885 resultados para Live observation


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BACKGROUND: While survival rates of extremely preterm infants have improved over the last decades, the incidence of neurodevelopmental disability (ND) in survivors remains high. Representative current data on the severity of disability and of risk factors associated with poor outcome in this growing population are necessary for clinical guidance and parent counselling. METHODS: Prospective longitudinal multicentre cohort study of preterm infants born in Switzerland between 24(0/7) and 27(6/7) weeks gestational age during 2000-2008. Mortality, adverse outcome (death or severe ND) at two years, and predictors for poor outcome were analysed using multilevel multivariate logistic regression. Neurodevelopment was assessed using Bayley Scales of Infant Development II. Cerebral palsy was graded after the Gross Motor Function Classification System. RESULTS: Of 1266 live born infants, 422 (33%) died. Follow-up information was available for 684 (81%) survivors: 440 (64%) showed favourable outcome, 166 (24%) moderate ND, and 78 (11%) severe ND. At birth, lower gestational age, intrauterine growth restriction and absence of antenatal corticosteroids were associated with mortality and adverse outcome (p < 0.001). At 36(0/7) weeks postmenstrual age, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, major brain injury and retinopathy of prematurity were the main predictors for adverse outcome (p < 0.05). Survival without moderate or severe ND increased from 27% to 39% during the observation period (p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: In this recent Swiss national cohort study of extremely preterm infants, neonatal mortality was determined by gestational age, birth weight, and antenatal corticosteroids while neurodevelopmental outcome was determined by the major neonatal morbidities. We observed an increase of survival without moderate or severe disability.


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Interior crises are understood as discontinuous changes of the size of a chaotic attractor that occur when an unstable periodic orbit collides with the chaotic attractor. We present here numerical evidence and theoretical reasoning which prove the existence of a chaos-chaos transition in which the change of the attractor size is sudden but continuous. This occurs in the Hindmarsh¿Rose model of a neuron, at the transition point between the bursting and spiking dynamics, which are two different dynamic behaviors that this system is able to present. Moreover, besides the change in attractor size, other significant properties of the system undergoing the transitions do change in a relevant qualitative way. The mechanism for such transition is understood in terms of a simple one-dimensional map whose dynamics undergoes a crossover between two different universal behaviors


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The paper deals with the stratigraphic and structural setting of the sedimentary sequence cropping out in southeastern Zanskar and adjacent Lahul areas. The Tibetan Zone succession of southeastern Zanskar consists of about 6000 m of sediments, Late Precambrian~ ?Eocene in age, arranged in two superposed slabs (Pugh tal Unit, below, and Zangla Unit, above) tectonically resting upon the High Himalayan Crystalline. The Pughtal sequence, mostly terrigenous with carbonate units in the Cambrian, Silurian and Carboniferous, is about 2500 m thick. It was deposited from ?Late Precambrian to Carboniferous or ?Early Permian. The Permian Panjal Traps constitute the "sole" of the Zangla Unit, whose sedimentary sequence, about 3000 m thick, mainly carbonatic, spans from Late Permian (Kuling Formation) to Middle Jurassic (Kioto Limestone) in eastern Zanskar. In the Zangla area Late Jurassic/Cretaceous formations (Spiti Shales, Giumal Sandstone, Chikkim Limestone) are also present. Towards northwest, the sequence ranges up to Paleocene (Spanboth Formation) and ?Eocene (Chulung La Slates). Au nord de la Haute Chaine, dans la partie septentrionale de I'Himalaya, la marge continentale indienne a vu plus de 6000 m de sediments se deposer depuis I'Infracambrien jusqu'a I'Eocene. Lors de l'orogenese himalayenne, ces sediments ont ete decolles de leur substratum originel, dMormes et metamorphises de maniere differenciee suivant leur position. Ils reposent en contact tectonique sur la nappe cristalline du Haut-Himalaya. L'unite inferieure ou unite de Pughtal consiste, la ou elle est complete, en plus de 2500 m de sediments en partie detritiques terrigenes mais marque par l'edification de plates-formes carbonatees au Cambrien, Silurien et Carbonifere. Dans cette unite on releve deux grandes sequences sedimentaires separees par l'evenement epirogenique et magmatique tardi-Cambrien (500 rna), contrecoup de l'orogenese pan-africaine. Un niveau massif de vo1canites basaltiques permiennes ~ les Panjal Traps ~ forme la base ou sole de I'unite superieure (nappe de Zangla). Cette unite, plissee de maniere disharmonique, recouvre progressivement vers l'ouest des niveaux de plus en plus anciens de l'unite inferieure, niveaux eux-memes replisses en grands plis couches kilometriques a vergence nord. Dans la partie occidentale (Ringdom) l'unite superieure repose directement sur la nappe cristalline. Cette unite montre une serie sedimentaire avec des carbonates de plate-forme bien developpes au Trias superieur et au Lias puis des sediments surtout pelagiques et en partie detritiques terrigenes au Jurassique superieur et au Cretace. Des la fin du Cretace et jusqu'au Paleocene superieur s'edifie a nouveau une plate-forme peu profonde. La serie se termine par des couches continentales attribuees a l'Eocene. L'evolution geodynamique durant Ie Paleozoique et Ie Mesozoique est analysee. II en ressort que la sedimentation, a partir de I'Ordovicien, est regJee plus par des grands cycles eustatiques que par des mouvements tectoniques ou epirogeniques regionaux (les orogeneses caledoniennes, hercyniennes et cretacees des auteurs).


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Everything must be done to prevent and take care of lymphoedema as soon as possible to avoid its progression and its negative impact on patient's psychology and quality of life. The physical limitations and the socio-occupational incidence of lymphoedema must not be neglected. For theses reasons, it is important to promote the education of lymphology and its therapy. Since April 2008, the service of angiology of our university hospital (CHUV) has developed a multidisciplinary consultation for diagnosing and managing oedemas particularly primary and secondary lymphoedemas.


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Compared to synthetic aperture radars (SARs), the angular resolution of microwave radiometers is quite poor. Traditionally, it has been limited by the physical size of the antenna. However, the angular resolution can be improved by means of aperture synthesis interferometric techniques. A narrow beam is synthesized during the image formation processing of the cross-correlations measured at zero-lag between pairs of signals collected by an array of antennas. The angular resolution is then determined by the maximum antenna spacing normalized to the wavelength (baseline). The next step in improving the angular resolution is the Doppler-Radiometer, somehow related to the super-synthesis radiometers and the Radiometer-SAR. This paper presents the concept of a three-antenna Doppler-Radiometer for 2D imaging. The performance of this instrument is evaluated in terms of angular/spatial resolution and radiometric sensitivity, and an L-band illustrative example is presented.


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Actinobaculum schaalii is a new species that has so far been isolated from human blood, urine and pus. Its importance has probably been underestimated and other Actinobaculum spp. may also have been underdiagnosed. This retrospective study comprises all known cases of A. schaalii infections identified since 2004 in the canton of Neuchâtel (170,000 inhabitants), Switzerland. Strains were cultivated and isolated in the bacteriology laboratory using its routine procedure. Identification included a Rapid ID 32 A strip (bioMérieux) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Twenty-one positive samples were found in 19 patients (11 male, 8 female) of all ages (range 16-91 years): 10 from urine (50%), six from blood (30%), one from both blood and urine (5%), and three from pus (15%). Thirteen out of 17 (76%) cases with either blood or urine specimens had underlying genitourinary tract pathologies. When urine cultures were positive for A. schaalii, leucocytes were found in all samples (10/10, 100%) but all nitrite tests were negative (10/10, 100%). The onset of appropriate treatment was delayed due to the diminished sensitivity of A. schaalii to the antibiotics commonly used for UTIs (i.e. ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) and to the delay in microbiological diagnosis. A. schaalii should specifically be searched in all cases of leukocyturia with a negative nitrite test but with Gram-positive rods in the Gram stain, in patients with underlying genitourinary tract pathology, instead of dismissing these findings as clinically irrelevant colonization by coryneform bacteria. This infection may be much more common than previously thought.


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Alpine flora and climate change: monitoring of three summits in Valais (Switzerland) during the 20th century Climate change might trigger an upward shift of the flora in the Swiss Alps, especially since these experienced higher change in average than observed on a global scale. Previous investigations in the canton des Grisons (Switzerland) and Austria have revealed an increase of floristic diversity on alpine summits since the beginning of the 20th century. Three summits in Valais were revisited in this study: the Gornergrat (first inventory in 1919), the Torrenthorn (about in 1885) and the Beaufort (about in 1920). Every summit was newly inventoried in 2003 in the framework of the PERMANENT.PLOT.CH project. All showed a strong increase in species richness. On the Gornergrat (3135 m), 16 species were not found anymore, but 35 new ones were observed. The number of species on this exceptionally rich summit rose from 102 to 121. In comparison, the floristic richness increased from 24 to 63 species on the Torrenthorn (2924 m) and from 16 to 48 species on the Beaufort (3048 m). As in previous studies, this increase seems likely to be associated with climate change: the new species prefer, in average, higher temperature conditions than those previously prevailing on the summits. On the Gornergrat and Beaufort, our observations reveal a development of alpine meadows, whereas species typical of rocks and raw soils are predominantly colonising the Torrenthorn. This difference might be related to the important damage caused by wanderers on the vegetation of the Torrenthorn.


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Aging is a fascinating, albeit controversial, chapter in biology. Few other subjects have elicited more than a century of ever-increasing scientific interest. In this review, we discuss studies on aging in social insects, a group of species that includes ants and termites, as well as certain bee and wasp species. One striking feature of social insects is the lifespan of queens (reproductive females), which can reach nearly 30 years in some ant species. This is over 100 times the average lifespan of solitary insects. Moreover, there is a tremendous variation in lifespan among castes, with queens living up to 500 times longer than males and 10 times longer than workers (non-reproductive individuals). This lifespan polymorphism has allowed researchers to test the evolutionary theory of aging and Y more recently Y to investigate the proximate causes of aging. The originality of these studies lies in their use of naturally evolved systems to address questions related to aging and lifespan determination that cannot be answered using the conventional model organisms.


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Résumé L'eau est souvent considérée comme une substance ordinaire puisque elle est très commune dans la nature. En fait elle est la plus remarquable de toutes les substances. Sans l'eau la vie sur la terre n'existerait pas. L'eau représente le composant majeur de la cellule vivante, formant typiquement 70 à 95% de la masse cellulaire et elle fournit un environnement à d'innombrables organismes puisque elle couvre 75% de la surface de terre. L'eau est une molécule simple faite de deux atomes d'hydrogène et un atome d'oxygène. Sa petite taille semble en contradiction avec la subtilité de ses propriétés physiques et chimiques. Parmi celles-là, le fait que, au point triple, l'eau liquide est plus dense que la glace est particulièrement remarquable. Malgré son importance particulière dans les sciences de la vie, l'eau est systématiquement éliminée des spécimens biologiques examinés par la microscopie électronique. La raison en est que le haut vide du microscope électronique exige que le spécimen biologique soit solide. Pendant 50 ans la science de la microscopie électronique a adressé ce problème résultant en ce moment en des nombreuses techniques de préparation dont l'usage est courrant. Typiquement ces techniques consistent à fixer l'échantillon (chimiquement ou par congélation), remplacer son contenu d'eau par un plastique doux qui est transformé à un bloc rigide par polymérisation. Le bloc du spécimen est coupé en sections minces (d’environ 50 nm) avec un ultramicrotome à température ambiante. En général, ces techniques introduisent plusieurs artefacts, principalement dû à l'enlèvement d'eau. Afin d'éviter ces artefacts, le spécimen peut être congelé, coupé et observé à basse température. Cependant, l'eau liquide cristallise lors de la congélation, résultant en une importante détérioration. Idéalement, l'eau liquide est solidifiée dans un état vitreux. La vitrification consiste à refroidir l'eau si rapidement que les cristaux de glace n'ont pas de temps de se former. Une percée a eu lieu quand la vitrification d'eau pure a été découverte expérimentalement. Cette découverte a ouvert la voie à la cryo-microscopie des suspensions biologiques en film mince vitrifié. Nous avons travaillé pour étendre la technique aux spécimens épais. Pour ce faire les échantillons biologiques doivent être vitrifiés, cryo-coupées en sections vitreuse et observées dans une cryo-microscope électronique. Cette technique, appelée la cryo- microscopie électronique des sections vitrifiées (CEMOVIS), est maintenant considérée comme étant la meilleure façon de conserver l'ultrastructure de tissus et cellules biologiques dans un état très proche de l'état natif. Récemment, cette technique est devenue une méthode pratique fournissant des résultats excellents. Elle a cependant, des limitations importantes, la plus importante d'entre elles est certainement dû aux artefacts de la coupe. Ces artefacts sont la conséquence de la nature du matériel vitreux et le fait que les sections vitreuses ne peuvent pas flotter sur un liquide comme c'est le cas pour les sections en plastique coupées à température ambiante. Le but de ce travail a été d'améliorer notre compréhension du processus de la coupe et des artefacts de la coupe. Nous avons ainsi trouvé des conditions optimales pour minimiser ou empêcher ces artefacts. Un modèle amélioré du processus de coupe et une redéfinitions des artefacts de coupe sont proposés. Les résultats obtenus sous ces conditions sont présentés et comparés aux résultats obtenus avec les méthodes conventionnelles. Abstract Water is often considered to be an ordinary substance since it is transparent, odourless, tasteless and it is very common in nature. As a matter of fact it can be argued that it is the most remarkable of all substances. Without water life on Earth would not exist. Water is the major component of cells, typically forming 70 to 95% of cellular mass and it provides an environment for innumerable organisms to live in, since it covers 75% of Earth surface. Water is a simple molecule made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, H2O. The small size of the molecule stands in contrast with its unique physical and chemical properties. Among those the fact that, at the triple point, liquid water is denser than ice is especially remarkable. Despite its special importance in life science, water is systematically removed from biological specimens investigated by electron microscopy. This is because the high vacuum of the electron microscope requires that the biological specimen is observed in dry conditions. For 50 years the science of electron microscopy has addressed this problem resulting in numerous preparation techniques, presently in routine use. Typically these techniques consist in fixing the sample (chemically or by freezing), replacing its water by plastic which is transformed into rigid block by polymerisation. The block is then cut into thin sections (c. 50 nm) with an ultra-microtome at room temperature. Usually, these techniques introduce several artefacts, most of them due to water removal. In order to avoid these artefacts, the specimen can be frozen, cut and observed at low temperature. However, liquid water crystallizes into ice upon freezing, thus causing severe damage. Ideally, liquid water is solidified into a vitreous state. Vitrification consists in solidifying water so rapidly that ice crystals have no time to form. A breakthrough took place when vitrification of pure water was discovered. Since this discovery, the thin film vitrification method is used with success for the observation of biological suspensions of. small particles. Our work was to extend the method to bulk biological samples that have to be vitrified, cryosectioned into vitreous sections and observed in cryo-electron microscope. This technique is called cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS). It is now believed to be the best way to preserve the ultrastructure of biological tissues and cells very close to the native state for electron microscopic observation. Since recently, CEMOVIS has become a practical method achieving excellent results. It has, however, some sever limitations, the most important of them certainly being due to cutting artefacts. They are the consequence of the nature of vitreous material and the fact that vitreous sections cannot be floated on a liquid as is the case for plastic sections cut at room temperature. The aim of the present work has been to improve our understanding of the cutting process and of cutting artefacts, thus finding optimal conditions to minimise or prevent these artefacts. An improved model of the cutting process and redefinitions of cutting artefacts are proposed. Results obtained with CEMOVIS under these conditions are presented and compared with results obtained with conventional methods.


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documented accurately since 1960. Most records are based on nest findings and there have been few direct observations or captures, mainly because live trapping of this species is not simple. Therefore, an efficient trapping technique is needed for population studies and to facilitate the management of its habitat. By combining the methods used to capture very small (Suncus etruscus) and climbing (Muscardinus avellanarius) mammals, we developed a design using Longworth traps with mouse excluders set on suspended platforms. This allowed us to trap more harvest mice in four field sessions of 60 trap-nights than have ever been caught previously since its discovery in Switzerland.