989 resultados para Lonicera japonica Thunb.


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为了解阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林的种子雨组成及其在时间和空间上的动态变化,在长白山阔叶红松林25hm2样地内,设置了150个种子收集器,收集掉落于种子收集器中的果实、种子等。所有收集到的样品分别鉴定其种类并分为成熟种实、未成熟种实、花序和果实或种子碎片及其附属物4类,计算各类别的数量,而后分别烘干秤重。从2005年6月到2006年11月,共收集到隶属11科12属20种的种实及其生殖器官残体。累计收集到121291粒种实,其中成熟种实23147粒,仅占所有种实总个体数的19.1%。种实数最多的树种是紫椴(Tilia amurensis)和水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica),两个树种种实的个体数占总个体数的90%。对2006年5月~11月种子雨季节动态的分析发现:种实在7月中旬至10月下旬数量极大,但主要由未成熟种实组成;在10月中旬出现成熟种实散落高峰,但未成熟种实仍占一定的比例。按每个收集器收集到的成熟种实数统计,成熟种实数量在100~200之间的收集器数量最多。按每个收集器收集到的树种数统计,收集器中最多收到的树种数为7,树种数为3和4的收集器个数最多。对6个主要树种成熟种实所在收集器的空间分布进行分析发现,紫椴和水曲柳的成熟种实在整个样地都有分布,春榆(Ulmus japonica)、糠椴(T.mandshurica)、色木槭(Acer mono)和假色槭(A.pseudo-sieboldianum)则只在样地的局部区域收集到成熟种实。成熟种实的空间分布与母树的空间分布大都表现出明显的相关性,表明这些树种的成熟种实并没有扩散到离母树较远的距离。


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为了解阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林乔木树种幼苗的组成及其年际动态,以长白山阔叶红松林25ha动态监测样地为平台,在样地内150个种子收集器周围设置了600个5m×5m幼苗样方。基于2006-2008年连续3年的幼苗样方调查数据,对乔木幼苗的树种组成、数量组成、空间分布特征、年际动态、新增和死亡幼苗组成等进行了分析。结果表明:(1)从树种组成来看,该群落乔木树种的幼苗组成种类较为丰富,共记录到21个树种,这些树种也是样地内胸径1cm以上乔木树种的主要组成成分。树种组成在年际间变化不大,但各样方间表现出极大的空间变异。(2)从数量组成来看,共记录到11,959株乔木幼苗,以水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)和紫椴(Tilia amurensis)幼苗数最多,占总幼苗数的72.75%;水曲柳、紫椴和红松的幼苗数量在年际间有明显波动,其他树种年际间波动较小。(3)从新增和死亡幼苗的数量与组成来看,共记录到15个乔木树种的新增幼苗,其中紫椴、水曲柳、色木槭(Acer mono)、红松等10个树种在每次调查中都有新苗记录,新苗数量在年际间随物种和样方位置表现出明显差异。(4)对各树种的幼苗、种子和大树的组成和空间分布的比较发现,各树种的幼苗、种子和大树之间的数量组成和比例差异较大,其中紫椴、水曲柳、色木槭和假色槭(A.pseudo-sieboldianum)的幼苗、种子在整个样地内都有分布,春榆(Ulmus japonica)和怀槐(Maackia amurensis)幼苗的空间分布与种子和大树不一致,糠椴(T.mandshurica)和山丁子(Malus baccata)等的幼苗、种子和大树的个体数相对都较少,且它们的分布是一致的。


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阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林是中国东北地区的地带性植被,长白山区是阔叶红松林的核心分布区。参照巴拿马Barro Colorado Island (BCI) 50hm2热带雨林样地的技术规范,于2004年在长白山自然保护区的阔叶红松林内建立了一块25hm2的固定样地(简称CBS),这是目前中国科学院生物多样性委员会中国森林多样性动态研究网络中最北端的一块,也是全球温带地区最大的一块森林样地。2004年夏的第一次调查结果表明,样地内胸径≥1cm的木本植物有52种,隶属于18科32属。总的独立个体数为38902,包括分枝的总个体数为59121。植物组成上属典型的长白山植物区系,同时混有一些亚热带和亚寒带成分。群落优势种明显,个体数最多的前3个种的个体数占到总个体数的60%,前14个种占到95%,而其余38个种只占到5%。从物种多度、胸高断面积、平均胸径和重要值来看,群落成层现象显著,具有比较明显的优势种。主要树种的径级结构近似于正态分布或双峰分布,而次林层和林下层树种则表现出倒"J"形或"L"形。红松、紫椴(Tilia amurensis)、蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)、色木槭(Acermono)和春榆(Ulmus japonica)几个主要树种的空间分布随物种、径级的变化表现出不同的分布格局,其它一些树种的分布格局也表现出一定的空间异质性。


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Qianyanzhou(QYZ) Ecological Station established in 1983 with an area of 204 hm~2 is affiliated to the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network.Before 1982,herbs had been dominant,sparsely dotted with shrubs.After 20-year restoration of the vegetation,the vegetation showed significant changes in both forest coverage and species diversity.Forest coverage had increased to 93.3% in 1999 from 0.4% in 1982.The vegetation could be broadly classified into two groups: artificial forest,accounting for the most percent,and natural secondary forest.These two groups could be subdivided into 12 types.Based on the 2003 field work,The authors studied plant community composition and vertical structure.The results were as follows: 1) On the study plots were there about 150 species,of which 100,49,and 47 grew in arbor layer and shrub layer and herb layer,respectively.Of 12 community types,the amount of species in shrub layer was larger than that of other two layers.As to the species richness in the different community types,Liquidambar formosana community showed the highest and Imperata cylindrical var.major community the least.The amount of species in arbor layer of artificial forest was smaller than those of natural Pinus massoniana forest,but no difference in understory.2) Loropetalum chinense,Quercus fabric and Vaccinium bracteatum were dominant shrub species with a wide distribution.Three ferns Woodwardia japonica、Dryopteris atrata and Dicrannepteris dichotoma were dominant herb species.Lianas were sparse,but Milletlia reticulata were found in all forest types.3) Up to now some natural regeneration species,such as Eurya muricata、Quercus fabri、Vaccinium bracteatum、Rhus chinensis、Adinandra bockiana,had grown in the arbor layer of artificial forests.Some herb species,such as Arundinella setosa、Miscanthus floridulus、Isachne globosa、Scirpus triqueter,which were dominant ones in the herb layer before the restoration of vegetation,disappeared now.4) The vertical structure of natural Pinus massoniana community and Liquidambar formosana community showed more complex comparing with artificial forests.For the artificial forests,the conifer and broad-leaves mixed forest had a more complex structure.In both natural Pinus(massoniana) community and Liquidambar formosana community,it was dominated by individuals with height of 3~4 m,while 10~12 m in the artificial forests.


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本文报导了经过堆肥处理的污泥有机肥培育结缕草 ( Zoysia-Japonica)的初步试验。结果表明 ,以 Cd为施污泥量的限制因子 ,在施污泥有机肥 4 5 t· hm- 2 (干重 )以下时 ,酸性与微酸性土壤 ( p H<6.5 ) ,土壤中 Cd含量 ,低于 Cd的土壤环境质量标准 ( 0 .3mg· kg- 1 ,地下水 NO3-N含量 ,低于地面水 、 类标准 ( NO3-N1 0 mg· L- 1 )。土壤中有机质、速效N、总 N、总 P分别比对照增加 1 6%、78%、61 %和 1 4 0 % ,结缕草地上部分生物量是对照区的 1倍。因此 ,园林绿化是污泥处置利用的良好途径


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In this paper, marine brown algae Laminaria japonica was chemically modified by crosslinking with epichlorohydrin (EC1 and EC2), or oxidizing by potassium permanganate (PC), or crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA), or only washed by distilled water (DW). They were used for equilibrium sorption uptake studies with Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+.


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In this paper, marine brown algae Laminaria japonica was chemically modified by crosslinking with epichlorohydrin (EC1 and EC2), or oxidizing by potassium permanganate (PC), or crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA), or only washed by distilled water (DW). They were used for equilibrium sorption uptake studies with Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+. The experimental data have been analyzed using Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson isotherms. The results showed that the biosorption equilibrium was well described by both the Langmuir and Redlich-Peterson isotherms.


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Lipophilic extracts from 16 species of seaweeds collected along the Qingdao coastline were screened and evaluated for their antioxidant activities (AA) using the beta-carotene-linoleate assay system. The diethyl ether soluble extracts of all selected seaweeds exhibited various degrees of antioxidative efficacy in each screen. The highest antioxidant capacities among the tested samples were observed for Rhodomela confervoides and Symphyocladia latiuscula and were comparable with that of the well-known antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene and greater than that of propyl gallate. The lipophilic content of all 16 samples and the chemical composition of 4 selected seaweeds, R. confervoides and S. latiuscula, which had higher AA, Laminaria japonica, which had intermediate AA, and Plocamium telfairiae, which had lower AA, were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, respectively. Fatty acids and alkanes were found. The present data indicated an increase in antioxidative property with increasing content of unsaturated fatty acid. The result of this study suggests that seaweeds can be considered as a potential source for the extraction of lipophilic antioxidants, which might be used as dietary supplements or in production in the food industry. This is the first report on the antioxidant activities of lipophilic extracts from seaweeds.


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Transgenic Laminaria japonica gametophytes producing a recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rtPA) protein, which is an effective third-generation thrombolytic agent for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), were cultured in an illuminated bubble column bioreactor. A maximum final dry cell weight of 1120 mg l(-1) was obtained in batch culture with an initial dry cell weight of 126 mg l(-1) and with aeration rate of 1.2 l air min(-1) l(-1) culture, nitrate at 1.5 mM and phosphate at 0.17 mM. The yield of rtPA was 56 mu g g(-1) dry cell wt. This is the first report regarding cultivation of a transgenic macroalga in a bioreactor.


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The past decade has seen the genetic engineering of various types of seaweed. To date, genetic transformation studies have been carried out in several seaweeds, including the red seaweeds Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia, Kappaphyclus and Ceramium and the green seaweed Ulva. A genetic transformation model system has been established in the most commonly cultivated seaweed, the brown seaweed Laminaria japonica (kelp), based on the transfer of technology used in land plant transformation and also by modulating the seaweed life cycle. This model showed the potential for application of transgenic kelp to the production of valuable products and an indoor cultivation system for transgenic kelp was proposed, taking into account necessary factors for bio-safety. In this review, the establishment at use of the kelp transformation model is introduced, highlighting the potential for transforming kelp into a marine bioreactor.


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Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis was used to assess genetic diversity among 10 pairs of male and female Laminaria gametophytes. A total of 58 amplification loci was obtained from 10 selected ISSR primers, of which 34 revealed polymorphism among the gametophytes. Genetic distances were calculated with the Dice coefficient ranging from 0.006 to 0.223. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair-group method arithmetic (UPGMA) average showed that most male and female gametophytes of the same species were clustered together and that 10 pairs of gametophytes were divided into four groups. This was generally consistent with the taxonomic categories. The main group consisted of six pairs of gametophytes, which were selected from Laminaria japonica Aresch. by intensive inbreeding through artificial hybridization. One specific marker was cloned, but was not converted successfully into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of applying ISSR markers to evaluate Laminaria germplasm diversities.


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A molecular phylogeny is presented for the subfamily Dorippinae (including 9 individuals, representing 5 species and 4 genera), based on the sequence data from 16S rRNA gene. Two-cluster test between lineages in these phylogenetic trees has been performed. On the basis of rate constancy, the rate of nucleotide substitutions of 16S rDNA sequence data is estimated as 0.27% per million years. The analysis strongly supports the recognition of the Dorippinae as a monophyletic subfamily. Phylogenetic tree indicates that the subfamily Dorippinae is divided into two main clades, and genus Dorippe appears basal in the subfamily, diverging from other species 36.6 Ma ago. It is also clear that the Heikea is closely related to the genus Neodorippe. The divergence time between them is 15.8 Ma.


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Eutrophication is becoming a serious problem in coastal waters in many parts of the world. It induces the phytoplankton blooms including 'Red Tides', followed by heavy economic losses to extensive aquaculture area. Some cultivated seaweeds have very high productivity and could absorb large quantities of N, P, CO2, produce large amount of O-2 and have excellent effect on decreasing eutrophication. The author believes that seaweed cultivation in large scale should be a good solution to the eutrophication problem in coastal waters. To put this idea into practice, four conditions should be fulfilled: (a) Large-scale cultivation could be conducted within the region experiencing eutrophication. (b) Fundamental scientific and technological problems for cultivation should have been solved. (c) Cultivation should not impose any harmful ecological effects. (d) Cultivation must be economically feasible and profitable. In northern China, large-scale cultivation of Laminaria japonica Aresch. has been encouraged for years to balance the negative effects from scallop cultivation. Preliminary research in recent years has shown that Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Bory) Daws. and Porphyra haitanensis Chang et Zheng are the two best candidates for this purpose along the Chinese southeast to southern coast from Fujian to Guangdong, Guangxi and Hong Kong. Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Chang et Xia is promising for use in pond culture condition with shrimps and fish.


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Molecular biotechnology of marine algae is referred to as the biotechnology on the identification, modification, production and utilization of marine algal molecules. It involves not only the manipulation of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins, but also deals with low molecular weight compounds such as secondary metabolites. In the last decade, molecular systematic researches to investigate the relationship and to examine the evolutionary divergence among Chinese marine algae have been carried out by Chinese scientists. For example, RAPD has been widely used in several laboratories to elucidate genetic variations of the reds, such as Porphyra, Gracilaria, Grateloupia and the greens such as Ulva and Enteromorpha. Some important data have been obtained. The study on molecular genetic markers for strain improvement is now in progress. In 1990s, genetic engineering of economic seaweeds such as Laminaria, Undaria, Porphyra, Gracilaria and Grateloupia has been studied in China. For Laminaria japonica, the successfully cultivated kelp in China, a model transformation system has been set up based on the application of plant genetic techniques and knowledge of the algal life history. Progress has been made recently in incorporating a vaccine gene into kelp genome. Evidence has been provided showing the expression of gene products as detectable vaccines. In the present paper, the progress of molecular biotechnological studies of marine algae in China, especially researches on elucidating and manipulating nucleic acids of marine algae, are reviewed.