885 resultados para Library legislation.
Fault tolerance has become a major issue for computer and software engineers because the occurrence of faults increases the cost of using a parallel computer. RADIC is the fault tolerance architecture for message passing systems which is transparent, decentralized, flexible and scalable. This master thesis presents the methodology used to implement the RADIC architecture over Open MPI, a well-know large-used message passing library. This implementation kept the RADIC architecture characteristics. In order to validate the implementation we have executed a synthetic ping program, besides, to evaluate the implementation performance we have used the NAS Parallel Benchmarks. The results prove that the RADIC architecture performance depends on the communication pattern of the parallel application which is running. Furthermore, our implementation proves that the RADIC architecture could be implemented over an existent message passing library.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universität Karlsruhe entre gener i maig del 2007. Les biblioteques d’estructures de dades defineixen interfícies i implementen algorismes i estructures de dades fonamentals. Un exemple n’és la Satandard Template Library (STL ), que forma part del llenguatge de programació C++. En el marc d’una tesi, s’està treballant per obtenir implementacions més eficients i/o versàtils d’alguns components de la STL. Per a fer-ho s’utilitzen tècniques de la enginyeria d’algorismes. En particular, s’integra el coneixement de la comunitat algorítmica i es té en consideració la tecnologia existent. L’acció durant l’estada s’ha emmarcat en el desenvolupament la Multi Core STL (MCSTL ). La MCSTL és una implementació paral•lela de la STL per a màquines multi-core. Les màquines multi-core són actualment l’únic tipus de màquina disponible al mercat. Per tant, tot i que el paral•lelisme obtingut no sigui òptim, és preferible a tenir els processadors esperant, ja que , la tendència és que el nombre de processadors per computador augmenti.
We have initiated a gene discovery program in Schistosoma mansoni based on the technique of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), i.e. partial sequences of cDNAs obtained from single passes in automatic DNA sequencers. ESTs can be used to identify genese onf the basis of their homology whith sequences from other species deposited in DNA or protein databases. Trasncripts with sequences without matches in teh databases may represent novel parasite-specific genes. This approach has shown to be very efficient and in less than two years a broad range of novel genes has already been ascertained, more than doubling the number of known S. mansoni genes.
The Institute of Public Health was established in 1999 to promote co-operation for Public Health on the island of Ireland. It aims to improve health across the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The remit includes; providing public health information and surveillance; strengthening public health capacity; and advising on policy. The Institute of Public Health welcomes the consultation on the Smokefree Elements of the Health Improvement and Protection Bill. The Institute strongly supports a total ban on smoking in all enclosed workplaces and public places. A total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces is the only way to adequately protect the health of all workers and contribute to reducing the prevalence of smoking within the population. The exemptions within the proposed Health Improvement and Protection Bill will fail to protect many workers particularly in the hospitality industry. These workers are often at greatest risk from Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) due to the extent of their exposure.
Reform of HPSS
Forensic examinations of ink have been performed since the beginning of the 20th century. Since the 1960s, the International Ink Library, maintained by the United States Secret Service, has supported those analyses. Until 2009, the search and identification of inks were essentially performed manually. This paper describes the results of a project designed to improve ink samples' analytical and search processes. The project focused on the development of improved standardization procedures to ensure the best possible reproducibility between analyses run on different HPTLC plates. The successful implementation of this new calibration method enabled the development of mathematical algorithms and of a software package to complement the existing ink library.
Adoption Legislation Consultation – Discussion Paper This discussion paper is part of a fundamental review of Irish adoption policy and practice referred to in the Minister for Childrenâ?Ts foreword. The purpose of the review is to give organisations and individuals with an interest in adoption law and practice an opportunity to contribute to the development of a modern adoption system characterised by clarity, consistency and fairness. Click here to download PDF 104kb
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 This is a report of a public consultation which the Department of Health undertook in June 2013 on new legislation to replace the Dentists Act 1985. The report outlines the views and opinions of those who completed questionnaires or made submissions to the Department on the proposed new legislation. One hundred and twenty five questionnaires/submissions were received. Of these, 98 were submissions made by personal respondents and 27 were made by corporate respondents. Download this document as a PDF The breakdown of these respondents is as follows: This report will inform the development of policy on the key issues, which will be the next stage in the process towards developing new dental legislation.
"In the nineties, dialogue in the Irish education system has been frenetic and painful at times. But it has gradually led to an extraordinary cohesion and partnership in the system. The book tracks the major consultations - and confrontations - of the nineties and it explores the personalities and policies of the protagonists - ministers, officials, leaders of Church bodies and third-level institutions, representatives of teachers' unions and parents' organisations." "All of the important consultation documents of the decade are here, the various drafts of the Green and White Papers - some benign, some infamous - the Bills, the Acts. The big issues are expertly set forth - intermediate structures and regionalisation, school governance and boards of management, the role of the Churches, higher education and the abolition of tuition fees."-This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
To provide a novel resource for analysis of the genome of Biomphalaria glabrata, members of the international Biomphalaria glabrata Genome Initiative (biology.unm.edu/biomphalaria-genome.html), working with the Arizona Genomics Institute (AGI) and supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), produced a high quality bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. The BB02 strain B. glabrata, a field isolate (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil) that is susceptible to several strains of Schistosoma mansoni, was selfed for two generations to reduce haplotype diversity in the offspring. High molecular weight DNA was isolated from ovotestes of 40 snails, partially digested with HindIII, and ligated into pAGIBAC1 vector. The resulting B. glabrata BAC library (BG_BBa) consists of 61824 clones (136.3 kb average insert size) and provides 9.05 × coverage of the 931 Mb genome. Probing with single/low copy number genes from B. glabrata and fingerprinting of selected BAC clones indicated that the BAC library sufficiently represents the gene complement. BAC end sequence data (514 reads, 299860 nt) indicated that the genome of B. glabrata contains ~ 63% AT, and disclosed several novel genes, transposable elements, and groups of high frequency sequence elements. This BG_BBa BAC library, available from AGI at cost to the research community, gains in relevance because BB02 strain B. glabrata is targeted whole genome sequencing by NHGRI.