374 resultados para Koillinen, Mikael


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Asevelvollisuus kansalaisoikeutena – kuka kasvattaa, kuka kouluttaa? -seminaari järjestettiin Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulussa 12.10.2012. Arvoseminaarien sarja on saanut alkunsa vuonna 2002 ja ensimmäinen Nuoret, arvot ja maanpuolustus - hankkeen arvoseminaari toteutettiin vuonna 2009. Tällä kertaa seminaari pureutui syksyllä aktiivisesti mediassakin käytyyn keskusteluun nuorten syrjäytymisestä. Tämä julkaisu koostuu neljästä osasta. Ensimmäisestä osasta löytyvät Kadettikunnan puheenjohtaja, prikaatikenraali Jukka Ojalan ja Puolustusvoimien henkilöstöpäällikkö, kenraalimajuri Sakari Honkamaan aloituspuheenvuorot sekä Suomen Reserviupseeriliiton puheenjohtaja Mika Hannulan tuomat tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistön terveiset seminaariväelle. Julkaisun toisessa osassa ovat Jari Sinkkosen, Juha Tuomisen sekä Leena-Maija Karttusen, Riikka Kuoppasalmen ja Päivi Granön seminaariesityksistään kirjoittamat artikkelit. Kolmanteen osaan saimme mielenkiintoisia kommenttiartikkeleita seminaariin osallistuneilta Aki-Mauri Huhtiselta, Juha Mälkiltä, Mikael Salolta, Janne Aallolta ja Sami Isoniemeltä. Neljännen osan muodostavat Sakari Nurmelan, Risto Sinkon sekä Antti-Tuomas Pulkan ja Johanna Anttosen arvotutkimuksista kokoamat artikkelit.


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Background: Although the knowledge of adverse effects of smoking during pregnancy has increased in recent years, more research is needed to gain a better understanding of the effects of smoking during pregnancy. Smoking exposure is the most common preventable factor that causes adverse pregnancy outcomes. Aims and Methods: First, data on smoking habits during pregnancy from the Nordic Medical Birth Registers was used to study the national differences in trends of smoking during pregnancy. Second, the effects of prenatal smoking exposure on fetal brain development, assessed by brain MRI at term age, were studied by using data from the multidisciplinary PIPARI Study consisting of a 6-year cohort of VLBW/VLGA infants (n = 232, of which 18.1% were exposed to prenatal smoking) born in Turku University Hospital, Finland. Third, the effects of prenatal smoking exposure on psychiatric morbidity and use of psychotropic medication were studied in a cohort of children born from 1987–1989 in Finland (n = 175,869, of which 15.3% were exposed). The data used were obtained from population-based longitudinal registers from the National Institute of Health and Welfare, the Statistics Finland, and the Finnish Social Insurance Institution. Results: Smoking rates during pregnancy differed considerably between the countries. Smoking rates were highest among teenagers and women with lower socioeconomic positions. The smoking prevalence was found to be increasing among teenagers in both Finland and Norway. Prenatal smoking exposure was associated with smaller frontal lobe and cerebellar volumes in preterm infants. A clear association was found between prenatal smoking exposure and psychiatric morbidity treated with specialized hospital care and the use of various psychotropic medications. Conclusions: Prenatal smoking exposure had adverse effects on fetal brain development. These effects might explain part of the association found between smoking exposure and psychiatric problems in later life. Our study suggests that prenatal smoking exposure is linked with both mild and severe psychiatric problems. This study emphasizes the importance of efforts to reduce smoking during pregnancy.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a infecção parasitária de cordeiros e contaminação larval no pasto de azevém submetido a adubação nitrogenada. Foram utilizados 72 ovinos desmamados sendo estes distribuídos entre as 12 unidades experimentais (piquetes) com seis cordeiros (animais testes) em cada. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, composto por quatro tratamentos (doses de N), com três repetições (piquetes). Em relação ao número de ovos de helmintos por grama de fezes não se obteve diferença estatística entre as diferentes doses de N aplicadas no pasto. Já em relação ao número de larvas recuperadas no pasto pode-se observar efeito significativo (P<0,05) através do comportamento linear decrescente de acordo com as doses de adubação nitrogenada. Não houve diferença estatística ao avaliar a distribuição das larvas ao longo dos estratos do pasto. A interpretação da coprocultura revelou maior predominância de Haemonchus spp. e Trichostrongylus spp. independente da dose de nitrogênio aplicada.


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Työvoimakoulutusraportti Pirkanmaa 2013 – Seuranta- ja ennakointitietoa työvoimakoulutuksen suunnitteluun on Pirkanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne ja ympäristökeskuksen koulutus- ja kehittämispalvelut -yksikön sekä Pirkanmaan ennakointipalvelu -hankkeen yhteistyössä laatima selvitys ammattialojen ja työllisyyden kehitysnäkymistä. Raportti toimii työvoimakoulutuksen suunnittelun tukena tarjoten seurantatietoa Pirkanmaalla järjestetystä työvoimakoulutuksesta. Lisäksi raportti kokoaa yhteen ennakointitietoa ja ennusteita toimialojen ja ammattien tulevaisuudesta.


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Lectio praecursoria, Åbo Akademi 25.1 2013.


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This research analyzes e-tailer business model formulation and the role of information technology in enabling value creation from the point of view of an e-tailer. The thesis explains the value creation dynamics and the components of an e-tailer business model and further illustrates how information technology enables value creation throughout the different components of e-tailer business models. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the sources of value creation in virtual markets through evaluating the explanatory value of traditional strategic management theories. The theoretical part advances to present an integrated model of the value creation mechanisms in the virtual markets and further describes the components of an e-tailer business model. The role of information technology in e-tailer business models are represented by illustrating how it is able to add value throughout the activities and processes of the e-tailer business model. The empirical descriptive qualitative single-case research focuses on demonstrating how a global retailer of consumer goods operates the different components in its business model. The findings indicate that information technology plays a considerable role in all the components of an e-tailer business model and should not be treated solely as a supporting business function, but rather as one of the most valuable assets in enabling successful e-tailing operations.


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Foram utilizados 42 ovinos sem raça definida, divididos segundo a configuração escrotal. Destes animais, 12 foram utilizados na investigação da biometria testicular e histologia da pele escrotal. Os demais foram destinados ao estudo do funículo espermático. Os animais foram agrupados em um grupo de 21 animais sem bipartição escrotal (GEI) e 21 com bipartição escrotal, (GEII), esta não atingindo 50% do comprimento do eixo longitudinal do escroto. Em cada grupo, em 6 animais foram coletados fragmentos da pele do escroto e em 5 do funículo espermáticos, e processados em rotina histológica e analisados em microscopia de luz; e em 10 foram injetados látex na artéria testicular para obtenção de moldes vasculares e obtenção do comprimento da artéria. Quando comparados os grupos GEI e GEII, não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas significativas (p<0,05) entre a espessura do escroto (epiderme e derme), constituição histológica da pele escrotal, número de glândulas sudoríparas por área, comprimento do funículo espermático ou parâmetros biométricos testiculares. Entretanto, o comprimento total das artérias testiculares do GEI foi maior do que o GEII (p<0,05). Concluiu-se, com base nos parâmetros morfológicos analisados, que a bipartição escrotal em ovinos não influenciou na estrutura da pele, funículo ou biometria testicular quando comparado aos animais que não apresentavam esta característica. Outros estudos merecem atenção para desmistificar o porquê do aparecimento dessa característica em ovinos e se esta característica é ou não desejável para melhoria na produção desses animais em regiões de clima quente.


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Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013