control and UV-irradiated experimental regimes using allozyme and DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms and tested for joint segregation of genetic markers with pigmentation phenotype and UV-induced melanoma formation. Joint segregation results show linkage of a CDKN2-like DNA polymorphism with UV-B-induced melanoma formation in these hybrids. The CDKN2-like polymorphism maps to Xiphophorus linkage group V and exhibits recombination fractions with ES1 and MDH2 allozyme markers consistent with previous localization of the DIFF tumor suppressor locus. Our results indicate that the CDKN2-like sequence we have cloned and mapped is a candidate for the DIFF tumor suppressor gene.


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Recognition of self is emerging as a theme for the immune recognition of human cancer. One question is whether the immune system can actively respond to normal tissue autoantigens expressed by cancer cells. A second but related question is whether immune recognition of tissue autoantigens can actually induce tumor rejection. To address these issues, a mouse model was developed to investigate immune responses to a melanocyte differentiation antigen, tyrosinase-related protein 1 (or gp75), which is the product of the brown locus. In mice, immunization with purified syngeneic gp75 or syngeneic cells expressing gp75 failed to elicit antibody or cytotoxic T-cell responses to gp75, even when different immune adjuvants and cytokines were included. However, immunization with altered sources of gp75 antigen, in the form of either syngeneic gp75 expressed in insect cells or human gp75, elicited autoantibodies to gp75. Immunized mice rejected metastatic melanomas and developed patchy depigmentation in their coats. These studies support a model of tolerance maintained to a melanocyte differentiation antigen where tolerance can be broken by presenting sources of altered antigen (e.g., homologous xenogeneic protein or protein expressed in insect cells). Immune responses induced with these sources of altered antigen reacted with various processed forms of native, syngeneic protein and could induce both tumor rejection and autoimmunity.


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The putative tumor metastasis suppressor nm23H1 was originally identified in murine melanomas by subtraction cloning. It displays nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity and regulates cellular events, including growth and development. Recently nm23H1 has been reported to also act as a GTPase-activating protein of the Ras-related GTPase Rad. We attempted to determine whether nm23H1 also regulates Rho-family GTPases. Although we were unable to detect a direct association between nm23H1 and Rho-family GTPases, nm23H1 was shown to be associated with a Rac1-specific nucleotide exchange factor, Tiam1, by interaction with its amino-terminal region in extracts from the cells expressing exogenous Tiam1 and from native tissue. Overexpression of nm23H1 inhibited the Tiam1-induced production of GTP-bound Rac1 and activation of c-Jun kinase. On the other hand, forced overexpression of the wild type, but not the kinase-inactivated mutant of nm23H1, converted the GDP-bound forms of Rac1, Cdc42, and RhoA to their GTP-bound forms in vitro by its nucleoside diphosphate kinase activity, but nm23H1 alone apparently did not produce the GTP-bound form of these GTPases in vivo. These results suggest that nm23H1 negatively regulates Tiam1 and inhibits Rac1 activation in vivo. Moreover, adhesion-stimulated membrane ruffles of Rat1 fibroblasts were reduced by overexpression of nm23H1. Based on these observations, we concluded that we had identified a function of nm23H1 as a regulator of Rac1 and that it may be related to the effect of nm23H1 as a tumor metastasis suppressor.


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INTRODUÇÃO: o câncer é a doença que mais mata pessoas com idade abaixo de 85 anos e é um problema de saúde pública. Os tumores podem expressar em determinada fase de seu desenvolvimento proteínas anômalas que podem ser alvo de métodos diagnósticos e de intervenções terapêuticas. A expressão de NY-ESO-1 é detectada em 20 a 40% dos melanomas. Há evidências que esta expressão é mais freqüente em tumores de estágios mais avançados e está associada a um pior prognóstico. OBJETIVOS: determinar a frequência de expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 no melanoma cutâneo e tentar correlacioná-la com o índice de Breslow, aspectos histopatológicos do melanoma, incluindo o infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, e a morbi-mortalidade dos pacientes. MÉTODOS: o presente estudo é longitudinal de coorte retrospectiva e foi realizado de agosto de 2009 a outubro de 2015. Foram selecionados 89 melanomas de 87 pacientes do Ambulatório de Tumores do Departamento de Dermatologia da FMUSP, divididos em 3 grupos, sendo: grupo 1: 34 melanomas com índice de Breslow <= 1,0 mm; grupo 2: 29 melanomas com índice de Breslow entre 1,1 - 4,0 mm e grupo 3: 26 melanomas com índice de Breslow >= 4,0 mm. As lâminas dos exames anátomo-patológicos destes pacientes foram revisadas quanto ao diagnóstico de melanoma, seu índice de Breslow e a presença de infiltrado linfocítico tumoral. A seguir, realizou-se exame de imunohistoquímica para a determinação da presença do antígeno NY-ESO-1 em todos os 89 tumores coletados e em mais 20 nevos (11 displásicos e 9 intradérmicos) escolhidos ao acaso. Através da revisão dos dados do prontuário, foram obtidos os dados clínicos de: idade, sexo, raça, fototipo da pele, local de aparecimento do melanoma, status do linfonodo sentinela quando realizado, desenvolvimento de metástases e sobrevida dos pacientes. Os dados anátomo-patológicos do tumor analisados foram: tipo histológico, presença de ulceração, e tipo de infiltrado linfocítico tumoral. Nos melanomas que apresentavam infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, foram realizados testes imunohistoquímicos para pesquisa de células CD3+, CD8+, FoxP3+ e CD8+FoxP3+ (duplamente positivas). RESULTADOS: O antígeno NY-ESO-1 esteve presente em 19% dos melanomas cutâneos primários e não foi detectado em nenhum dos 20 nevos pesquisados. A expressão do antígeno NY-ESO-1 esteve estatisticamente relacionada a tumores com espessuras maiores. Apresentou também uma associação inversa com o tipo extensivo superficial em relação aos outros tipos histológicos. O infiltrado linfocítico tumoral dos melanomas NY-ESO-1 positivos continha menor número de células CD3+, que se encontravam isoladas ou arranjadas em pequenos grupos de até 5 células, o que contrastava significantemente com os tumores NY-ESO-1 negativos, com maior densidade de células CD3+, dispostas em grandes grupos, com 6 ou mais células. A expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 não esteve associada à idade, ao sexo, ao fototipo, ao sítio primário do tumor, à presença de ulceração, ao status do linfonodo sentinela, ao desenvolvimento de metástases ou à sobrevida. CONCLUSÕES: Há expressão de NY-ESO-1 em uma porcentagem considerável dos melanomas, principalmente nos mais espessos. O menor número de células CD3+ no infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, acrescido ao fato destas células estarem isoladas ou em pequenos grupos, sugere que embora imunogênico, a expressão do antígeno NY-ESO-1 não resulta num estímulo eficaz do sistema imune no combate ao tumor. O desenvolvimento de uma vacina para estes pacientes poderá, no futuro, aumentar as possibilidades terapêuticas do melanoma


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Little is known about the correlation between the loss of p16 expression and tumor progression in familial melanoma; no systematic study has been conducted on p16 expression in melanocytic tumors from patients carrying germline CDKN2A mutations. We analyzed 98 early primary lesions from familial patients, previously tested for germline CDKN2A status, by quantitative immunohistochemistry using 3 p16 antibodies. We found that p16 expression was inversely correlated with tumor progression and was significantly lower in melanomas,. including in situ lesions, than in nevi. Of other features analyzed, tumor thickness showed the most significant correlation with p16 levels. Lesions from mutation-negative patients displayed combined nuclear and cytoplasmic staining. However, some mutation-positive lesions (ie, G101W, 113insR, M53I, R24P, and 33ins24), including benign nevi, showed nuclear mislocalization, confirming previous studies suggesting that subcellular distribution indicates functional impairment of p16. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Selective destruction of malignant tumor cells without damaging normal cells is an important goal for cancer chemotherapy in the 21st century. Differentiating agents that transform cancer cells to either a nonproliferating or normal phenotype could potentially be tissue-specific and avoid side effects of current drugs. However, most compounds that are presently known to differentiate cancer cells are histone deacetylase inhibitors that are of low potency or suffer from low bioavailability, rapid metabolism, reversible differentiation, and nonselectivity for cancer cells over normal cells. Here we describe 36 nonpeptidic compounds derived from a simple cysteine scaffold, fused at the C-terminus to benzylamine, at the N-terminus to a small library of carboxylic acids, and at the S-terminus to 4-butanoyl hydroxamate. Six compounds were cytotoxic at nanomolar concentrations against a particularly aggressive human melanoma cell line (MM96L), four compounds showed selectivities of greater than or equal to5:1 for human melanoma over normal human cells (NFF), and four of the most potent compounds were further tested and found to be cytotoxic for six other human cancer cell lines (melanomas SK-MEL-28, DO4; prostate DU145; breast MCF-7; ovarian JAM, CI80-13S). The most active compounds typically caused hyperacetylation of histones, induced p21 expression, and reverted phenotype of surviving tumor cells to a normal morphology. Only one compound was given orally at 5 mg/kg to healthy rats to look for bioavailaiblity, and it showed reasonably high levels in plasma (C-max 6 mug/mL, T-max 15 min) for at least 4 h. Results are sufficiently promising to support further work on refining this and related classes of compounds to an orally active, more tumor-selective, antitumor drug.


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Community responses (n = 925, response rate = 71%) of a series of eight photographs of pigmented skin lesions were compared against those of general practitioners (n = 114, response rate = 77%), considered to be the most relevant gold standard. The eight photographs included three melanomas, two potentially malignant lesions and three benign pigmented lesions. Over the pool of lesions examined, the average probability that community members thought a lesion was likely to be skin cancer (0.68 [99% CI = 0.66-0.69]) was higher (p < 0.0001) than that of the comparison general practitioners 0.58 [99% CI = 0.55-0.62]. This reflects a general (but not consistent) inflated propensity to over-diagnose among community members. The average probability that respondents indicated they would seek medical advice for a lesion was 0.71 [99% CI = 0.70-0.73]. As expected, this was strongly associated with their perceptions of the skin lesion. These results suggest that the community can play a valuable role in assessing the need for medical evaluation of pigmented skin lesions. (c) 2004 International Society for Preventive Oncology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background : Within a randomized trial of population screening for melanoma, primary care physicians conducted whole-body skin examinations and referred all patients with suspect lesions to their own doctor for further treatment. Objective: Our aim was to describe characteristics of skin screening participants, clinical screening diagnoses, management following referral, and specificity and yield of screening examinations. Methods: Information collected from consent forms, referral forms, and histopathological reports of lesions that had been excised or undergone biopsy was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 16,383 whole-body skin examinations resulted in 2302 referrals (14.1% overall; 15.5% men, 18.2% >= 50 years of age) for 4129 suspect lesions (including 222 suspected melanoma, 1101 suspected basal cell carcinomas [BCCs], 265 suspected squamous cell carcinomas [SCCs]). Histopathologic results were available for 94.8% of 1417 lesions excised and confirmed 33 melanomas (23 in men; 24 in participants ? 50 years of age), 259 BCCs, and 97 SCCs. The probability of detecting skin cancer of any type within the program was 2.4%. The estimated specificity of whole-body skin examinations for melanoma was 86.1% (95% confidence interval = 85.6-86.6). The positive predictive value (number of confirmed/number of lesions excised or biopsied x 100) for melanoma was 2.5%, 19.3% for BCC, and 7.2% for SCC (overall positive predictive value for skin cancer, 28.9%). Limitations: Follow-up of participants with a negative screening examination has not been conducted for the present investigation. Conclusions: The rate of skin cancer detected per 100 patients screened was higher than previously reported and men and attendees older than 50 years more frequently received a referral and diagnosis of melanoma. The specificity for detection of melanoma through whole-body skin examination by a primary care physician was comparable to that of other screening tests, including mammography.


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Purpose: To describe the surgical technique and results of en bloc excision in a series of patients with extensive malignant tumors of the lacrimal drainage apparatus (LDA). Methods: This was a noncomparative, retrospective chart review of the clinical and pathologic findings of 11 patients presenting with a malignant tumor affecting the LDA who underwent en bloc excision of the lacrimal system. Results: Of the 11 patients, 7 were male. The mean age at presentation was 58 years (range, 39 to 81 years), and all cases were unilateral. Histopathology revealed 4 squamous cell carcinomas, 3 transitional cell carcinomas, 2 mucoepidermoid carcinomas, and 2 melanomas. Epiphora and a mass were the most common presentations. An external lesion could be identified in 4 cases. Irrigation of the lacrimal system revealed nasolacrimal duct obstruction in 2 cases and common canaliculus obstruction in another 2 patients. The entire LDA and surrounding bony tissues were excised through a lateral rhinotomy approach. Adjuvant radiotherapy was given in 4 cases. Nine patients remain alive and well after a mean follow-up of 2 years (range, 6 months to 7 years). Three cases showed distant disease and 2 patients died of metastatic melanoma involvement. Conclusions: The use of en bloc excision as a radical treatment to remove the complete LDA and surrounding bony structures affords good local tumor control and may provide the best opportunity for enhanced patient survival.


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Background: Early detection of melanoma has been encouraged in Queensland for many years, yet little is known about the patterns of detection and the way in which they relate to tumor thickness. Objective: Our purpose was to describe current patterns of melanoma detection in Queensland. Methods: This was a population-based study, comprising 3772 Queensland residents diagnosed with a histologically confirmed melanoma between 2000 and 2003. Results: Almost half (44.0%) of the melanomas were detected by the patients themselves, with physicians detecting one fourth (25.3%) and partners one fifth (18.6%). Melanomas detected by doctors were more likely to be thin (\0.75 mm) than those detected by the patient or other layperson. Melanomas detected during a deliberate skin examination were thinner than those detected incidentally. Limitations: Although a participation rate of 78% was achieved, as in any survey, nonresponse bias cannot be completely excluded, and the ability of the results to be generalized to other geographical areas is unknown. Conclusion: There are clear differences in the depth distribution of melanoma in terms of method of detection and who detects the lesions that are consistent with, but do not automatically lead to, the conclusion that promoting active methods of detection may be beneficial. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2006;54:783-92.)


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Objective: To describe the workload profile in a network of Australian skin cancer clinics. Design and setting: Analysis of billing data for the first 6 months of 2005 in a primary-care skin cancer clinic network, consisting of seven clinics and staffed by 20 doctors, located in the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales. Main outcome measures: Consultation to biopsy ratio (CBR); biopsy to treatment ratio (BTR); number of benign naevi excised per melanoma (number needed to treat [NNT]). Results: Of 69780 billed activities, 34 622 (49.6%) were consultations, 19 358 (27.7%) biopsies, 8055 (11.5%) surgical excisions, 2804 (4.0%) additional surgical repairs, 1613 (2.3%) non-surgical treatments of cancers and 3328 (4.8%) treatments of premalignant or non-malignant lesions. A total of 6438 cancers were treated (116 melanomas by excision, 4709 non-melanoma skin cancers [NMSCs] by excision, and 1613 NMSCs non-surgically); 5251 (65.2%) surgical wounds were repaired by direct suture, 2651 (32.9%) by a flap (of which 44.8% were simple flaps), 42 (0.5%) by wedge excision and 111 (1.4%) by grafts. The CBR was 1.79, the BTR was 3.1 and the NNT was 28.6. Conclusions: In this network of Australian skin cancer clinics, one in three biopsies identified a skin cancer (BTR, 3.1), and about 29 benign lesions were excised per melanoma (NNT, 28.6). The estimated NNT was similar to that reported previously in general practice. More data are needed on health outcomes, including effectiveness of treatment and surgical repair.


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Objectives Queensland, the north-eastern state of Australia, has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world. Control measures started earlier here than probably anywhere else in the world; early detection programmes started in the 1960s and primary prevention in the 1980s. Data from the population-based Queensland Cancer Registry therefore provide an internationally unique data source with which to assess trends for in situ and invasive melanomas and to consider the implications for early detection and primary prevention. Methods We used Poisson regression to estimate the annual percentage change in rates across 21 years of incidence data for in situ and invasive lesions, stratified by age and sex. Joinpoint analyses were used to assess whether there had been a statistically significant change in the trends. Results In situ melanomas increased by 10.4% (95% CI: 10.1%, 11.1%) per year among males and 8.4% (7.9%, 8.9%) per year among females. The incidence of invasive lesions also increased, but not as quickly; males 2.6% (2.4%, 2.8%), females 1.2% (0.9%, 1.5%). Valid data on thickness was only available for 1991 to 2002 and for this period thin-invasive lesions were increasing faster than thick-invasive lesions (for example, among males: thin 3.8%, thick 2.0%). We found some suggestive evidence of lower proportionate increase for the most recent years for both in-situ and invasive lesions, but this did not achieve statistical significance. Among people younger than 35 years, the incidence of invasive melanoma was stable and there was a suggestion of a birth cohort effect from about 1958. Mortality rates were stable across all ages, and there was a suggestion of decreasing rates among young women, although this did not achieve statistical significance. Conclusion Age-standardised incidence is continuing to increase and this, in combination with a shift to proportionately more in situ lesions, suggests that the stabilisation of mortality rates is due, in large part, to earlier detection. For primary prevention, after a substantial period of sustained effort in Queensland, there is some suggestive, but not definitive, evidence that progress is being made. Incidence rates are stabilising in those younger than 35 years and the proportionate increase for both in situ and invasive lesions appears to be lower for the most recent period compared with previous periods. However, even taking the most favourable view of these trends, primary prevention is unlikely to lead to decreases in the overall incidence rate of melanoma for at least another 20 years. Consequently, the challenge for primary prevention programmes will be to maintain momentum over the long term. If this can be achieved, the eventual public-health benefits are likely to be substantial.


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Chemotherapy in the last century was characterized by cytotoxic drugs that did not discriminate between cancerous and normal cell types and were consequently accompanied by toxic side effects that were often dose limiting. The ability of differentiating agents to selectively kill cancer cells or transform them to a nonproliferating or normal phenotype could lead to cell- and tissue-specific drugs without the side effects of current cancer chemotherapeutics. This may be possible for a new generation of histone deacetylase inhibitors derived from amino acids. Structure-activity relationships are now reported for 43 compounds derived from 2-aminosuberic acid that kill a range of cancer cells, 26 being potent cytotoxins against MM96L melanoma cells (IC50 20 nM-1 mu M), while 17 were between 5- and 60-fold more selective in killing MM96L melanoma cells versus normal (neonatal foreskin fibroblasts, NFF) cells. This represents a 10- to 100-fold increase in potency and up to a 10-fold higher selectivity over previously reported compounds derived from cysteine (J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 2984). Selectivity is also an underestimate, because the normal cells, NFF, are rarely all killed by the drugs that also induce selective blockade of the cell cycle for normal but not cancer cells. Selected compounds were tested against a panel of human cancer cell lines (melanomas, prostate, breast, ovarian, cervical, lung, and colon) and found to be both selective and potent cytotoxins (IC50 20 nM-1 mu M). Compounds in this class typically inhibit human histone deacetylases, as evidenced by hyperacetylation of histones in both normal and cancer cells, induce expression of p21, and differentiate surviving cancer cells to a nonproliferating phenotype. These compounds may be valuable leads for the development of new chemotherapeutic agents.