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Plasmonic nanoparticles are great candidates for sensing applications with optical read-out. Plasmon sensing is based on the interaction of the nanoparticle with electromagnetic waves where the particle scatters light at its resonance wavelength. This wavelength depends on several intrinsic factors like material, shape and size of the nanoparticle as well as extrinsic factors like the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The latter allows the nanoparticle to be used as a sensor; changes in the proximate environment can be directly monitored by the wavelength of the emitted light. Due to their minuscule size and high sensitivity this allows individual nanoparticles to report on changes in particle coverage.rnrnTo use this single particle plasmon sensor for future sensing applications it has to meet the demand for detection of incidents on the single molecule level, such as single molecule sensing or even the detection of conformational changes of a single molecule. Therefore, time resolution and sensitivity have to be enhanced as today’s measurement methods for signal read-out are too slow and not sensitive enough to resolve these processes. This thesis presents a new experimental setup, the 'Plasmon Fluctuation Setup', that leads to tremendous improvements in time resolution and sensitivity. This is achieved by implementation of a stronger light source and a more sensitive detector. The new setup has a time resolution in the microsecond regime, an advancement of 4-6 orders of magnitude to previous setups. Its resonance wavelength stability of 0.03 nm, measured with an exposure time of 10 ms, is an improvement of a factor of 20 even though the exposure time is 3000 times shorter than in previous reports. Thus, previously unresolvable wavelength changes of the plasmon sensor induced by minor local environmental alteration can be monitored with extremely high temporal resolution.rnrnUsing the 'Plasmon Fluctuation Setup', I can resolve adsorption events of single unlabeled proteins on an individual nanorod. Additionally, I monitored the dynamic evolution of a single protein binding event on a millisecond time scale. This feasibility is of high interest as the role of certain domains in the protein can be probed by a study of modified analytes without the need for labels possibly introducing conformational or characteristic changes to the target. The technique also resolves equilibrium fluctuations in the coverage, opening a window into observing Brownian dynamics of unlabeled macromolecules. rnrnA further topic addressed in this thesis is the usability of the nanoruler, two nanospheres connected with a spacer molecule, as a stiffness sensor for the interparticle linker under strong illumination. Here, I discover a light induced collapse of the nanoruler. Furthermore, I exploit the sensing volume of a fixed nanorod to study unlabeled analytes diffusing around the nanorod at concentrations that are too high for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy but realistic for biological systems. Additionally, local pH sensing with nanoparticles is achieved.


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Small, smaller, nano - it is a milestone in the development of new materials and technologies. Nanoscience is now present in our daily lives: in the car industry with self-cleaning surfaces, in medicine with cancer therapies, even our clothes and cosmetics utilize nanoparticles. The number and variety of applications has been growing fast in recent years, and the possibilities seem almost infinite. Nanoparticles made of inorganic materials have found applications in new electronic technologies, and organic nanomaterials have been added to resins to produce very strong but light weight materials.rnThis work deals with the combination of organic and inorganic materials for the fabrication of new, functional hybrid systems. For that purpose, block copolymers were made with a long, solubility-enhancing and semiconducting block, and a short anchor block. They were synthesized by either RAFT polymerization or Siegrist polycondensation. For the second block, an active ester was grafted on and subsequently reacted with the anchor molecules in a polymer analogue reaction. The resulting block copolymers had different properties; poly(para-phenylene vinylene) showed self-assembly in organic solvents, which resulted in gelling of the solution. The fibers from a diluted solution were visible through microscopy. When polymer chains were attached to TiO2 nanorods, the hybrids could be integrated into polymer fibers. A light-induced charge separation was demonstrated through KPFM. The polymer charged positively and the charge could travel along the fibers for several hundred nanometers. Polymers made via RAFT polymerization were based on poly(vinyltriphenylamine). Ruthenium chromophores which carried anchor groups were attached to the second block. These novel block copolymers were then attached to ZnO nanorods. A light-induced charge separation was also demonstrated in this system. The ability to disperse inorganic nanoparticles within the film is another advantage of these block copolymers. This was shown with the example of CdSe tetrapods. Poly(vinyltriphenylamine dimer) with disulfide anchor groups was attached to CdSe tetrapods. These four-armed nanoparticles are supposed to show very high charge transport. A polymer without anchor groups was also mixed with the tetrapods in order to investigate the influence of the anchor groups. It was shown that without them no good films were formed and the tetrapods aggregated heavily in the samples. Additionally, a large difference in the film qualities and the aggregation of the tetrapods was found in the sample of the polymer with anchor groups, dependent on the tetrapod arm length and the polymer loading. These systems are very interesting for hybrid solar cells. This work also illustrates similar systems with quantum dots. The influence of the energy level of the polymer on the hole transport from the polymer to the quantum dots, as well as on the efficiency of QLEDs was studied. For this purpose two different polymers were synthesized with different HOMO levels. It was clearly shown that the polymer with the adjusted lower HOMO level had a better hole injection to the quantum dots, which resulted in more efficient light emitting diodes.rnThese systems all have in common the fact that novel, and specially designed polymers, were attached to inorganic nanocrystals. All of these hybrid materials show fascinating properties, and are helpful in the research of new materials for optoelectronic applications.


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In dieser Arbeit werden formstabile, amphiphile, oberflächenstrukturierte Polyphenylendendrimere (PPDs) mit verschiedenen Oberflächenpolaritäten beschrieben. Die physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften dieser Makromoleküle wurden studiert, welche ein gutes Verständnis der Nanoumgebung amphiphiler PPDs lieferten. Auch lichtinduzierte Polaritätsänderung wurde untersucht. Mit dem Konzept einer gleichmäßigen Verteilung polarer Bereiche auf der Peripherie hydrophober PPPs gelang es, Transportsysteme für Fettsäuren und Zytostatika zu erzeugen, welche charakteristische Merkmale natürlicher Transportproteine wie Albumin in sich vereinen. Hierzu zählen eine stabile dreidimensionale Form, die Ausbildung von Bindungstaschen sowie eine definierte strukturierte Oberfläche aus hydrophilen und hydrophoben Bereichen. Die Verfügbarkeit von lipophilen Bindungstaschen übertrifft sogar die des Albumins. Im Gegensatz zu Polymeren kann die Wirkstoffaufnahme bei PPDs exakt bestimmt werden. Die Anpassung der peripheren Gruppen beeinflusst den zellulären Aufnahmemechanismus. Es konnten effiziente Zellaufnahmen in A549-Zellen sowie der Transport und die intrazelluläre Freisetzung von Doxorubicin erreicht werden. Manche PPDs bieten eine Größe und Architektur, die es ermöglicht, Endothelzellen des Gehirns zu durchdringen. Es wurde auch der andere Extremfall untersucht, indem alle polaren Gruppen auf einer Hemisphäre akkumuliert wurden. Zur Darstellung solcher Janus-Dendrimere wurde ein neues Synthesekonzept herausgearbeitet und die erhaltenen Janus-Dendrimere mittels Lichtstreuung untersucht, wobei definierte perlenschnurartige Aggregate gefunden wurden. Weiterhin wurden semifluorierte Amphiphile vorgestellt, welche die Möglichkeit zur Selbstorganisation durch Nanophasenseparation bieten.


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Die salpetrige Säure (HONO) ist eine der reaktiven Stickstoffkomponenten der Atmosphäre und Pedosphäre. Die genauen Bildungswege von HONO, sowie der gegenseitige Austausch von HONO zwischen Atmosphäre und Pedosphäre sind noch nicht vollständig aufgedeckt. Bei der HONO-Photolyse entsteht das Hydroxylradikal (OH) und Stickstoffmonooxid (NO), was die Bedeutsamkeit von HONO für die atmosphärische Photochemie widerspiegelt.rnUm die genannte Bildung von HONO im Boden und dessen anschließenden Austausch mit der Atmosphäre zu untersuchen, wurden Messungen von Bodenproben mit dynamischen Kammern durchgeführt. Im Labor gemessene Emissionsflüsse von Wasser, NO und HONO zeigen, dass die Emission von HONO in vergleichbarem Umfang und im gleichen Bodenfeuchtebereich wie die für NO (von 6.5 bis 56.0 % WHC) stattfindet. Die Höhe der HONO-Emissionsflüsse bei neutralen bis basischen pH-Werten und die Aktivierungsenergie der HONO-Emissionsflüsse führen zu der Annahme, dass die mikrobielle Nitrifikation die Hauptquelle für die HONO-Emission darstellt. Inhibierungsexperimente mit einer Bodenprobe und die Messung einer Reinkultur von Nitrosomonas europaea bestärkten diese Theorie. Als Schlussfolgerung wurde das konzeptionelle Model der Bodenemission verschiedener Stickstoffkomponenten in Abhängigkeit von dem Wasserhaushalt des Bodens für HONO erweitert.rnIn einem weiteren Versuch wurde zum Spülen der dynamischen Kammer Luft mit erhöhtem Mischungsverhältnis von HONO verwendet. Die Messung einer hervorragend charakterisierten Bodenprobe zeigte bidirektionale Flüsse von HONO. Somit können Böden nicht nur als HONO-Quelle, sondern auch je nach Bedingungen als effektive Senke dienen. rnAußerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Verhältnis von HONO- zu NO-Emissionen mit dem pH-Wert des Bodens korreliert. Grund könnte die erhöhte Reaktivität von HONO bei niedrigem pH-Wert und die längere Aufenthaltsdauer von HONO verursacht durch reduzierte Gasdiffusion im Bodenporenraum sein, da ein niedriger pH-Wert mit erhöhter Bodenfeuchte am Maximum der Emission einhergeht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die effektive Diffusion von Gasen im Bodenporenraum und die effektive Diffusion von Ionen in der Bodenlösung die HONO-Produktion und den Austausch von HONO mit der Atmosphäre begrenzen. rnErgänzend zu den Messungen im Labor wurde HONO während der Messkampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 im borealen Nadelwald simultan in der Höhe von 1 m über dem Boden und 2 bis 3 m über dem Blätterdach gemessen. Die Budgetberechnungen für HONO zeigen, dass für HONO sämtliche bekannte Quellen und Senken in Bezug auf die übermächtige HONO-Photolyserate tagsüber vernachlässigbar sind (< 20%). Weder Bodenemissionen von HONO, noch die Photolyse von an Oberflächen adsorbierter Salpetersäure können die fehlende Quelle erklären. Die lichtinduzierte Reduktion von Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) an Oberflächen konnte nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass die fehlende Quelle stärker mit der HONO-Photolyserate korreliert als mit der entsprechenden Photolysefrequenz, die proportional zur Photolysefrequenz von NO2 ist. Somit lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass entweder die Photolyserate von HONO überschätzt wird oder dass immer noch eine unbekannte, HONO-Quelle existiert, die mit der Photolyserate sehr stark korreliert. rn rn


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung und experimentelle Umsetzung einer kontinuierlichen, kohärenten Lichtquelle im vakuumultravioletten Wellenlängenbereich um 122 nm präsentiert. Diese basiert auf der nichtlinearen optischen Summenfrequenzmischung dreier Fundamentallaserstrahlen in einer mit Quecksilberdampf gefüllten Hohlfaser. Die Wellenlängen der fundamentalen Laser sind dabei an der Niveaustruktur des Quecksilbers orientiert, um eine mehrfach resonante Überhöhung der nichtlinearen Suszeptibilität zu erreichen. Der transversale Einschluss der Lichtfelder in der Faser verlängert die Wechselwirkungszone mit dem nichtlinearen Medium um mehrere Größenordnungen gegenüber dem Regime fokussierter Strahlen und erlaubt so signifikante Steigerungen der Mischeffizienz.rnrnIm Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde neben einer umfassenden mathematischen Analyse des nichtlinearen Mischprozesses unter Einfluss der Fasercharakteristika eine Apparatur zur Erzeugung und Detektion vakuumultravioletter Strahlung entwickelt. Die Generierung ausreichend hoher Dampfdichten innerhalb des 50 µm durchmessenden Faserkerns konnten spektroskopisch nachgewiesen werden.rnrnDas erste erfolgreiche Summenfrequenzmischen zu 121,26 nm in der Faser wurde demonstriert. Die erzielten Mischeffizienzen sind bereits mit denen vergleichbar, welche unter Verwendung fokussierter Strahlen erreicht werden, obwohl eine Phasenanpassung in der Faser bisher nicht möglich war. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit markieren damit einen wichtigen Schritt hin zu Leistungssteigerungen kohärenter, kontinuierlicher vakuumultravioletter Lichtquellen.rnrnEine solche Quelle wird für zukünftige Laserkühlung von magnetisch gefangenem Antiwasserstoff auf dem Lyman-Alpha Übergang, sowie die Rydberganregung von Calciumionen in einer Paulfalle zur Implementierung quantenlogischer Operationen benötigt.rnrnFerner hat eine Untersuchung der, für eine effiziente Konversion essentiellen, 6^1S_0 - 7^1S_0 Zwei-Photonen Resonanz in Quecksilber Hinweise auf eine bis dato experimentell nicht beobachtete, auf einer Mehr-Photonen Anregung beruhende Licht-induzierte Drift ergeben.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein System zu entwickeln, in dem ein durch Licht induzierter Elektronentransfer stattfinden kann. Dazu wurden ein Kupfer(II)- und ein Zink(II)Tetraazaporphyrin mit acht 4-tert-Butylphenyl-Substituenten synthetisiert (Cu4Dinit, Zn4Dinit). Die Energielücke von 1,85 eV zwischen HOMO und LUMO von Cu4Dinit in Lösung wurde mit Hilfe von Cyclovoltammetrie und UV/Vis-Messungen bestimmt. Somit ist sie größer als für Cu4Dinit Moleküle, die auf einer Oberfläche (Wolfram(100)) liegen und mit STM-, STS-Messungen untersucht wurden. Hier beträgt die Energielücke 1,35 eV, was durch eine Drehung der Phenylringe in die Ebene der Pyrrolringe des Makrozyklus und somit durch eine bessere Überlappung der Orbitale erklärt werden kann. Um die Wechselwirkung der Moleküle mit der Oberfläche zu untersuchen, wurde Cu4Dinit, wie oben beschrieben, auf Magnetit aufgedampft. Dadurch wurde ausschließlich die Wechselwirkung zwischen den Elektronenspins des Kupfer(II)-ions und den Elektronenspins des Eisens im Magnetit betrachtet. Durch Messungen der Röntgenabsorption und des XMCD-Effektes konnten das Spinmoment, Bahnmoment und das Gesamtmoment des Kupfers berechnet und eine anisotrope Kopplung des Elektronenspins des Kupferions zum Magnetit, in Abhängigkeit der Magnetisierungsrichtung des Magnetits, festgestellt werden. Wenn der Magnetit senkrecht zur Oberfläche (out-of-plane) magnetisiert ist, ist die Kopplung ferromagnetisch, während bei einer Magnetisierungsrichtung parallel zur Ebene (in-plane) des Magnetits der Elektronenspin des Kupfers antiferromagnetisch mit dem des Eisens koppelt. Dadurch muss der Hamiltonian, der die Wechselwirkung zwischen zwei Spins beschreibt, bei einer anisotropen Kopplung um einen ansiotropen Term ergänzt werden. Das Ergebnis, dass der Elektronenspin des Kupferions durch die Richtung der Magnetisierung des Magnetits beeinflusst werden kann, eröffnet neue Wege, um die Spinkonfiguration von auf der Oberfläche liegenden Molekülen mit ungepaarten Elektronen, wie die zentralen Metallionen der Makrozyklen aber auch die Elektronenspins anderer metallorganischer Komplexe oder molekulare Magnete, durch ein externes Magnetfeld zu beeinflussen. rnDurch die stöchiometrische Templatreaktion von Pyrazino[2,3-f][1,10]-phenanthrolin-2,3-di-carbonitril (Dicnq), Bis(4-tert-Butylphenyl)-fumarodinitril (Dinit) und Kupfer(II)-acetat wurde eine Koordinationsmöglichkeit für ein Ruthenium(II)-ion in einem Tetraazaporphyrin hergestellt und so die Makrozyklen Cu3Dinit1Dicnq und Zn3Dinit1Dicnq synthetisiert, mit Rutheniumionen versetzt und ebenfalls mit Hilfe von Röntgenabsorptionsmessungen und XMCD untersucht. Durch die Vergleiche mit Zn3Dinit1Dicnq und den jeweiligen Verbindungen mit koordinierten Rutheniumionen (Cu3Dinit1Dicnq-1Ru, Zn3Dinit1Dicnq-1Ru) konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Verschiebung der Elektronendichte des Rutheniumions zu dem zentralen Kupferion des Makrozyklus stattgefunden hat und durch die Koordination eines Rutheniumions in der Peripherie des Tetraazaporphyrins die energetische Lage der Kupferorbitale beeinflusst wird.rnDer Einfluss von vier koordinierten Ruthenium(II)-ionen auf das zentrale Kupferion wurde an Hand des in dieser Arbeit hergestellten Kupfer(II)phenanthralocyanins (Cu4Dicnq) untersucht, das aus vier Dicnq-Liganden und Kupfer(II)-acetat synthetisiert wurde. Auf Grund der schlechten Löslichkeit wurde für die Koordination der Rutheniumionen der Prekursor [Ru(bipy)2Dicnq](PF6)2 hergestellt und daraus der Makrozyklus in einer Templatsynthese mit Kufper(II)-ionen gebildet. Durch diese neue Syntheseroute war es möglich, die Verbindung Cu4Dicnq-4Ru herzustellen und ebenfalls durch Röntgenabsorption und XMCD zu untersuchen und so das Spin- und Bahnmoment zu ermitteln. Ein Teil der Elektronendichte des Rutheniumions in dieser Verbindung wird auf die zusätzlich an das Rutheniumion koordinierten 2,2'-Bipyridine und nicht auf den Makrozyklus, wie in Cu3Dinit1Dicnq-1Ru, geschoben. Trotzdem konnte die Funktionsweise als Modell des Photosystems II durch eine Oxidation durch die Bestrahlung mit einer Quecksilberlampe mit para-Benzochinon beobachtet werden. Dies bestätigte die Funktionsweise des Kupfer(II)phenanthralocyanins mit koordinierten Rutheniumionen, da ein durch Licht induzierter Elektronenübergang auf das para-Benzochinon stattgefunden hat.rn


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The new device DIAGNOdent pen based on red laser light induced fluorescence was introduced for the detection of approximal and occlusal caries. The aim of this study was to test its performance on occlusal surfaces. The new device comes with two different sapphire fibre tips: a cylindrical tip and a conical tip. The two new sapphire fibre tips were used and compared with the tip currently available with DIAGNOdent (DD). METHODS: The teeth were selected from a pool of extracted permanent human molars, which were stored frozen at -20 degrees C, until use. Prior to being measured the teeth were defrosted and cleaned. One hundred and nineteen teeth were selected and measured with the old tip and with the two new tips of the new device by two independent assessments. The teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extension. RESULTS: Specificity values for D(1), D(2) and D(3) ranged between 0.69 and 0.89, sensitivity between 0.78 and 0.96. There were no statistically significant differences obtained between the two tips of the new and the one tip of the old device (p>0.05). Intra-examiner reliability with kappa values of >0.83 was high. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the new laser fluorescence device performed on occlusal surfaces as well as the available device.


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OBJECTIVE: To test the null hypotheses: (1) there is no difference in the caries protective effect of ozone and Cervitec/Fluor Protector during multibracket (MB) appliance therapy, and (2) DIAGNOdent and quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) are not superior to a visual evaluation of initial caries lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty right-handed patients with a very poor oral hygiene who required full MB appliance therapy were analyzed during 26 months. In a split-mouth-design, the four quadrants of each patient were either treated with ozone, a combination of Cervitec and Fluor Protector, or served as untreated controls. The visible plaque index (VPI) and white spot formation were analyzed clinically. DIAGNOdent and QLF were used for a quantitative assessment of white spot formation. RESULTS: The average VPI in all four dental arch quadrants amounted to 55.6% and was independent of the preventive measure undertaken. In the quadrants treated with Cervitec/Fluor Protector, only 0.7% of the areas developed new, clinically visible white spots. This was significantly (P < .05) less than in the quadrants treated with ozone (3.2%). The lesions detected with QLF only partially corresponded to the clinically detected white spots, while DIAGNOdent proved to be unable to detect any changes at all. CONCLUSIONS: The caries protective effect of Cervitec/Fluor Protector during MB therapy was superior to ozone, and a visual evaluation of initial caries lesions was superior to both DIAGNOdent and QLF.


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Several non-invasive and novel aids for the detection of (and in some cases monitoring of) caries lesions have been introduced in the field of 'caries diagnostics' over the last 15 years. This chapter focusses on those available to dentists at the time of writing; continuing research is bound to lead to further developments in the coming years. Laser fluorescence is based on measurements of back-scattered fluorescence of a 655-nm light source. It enhances occlusal and (potentially) approximal lesion detection and enables semi-quantitative caries monitoring. Systematic reviews have identified false-positive results as a limitation. Quantitative light-induced fluorescence is another sensitive method to quantitatively detect and measure mineral loss both in enamel and some dentine lesions; again, the trade-offs with lower specificity when compared with clinical visual detection must be considered. Subtraction radiography is based on the principle of digitally superimposing two radiographs with exactly the same projection geometry. This method is applicable for approximal surfaces and occlusal caries involving dentine but is not yet widely available. Electrical caries measurements gather either site-specific or surface-specific information of teeth and tooth structure. Fixed-frequency devices perform best for occlusal dentine caries but the method has also shown promise for lesions in enamel and other tooth surfaces with multi-frequency approaches. All methods require further research and further validation in well-designed clinical trials. In the future, they could have useful applications in clinical practice as part of a personalized, comprehensive caries management system.


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Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) is essential for mammalian vision by routing 11-cis-retinoids for the conversion of photobleached opsin molecules into photosensitive visual pigments. The arginine-to-tryptophan missense mutation in position 234 (R234W) in the human gene RLBP1 encoding CRALBP compromises visual pigment regeneration and is associated with Bothnia dystrophy. Here we report the crystal structures of both wild-type human CRALBP and of its mutant R234W as binary complexes complemented with the endogenous ligand 11-cis-retinal, at 3.0 and 1.7 A resolution, respectively. Our structural model of wild-type CRALBP locates R234 to a positively charged cleft at a distance of 15 A from the hydrophobic core sequestering 11-cis-retinal. The R234W structural model reveals burial of W234 and loss of dianion-binding interactions within the cleft with physiological implications for membrane docking. The burial of W234 is accompanied by a cascade of side-chain flips that effect the intrusion of the side-chain of I238 into the ligand-binding cavity. As consequence of the intrusion, R234W displays 5-fold increased resistance to light-induced photoisomerization relative to wild-type CRALBP, indicating tighter binding to 11-cis-retinal. Overall, our results reveal an unanticipated domino-like structural transition causing Bothnia-type retinal dystrophy by the impaired release of 11-cis-retinal from R234W.


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Light-induced electric signals in intact E. coli cells generated by heterologously expressed full-length and C-terminally truncated versions of Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR) demonstrate that the charge movements within the membrane-embedded part of the molecule are stringently controlled by the cytoplasmic domain. In particular, truncation inverts the direction of proton movement during Schiff base deprotonation from outward to cytoplasmic. Truncation also alters faster charge movements that occur before Schiff base deprotonation. Asp(217) as previously shown by FTIR serves as a proton acceptor in the truncated ASR but not in the full-length version, and its mutation to Asn restores the natural outward direction of proton movement. Introduction of a potential negative charge (Ser(86) to Asp) on the cytoplasmic side favors a cytoplasmic direction of proton release from the Schiff base. In contrast, mutation of the counterion Asp(75) to Glu reverses the photocurrent to the outward direction in the truncated pigment, and in both truncated and full-length versions accelerates Schiff base deprotonation more than 10-fold. The communication between the cytoplasmic domain and the membrane-embedded photoactive site of ASR demonstrated here is likely to derive from the receptor's use of a cytoplasmic protein for signal transduction, as has been suggested previously from binding studies.


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Sensory rhodopsins I and II (SRI and SRII) are visual pigment-like phototaxis receptors in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. The receptor proteins each consist of a single polypeptide that folds into 7 $\alpha$-helical membrane-spanning segments forming an internal pocket where the chromophore retinal is bound. They transmit signals to their tightly bound transducer proteins, HtrI and HtrII, respectively, which in turn control a phosphotransfer pathway modulating the flagellar motors. SRI-HtrI mediates attractant responses to orange-light and repellent responses to UV light, while SRII-HtrII mediates repellent response to blue light. Experiments were designed to analyze the molecular processes in the SR-Htr complexes responsible for receptor activation, which previously had been shown by our laboratory to involve proton transfer reactions of the retinylidene Schiff base in the photoactive site, transfer of signals from receptor to transducer, and signaling specificity by the receptor-transducer complex.^ Site-directed mutagenesis and laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy revealed that His-166 in SRI (i) plays a role in the proton transfers both to and from the Schiffbase, either as a structurally critical residue or possibly as a direct participant, (ii) is involved in the modulation of SIU photoreaction kinetics by HtrI, and (iii) modulates the pKa of Asp-76, an important residue in the photoactive site, through a long-distance electrostatic interaction. Computerized cell tracking and motion analysis demonstrated that (iv) His-166 is crucial in phototaxis signaling: a spectrum of substitutions either eliminate signaling or greatly perturb the activation process that produces attractant and repellent signaling states of the receptor.^ The signaling states of SRI are communicated to HtrI, whose oligomeric structure and conformational changes were investigated by engineered sulfhydryl probes. It was found that signaling by the SRI-HtrI complex involves reversible conformational changes within a preexisting HtrI dimer, which is likely accomplished through a slight winding or unwinding of the two HtrT monomers via their loose coiled coil association. To elucidate which domains of the Htr dimers confer specificity for interaction with SRI or SRII, chimeras of HtrI and HtrII were constructed. The only determinant needed for functional and specific interaction with SRI or SRII was found to be the four transmembrane segments of the HtrI or HtrII dimers, respectively. The entire cytoplasmic parts of HtrI and HtrII, which include the functionally important signaling and adaptation domains, were interchangeable.^ These observations support a model in which SRI and SRII undergo conformational changes coupled to light-induced proton transfers in their photoactive sites, and that lateral helix-helix interactions with their cognate transducers' 4-helix bundle in the membrane relay these conformational changes into different states of the Htr proteins which regulate the down-stream phosphotransfer pathway. ^


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The molecular complex containing the seven transmembrane helix photoreceptor S&barbelow;ensory R&barbelow;hodopsin I&barbelow; (SRI) and transducer protein HtrI (H&barbelow;alobacterial Transducer for SRI&barbelow;) mediates color-sensitive phototaxis responses in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light (orange + UV light) a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of SRI-HtrI structure/function and the signal transduction pathway were explored. First, the coupling of HtrI to the photoactive site of SRI was analyzed by mutagenesis and kinetic spectroscopy. Second, SRI-HtrI mutations and suppressors were selected and characterized to elucidate the color-sensing mechanism. Third, the signal relay through the transducer-bound histidine kinase was analyzed using an in vitro reconstitution system with known and newly identified taxis components. ^ Twenty-one mutations on HtrI were introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. Several replacements of charged residues perturbed the photochemical kinetics of SRI which led to the finding of a cluster of residues at the membrane/cytoplasm interface in HtrI electrostatically coupled to the photoactive site of SRI. We found by laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy that the transducer and these residues have specific effects on the light-induced proton transfer between the retinal chromophore and the protein. ^ One of the mutations showed an unusual mutant phenotype we called “inverted” signaling, in which the cell produces a repellent response to normally attractant light. Therefore, this mutant (E56Q of HtrI) had lost the color-discrimination by the SRI-HtrI complex. We used suppressor analysis to better understand the phenotype. Certain suppressors resulted in return of attractant responses to orange light but with inversion of the normally repellent response to white light to an attractant response. To explain this and other results, we formulated the Conformational Shuttling model in which the HtrI-SRI complex is poised in a metastable equilibrium of two conformations shifted in opposite directions by orange and white light. We tested this model by behavioral analysis (computerized cell tracking and motion study) of double mutants of inverting and suppressing mutations and the results confirmed the equilibrium-shift explanation. ^ We developed an in vitro system for measuring the effect of purified transducer on the histidine-kinase CheAH that controls the flagellar motor switch. The rate of kinase autophosphorylation was stimulated >2 fold in the reconstitution of the complete signal transduction system from purified components from H. salinarum. The in vitro assay also showed that the kinase activity was reduced in the absence and in the presence of high levels of linker protein CheWH. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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AIMS The aims of this double-blind, controlled, crossover study were to assess the influence of food preservatives on in situ dental biofilm growth and vitality, and to evaluate their influence on the ability of dental biofilm to demineralize underlying enamel over a period of 14 days. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty volunteers wore appliances with six specimens each of bovine enamel to build up intra-oral biofilms. During four test cycles of 14 days, the subjects had to place the appliance in one of the assigned controls or active solutions twice a day for a minute: negative control 0.9 % saline, 0.1 % benzoate (BA), 0.1 % sorbate (SA) and 0.2 % chlorhexidine (CHX positive control). After 14 days, the biofilms on two of the slabs were stained to visualize vital and dead bacteria to assess biofilm thickness (BT) and bacterial vitality (BV). Further, slabs were taken to determine mineral loss (ML), by quantitative light-induced laser fluorescence (QLF) and transversal microradiography (TMR), moreover the lesion depths (LD). RESULTS Nineteen subjects completed all test cycles. Use of SA, BA and CHX resulted in a significantly reduced BV compared to NaCl (p < 0.001). Only CHX exerted a statistically significant retardation in BT as compared to saline. Differences between SA and BA were not significant (p > 0.05) for both parameters. TMR analysis revealed the highest LD values in the NaCl group (43.6 ± 44.2 μm) and the lowest with CHX (11.7 ± 39.4 μm), while SA (22.9 ± 45.2 μm) and BA (21.4 ± 38.5 μm) lay in between. Similarly for ML, the highest mean values of 128.1 ± 207.3 vol% μm were assessed for NaCl, the lowest for CHX (-16.8 ± 284.2 vol% μm), while SA and BA led to values of 83.2 ± 150.9 and 98.4 ± 191.2 vol% μm, respectively. With QLF for both controls, NaCl (-33.8 ± 101.3 mm(2) %) and CHX (-16.9 ± 69.9 mm(2) %), negative values were recorded reflecting a diminution of fluorescence, while positive values were found with SA (33.9 ± 158.2 mm(2) %) and BA (24.8 ± 118.0 mm(2) %) depicting a fluorescence gain. These differences were non-significant (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION The biofilm model permited the assessment of undisturbed oral biofilm formation influenced by antibacterial components under clinical conditions for a period of 14 days. An effect of BA and SA on the demineralization of enamel could be demonstrated by TMR and QLF, but these new findings have to be seen as a trend. As part of our daily diet, these preservatives exert an impact on the metabolism of the dental biofilm, and therefore may even influence demineralization processes of the underlying dental enamel in situ.


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The molecular complex of sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and its transducer HtrI mediate color-sensitive phototaxis in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Orange light causes an attractant response by a one-photon reaction and white light causes a repellent response by a two-photon reaction. Three aspects of this molecular complex were explored: (i) We determined the stoichiometry of SRI and HtrI to be 2:2 by gene fusion analysis. A SRI-HtrI fusion protein was expressed in H. salinarum and shown to mediate 1-photon and 2-photon phototaxis responses comparable to wild-type complex. Disulfide crosslinking demonstrated that the fusion protein is a homodimer in the membrane. Measurement of photochemical reaction kinetics and pH titration of absorption spectra established that both SRI domains are complexed to HtrI in the fusion protein, and therefore the stoichiometry is 2:2. (ii) Cytoplasmic channel closure of SRI by HtrI, an important aspect of their interaction, was investigated by incremental HtrI truncation. We found that binding of the membrane-embedded portion of HtrI is insufficient for channel closure, whereas cytoplasmic extension of the second HtrI transmembrane helix by 13 residues blocks proton conduction through the channel as well as full-length HtrI. The closure activity is localized to 5 specific residues, each of which incrementally contributes to reduction of proton conductivity. Moreover, these same residues in the dark incrementally and proportionally increase the pKa of the Asp76 counterion to the protonated Schiff base chromophore. We conclude that this critical region of HtrI alters the dark conformation of SRI as well as light-induced channel opening. (iii) We developed a procedure for reconstituting HtrI-free SRI and the SRI/HtrI complex into liposomes, which exhibit photocycles with opened and closed cytoplasmic channels, respectively, as in the membrane. This opens the way for study of the light-induced conformational change and the interaction in vitro by fluorescence and spin-labeling. Single-cysteine mutations were introduced into helix F of SRI, labeled with a nitroxide spin probe and a fluorescence probe, reconstituted into proteoliposomes, and light-induced conformational changes detected in the complex. The probe signals can now be used as the readout of signaling to analyze mutants and the kinetics of signal relay. ^