642 resultados para Lundqvist, Björn


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La obsolescencia programada es el deseo de tener algo un poco más nuevo, un poco mejor, un poco más rápido de lo necesario. El texto estudia este fenómeno a la luz del Estatuto del Consumidor – Ley 1480 de 2011 para determinar si el consumidor colombiano está suficientemente protegido con él.


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Introducción: La disminución de flujo en los vasos coronarios sin presencia de oclusión, es conocido como fenómeno de no reflujo, se observa después de la reperfusión, su presentación oscila entre el 5% y el 50% dependiendo de la población y de los criterios diagnósticos, dicho suceso es de mal pronóstico, aumenta el riesgo de morir en los primeros 30 días posterior a la angioplastia (RR 2,1 p 0,038), y se relaciona con falla cardiaca y arritmias, por eso al identificar los factores a los cuales se asocia, se podrán implementar terapias preventivas. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles pareado por médico que valoró el evento, para garantizar que no existieron variaciones inter observador, con una razón 1:4 (18:72), realizado para identificar factores asociados a la presencia de no reflujo en pacientes llevados a angioplastia, entre noviembre de 2010 y mayo de 2014, en la Clínica San Rafael de Bogotá, D.C. Resultados: La frecuencia del no reflujo fue del 2.89%. El Infarto Agudo de Miocardio con elevación del ST (IAMCEST) fue la única variable que mostró una asociación estadísticamente significativa con este suceso, valor de p 0,002, OR 8,7, IC 95% (2,0 – 36,7). Discusión: El fenómeno de no reflujo en esta población se comportó de manera similar a lo descrito en la literatura, siendo el IAMCEST un factor fuertemente asociado.


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Se analiza la aparición de la universidad moderna orientada hacia la investigación, en función de tres tradiciones asociadas a la importancia de las funciones claves del conocimiento de las instituciones de la educación y enseñanza superior: la educación general o liberal de los no graduados, la formación profesional y la investigación y formación investigadora respectivamente. Se tratan también los problemas de la investigación universitaria que surgen al producirse un crecimiento asimétrico de la enseñanza superior y la investigación después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Por último, se perfilan algunos pasos dirigidos a la obtención de una estrategia para hacer frente a los problemas que se exponen.


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Different systems, different purposes – but how do they compare as learning environments? We undertook a survey of students at the University, asking whether they learned from their use of the systems, whether they made contact with other students through them, and how often they used them. Although it was a small scale survey, the results are quite enlightening and quite surprising. Blackboard is populated with learning material, has all the students on a module signed up to it, a safe environment (in terms of Acceptable Use and some degree of staff monitoring) and provides privacy within the learning group (plus lecturer and relevant support staff). Facebook, on the other hand, has no learning material, only some of the students using the system, and on the face of it, it has the opportunity for slips in privacy and potential bullying because the Acceptable Use policy is more lax than an institutional one, and breaches must be dealt with on an exception basis, when reported. So why do more students find people on their courses through Facebook than Blackboard? And why are up to 50% of students reporting that they have learned from using Facebook? Interviews indicate that students in subjects which use seminars are using Facebook to facilitate working groups – they can set up private groups which give them privacy to discuss ideas in an environment which perceived as safer than Blackboard can provide. No staff interference, unless they choose to invite them in, and the opportunity to select who in the class can engage. The other striking finding is the difference in use between the genders. Males are using blackboard more frequently than females, whilst the reverse is true for Facebook. Interviews suggest that this may have something to do with needing to access lecture notes… Overall, though, it appears that there is little relationship between the time spent engaging with Blackboard and reports that students have learned from it. Because Blackboard is our central repository for notes, any contact is likely to result in some learning. Facebook, however, shows a clear relationship between frequency of use and perception of learning – and our students post frequently to Facebook. Whilst much of this is probably trivia and social chit chat, the educational elements of it are, de facto, contructivist in nature. Further questions need to be answered - Is the reason the students learn from Facebook because they are creating content which others will see and comment on? Is it because they can engage in a dialogue, without the risk of interruption by others?


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Competency management is a very important part of a well-functioning organisation. Unfortunately competency descriptions are not uniformly specified nor defined across borders: National, sectorial or organisational, leading to an opaque competency description market with a multitude of competency frameworks and competency benchmarks. An ontology is a formalised description of a domain, which enables automated reasoning engines to be built which by utilising the interrelations between entities can make “intelligent” choices in different situations within the domain. Introducing formalised competency ontologies automated tools, such as skill gap analysis, training suggestion generation, job search and recruitment, can be developed, which compare and contrast different competency descriptions on the semantic level. The major problem with defining a common formalised ontology for competencies is that there are so many viewpoints of competencies and competency frameworks. Work within the TRACE project has focused on finding common trends within different competency frameworks in order to allow an intermediate competency description to be made, which other frameworks can reference. This research has shown that competencies can be divided up into “knowledge”, “skills” and what we call “others”. An ontology has been created based on this with a simple structure of different “kinds” of “knowledges” and “skills” using semantic interrelations to define the basic semantic structure of the ontology. A prototype tool for analysing a skill gap analysis has been developed. Personal profiles can be produced using the tool and a skill gap analysis is performed on a desired competency profile by using an ontologically based inference engine, which is able to list closest fit and possible proficiency gaps


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For several years, online educational tools such as Blackboard have been used by Universities to foster collaborative learning in an online setting. Such tools tend to be implemented in a top-down fashion, with the institution providing the tool to the students and instructing them to use it. Recently, however, a more informal, bottom up approach is increasingly being employed by the students themselves in the form of social networks such as Facebook. With over 9,000 registered Facebook users at the beginning of this study, rising to over 12,000 at the University of Reading alone, Facebook is becoming the de facto social network of choice for higher education students in the UK, and there was increasing anecdotal evidence that students were actively learning via Facebook rather than through BlackBoard. To test the validity of these anecdotes, a questionnaire was sent to students, asking them about their learning experiences via BlackBoard and Facebook. The results show that students are making use of the tools available to them even when there is no formal academic content, and that increased use of a social networking tool is correlated with a reported increase in learning as a result of that use.


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The Learning Landscape project described here is known as RedGloo and has several objectives; among others it aims to help students to make friends, contacts and join communities based on interests and competencies. RedGloo provides a space where students can support each other with personal, academic and career development, sharing insights gained from extracurricular activities as well as their degree programmes. It has shown tendencies of becoming a learning community with several communities of practice.


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This paper argues the need for the information communication technology (ICT), labor exchange (job boards), and Human Capital ontology engineers (ontoEngineers) to jointly design and socialize an upper level meta-ontology for people readiness and career portability. These enticing ontology research topics have yielded "independent" results, but have yet to meet the more broader or "universal" requirement that emerging frameworks demand. This paper will focus on the need to universally develop an upper level ontology and provide the reader concepts and models that can be transformed into marketable solutions.


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The term “Digital Identity” is used here to describe the persona a person projects across the internet. Your Digital Identity as perceived by other people is made up of material that you post yourself (for example photographs on Flickr and your own web page) but it also is made up of material other people put there about you (blog posts that mention you, photographs in which you are tagged). The “This is Me” project has developed resources that can be used by students and others to appreciate what their Digital Identity is and how they can control it to help present the persona with the reputation that they want.