826 resultados para Living with no adult


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Dans la perspective de faire disparaître la dichotomie existant entre la santé et la maladie, le concept « santé-dans-la-maladie » (health-within-illness) est apparu dans les écrits infirmiers pour étudier la santé chez les personnes vivant avec une maladie chronique. Or, la recherche sur ce phénomène s’est surtout centrée sur l’expérience de santé (wellness) occultant celle de la maladie (illness). À l’heure actuelle, peu d’études ont été réalisées pour comprendre la coexistence de l’expérience de santé (wellness) et celle de maladie (illness) impliquée dans la réalité quotidienne des personnes vivant avec une maladie chronique. De plus, aucune d’entre elles ne s’est adressée à une clientèle vivant avec la sclérodermie systémique. Ainsi, cette étude avait pour but de décrire et de comprendre l’expérience de la sclérodermie systémique et celle de santé-dans-la-maladie dans le contexte d’adultes vivant avec cette maladie chronique. La perspective disciplinaire de la chercheure, en l’occurrence la philosophie du caring humain de Watson (1979, 1988, 1999, 2006, 2008), a soutenu le processus de recherche. En cohérence avec cette auteure, la méthode qualitative de type phénoménologique existentielle herméneutique élaborée par van Manen (1984, 1997, 2002) a été choisie pour encadrer ce processus. La collecte des données repose principalement sur l’expérience d’adultes québécois vivant avec la sclérodermie systémique, recueillie au moyen de 34 entretiens en profondeur réalisés auprès de 17 participants (14 femmes et trois hommes). Les résultats ont permis d’identifier quatre thèmes pour décrire d’une part, l’essence de l’expérience de la sclérodermie systémique, soit : (a) la souffrance interminable d’un corps malade; (b) la dysharmonie intérieure et relationnelle du soi; (c) le processus d’accommodation et (d) l’heuristique d’accommodation. D’autre part, les deux thèmes suivants ont émergé pour exposer l’essence de l’expérience de santé-dans-la-maladie: (a) la prise de pouvoir d’un nouveau soi et (b) l’harmonie avec l’existence. Un travail de mise en relation de ces deux essences a été effectué afin de développer une conceptualisation de l’expérience de santé-dans-la-maladie dans le contexte d’adultes québécois vivant avec la sclérodermie systémique. Ainsi, elle se conçoit comme « une dialectique dans laquelle le nouveau soi mobilise son pouvoir pour vivre en harmonie avec l’existence et pour s’accommoder à la souffrance interminable, où une dysharmonie intérieure et relationnelle est vécue dans le corps malade ». Les résultats de cette étude permettent de mieux comprendre la souffrance vécue par les personnes ayant la sclérodermie systémique de même que le processus et les stratégies d’accommodation à cette souffrance. Ils mettent également en évidence les moyens utilisés pour exercer un nouveau pouvoir sur leur vie et pour vivre en harmonie dans tous les aspects de leur existence. Enfin, la dialectique de santé-dans-la-maladie proposée dans cette étude souligne le caractère dynamique, continu et subjectif du processus d’intégration impliquant les expériences indissociables de la santé (wellness) et de la maladie (illness). Cette nouvelle conceptualisation de l’expérience de santé-dans-la-maladie, pouvant contribuer au renouvellement des pratiques de soins, suggère également une manière inédite d’exister lorsque la maladie chronique survient, soit celle d’ « être ni en santé, ni malade ».


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Dans les services de première ligne, la majorité des personnes atteintes de dépression souffrent également d’autres maladies chroniques comorbides. Offrir des soins de haute qualité à ces patients représente un défi important pour les intervenants en première ligne ainsi que pour le système de santé. Il y a des raisons de croire que les contextes organisationnels dans lesquels les intervenants pratiquent ont une influence importante sur les soins. Cependant, peu d’études ont examiné directement la façon dont les caractéristiques des cliniques facilitent ou entravent les soins offerts aux patients atteints de dépression et de différents types de maladies chroniques comorbides. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche était donc de mieux comprendre comment différentes caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne influencent la qualité des soins pour la dépression chez des patients ayant différents profils de comorbidité. La thèse comporte deux études. Tout d'abord, nous avons effectué une revue systématique examinant les relations entre la comorbidité physique chronique et la qualité des soins pour la dépression dans les services de première ligne afin de clarifier la nature de ces relations et d’identifier les facteurs qui pourraient influer sur ces relations. Ensuite, nous avons effectué une étude aux méthodes mixtes ayant deux volets : (a) un volet quantitatif examinant les relations entre la qualité des soins pour la dépression, les profils de comorbidité des patients, et les caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne par le biais d’analyses de régression multiniveaux de données issues de deux enquêtes, et (b) un volet qualitatif basé sur une étude de cas explorant les perceptions des professionnels des services de première ligne sur les facteurs organisationnels pouvant influencer la qualité des soins offerts aux patients souffrant de dépression et d’autres maladies chroniques comorbides. Les résultats de ces études ont montré que, bien que la qualité des soins de la dépression en soins primaires soit sous-optimale, certains sous-groupes de patients dépressifs sont plus à risque que d’autres de recevoir des soins pour la dépression inadéquats, notamment des patients ayant uniquement des comorbidités chroniques physiques. Cependant, plusieurs caractéristiques des cliniques de première ligne semblent faciliter l’offre de soins de qualité aux patients atteints de dépression et de maladies chroniques comorbides : les normes et les valeurs liées au travail d'équipe et le soutien mutuel, l'accès au soutien des professionnels ayant une expertise en santé mentale, l’utilisation des algorithmes de traitement et d’autres outils d’aide à la décision pour la dépression, et l’absence d’obstacles liés aux modèles de rémunération inadéquats. Une des façons dont ces caractéristiques favorisent la qualité est en facilitant la circulation des connaissances dans les cliniques de première ligne. Nos résultats suggèrent que des interventions organisationnelles ciblées sont nécessaires pour améliorer la qualité des soins pour la dépression que reçoivent les patients ayant des maladies chroniques comorbides. Ces interventions peuvent viser différents domaines organisationnels (ex : caractéristiques structurelles/stratégiques, sociales, technologies et épistémiques) mais doivent aussi prendre en compte comment les éléments de chaque domaine interagissent et comment ils pourraient influencer les soins pour des patients ayant des profils de comorbidité différents.


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Introducción: La hemofilia es una enfermedad poco frecuente; no obstante, los avances en los tratamientos de pacientes hemofílicos en las últimas décadas han generado cambios en su calidad de vida. Esto ha motivado el desarrollo de múltiples investigaciones al respecto. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre la calidad de vida en el paciente hemofílico, producida en el periodo 2008-2012. Método: Se consultaron algunas bases de datos científicas utilizando como palabras clave “hemofilia” y “calidad de vida”. Se recopiló la información encontrada y se organizó según los objetivos propuestos en “factores negativos” y “factores protectores” de la calidad de vida a nivel fisiológico, psicosocial y cultural; “instrumentos para la evaluación de la calidad de vida” a nivel específico y general; y antecedentes empíricos de los últimos cinco años en los que se evaluara la calidad de vida o se realizara alguna intervención en la misma. Resultados: En general la información disponible sobre el comportamiento epidemiológico de la hemofilia es limitada. El interés por factores protectores y negativos es principalmente de tipo fisiológico, aunque se encontraron factores de tipo psicosocial y cultural, lo que indica la importancia de profundizar en esta temática. Existen pocos instrumentos especializados para la evaluación de la calidad de vida en hemofílicos. La evidencia empírica se centra en la evaluación. Conclusión: El estudio de la calidad de vida en pacientes hemofílicos amerita ser abordado de manera interdisciplinaria.


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El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores


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The majority of studies demonstrating local adaptation of insect herbivores involve sessile species, particularly those with a parthenogentic phase to their life history or endophagous "parasites" of plants. Current arguments suggest the strength of selection determines whether local adaptation can or cannot take place. Therefore local adaptation should not be limited to species with such traits. We studied the ability of three polyphagous geometrid moths with flightless adult females (Erannisdefoliaria, Operophtera brumata and O. fagata) to synchronise their egg hatching with the budburst of a local host species in north east Scotland. A strong selection for hatching time is expected among generalist moths given the large variation in budburst phenology and an inability to hatch in synchrony with budburst decreases moth fitness substantially. In two successive seasons, we trapped emerging females from patches of five host species and recorded the temperature sum needed for 50% egg hatch of each brood laid by the trapped females. The hatching times of broods were compared against the average budburst time of the maternal host species in the study area. In addition, the trapping dates of each female were recorded. Only O. brumata showed synchrony with egg hatch and budburst which suggests local phenological adaptation to different host species. This could be maintained by selection and partial reproductive isolation between populations dwelling on different host species. No phenological adaptation was found in the other common geometrids of the study area


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Absence of lymph nodes in nonmammalian species, expression of MHCII by APCs in the periphery, and the recent findings that T cells can change their polarization status after presentation in the lymph nodes imply a role for MHCII-mediated presentation outside the organized lymphoid tissue. This study shows that MHCII+ ECs and DCs from the intestinal mucosa of the pig can present antigen to T cells in vitro. In vivo, APCs colocalize with T cells in pig and mouse intestinal mucosa. In the pig, endothelium is involved in these interactions in neonates but not in adults, indicating different roles for stromal and professional APCs in the neonate compared with the adult. The ratio of expression of DQ and DR MHCII locus products was lower on ECs than on other mucosal APCs, indicating that the two types of cells present different peptide sets. Adult nonendothelial APCs expressed a higher ratio of DQ/DR than in neonates. These results suggest that mucosal DCs can present antigen locally to primed T cells and that stromal APCs are recruited to these interactions in some cases. This raises the possibility that local presentation may influence T cell responses at the effector stage after initial presentation in the lymph node.


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This short chapter explains how a growing number of theatres are beginning to offer families living with autism and other disabilities opportunities to attend without fear of alienation or rejection by other audience members. Using one small theatre as a case study, the chapter illustrates the sort of adaptations that are made to the performance and front of house arrangements.


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This study investigated the effects of transporting animals from the experimental room to the animal facility in between experimental sessions, a procedure routinely employed in experimental research, on long-term social recognition memory. By using the intruder-resident paradigm, independent groups of Wistar rats exposed to a 2-h encounter with an adult intruder were transported from the experimental room to the animal facility either 0.5 or 6h after the encounter. The following day, residents were exposed to a second encounter with either the same or a different (unfamiliar) intruder. Resident`s social and non-social behaviors were carefully scored and subjected to Principal Component Analysis, thus allowing to parcel out variance and relatedness among these behaviors. Resident rats transported 6h after the first encounter exhibited reduced amount of social investigation towards familiar intruders, but an increase of social investigation when exposed to a different intruder as compared to the first encounter. These effects revealed a consistent long-lasting (24h) social recognition memory in rats. In contrast, resident rats transported 0.5 h after the first encounter did not exhibit social recognition memory. These results indicate that this common, little-noted, laboratory procedure disturbs long-term social recognition memory. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background. Few studies have investigated the experiences of living with pelvic girdle pain (PGP) and its impact on pregnant women’s lives. To address this gap in knowledge, this study investigates the experiences of women living with PGP during pregnancy. Methods. A purposive sample, of nine pregnant women with diagnosed PGP, were interviewed about their experiences. Interviews were recorded, transcribed to text and analysed using a Grounded Theory approach. Results. The core category that evolved from the analysis of experiences of living with PGP in pregnancy was “struggling with daily life and enduring pain”. Three properties addressing the actions caused by PGP were identified: i) grasping the incomprehensible; ii) balancing support and dependence and iii) managing the losses. These experiences expressed by the informants constitute a basis for the consequences of PGP: iv) enduring pain; v) being a burden; vi) calculating the risks and the experiences of the informants as vii) abdicating as a mother. Finally, the informants’ experiences of the consequences regarding the current pregnancy and any potential future pregnancies is presented in viii) paying the price and reconsidering the future. A conceptual model of the actions and consequences experienced by the pregnant informants living with PGP is presented. Conclusions. PGP during pregnancy greatly affects the informant’s experiences of her pregnancy, her roles in relationships, and her social context. For informants with young children, PGP negatively affects the role of being a mother, a situation that further strains the experience. As the constant pain disturbs most aspects of the lives of the informants, improvements in the treatment of PGP is of importance as to increase the quality of life. This pregnancy-related condition is prevalent and must be considered a major public health concern during pregnancy.


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The present work describes helminth infection of eight free-living and 12 captive rheas (Rhea americana) from, respectively, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul State, and Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. Captive birds were young and had a high mortality rate, while free-living birds were adult and apparently healthy. Infections were evaluated by post-mortem examination of internal organs and recovery of helminths using standard parasitological procedures. Seven species of nematodes (Sicarius uncinipenis, Torquatoides crotophaga, Deletrocephalus dimidiatus, D. cesarpintoi, Paradeletrocephalus minor, Capillaria venteli and Dicheilonema rheae) and two species of cestodes (Houttuynia struthionis and Chapmania tauricolis) were identified. P. minor, which inhabits the large intestine, was the most common helminth in free-living birds (63.9%). In captive rheas, a mean parasitic load of 173 helminths per host was found. The gizzard of these birds was the most parasitized organ and S. uncinipenis was most common (92.5%). Parasitism of free-living and captive birds and associated pathology are discussed. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B. V.


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We investigated the relationship between antibody response to the major Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen, a 43-kDa glycoprotein, and the two paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) clinical presentations, the juvenile and the adult forms. Total immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgG isotypes, and IgA anti-gp43 antibodies were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in patients' sera. Juvenile PCM patients had higher (P =.003) IgG anti-gp43 levels than adult form patients. IgG1 subclass levels, however, were comparable between the two clinical forms. Patients with the juvenile form had higher (P <.001) IgG4, but lower(P =.03) IgG2 levels than patients with the adult form. The IgG4 isotype, regulated by interleukin 4, was found in all juvenile form patients but in only 12% of the adult form patients. In contrast, high levels of the IgG2 isotype, regulated by interferon-gamma, were found in 41% of the adult PCM patients, mainly those with a more benign disease, but in only 12% of the juvenile patients. IgG3 was either absent or detected at low levels. These results demonstrate, for the first time, specific IgG4 antibodies in the humoral immune response of patients with an endemic deep mycosis and suggest that the switch to the IgG subclasses in PCM is regulated by the patients' T-helper subset (Th-l or Th-2) dominant cytokine profile. A possible role for IgG4 in the immunopathogenesis of the juvenile, more severe form of the disease is discussed. Finally, IgA was found mainly in adult form patients, probably as a result of the chronic mucosal antigenic stimulation characteristic of this form. (C) Elsevier, Paris.


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Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, utilizando-se, como referencial teórico, o Interacionismo Simbólico e, como referencial metodológico, a Grounded Theory, visando: compreender a experiência interacional de familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos hospitalizados, há mais de sete dias, em um Hospital Universitário de grande porte do Estado de São Paulo, e desenvolver um modelo teórico representativo dessa experiência. As estratégias para obtenção dos dados foram a observação e a entrevista. Dos resultados, emergiram dois fenômenos: vivendo a expectativa pela internação no Hospital Universitário e assumindo o papel de familiar visitante ou de familiar acompanhante. A compreensão da experiência nos permitiu ampliar o conhecimento, referente ao movimento que eles empreenderam na vivência denominada como movendo-se perante a sinalização do enfermeiro entre os papéis de familiar visitante e familiar acompanhante: compartilhando uma experiência de poucos prazeres em solidariedade ao adulto e ao idoso hospitalizados.


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Aims: Obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) also generates emotional burden in the patient's family members, but no study has evaluated the specific dimensions of burden. The objectives were to evaluate the dimensions of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and possible correlates. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 47 patients and 47 caregivers, using a sociodemographic questionnaire; the ZBI; the Self Reporting Questionnaire; the Family Accommodation Scale; and the YaleBrown ObsessiveCompulsive Scale. The ZBI factor analysis was conducted using Varimax Rotation. Results: Six factors were identified, explaining 74.2% of the total variance: factor 1, interference in the caregiver's personal life (36.6% of the variance); factor 2, perception of patient's dependence (10.8%); factor 3, feelings of irritation or intolerance (9.2%); factor 4, guilt (7.2%); factor 5, insecurity (5.6%); and factor 6, embarrassment (4.8%). The six ZBI factors were associated with greater OCD severity and with greater accommodation to the patient's symptoms, and factors 1, 2, 5 and 6 with caregiver's psychological morbidity. Caregiver's sex (female) was associated with factors 5 and 6, relationship with the patient (being a parent or son/daughter) with factor 5, higher educational level with factor 6, living with the patient with factor 3, worse self-evaluation of health with factors 1, 5 and 6, and occupational status (not working) with factors 1, 2, 5 and 6. Conclusion: The dimensions of burden identified indicate the most affected aspects of a caregiver's life and could guide the planning of more specific interventions. Thus, the caregiver could participate more effectively in the OCD patient's treatment, with a lower impact on his/her life.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Naive experimental groups of dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs were inoculated three times subcutaneously with unfed adult extract of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus and challenged with adult R. sanguineus to evaluate resistance. The acquisition of resistance was based on alterations of some reproductive and feeding performance parameters of female ticks such as female and egg mass weights, engorgement, pre-oviposition and incubation periods, larval hatchability rate and efficiency rates of female ticks in converting their food reservoir to eggs and larvae. Dogs did not develop resistance under these experimental conditions; guinea pigs and hamsters, to a lesser extent, acquired an effective immunity to ticks as demonstrated by the impairment of the reproductive and feeding performance. However, the resistance induced by inoculation of the extract in the rodents seemed not to be as efficient as that induced by successive infestations.