993 resultados para Lex Manilia de imperio Cn. Pompei.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The dimeric compound [Pd(bzan)(mu-OOCCH3)](2) (1) (bzan=N-benzylideneaniline) reacts with KX, in methanol/acetone (2:1), affording the analogous dimeric pseudohalogen-bridged species [Pd(bzan)(mu-X)](2) [X=NCO(2), SCN(3), CN(4)]. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, NMR and thermogravimetric analysis. IR data for 2-4 showed bands typical of coordinated pseudohalogen ligands clearly indicating the occurrence of the exchange reaction. Their thermal behaviour was investigated and suggested that their stability is influenced by the bridging ligand. The thermal stability decreased in the order [Pd(bzan)(mu-CN)](2)>[Pd(bzan)(mu-SCN)](2)>[Pd(bzan)(mu-OOCCH3)](2)>[Pd(bzan)(mu-NCO)](2). X-ray results showed the formation of Pddegrees as final decomposition product.
The present paper quantifies and develops the kinetic aspects involved in the mechanism of interplay between electron and ions presented elsewhere(1) for KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O (Prussian Blue) host materials. Accordingly, there are three different electrochemical processes involved in the PB host materials: H3O+, K+, and H+ insertion/extraction mechanisms which here were fully kinetically studied by means of the use of combined electronic and mass transfer functions as a tool to separate all the processes. The use of combined electronic and mass transfer functions was very important to validate and confirm the proposed mechanism. This mechanism allows the electrochemical and chemical processes involved in the KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O host and Prussian Blue derivatives to be understood. In addition, a formalism was also developed to consider superficial oxygen reduction. From the analysis of the kinetic processes involved in the model, it was possible to demonstrate that the processes associated with K+ and H+ exchanges are reversible whereas the H3O+ insertion process was shown not to present a reversible pattern. This irreversible pattern is very peculiar and was shown to be related to the catalytic proton reduction reaction. Furthermore, from the model, it was possible to calculate the number density of available sites for each intercalation/deintercalation processes and infer that they are very similar for K+ and H+. Hence, the high prominence of the K+ exchange observed in the voltammetric responses has a kinetic origin and is not related to the amount of sites available for intercalation/deintercalation of the ions.
The K+ reversible processes for ion exchange in KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O host compounds (Prussian Blue) were thermodynamically analyzed. A thermodynamic approach was established and developed based on the consideration of a lattice-gas model where the electronic contribution to the chemical potential is neglected and the ion-host interaction is not considered. The occupation fraction of the intercalation process was calculated from the kinetic parameters obtained through ac-electrogravimetry in a previous paper. In this way, the mass potential transfer function introduces a new way to evaluate the thermodynamic aspect of intercalation. Finally, based on the thermodynamic approach, the energy used to put each K+ ion into the host material was calculated. The values were shown to be in good agreement with the values obtained through transient techniques, for example, cyclic voltammetry. As a result, this agreement between theory and experimental data validates the thermodynamic approach considered here, and for the first time, the thermodynamic aspects of insertion were considered for mixed valence materials.
We investigate the effect that the temperature dependence of the crystal structure of a two-dimensional organic charge-transfer salt has on the low-energy Hamiltonian representation of the electronic structure. For that, we determine the crystal structure of κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 for a series of temperatures between T=5 and 300 K by single crystal X-ray diffraction and analyze the evolution of the electronic structure with temperature by using density functional theory and tight binding methods. We find a considerable temperature dependence of the corresponding triangular lattice Hubbard Hamiltonian parameters. We conclude that even in the absence of a change of symmetry, the temperature dependence of quantities like frustration and interaction strength can be significant and should be taken into account. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion on the spin-liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 have revealed distinct and strongly anisotropic lattice effects around 6 K - a possible spin liquid instability. In order to study the effects of a magnetic field on the low-temperature spin-liquid state, dilatometric measurements have been conducted both as a function of temperature at B = const. and as a function of field at T = const. While the 6 K anomaly is found to be insensitive to magnetic fields B ≤ 10 T, the maximum field applied, surprisingly strong B -induced effects are observed for magnetic fields applied along the in-plane b-axis. Above a threshold field of 0.5 T < B c ≤ 1 T, a jump-like anomaly is observed in the b-axis lattice parameter. This anomaly, which is located at 8.7 K at B = 1 T, grows in size and shifts to lower temperatures with increasing the magnetic field. Although the anomaly bears resemblance to a first-order phase transition, the lack of hysteresis suggests otherwise. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
The dimeric compound [Pd(dmba)(μ-Cl)]2 (1) (dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine) reacts with KX, in methanol/acetone, affording the analogous dimeric pseudohalide-bridged species [Pd(dmba)(X)]2 [X = NCO(2), SCN(3), CN(4)]. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, NMR and thermogravimetric analysis. The IR data for 2-4 showed bands typical of coordinated pseudohalide ligands indicating clearly the occurrence of the exchange reaction. Their thermal behavior was investigated and suggested that their thermal stability is influenced by the bridging ligand. The thermal stability decreased in the order [Pd(dmba)(μ-SCN)]2>[Pd(dmba)(μ-Cl)] 2>[Pd(dmba)(;u-NCO)]2>[Pd(dmba)(μ-CN)]2. The X-ray results showed the formation of PdO as final decomposition product. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Programa de Doctorado en Prehistoria y Arqueología
[ES] El dios Mitra procedía del panteón iranio, donde era adorado como protector de los contratos y de los juramentos. En el siglo I d.c. aparece su culto dentro de las fronteras del Imperio Romano asociado a unas prácticas religiosas enmarcadas dentro de la nueva religiosidad que impera en ese momento. Mitra, junto con Isis o Cibeles, recibe un culto mistérico encaminado a proporcionar una experiencia particular y escatológica a los fieles que sean iniciados en su adoración. Se describen en este artículo los elementos que definen estas religiones denominadas mistéricas y el papel desempeñado por el Mitraísmo en el marco religioso romano del Alto Imperio
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die temperatur- und ortsabhängige Zustandsdichte des organischen Supraleiters kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br mit Rastertunnelspektroskopie bei tiefen Temperaturen untersucht.rnZusätzlich zur bereits bekannten supraleitenden Energielücke wird dabei eine logarithmische Unterdrückung der Zustandsdichte an der Fermikante beobachtet, die auch oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur erhalten bleibt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass sich dieses Verhalten durch ein für ungeordnete elektronische Systeme entwickeltes Modell unter Berücksichtigung von Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen beschreiben lässt. Die daraus resultierenden Fluktuationen der elektronischen Struktur führen zu einer Verbreiterung der gemessenen supraleitenden Energielücke, die sich durch sehr kleine Kohärenzmaxima im entsprechenden Quasiteilchenanregungsspektrum äußert. Dieses Verhalten wurde bereits beobachtet, konnte jedoch bisher nicht erklärt werden. Die theoretische Beschreibung der logarithmischen Unterdrückung trägt somit zusätzlich zum Verständnis des supraleitenden Beitrags bei, sodass die gesamte Zustandsdichte vollständig beschrieben werden kann. Die Analyse der gemessenen supraleitenden Energielücke wurde für verschiedene Symmetrien des Ordnungsparameters durchgeführt, wobei die beste Übereinstimmung für die Annahme einer d-wellenartigen Symmetrie mit zwei unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägten Energielücken gefunden wurde. Der Paarbildungsmechanismus, der zur Bindung zweier Elektronen zu einem Cooper-Paar führt, kann mit einer $d$-wellenartigen Symmetrie nicht durch die in konventionellen Supraleitern gefundene Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung erklärt werden. Stattdessen wird in Analogie zur Hochtemperatur-Supraleitung eine durch antiferromagnetische Spin-Wechselwirkungen induzierte Kopplung der Elektronen vermutet. Dies wird zum einen durch die oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur auftretende, zweite Energielücke und zum anderen durch die zwischen 4,66 und 5,28 liegende Kopplungsstärke 2Delta/(kB Tc) unterstützt, die deutlich größer als für konventionelle Supraleiter mit Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung ist.