950 resultados para Mäkipää, Tea
Objectives Effective skin antisepsis and disinfection of medical devices are key factors in preventing many healthcare-acquired infections associated with skin microorganisms, particularly Staphylococcus epidermidis. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial efficacy of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHG), a widely used antiseptic in clinical practice, alone and in combination with tea tree oil (TTO), eucalyptus oil (EO) and thymol against planktonic and biofilm cultures of S. epidermidis. Methods Antimicrobial susceptibility assays against S. epidermidis in a suspension and in a biofilm mode of growth were performed with broth microdilution and ATP bioluminescence methods, respectively. Synergy of antimicrobial agents was evaluated with the chequerboard method. Results CHG exhibited antimicrobial activity against S. epidermidis in both suspension and biofilm (MIC 2–8 mg/L). Of the essential oils thymol exhibited the greatest antimicrobial efficacy (0.5–4 g/L) against S. epidermidis in suspension and biofilm followed by TTO (2–16 g/L) and EO (4–64 g/L). MICs of CHG and EO were reduced against S. epidermidis biofilm when in combination (MIC of 8 reduced to 0.25–1 mg/L and MIC of 32–64 reduced to 4 g/L for CHG and EO, respectively). Furthermore, the combination of EO with CHG demonstrated synergistic activity against S. epidermidis biofilm with a fractional inhibitory concentration index of <0.5. Conclusions The results from this study suggest that there may be a role for essential oils, in particular EO, for improved skin antisepsis when combined with CHG.
EPA has been clinically shown to reduce muscle wasting during cancer cachexia. This study investigates whether curcumin or green tea extract (GTE) enhances the ability of low doses of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to reduce loss of muscle protein in an in vitro model. A low dose of EPA with minimal anti-cachectic activity was chosen to evaluate any potential synergistic effect with curcumin or GTE. Depression of protein synthesis and increase in degradation was determined in C2C12 myotubes in response to tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). EPA (50 μM) or curcumin (10 μg ml−1) alone had little effect on protein degradation caused by PIF but the combination produced complete inhibition, as did the combination with GTE (10 μg ml−1). In response to TNF-α (25 ng ml−1)-induced protein degradation, EPA had a small, but not significant effect on protein degradation; however, when curcumin and GTE were combined with EPA, the effect was enhanced. EPA completely attenuated the depression of protein synthesis caused by TNF-α, but not that caused by PIF. The combination of EPA with curcumin produced a significant increase in protein synthesis to both agents. GTE alone or in combination with EPA had no effect on the depression of protein synthesis by TNF-α, but did significantly increase protein synthesis in PIF-treated cells. Both TNF-α and PIF significantly reduced myotube diameter from 17 to 13 μm for TNF-α (23.5%) and 15 μm (11.8%) for PIF However the triple combination of EPA, curcumin and GTE returned diameters to values not significantly different from the control. These results suggest that either curcumin or GTE or the combination could enhance the anti-catabolic effect of EPA on lean body mass.
The presence of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in regular schools has increased and with it, the need to develop interventional strategies that enhance their learning. One of the tools that can facilitate this process is Mediated Learning, defined as an interaction style where the teacher selects, modifies, enhances, and interprets environmental stimuli in order to promote student learning. In recent years several studies have used the Mediated Learning Experience Scale (MLE; Lidz, 1991) as a tool to assess the mediator behavior. These studies have suggested that the EAM Scale can provide important guidelines for planning educational interventions, particularly those involving students with special needs. In order to extend these findings, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of an intervention based on the Mediated Learning Experience on social / academic skills of a child with ASD, enrolled in the 4th grade of a regular elementary school. This collaborative study was held in the city of Parnamirim, state of Rio Grande do Norte, in 2014. A 9-year old boy with ASD and his teacher participated in the study. The research used a quasi-experimental A-B design (baseline and treatment) to evaluate the teacher's behavior. Qualitative procedures were also used to analyze the dyad´s responses. Teacher and student behaviors were observed in three school routines during baseline. Based on the results of this phase, a training program was designed for the teacher. Dyad behavior was analyzed again after training in the same routines. The results of this phase showed qualitative and quantitative changes in levels of teacher mediation. Additionally, data indicated that the child enhanced his social and academic skills during the intervention.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Esta guía nace de años de experiencia trabajando con alumnos con TEA y de relaciones con otros profesionales tanto del ámbito educativo como del terapéutico; en ella se puede encontrar una serie de recomendaciones, actividades e ideas para trabajar en los recreos las habilidades sociales, y su lectura permite el desarrollo de pautas de intervención en habilidades socio-comunicativas en alumnos con TEA y en sus compañeros. El recreo es el momento del día en el que todos los alumnos se relacionan con otros iguales. Teniendo en consideración las dificultades que presentan los alumnos con TEA en los aspectos socio-comunicativos, es imprescindible una intervención explícita e individualizada sobre ellos. Para llevar a cabo dicha intervención y desarrollar las competencias socio-comunicativas de estos alumnos, se ha de ofrecer apoyos ajustados a sus necesidades, que les ayuden a comprender mejor las situaciones sociales del día a día, así como mostrar una conducta más adaptada a las mismas.
Esta guía pretende ofrecer recomendaciones para mejorar la interrelación profesional sanitario-paciente y facilitar el acceso de las personas con TEA a los Servicios de Urgencias Hospitalarias de Castilla y León. Los contenidos se estructuran en torno a 4 bloques fundamentales: el Bloque 1 contextualiza y justifica la necesidad de la guía; el Bloque 2 define y describe las características y dificultades de las personas con TEA; el Bloque 3 concreta las medidas de accesibilidad de los SUH; el Bloque 4 pone de manifiesto el circuito asistencial en los SUH; y el Bloque 5 contiene anexos que abordan de manera más específica algunos aspectos contemplados en los bloques anteriores. Esta guía ha sido fruto de la observación, el análisis y la reflexión de un conjunto de profesionales sanitarios y técnicos de las asociaciones de padres de personas con autismo de Castilla y León, y pretende ser una herramienta de trabajo sencilla, útil, manejable y eminentemente práctica.
Rhipicephalus australis (formerly Boophilus microplus) is a one host tick responsible for major economic loss in tropical and subtropical cattle production enterprises. Control is largely dependent on the application of acaricides but resistance has developed to most currently registered chemical groups. Repellent compounds that prevent initial attachment of tick larvae offer a potential alternative to control with chemical toxicants. The repellent effects of Melaleuca alternifolia oil (TTO) emulsions and two β-cyclodextrin complex formulations, a slow release form (SR) and a modified faster release form (FR), were examined in a series of laboratory studies. Emulsions containing 4% and 5% TTO applied to cattle hair in laboratory studies completely repelled ascending tick larvae for 24 h whereas 2% and 3% formulations provided 80% protection. At 48 h, 5% TTO provided 78% repellency but lower concentrations repelled less than 60% of larvae. In a study conducted over 15 days, 3% TTO emulsion applied to cattle hair provided close to 100% repellency for 2 days, but then protection fell to 23% by day 15. The FR formulation gave significantly greater repellency than the emulsion and the SR formulation from day 3 until the end of the study (P < 0.05), providing almost complete repellency at day 3 (99.5%), then decreasing over the period of the study to 49% repellency at day 15. Proof of concept is established for the use of appropriately designed controlled-release formulations to extend the period of repellency provided by TTO against R. australis larvae.