749 resultados para MARKETING INTERATIVO


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The discussion of a service-dominant logic has made the findings of decades of service marketing research a topic of interest for marketing at large. Some fundamental aspects of the logic such as value creation and its marketing implications are more complex than they have been treated as so far and need to be further developed to serve marketing theory and practice well. Following the analysis in the present article it is argued that although customers are co-producers in service processes, according to the value-in-use notion adopted in the contemporary marketing and management literature they are fundamentally the creators of value for themselves. Furthermore, it is concluded that although by providing goods and services as input resources into customers’ consumption and value-generating processes firms are fundamentally value facilitators, interactions with customers that exist or can be created enable firms to engage themselves with their customers’ processes and thereby they become co-creators of value with their customers. As marketing implications it is observed that 1) the goal of marketing is to support customers’ value creation, 2) following a service logic and due to the existence of interactions where the firm’s and the customer’s processes merge into an integrated joint value creation process, the firm is not restricted to making value propositions only, but can directly and actively influence the customer’s value fulfilment as well and extend its marketing process to include activities during customer-firm interactions, and 3) although all goods and services are consumed as service, customers’ purchasing decisions can be expected to be dependant of whether they have the skills and interest to use a resource, such as a good, as service or want to buy extended market offerings including process-related elements. Finally, the analysis concludes with five service logic theses.


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Information diffusion and influence maximization are important and extensively studied problems in social networks. Various models and algorithms have been proposed in the literature in the context of the influence maximization problem. A crucial assumption in all these studies is that the influence probabilities are known to the social planner. This assumption is unrealistic since the influence probabilities are usually private information of the individual agents and strategic agents may not reveal them truthfully. Moreover, the influence probabilities could vary significantly with the type of the information flowing in the network and the time at which the information is propagating in the network. In this paper, we use a mechanism design approach to elicit influence probabilities truthfully from the agents. Our main contribution is to design a scoring rule based mechanism in the context of the influencer-influencee model. In particular, we show the incentive compatibility of the mechanisms and propose a reverse weighted scoring rule based mechanism as an appropriate mechanism to use.


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We consider the problem of devising incentive strategies for viral marketing of a product. In particular, we assume that the seller can influence penetration of the product by offering two incentive programs: a) direct incentives to potential buyers (influence) and b) referral rewards for customers who influence potential buyers to make the purchase (exploit connections). The problem is to determine the optimal timing of these programs over a finite time horizon. In contrast to algorithmic perspective popular in the literature, we take a mean-field approach and formulate the problem as a continuous-time deterministic optimal control problem. We show that the optimal strategy for the seller has a simple structure and can take both forms, namely, influence-and-exploit and exploit-and-influence. We also show that in some cases it may optimal for the seller to deploy incentive programs mostly for low degree nodes. We support our theoretical results through numerical studies and provide practical insights by analyzing various scenarios.


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Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is an integral part of the Indian industrial sector. The distinctive features of MSMEs are less capital investment and high labour absorption which has created unprecedented importance to this sector. As per the Development Commissioner of MSME, the sector has the credit of being the second highest in employment in India, which stands next to agricultural sector. The MSMEs are very much needed in efficiently allocating the enormous labour supply and scarce capital by implementing labour intensive production processes. Associated with this high growth rates, MSMEs are also facing a number of problems like sub-optimal scale of operation, technological obsolescence, supply chain inefficiencies, increasing domestic and global competition, fund shortages, change in manufacturing & marketing strategies, turbulent and uncertain market scenario. To survive with such issues and compete with large and global enterprises, MSMEs need to adopt innovative approaches in their regular business operations. Among the manufacturing sectors, we find that they are unable to focus themselves in the present competition. This paper presents a brief literature of work done in MSMEs, Innovation and Strategic marketing with reference to Indian manufacturing firms.


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Resumen: Mientras que el marketing está asociado con prácticas negativas que involucran la explotación y la deshonestidad, Anton Jamnik afirma la necesidad de crear una teoría ética para éste. El artículo intenta brindar, por un lado, un breve bosquejo de las principales corrientes de la literatura de la ética del marketing y, por otro, participar de su desarrollo. El autor analiza los desafíos éticos que sur girán en el futuro, provenientes de tres fuentes distintas: las innovaciones tecnológicas, la influencia de la competencia global y la expansión de las actividades de mercado en áreas no tradicionales. Esto requerirá el desarrollo de una ética normativa realista. Para concluir, explica que la ética del marketing debería analizar hasta qué punto ha sido exitosa a la hora de resolver los desafíos éticos del mundo actual.


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[ES] El agroturismo vasco, que data del año 1988, responde a una modalidad de turismo desarrollada en el medio rural, con la peculiaridad de llevarse a cabo en una explotación agraria y ser desempeñada por agricultores que combinan su labor agrícola con la prestación de servicios. La aplicación del marketing en esta forma turística ha sido hasta el momento escasa y se ha canalizado básicamente a través de la Administración Autonómica.


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[ES] Actualmente las empresas se enfrentan a un nuevo reto: la integración de los aspectos medioambientales en la gestión y toma de decisiones empresariales. Varios han sido los factores desencadenantes, que han inducido a la Economía de la Empresa y al Marketing a introducir la variable medio ambiente en sus planteamientos, en aras a conformar una base teórica sistematizada que permita abordar con éxito las necesidades medioambientales de la clientela y de la sociedad. En este trabajo se analizan los factores que han contribuido a incrementar la importancia de la variable medio ambiente en la empresa, así como las causas que, en su día, motivaron su exclusión.


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[ES] En este trabajo se argumenta y se evidencia (con el análisis de algunos casos de empresas vascas), que para las empresas de servicios, la calidad y más concretamente la gestión de la calidad basada en los postulados de la filosofía de Gestión de Calidad Total y recogidos en modelos como el modelo EFQM de excelencia, es la vía esencial de diferenciación, competitividad y fidelización de la clientela. De ello se deriva también el papel esencial que en la competitividad de las empresas de servicios despeña el Marketing Interno.


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Ponencia aceptada y defendida en el XVI Congreso Nacional y XII Hispano-Francés de AEDEM, celebrado en Alicante, en junio de 2002.


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Extracto del trabajo de investigación presentado en el programa de doctorado, que además está incluido en el formato de artículo en los anales (proceedings) de las II Jornadas Internacionales de Marketing Público y No Lucrativo (Zaragoza, abril de 2003).


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[ES] Este trabajo, que se circunscribe en el ámbito de la pequeña empresa familiar, tiene como principal objetivo analizar la importancia que dichas empresas conceden a las diferentes dimensiones de la gestión estratégica del marketing en función de una serie de características demográficas y de evolución generacional. Con este fin, se ha realizado un estudio de naturaleza cuantitativa a través de encuestas personales dirigidas tanto a predecesores como a sucesores de una muestra de empresas familiares.