902 resultados para LINK-STRENGTHS
This study examined the link between involvement in extracurricular activities and academic success for 504 youth in grades 5 and 7, using the first-year survey data from a longitudinal study conducted by Youth Lifestyle Choices-Community University Research Alliance (YLC-CURA). Specifically, the study investigated whether a linear or curvilinear relation existed between extracurricular activities and academic achievement for both in- and out-of-school activities. It was hypothesized that stress may be a possible mediator in the link between extracurricular activities and achievement Results indicated that students in grades 5 and 7 were involved in club and sport activities both inside and outside of school at fairly equal fi-equencies, with a mean frequency of approximately once a month. The hypothesis that a positive relation j between in- and out-of-school extracurricular activities and achievement was supported. The hypothesis that a curvilinear relation would exist between extracurricular activities and achievement was only supported for out-of-school activities. This finding supports the argument that too much or too little involvement in out-of-school activities is related negatively to a student's academic success; however, a moderate amount of involvement appears to be positive. The hypothesis that there would be a relation between involvement in extracurricular activities and stress level for both in-school and out-ofschool activities was not supported. Results were discussed in terms of educational implications and community resources for extracurricular activities.
The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an assessment that measured savouring leisure. The assessment items developed were reviewed for content validity by eight international therapeutic recreation (TR) educators and administrators as well as eleven TR practitioners. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to determine the most suitable items for the assessment. The results suggest that the original three subscale design needed to be modified to five. The reliability of the total assessment is α=.84. Statistical analysis for construct validity reveal 58.52% of the variance explained, and a moderate correlation was found between this study and other savouring assessments. The implications of the shift in conceptualization are reviewed through discussing factor analysis issues, the lived experience of savouring leisure, and the impact of the content validity process. This study contributes to the ongoing dialog of savouring leisure. Recommendations for future research are discussed.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Calidad y Producción) - U.A.N.L., 2003
Tesis (Maestro en ciencias de la manufactura con especialidad en Diseño del Producto) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) U.A.N.L.
La prolongation de l’intervalle électrocardiographique QT est un facteur de risque d’arythmie ventriculaire et de mort subite. Cette anomalie, retrouvée chez certains patients atteints de lupus érythémateux disséminé, pourrait contribuer à la mortalité cardiovasculaire élevée dans cette population. L’anti-Ro/SSA, un auto-anticorps retrouvé chez environ 30% des patients atteints de lupus, est associé à la présence de blocs cardiaques chez le nouveau-né et pourrait aussi augmenter le risque de prolongation pathologique de l’intervalle QT chez l’adulte. Le présent mémoire est constitué de cinq chapitres traitant de l’association potentielle entre l’anticorps anti-Ro/SSA et la prolongation de l’intervalle QT. Le premier chapitre constitue une introduction permettant de mettre en contexte les éléments essentiels à la compréhension du projet d’étude. Le deuxième chapitre constitue une revue de l’état des connaissances actuelles sur le lien potentiel entre anti-Ro/SSA et intervalle QT. Le troisième chapitre présente le projet d’étude par l’intermédiaire d’un article publié dans Arthritis Care and Research. Dans cette étude, les patients de la cohorte de lupiques du Centre Universitaire de santé McGill ont subi des électrocardiogrammes dans l’objectif d’estimer l’association entre l’anti-Ro/SSA et les anomalies électrocardiographiques, en tenant compte d’autres facteurs démographiques et cliniques. L’association entre la prolongation de l’intervalle QT et la présence de l’anti-Ro/SSA a été démontrée (rapports de cotes ajustés de 5.1 à 12.6) et les patients porteurs de l’anti-Ro/SSA pourraient donc bénéficier de dépistage électrocardiographique systématique. Les points faibles et forts de cet article sont discutés dans le quatrième chapitre et des perspectives de recherches futures sont finalement abordées.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
L’approche cognitive du trouble obsessionnel-compulsif (TOC) propose un lien bidirectionnel entre les émotions et les cognitions. Cependant, même si des études montrent une association entre les émotions et le TOC, aucune étude ne s’est attardée à la relation entre les émotions, les cognitions et les comportements au cours d’une thérapie cognitive. La présente étude a pour but d’examiner la relation entre les processus cognitif, béhavioral et émotionnel au cours d’une thérapie basée sur les inférences (TBI) chez des personnes souffrant du TOC. Plus précisément, nous avons observé comment les émotions et les symptômes du TOC s’influencent et comment ils s’influencent à travers le temps. Les patients ont rempli un journal de bord tout au long du processus thérapeutique, notant (de 0 à 100) des émotions clés, ainsi que les croyances et les comportements ciblés durant la thérapie. Des analyses à mesures répétées ont été utilisées afin de maximiser le potentiel des données longitudinales. Les résultats montrent que l’anxiété, la tristesse et la joie ont des trajectoires similaires aux croyances et aux comportements au cours de la thérapie. Les forces et limites de l’étude sont discutées. Les implications des résultats pour le traitement des émotions et des pensées à différents moments de la thérapie sont aussi discutées.
Le but de notre recherche est de répondre à la question suivante : Quelles sont les sources d’influence des pratiques d’emploi instaurées par les EMN originaires de pays européens dans leurs filiales québécoises? Comme les EMN constituent notre objet de recherche, nous avons, dans un premier temps, recensé les principales caractéristiques de celles-ci. Il faut noter que les EMN ont un portrait différent par rapport à celui des entreprises qui ne sont pas multinationales. Comme le Québec est l’endroit où notre recherche a eu lieu, nous avons aussi expliqué les caractéristiques socioéconomiques du marché québécois. Nous avons constaté que le marché québécois se distingue du reste du Canada par son hybridité résultant d’un mélange de caractéristiques libérales et coordonnées. Comme les EMN étudiées sont d’origine européenne, nous avons aussi expliqué les caractéristiques des pays européens à économie coordonnée et libérale. Il faut noter que les pays à économie coordonnée et à économie libérale ont de caractéristiques différentes, voire opposées. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons recensé les études qui ont tenté de répondre à notre question de recherche. La littérature identifie quatre sources d’influence des pratiques d’emploi que les EMN instaurent dans leurs filiales étrangères : le pays d’accueil, le pays d’origine, les sources d’influence hybrides, et les sources d’influence globales. Les sources d’influence provenant des pays d’accueil déterminent les pratiques d’emploi des filiales étrangères en mettant en valeur l’isomorphisme, les principes calculateur et collaborateur, et la capacité des filiales à modifier les marchés dans lesquels elles opèrent. Les sources d’influence provenant des pays d’origine influencent les pratiques d’emploi en mettant en valeur l’isomorphisme culturel, l’effet du pays d’origine, et l’effet du pays de gestion. Les sources d’influence hybrides combinent les facteurs en provenance des pays d’accueil, des pays d’origine, et du marché global pour déterminer les pratiques d’emploi des filiales étrangères. Finalement, les sources d’influence globales mettent en valeur les pressions d’intégration au marché mondial pour expliquer la convergence des pratiques d’emploi des filiales étrangères vers un modèle universel anglo-saxon. Pour répondre à notre question de recherche, nous avons identifié les niveaux de coordination des pays d’origine comme variable indépendante, et les niveaux de coordination des pratiques d’emploi comme variable dépendante. Sept hypothèses avec leurs indicateurs respectifs ont tenu compte des relations entre nos variables indépendantes et dépendante. Nous avons préparé un questionnaire de recherche, et avons interviewé des membres du personnel de RH de dix EMN européennes ayant au moins une filiale au Québec. Les filiales faisant partie de notre échantillon appartiennent à des EMN originaires de divers pays européens, autant à marché libéral que coordonné. Nous avons décrit en détail les caractéristiques de chacune de ces EMN et de leurs filiales québécoises. Nous avons identifié des facteurs explicatifs (index de coordination de Hall et Gingerich, secteur d’activité, taille des filiales, et degré de globalisation des EMN) qui auraient pu aussi jouer un rôle dans la détermination et la nature des pratiques d’emploi des filiales. En matière de résultats, nous n’avons constaté de lien entre le type de marché du pays d’origine et le degré de coordination des pratiques d’emploi que pour les pratiques salariales; confirmant ainsi notre première hypothèse. Les pratiques de stabilité d’emploi, de formation, et de relations de travail ont un lien avec le secteur d’activité; soit le secteur de la production des bien, ou celui des services. Ainsi, les filiales dans le secteur de la production de biens font preuve de plus de coordination en matière de ces trois pratiques comparativement aux filiales dans le secteur des services. Finalement, les pratiques de développement de carrière et de partage d’information et consultation sont de nature coordonnée dans toutes les filiales, mais aucun facteur explicatif n’explique ce résultat. Compte tenu que le marché d’accueil québécois est commun à toutes les filiales, le Québec comme province d’accueil pourrait expliquer le fort degré de coordination de ces deux pratiques. Outre le marché d’accueil, le caractère multinational des EMN auxquelles ces filiales appartiennent pourrait aussi expliquer des résultats semblables en matière des pratiques d’emploi. Notre recherche comporte des forces et des faiblesses. Concernant les forces, notre méthode de recherche nous a permis d’obtenir des données de source directe, car nous avons questionné directement les gens concernées par les pratiques d’emploi. Ceci a pour effet d’assurer une certaine validité à notre recherche. Concernant nos faiblesses, la nature restreinte de notre échantillon ne nous permet pas de généraliser les résultats. Il faudrait réaliser d’autres recherches pour améliorer la fiabilité. De plus, les pays d’origine des filiales demeure ambigu pour certaines d’entre elles, car celles-ci ont changé de propriétaire plusieurs fois. D’autres ont au moins deux propriétaires originaires de pays distincts.
This research is a study about knowledge interface that aims to analyse knowledge discontinuities, the dynamic and emergent characters of struggles and interactions within gender system and ethnicity differences. The cacao boom phenomenon in Central Sulawesi is the main context for a changing of social relations of production, especially when the mode of production has shifted or is still underway from subsistence to petty commodity production. This agrarian change is not only about a change of relationship and practice, but, as my previous research has shown, also about the shift of knowledge domination, because knowledge construes social practice in a dialectical process. Agroecological knowledge is accumulated through interaction, practice and experience. At the same time the knowledge gained from new practices and experiences changes mode of interaction, so such processes provide the arena where an interface of knowledge is manifested. In the process of agro-ecological knowledge interface, gender and ethnic group interactions materialise in the decision-making of production and resource allocation at the household and community level. At this point, power/knowledge is interplayed to gain authority in decision-making. When authority dominates, power encounters resistance, whereas the dominant power and its resistance are aimed to ensure socio-economic security. Eventually, the process of struggle can be identified through the pattern of resource utilisation as a realisation of production decision-making. Such processes are varied from one community to another, and therefore, it shows uniqueness and commonalities, especially when it is placed in a context of shifting mode of production. The focus is placed on actors: men and women in their institutional and cultural setting, including the role of development agents. The inquiry is informed by 4 major questions: 1) How do women and men acquire, disseminate, and utilise their agro ecological knowledge, specifically in rice farming as a subsistence commodity, as well as in cacao farming as a petty commodity? How and why do such mechanisms construct different knowledge domains between two genders? How does the knowledge mechanism apply in different ethnics? What are the implications for gender and ethnicity based relation of production? ; 2) Using the concept of valued knowledge in a shifting mode of production context: is there any knowledge that dominates others? How does the process of domination occur and why? Is there any form of struggle, strategies, negotiation, and compromise over this domination? How do these processes take place at a household as well as community level? How does it relate to production decision-making? ; 3) Putting the previous questions in two communities with a different point of arrival on a path of agricultural commercialisation, how do the processes of struggle vary? What are the bases of the commonalities and peculiarities in both communities?; 4) How the decisions of production affect rice field - cacao plantation - forest utilisation in the two villages? How does that triangle of resource use reflect the constellation of local knowledge in those two communities? What is the implication of this knowledge constellation for the cacao-rice-forest agroecosystem in the forest margin area? Employing a qualitative approach as the main method of inquiry, indepth and dialogic interviews, participant observer role, and document review are used to gather information. A small survey and children’s writing competition are supplementary to this data collection method. The later two methods are aimed to give wider information on household decision making and perception toward the forest. It was found that local knowledge, particularly knowledge pertaining to rice-forest-cacao agroecology is divided according to gender and ethnicity. This constellation places a process of decision-making as ‘the arena of interface’ between feminine and masculine knowledge, as well as between dominant and less dominant ethnic groups. Transition from subsistence to a commercial mode of production is a context that frames a process where knowledge about cacao commodity is valued higher than rice. Market mechanism, as an external power, defines valued knowledge. Valued knowledge defines the dominant knowledge holder, and decision. Therefore, cacao cultivation becomes a dominant practice. Its existence sacrifices the presence of rice field and the forest. Knowledge about rice production and forest ecosystem exist, but is less valued. So it is unable to challenge the domination of cacao. Various forms of struggles - within gender an ethnicity context - to resist cacao domination are an expression of unequal knowledge possession. Knowledge inequality implies to unequal access to withdraw benefit from market valued crop. When unequal knowledge fails to construct a negotiated field or struggles fail to reveal ‘marginal’ decision, e.g. intensification instead of cacao expansion to the forest, interface only produces divergence. Gender and ethnicity divided knowledge is unabridged, since negotiation is unable to produce new knowledge that accommodates both interests. Rice is loaded by ecological interest to conserve the forest, while cacao is driven by economic interest to increase welfare status. The implication of this unmediated dominant knowledge of cacao production is the construction of access; access to the forest, mainly to withdraw its economic benefit by eliminating its ecological benefit. Then, access to cacao as the social relationship of production to acquire cacao knowledge; lastly, access to defend sustainable benefit from cacao by expansion. ‘Socio-economic Security’ is defined by Access. The convergence of rice and cacao knowledge, however, should be made possible across gender and ethnicity, not only for the sake of forest conservation as the insurance of ecological security, but also for community’s socio-economic security. The convergence might be found in a range of alternative ways to conduct cacao sustainable production, from agroforestry system to intensification.
The ongoing growth of the World Wide Web, catalyzed by the increasing possibility of ubiquitous access via a variety of devices, continues to strengthen its role as our prevalent information and commmunication medium. However, although tools like search engines facilitate retrieval, the task of finally making sense of Web content is still often left to human interpretation. The vision of supporting both humans and machines in such knowledge-based activities led to the development of different systems which allow to structure Web resources by metadata annotations. Interestingly, two major approaches which gained a considerable amount of attention are addressing the problem from nearly opposite directions: On the one hand, the idea of the Semantic Web suggests to formalize the knowledge within a particular domain by means of the "top-down" approach of defining ontologies. On the other hand, Social Annotation Systems as part of the so-called Web 2.0 movement implement a "bottom-up" style of categorization using arbitrary keywords. Experience as well as research in the characteristics of both systems has shown that their strengths and weaknesses seem to be inverse: While Social Annotation suffers from problems like, e. g., ambiguity or lack or precision, ontologies were especially designed to eliminate those. On the contrary, the latter suffer from a knowledge acquisition bottleneck, which is successfully overcome by the large user populations of Social Annotation Systems. Instead of being regarded as competing paradigms, the obvious potential synergies from a combination of both motivated approaches to "bridge the gap" between them. These were fostered by the evidence of emergent semantics, i. e., the self-organized evolution of implicit conceptual structures, within Social Annotation data. While several techniques to exploit the emergent patterns were proposed, a systematic analysis - especially regarding paradigms from the field of ontology learning - is still largely missing. This also includes a deeper understanding of the circumstances which affect the evolution processes. This work aims to address this gap by providing an in-depth study of methods and influencing factors to capture emergent semantics from Social Annotation Systems. We focus hereby on the acquisition of lexical semantics from the underlying networks of keywords, users and resources. Structured along different ontology learning tasks, we use a methodology of semantic grounding to characterize and evaluate the semantic relations captured by different methods. In all cases, our studies are based on datasets from several Social Annotation Systems. Specifically, we first analyze semantic relatedness among keywords, and identify measures which detect different notions of relatedness. These constitute the input of concept learning algorithms, which focus then on the discovery of synonymous and ambiguous keywords. Hereby, we assess the usefulness of various clustering techniques. As a prerequisite to induce hierarchical relationships, our next step is to study measures which quantify the level of generality of a particular keyword. We find that comparatively simple measures can approximate the generality information encoded in reference taxonomies. These insights are used to inform the final task, namely the creation of concept hierarchies. For this purpose, generality-based algorithms exhibit advantages compared to clustering approaches. In order to complement the identification of suitable methods to capture semantic structures, we analyze as a next step several factors which influence their emergence. Empirical evidence is provided that the amount of available data plays a crucial role for determining keyword meanings. From a different perspective, we examine pragmatic aspects by considering different annotation patterns among users. Based on a broad distinction between "categorizers" and "describers", we find that the latter produce more accurate results. This suggests a causal link between pragmatic and semantic aspects of keyword annotation. As a special kind of usage pattern, we then have a look at system abuse and spam. While observing a mixed picture, we suggest that an individual decision should be taken instead of disregarding spammers as a matter of principle. Finally, we discuss a set of applications which operationalize the results of our studies for enhancing both Social Annotation and semantic systems. These comprise on the one hand tools which foster the emergence of semantics, and on the one hand applications which exploit the socially induced relations to improve, e. g., searching, browsing, or user profiling facilities. In summary, the contributions of this work highlight viable methods and crucial aspects for designing enhanced knowledge-based services of a Social Semantic Web.
Personality traits have often been highlighted to relate to how people cope with stressful events. The present paper focuses on character strengths as positive personality traits and examines two basic assumptions that were derived from a core characteristic of character strengths (i.e., to determine how individuals deal with adversities): (1) character strengths correlate with coping and (2) buffer the effects of work-related stress on job satisfaction. Two different samples (i.e., a mixed sample representing various occupations [N = 214] and a nurses sample [N = 175]) filled in measures for character strengths, coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. As expected, intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal strengths were related to coping. Interpersonal strengths played a greater role for coping among nurses, as interactions with others are an essential part of their workday. Furthermore, intellectual strengths partially mediated the negative effect of work-related stress on job satisfaction. These findings open a new field for research on the role of personality in coping with work-related stress. Character strengths are trainable personal characteristics, and therefore valuable resources to improve coping with work-related stress and to decrease the negative effects of stress. Further research is needed to investigate this assumed causality.
In the B-ISDN there is a provision for four classes of services, all of them supported by a single transport network (the ATM network). Three of these services, the connected oriented (CO) ones, permit connection access control (CAC) but the fourth, the connectionless oriented (CLO) one, does not. Therefore, when CLO service and CO services have to share the same ATM link, a conflict may arise. This is because a bandwidth allocation to obtain maximum statistical gain can damage the contracted ATM quality of service (QOS); and vice versa, in order to guarantee the contracted QOS, the statistical gain have to be sacrificed. The paper presents a performance evaluation study of the influence of the CLO service on a CO service (a circuit emulation service or a variable bit-rate service) when sharing the same link