281 resultados para Kongo - konfliktit - maantiede


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Energy scenarios are used as a tool to examine credible future states and pathways. The one who constructs a scenario defines the framework in which the possible outcomes exist. The credibility of a scenario depends on its compatibility with real world experiences, and on how well the general information of the study, methodology, and originality and processing of data are disclosed. In the thesis, selected global energy scenarios’ transparency and desirability from the society’s point of view were evaluated based on literature derived criteria. The global energy transition consists of changes to social conventions and economic development in addition to technological development. Energy solutions are economic and ethical choices due to far-reaching impacts of energy decision-making. Currently the global energy system is mostly based on fossil fuels, which is unsustainable over the long-term due to various reasons: negative climate change impacts, negative health impacts, depletion of fossil fuel reserves, resource-use conflicts with water management and food supply, loss of biodiversity, challenge to preserve ecosystems and resources for future generations, and inability of fossil fuels to provide universal access to modern energy services. Nuclear power and carbon capture and storage cannot be regarded as sustainable energy solutions due to their inherent risks and required long-term storage. The energy transition is driven by a growing energy demand, decreasing costs of renewables, modularity and scalability of renewable technologies, macroeconomic benefits of using renewables, investors’ risk awareness, renewable energy related attractive business opportunities, almost even distribution of solar and wind resources on the planet, growing awareness of the planet’s environmental status, environmental movements and tougher environmental legislation. Many of the investigated scenarios identified solar and wind power as a backbone for future energy systems. The scenarios, in which the solar and wind potentials were deployed in largest scale, met best the set out sustainability criteria. In future research, energy scenarios’ transparency can be improved by better disclosure on who has ordered the study, clarifying the funding, clearly referencing to used sources and indicating processed data, and by exploring how variations in cost assumptions and deployment of technologies influence on the outcomes of the study.


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A singularidade do relacionamento entre, por um lado, o reino do Kongo e as regiões mbundu vizinhas e, por outro, a acção evangelizadora levada a cabo pelos missionários europeus desde o final do século XV é, hoje, largamente reconhecida. Com pontos de partida diversos e enquadramentos conceptuais por vezes distintos, a generalidade dos autores converge na ideia que, ao longo dos séculos, as cosmologias africanas seleccionaram e reinterpretaram símbolos e rituais cristãos sem que a sua solidez e coerência tenham sido abaladas. Contudo, se existe acordo em relação a essa realidade, o mesmo não pode dizer-se relativamente à identificação da natureza e importância dos factores que intervieram nesse processo. Um desses aspectos remete, segundo alguns autores, para a feição tolerante que a acção missionária teria assumido naquelas paragens, permitindo a compatibilização dos preceitos doutrinais cristãos com as práticas culturais daqueles povos. O texto que se segue procura reflectir sobre esta problemática, sugerindo uma outra abordagem aos relatos e demais registos documentais produzidos pelos missionários. Centra-se, em particular, no exame de um conjunto de regras metodológicas para a acção dos missionários no Kongo e em Angola compiladas por Giuseppe Monari, um missionário capuchinho de Modena que chegou a Luanda no início de 1713. A partir desta análise, procura-se sustentar a tese de que a acção missionária em África não pode ser desligada das representação sobre África e os africanos correntes na Europa e do modo como essas imagens evoluem no contexto da experiência vivencial do missionário na realidade africana. Nessa perspectiva, a evangelização dos africanos é pensada, não sobre uma visão tolerante da realidade cultural africana mas, ao invés, a partir de uma imagem que inferioriza os africanos e reduz a sua existência espiritual a um território de ilusão e aparência, dominado pelas forças volúveis do interesse e da paixão.


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Denna studie är en analys av romanen Heart of Darkness (1902) och novellen An outpost ofprogress (1898) av Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) i syfte att undersöka berättelsernashuvudsakliga tematik ur en postkolonial infallsvinkel samt vad Conrads avsikt tycks ha varitmed porträtteringen av elfenbensagenten Kurtz. För att genomföra denna analys har jag gjorten närläsning av Heart of Darkness samt An outpost of progress och samtidigt tolkathändelseförloppen.Tolkningarna är delvis mina egna samt delvis baserat på tidigare forskning. Efter att hagenomfört dessa närläsningar är min slutsats att Conrads huvudsakliga avsikt var att skildaden mänskliga moralens förfall genom den ondskefulla girigheten. Det är denna girighet somhan definierar som det mörka i en människas hjärta. Genom framställningen av Kurtz visarhan exempel på detta samt hur farlig en skicklig retoriker kan vara.


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Die westliche Ring-Sprache Isu (Süd-Bantoid) des Kameruner Graslands setzt ein palatales Infix zum Ausdruck einer Reihe verwandter verbaler Funktionen – imperfektiver Aspekt, Pluraktional, Kausativ – ein. Damit hebt sie sich deutlich vom engeren Bantu- und weiteren Benue-Kongo-Habitus ab, der sich dadurch auszeichnet, Kategorien dieser Art entweder durch verbale Suffixe oder durch Periphrase mithilfe von Hilfsverben zu kodieren. Morphologische Distributionsanalyse, interne Rekonstruktion und externer Vergleich innerhalb der Ring-Gruppe ermöglichen es, die historischen Ursprünge dieses palatalen Infixes einzukreisen und es als Abbauprodukt einer Hochvokal-Reduplikation (ursprünglich in Progressivfunktion) zu identifizieren, wie sie (a) in anderen Niger-Kongo-Sprachen nicht unüblich ist, und (b) wie sie sogar als kognate Vorläuferkonstruktion in der Süd-Ring-Sprache Babungo nachgewiesen werden kann. Funktional-diachron gesehen, wurde im Isu ein vormaliger Progressiv in zunehmendem Maße als Imperfektiv grammatikalisiert und ist damit in die Domäne der älteren Imperfektiv-Strategie -ə (< *-a) eingedrungen. Auf diese Art fügen sich das Isu und seine nächsten Verwandten trotz dieser eigentümlichen Infix-Phänomene sauber in das Gesamtbild westafrikanischer Sprachen ein.


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Mandombe, one of the most recent modern African scripts, was originally designed to write the Bantu languages of the Congos, and eventually all languages on the continent. Its symbols are made of simple and composite geometrical forms which predate the script. It is apparently the only African script which has gained some social success without any political support.


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Commission spéciale formée de délégués des trois RR ... établies à la Vall ... de Bruxelles


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von Ernst Vohsen


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von Max Schlagintweit


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von Max Schlagintweit


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von G. K. Anton


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par René Vauthier


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publ. sous la dir. de Liebrechts. Par les soins du Th. Masui