962 resultados para Koala Genetics


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Guía de revisión para alumnos de educación secundaria de segundo ciclo que estén preparando el examen CCEA (Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment) en el nivel A2 del área de biología. Está dividido en tres secciones: una introducción con orientación y consejos sobre el examen; una guía de contenidos con un resumen de las materias y conceptos básicos necesarios para superar la prueba organizados en ocho temas (respiración, fotosíntesis, ADN, tecnología genética, genes y patrones de herencia, genética de poblaciones, evolución y especiación, reino plantae y reino animal); y un apartado con dos ejemplos de exámenes y dos juegos de respuestas reales de alumnos comentadas por un examinador.


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La caracterització funcional de dos gens en la peridermis, la ω hidroxilasa d'àcids grassos CYP86A33 -candidata per la funcionalització del carboni ω-terminal dels monòmers alifàtics de la suberina- i la ketoacyl-CoA sintasa StKCS6 -candidata per elongar àcids grassos o derivats llargs de suberina i ceres- es realitza per silenciament per RNA d'interferència en patata. La deficiència de CYP86A33 comporta una gran reducció dels monòmers principals de la suberina, l'àcid gras ω-hidroxilat i l'α,ω-diàcid C18:1, juntament amb una reducció total de la quantitat de suberina del 60%. Aquesta deficiència altera l'estructura lamel·lar típica de la suberina, així com també la funció barrera de la peridermis. La deficiència en StKCS6 comporta que els monòmers de la suberina de 28 carbonis o més llargs es redueixin i que els de 26 carbonis o més curts s'incrementin. Aquesta deficiència suggereix que la llargada dels compostos alifàtics pot contribuir a les propietats impermeabilitzants de la peridermis.


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La peridermis és una estructura complexa que protegeix els òrgans vegetals madurs (secundaris) i les zones que han sofert ferides de la pèrdua d'aigua i dels patògens. Aquesta funció barrera és deguda al fel·lema o súber, un teixit format per cèl·lules suberificades. Tant el fel·lema com la suberina són crucials per la vida de les plantes terrestres, però pràcticament no es coneix res dels processos moleculars que regulen la seva formació, probablement degut a la manca de models adequats. En aquesta tesi s'han identificat i caracteritzat gens induïts al fel·lema mitjançant la combinació de dues plantes models. L'escorça d'alzina surera (Quercus suber) s'ha utilitzat per aïllar gens candidats de la formació del fel·lema i per investigar el comportament d'alguns d'aquests gens durant l'estació de creixement, mentre que la pela de la patata (Solanum tuberosum) s'ha utilitzat en estudis de genètica reversa per demostrar la funció d'alguns gens reguladors al fel·lema.


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The male and female homosexual orientation has substantial prevalence in humans and can be explained by determinants of various levels: biological, genetic, psychological, social and cultural. However, the biological and genetic evidence have been the main hypotheses tested in scientific research in the world. This article aims to review research studies about the existence of genetic and biological evidence that determine homosexual orientation. Was conducted a review of the literature, using the database MedLine/PubMed and Google scholar. The papers and books were searched in Portuguese and English, using the following keywords: sexual orientation, sexual behavior, homosexuality, developmental Biology and genetics. Was selected papers of the last 22 years. Were found five main theories about the biological components: (1) fraternal birth order, (2) brain androgenization and 2D:4D ratio; (3) brain activation by pheromones; and (4) epigenetic inheritance; and four theories about the genetic components: (1) genetic polymorphism; (2) pattern of X-linked inheritance; (3) monozygotic twins; and (4) sexual antagonistic selection. Concluded that there were many scientific evidence found over time to explain some of biological and genetic components of homosexuality, especially in males. However, today, there is no definitive explanation about what are the determinants of homosexual orientation components.


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Inferring population admixture from genetic data and quantifying it is a difficult but crucial task in evolutionary and conservation biology. Unfortunately state-of-the-art probabilistic approaches are computationally demanding. Effectively exploiting the computational power of modern multiprocessor systems can thus have a positive impact to Monte Carlo-based simulation of admixture modeling. A novel parallel approach is briefly described and promising results on its message passing interface (MPI)-based C implementation are reported.


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In 2006 we celebrated the centenary of a remarkable year that saw the birth of genetics as a scientific discipline. This birth had its origins in horticulture and was supervised by a remarkable Cambridge academic, accompanied by a loyal group of female colleagues who worked together in underfunded conditions with little institutional support. Despite this deprivation, they established the foundations of an ongoing revolution, with huge academic and commercial consequences that we can recognize today in the shape of genomics and its application to biomedicine.


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We previously described the use of an established reverse genetics system for the generation of recombinant human influenza A viruses from cloned cDNAs. Here, we have assembled a set of plasmids to allow recovery of the avian H5N1 influenza virus A/Turkey/England/50-92/91 entirely from cDNA. This system enables us to introduce mutations or truncations into the cDNAs to create mutant viruses altered specifically in a chosen gene. These mutant viruses can then be used in future pathogenesis studies in chickens and in studies to understand the host range restrictions of avian influenza viruses in humans.


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Background Plant domestication occurred independently in four different regions of the Americas. In general, different species were domesticated in each area, though a few species were domesticated independently in more than one area. The changes resulting from human selection conform to the familiar domestication syndrome, though different traits making up this syndrome, for example loss of dispersal, are achieved by different routes in crops belonging to different families. Genetic and Molecular Analyses of Domestication Understanding of the genetic control of elements of the domestication syndrome is improving as a result of the development of saturated linkage maps for major crops, identification and mapping of quantitative trait loci, cloning and sequencing of genes or parts of genes, and discoveries of widespread orthologies in genes and linkage groups within and between families. As the modes of action of the genes involved in domestication and the metabolic pathways leading to particular phenotypes become better understood, it should be possible to determine whether similar phenotypes have similar underlying genetic controls, or whether human selection in genetically related but independently domesticated taxa has fixed different mutants with similar phenotypic effects. Conclusions Such studies will permit more critical analysis of possible examples of multiple domestications and of the origin(s) and spread of distinctive variants within crops. They also offer the possibility of improving existing crops, not only major food staples but also minor crops that are potential export crops for developing countries or alternative crops for marginal areas.


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Bayesian statistics allow scientists to easily incorporate prior knowledge into their data analysis. Nonetheless, the sheer amount of computational power that is required for Bayesian statistical analyses has previously limited their use in genetics. These computational constraints have now largely been overcome and the underlying advantages of Bayesian approaches are putting them at the forefront of genetic data analysis in an increasing number of areas.