992 resultados para Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813.
"Concluded at ... Washington ... District of Columbia."
First published in Blackwood's magazine, May 1871.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Schistosomiasis japonica is a zoonosis of major public health importance in southern China. We undertook a drug intervention to test the hypothesis that buffalo are major reservoirs for human infection in the marshlands/lake areas, where one million people are infected. We compared human and buffalo infection rates and intensity in an intervention village (Jishan), where humans and buffalo were treated with praziquantel, and a control village (Hexi), where only humans were treated, in the Poyang Lake region. Over the four-year study, human incidence in Jishan decreased but increased in Hexi. Adjustment of incidence by age, sex, water exposure, year, and village further confirmed the decreased human infection in Jishan. Chemotherapy for buffaloes resulted in a decrease in buffalo infection rates in Jishan, which coincided with the reduction in human infection rates there in the last two years of the study. Mathematical modeling predicted that buffalo are responsible for 75% of human transmission in Jishan. Copyright © 2006 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Lake Nakivali is one of the four small lakes that form what is known as the Koki lakes system. It is 14 km long, 6 km wide, 26 km2 in area and has maximum depth of 3.5 m at high water level. The lake is located in a lake-swamp complex with River Rwizi as the principle inflow, and a number of peripheral lakes among which are four major ones, i.e. Lakes Nakivali, Mburo, Kachira, and Kijanebalola. The survey therefore established that Lake Nakivali is a healthy ecosystem capable of sustaining fisheries production. While stock enhancement through restocking with fry could boost fish stocks, especially of the Nile tilapia, effective management measures that allow natural regeneration of stocks of indigenous fish species is paramount. This may require closed fishing seasons and control of fishing effort. Tank aquaculture is a viable option for increasing fish production and Ngege (O. niloticus) and Male (C. gariepinus) are candidate fish species for fish farming.
Relief shown by hachures.
Relief shown pictorially.
Shows battle between two warring Plains Indian tribes, the Comanche and Apache.
Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) were historically abundant in the Huron-Erie Corridor (HEC), a 160 km river/channel network composed of the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, and the Detroit River that connects Lake Huron to Lake Erie. In the HEC, most natural lake sturgeon spawning substrates have been eliminated or degraded as a result of channelization and dredging. To address significant habitat loss in HEC, multi-agency restoration efforts are underway to restore spawning substrate by constructing artificial spawning reefs. The main objective of this study was to conduct post-construction monitoring of lake sturgeon egg deposition and larval emergence near two of these artificial reef projects; Fighting Island Reef in the Detroit River, and Middle Channel Spawning Reef in the lower St. Clair River. We also investigated seasonal and nightly timing of larval emergence, growth, and vertical distribution in the water column at these sites, and an additional site in the St. Clair River where lake sturgeon are known to spawn on a bed of ~100 year old coal clinkers. From 2010-12, we collected viable eggs and larvae at all three sites indicating that these artificial reefs are creating conditions suitable for egg deposition, fertilization, incubation, and larval emergence. The construction methods and materials, and physical site conditions present in HEC artificial reef projects can be used to inform future spawning habitat restoration or enhancement efforts. The results from this study have also identified the likelihood of additional uncharacterized natural spawning sites in the St. Clair River. In addition to the field study, we conducted a laboratory experiment involving actual substrate materials that have been used in artificial reef construction in this system. Although coal clinkers are chemically inert, some trace elements can be reincorporated with the clinker material during the combustion process. Since lake sturgeon eggs and larvae are developing in close proximity to this material, it is important to measure the concentration of potentially toxic trace elements. This study focused on arsenic, which occurs naturally in coal and can be toxic to fishes. Total arsenic concentration was measured in samples taken from four substrate treatments submerged in distilled water; limestone cobble, rinsed limestone cobble, coal clinker, and rinsed coal clinker. Samples were taken at three time intervals: 24 hours, 11 days, and 21 days. ICP-MS analysis showed that concentrations of total arsenic were below the EPA drinking water standard (10 ppb) for all samples. However, at the 24 hour sampling interval, a two way repeated measures ANOVA with a Holm-Sidak post hoc analysis (α= 0.05) showed that the mean arsenic concentration was significantly higher in the coal clinker substrate treatment then in the rinsed coal clinker treatment (p=0.006), the limestone cobble treatment (p
The relationships among chick feeding, size and type of prey item, and foraging time away from the brood have not been well studied in seabirds. This study investigated spatial and temporal patterns of foraging and chick-provisioning among 23 radio-tagged male common terns nesting at Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario during 1991 and 1992. Telemetry data were collected concurrently with behavioural observations from an elevated blind. Terns fitted with transmitters did not differ from controls with respect to either brood attendance, patterns of chick mortality, species and size distributions of prey delivered to offspring, or chick-provisioning rates. There was a clear separation of parental roles: males were primarily responsible for feeding chicks while females allocated more time to brood attendance. The prey species most commonly delivered to chicks by adults were rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) and alewife (A/osa pseudoharengus), followed in importance by larval fish, emerald shiner (Notropis antherinoides), salmonids, and fathead minnows (Pimepha/es prome/as). The relative proportions of various fish speCies delivered to chicks by males differed over the course of each breeding season, and there was also much variability in species composition of prey between years. Sizes of prey delivered to chicks also differed between sampling periods. The modal size of fish brought to chicks during Peak 1991 was 1.5 bill lengths, while the majority of prey in Late 1991 were small larval fish. The reverse trend occurred in 1992 when small fish were delivered to chicks predominantly during the Peak nesting period. During periods when predominantly small fish were delivered to chicks, the foraging activity of radio-tagged males was concentrated within a two kilometer radius of the colony. The observed variation in prey composition and foraging locations during the study likely reflects temporal variation in the availability of prey in the vicinity of the colony. Males delivered fish to chicks at a constant rate, while females 4 increased their feeding frequency over the first six to ten brood days. The mean length of fish delivered to chicks by adults increased significantly with increasing chick age. As a group, within each nesting period, transmittered males either foraged predominantly in the same directional bearing (north during Peak 1991, south during Late 1992), or concentrated foraging activity in the immediate vicinity of the colony (Late 1991, Peak 1992). However, individual radio-tagged males exhibited unique and predictable foraging patterns, often favouring specific locations within these areas and differing in their secondary foraging patterns. Overall, the Lake Ontario shoreline between NCB Bay" (3.5 km south of colony) and the lift bridge canal (4 km north of colony) was the foraging area used most frequently by radiotagged males during the chick-rearing period. Foraging patterns of transmittered males at Windermere Basin are similar to patterns of peak-nesting common terns, but differ from those of late-nesters, at a nearby colony (Port Colborne, Lake Erie). Differences between the foraging patterns of late-nesting terns at these colonies likely reflect differences in annual patterns of fish availability between the two locations. No relationship was found between foraging proficiency of adults and survival of offspring. Stochastic factors, such as predation by black-crowned nightherons (Nycticorax nycticorax) and adverse weather conditions during the early stages of chick rearing, may be more important determinants of common tern breeding success than parental quality or fish availability.
Transcript (original grammar and spelling retained): My dear wife I take this time to inform you that I am well hoping that these few lines will Reach you and find you the same I shall in form you of all our Battles that we have had sence I left home we crossed in to Canada the 2 day of July and took fort Erie on the 3 day of July without loss of one man. We then marched down to Chipway eighteen miles below the Fort Erie we got there on the forth day and had our first battle on the 5 day our loss was not jistly known But the inemy loss was double to ours. The 6 day we started with the 2 Brigade to make a bridge a crost the crick two miles a bove the fort in Building the Bridge the inemy Brought up their Canon and playd upon us with their artiliery a bout two hours We drove them from the fort our loss was none the inemy loss was nineteen ciled dead on the ground we then marched to Queenston when we got thare our inemy had fledfrom the fort we then remained thair to Queenston ten days then we marched down to Fort George But that caurdly Chaney did not a rive with the fleet so we had to return back to Queenston thare was a bout six hundred militia formed on the heights of land thay fired up on us from their pickets and retreated to the mane body our flankers ciled and wounded and took about twenty before they got to the Maine body we then marched up the hill they gave us two firs but did not damage and then retreated from the field we stayed there one knight and then marched to Chipway and stayed there one night and the next day just as the sun set the first Brigade marched up in order to give them Battle a bout two miles from the Crick and began the Battle the 2 Brigade has to March up to the Niagara path and ingaged them we charged up on their artlery and took all their Canon Miller commanded the four companys that charged....the battles lasted three hours and forty minutes our loss was about 8 hundred cild and wounded our inemies loss was a bout fourteen hundred cild and wounded the next morning we Marched up in order to give them Battle a gin but thay was afraid to ingage us we then marched to Fort Erie and went to fortiffing and made a strong place the inemy folered us up and Began to cananade and held it fifty three days thay a tacked the fort the fifteenth of august thay atacked a bout one hiour be fore day Light we saw them and Blue up our maggerzean & two hundred of our inemy our loss wasa bout forty cild and wounded and our inemy loss was a bout one thousand on the 7 Day of September we atacked them and took their batteries and Broke all their canon and drove them from the field our loss was a Bout two hundred cild and wounded our inemy loss was a Bout 8 hundred cild and wounded...we crossed in to Canada with five thousand and came out with fifteen hundred we then Marched to Sackett’s harbor....am well and harty for the present....a bout comming home it uncarting for there is not any....given this winter as yet But I shall try to Come home if I Can But if I Cant I want you should take good car of the Phiddness[?] I have not Received any Money as yet But soon as I do receive some I send some home. I want you should write to me as soon as you receive this and and how Much Stock you wintor I Received your Letter with Great pleasure I feel uneasy a bout you I am a frade that you are sick or dead this is from your husband Chase Clough