816 resultados para Knowledge-intensive professional service firms
A presente pesquisa propõe um estudo teórico-empírico em torno da gestão do conhecimento, tendo como recorte o processo de disseminação do conhecimento e a coerência entre o discurso e a prática do princípio cooperativista (educação, formação e informação) como diferenciador na gestão do conhecimento e no modelo organizacional cooperativista. O estudo destina-se a responder três questões: a) como ocorre o processo de disseminação do conhecimento em organizações cooperativas; b) qual a percepção dos colaboradores em relação ao processo de disseminação do conhecimento; e c) como a organização cooperativa investe no desenvolvimento de seu capital intelectual a partir do princípio cooperativista: educação, formação e informação. Assim, o objetivo geral é verificar o processo do conhecimento gestado na cooperativa COCAMAR- PR a partir do princípio cooperativista: educação, formação e informação, enquanto os objetivos específicos foram: levantar como ocorre o processo de disseminação do conhecimento a partir do princípio cooperativista educação, formação e informação ; identificar a percepção dos colabores em relação ao processo de disseminação do conhecimento; e verificar como o processo de disseminação do conhecimento atende às prerrogativas do princípio cooperativista educação, formação e informação . A metodologia escolhida é o estudo de caso, em que se estuda uma organização cooperativa localizada na cidade de Maringá, Estado Paraná. A pesquisa realizada caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados auferidos na pesquisa pretendem demonstrar o distanciamento da cooperativa em estudo de um de seus princípios fundamentais, embora possua um programa intensivo de capacitação profissional.(AU)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to attempt to explain why the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives may be different and/or more important in service firms compared to manufacturing firms. CSR is becoming a common strategy, hence its extensive research. Central to it is the analysis of the effect of CSR on a firm’s performance, whose outcome depends on firm-specific and industry-related factors. Design/methodology/approach – The event study methodology is applied to all the 248 companies that have ever traded on the Spanish Stock Market between 1990 and 2007. A regression analysis examines potential different effects of CSR on service and goods firms. Findings – The results show that CSR activities have a positive impact on firm performance that is higher for service firms than for manufacturing firms. Actions related to the environment, responsible labor relationships and good corporate governance are especially important in the service context. Research limitations/implications – This research is focused on shareholders’ performance, but it does not consider other stakeholders, such as real consumer behavior or employees’ commitment and productivity. Practical implications – Service firms are likely to gain from focusing on some CSR activities (environment, employees and good corporate governance) and should use their responsible behavior as a valuable tool for public relations and differentiation in the market. Originality/value – This article is the first attempt to empirically test and explain why the relationship between CSR and firm performance may be different (more positive) for service vs manufacturing firms.
An ambitious rhetoric has been adopted both at the European and national level towards industrial policy. Along with rhetoric, sweeping action plans to revive our industrial base and reverse off-shoring trends have been attempted. However, concrete measures undertaken have been inconsistent and weak compared to the magnitude of the challenges faced by European manufacturing as well as the policies implemented by our competitors. At the same time the economic and financial crisis has shed light on the risks of an excessive reliance on the service and financial sector and the necessity to look for new sources of growth. As a response, this Issue Paper, by Claire Dhéret, Senior Policy Analyst and Martina Morosi, Programme Assistant, argues that fostering a more innovative, knowledge-intensive, new technology-oriented and resource-efficient manufacturing industry in Europe is the right way to go. To this end, a new EU strategic vision on industrial policy, based on the operationalisation of European cooperation, is urgently required. The paper presents a toolkit for implementing the vision and a series of policy recommendations.
Objectifs : le principal objectif de notre projet doctoral consiste à mettre en relief les transformations qui ont marqué le développement de l’oncologie et de la lutte contre le cancer au Québec au 20e siècle. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes penchées sur trois niveaux d’analyse : 1) le niveau micro aborde l’organisation des services médicaux au sein d’une organisation hospitalière, soit l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. 2) Le niveau méso analyse une lutte professionnelle, soit la lutte entre les hématologues et les oncologues médicaux pour la reconnaissance de l’oncologie médicale. 3) Le niveau macro s’intéresse à l’organisation de la lutte contre le cancer à travers la province de Québec et aux différents modèles organisationnels créés. Principale hypothèse : l’émergence et la transformation de l’oncologie et de la lutte contre le cancer ont été influencées des rapports de collaboration et de compétition entre les acteurs impliqués en oncologie. En effet, il apparaît que ce champ se trouve en tension entre l’obligation de collaborer pour offrir des services de qualité aux patients et les dynamiques professionnelles et/ou organisationnelles. Cadre théorique : un cadre théorique a été développé pour chacun des niveaux d’analyse. Le niveau micro s’inspire des travaux de Frickel, Abbott et Strauss et s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux négociations entourant l’ordre social au sein d’un hôpital universitaire; le niveau méso emploie les travaux de Bourdieu et Abbott pour analyser la lutte entre deux spécialités médicales pour le contrôle des agents de chimiothérapie; et le niveau macro, de la sociologie des organisations et de la théorie néo-institutionnaliste pour mettre en relief l’émergence et la transformation de la lutte contre le cancer au Québec au 20e siècle. Méthodologie : l’approche de l’étude de cas a été adoptée et chaque niveau d’analyse constitue une étude de cas à part entière. Le corpus de données se compose de données archivistiques recueillies dans 10 centres d’archives canadiens, et de données d’entrevues. Une soixantaine d’entrevues avec des oncologues, des professionnels de la santé, des gestionnaires, des chercheurs et des fonctionnaires ont été réalisées. Conclusion : les différents niveaux d’analyse offrent différentes contributions qui leurs sont propres, mais l’ensemble de la thèse tend à mettre en relief la complexité du changement organisationnel à travers un perpétuel processus de définition et de redéfinition des frontières professionnelles et des organisations en raison du développement des connaissances scientifiques, des technologies, des expertises professionnelles et de l’environnement social, politique et économique.
A growing body of literature is concerned with explaining cross-national performance of small business and entrepreneurs in advanced economies. This literature has considered a range of policy and institutional variables which create an environment supportive of small firms and entrepreneurial activities including macroeconomic variables such as taxation, labour market regulation, social security and income policy; regulatory factors such as establishment legislation, bankruptcy policy, administrative burdens, compliance costs, deregulation and competition policy; and cultural factors such as social and cultural norms that support entrepreneurship. However, this literature has not always distinguished between the policy environment of small firms operating in different industry sectors. The purpose of this paper is to examine the institutional and policy environment of small firms in knowledge intensive sectors. The characteristics of the business environment of particular relevance to knowledge intensive firms are somewhat different from the conditions for entrepreneurship and small business success more generally. This paper compares the science, technology and industry infrastructure of Australia, Denmark, Sweden with other OECD countries. The purpose of the paper is to identify cross-national differences in the business environment of small knowledge intensive firms. The paper seeks to explore whether particular institutional environments appear to be more supportive of small firms in knowledge intensive sectors.
A presente pesquisa propõe um estudo teórico-empírico em torno da gestão do conhecimento, tendo como recorte o processo de disseminação do conhecimento e a coerência entre o discurso e a prática do princípio cooperativista (educação, formação e informação) como diferenciador na gestão do conhecimento e no modelo organizacional cooperativista. O estudo destina-se a responder três questões: a) como ocorre o processo de disseminação do conhecimento em organizações cooperativas; b) qual a percepção dos colaboradores em relação ao processo de disseminação do conhecimento; e c) como a organização cooperativa investe no desenvolvimento de seu capital intelectual a partir do princípio cooperativista: educação, formação e informação. Assim, o objetivo geral é verificar o processo do conhecimento gestado na cooperativa COCAMAR- PR a partir do princípio cooperativista: educação, formação e informação, enquanto os objetivos específicos foram: levantar como ocorre o processo de disseminação do conhecimento a partir do princípio cooperativista educação, formação e informação ; identificar a percepção dos colabores em relação ao processo de disseminação do conhecimento; e verificar como o processo de disseminação do conhecimento atende às prerrogativas do princípio cooperativista educação, formação e informação . A metodologia escolhida é o estudo de caso, em que se estuda uma organização cooperativa localizada na cidade de Maringá, Estado Paraná. A pesquisa realizada caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados auferidos na pesquisa pretendem demonstrar o distanciamento da cooperativa em estudo de um de seus princípios fundamentais, embora possua um programa intensivo de capacitação profissional.(AU)
We present a vision and a proposal for using Semantic Web technologies in the organic food industry. This is a very knowledge intensive industry at every step from the producer, to the caterer or restauranteur, through to the consumer. There is a crucial need for a concept of environmental audit which would allow the various stake holders to know the full environmental impact of their economic choices. This is a di?erent and parallel form of knowledge to that of price. Semantic Web technologies can be used e?ectively for the calculation and transfer of this type of knowledge (together with other forms of multimedia data) which could contribute considerably to the commercial and educational impact of the organic food industry. We outline how this could be achieved as our essential ob jective is to show how advanced technologies could be used to both reduce ecological impact and increase public awareness.
The Narver and Slater market orientation scale is tested in the context of service firms in the transition economies of central Europe and found to be both valid and reliable. The survey examined levels of market orientation in 205 business to business services companies and 141 consumer services companies in Hungary, Poland and Slovenia. As predicted by the predominantly western marketing literature, those service firms with higher levels of market orientation; were more often found in turbulent, rapidly changing markets; were more likely to pursue longer term market building goals rather than short term efficiency objectives; more likely to pursue differentiated positioning through offering superior levels of service compared to competitors; and also performed better on both financial and market based criteria. A number of different business approaches, however, are evident in the transition economies suggesting that other business orientations may co-exist with a market orientation creating a richer and more complex set of organizational drivers.
Purpose - Managers at the company attempt to implement a knowledge management information system in an attempt to avoid loss of expertise while improving control and efficiency. The paper seeks to explore the implications of the technological solution to employees within the company. Design/methodology/approach - The paper reports qualitative research conducted in a single organization. Evidence is presented in the form of interview extracts. Findings - The case section of the paper presents the accounts of organizational participants. The accounts reveal the workers' reactions to the technology-based system and something of their strategies of resistance to the system. These accounts also provide glimpses of the identity construction engaged in by these knowledge workers. The setting for the research is in a knowledge-intensive primary industry. Research was conducted through observation and interviews. Research limitations/implications - The issues identified are explored in a single case-study setting. Future research could look at the relevance of the findings to other settings. Practical implications - The case evidence presented indicates some of the complexity of implementation of information systems in organizations. This could certainly be seen as more evidence of the uncertainty associated with organizational change and of the need for managers not to expect an easy adoption of intrusive IT solutions. Originality/value - This paper adds empirical insight to a largely conceptual literature. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Purpose – Role clarity of frontline staff is critical to their perceptions of service quality in call centres. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of role clarity and its antecedents and consequences on employee-perceived service quality. Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual model, based on the job characteristics model and cognitive theories, is proposed. Key antecedents of role clarity considered here are feedback, autonomy, participation, supervisory consideration, and team support; while key consequences are organizational commitment, job satisfaction and service quality. An internal marketing approach is adopted and all variables are measured from the frontline employee's perspective. A structural equation model is developed and tested on a sample of 342 call centre representatives of a major commercial bank in the UK. Findings – The research reveals that role clarity plays a critical role in explaining employee perceptions of service quality. Further, the research findings indicate that feedback, participation and team support significantly influence role clarity, which in turn influences job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Research limitations/implications – The research suggests that boundary personnel in service firms should strive for more clarity in perceived role for delivering better service quality. The limitations are in sample availability from in-house transaction call centres of a single bank. Originality/value – The contributions of this study are untangling the confusing research evidence on the effect of role clarity on service quality, using service quality as a performance variable as opposed to productivity estimates, adopting an internal marketing approach to understanding the phenomenon, and introducing teamwork along with job-design and supervisory factors as antecedent to role clarity.
Advances in technology coupled with increasing labour costs have caused service firms to explore self-service delivery options. Although some studies have focused on self-service and use of technology in service delivery, few have explored the role of service quality in consumer evaluation of technology-based self-service options. By integrating and extending the self-service quality framework the service evaluation model and the Technology Acceptance Model the authors address this emerging issue by empirically testing a comprehensive model that captures the antecedents and consequences of perceived service quality to predict continued customer interaction in the technology-based self-service context of Internet banking. Important service evaluation constructs like perceived risk, perceived value and perceived satisfaction are modelled in this framework. The results show that perceived control has the strongest influence on service quality evaluations. Perceived speed of delivery, reliability and enjoyment also have a significant impact on service quality perceptions. The study also found that even though perceived service quality, perceived risk and satisfaction are important predictors of continued interaction, perceived customer value plays a pivotal role in influencing continued interaction.
This paper explores the factors that determine innovation by service firms, and in particular the contribution of intra- and extra-regional connectivity. Subsequently, it is examined how service firms' innovation activity relates to productivity and export behaviour. The empirical analysis is based on matched data from the 2005 UK Innovation Survey - the UK component of the 4th Community Innovation Survey (CIS) - and the Annual Business Inquiry for Northern Ireland. Evidence is found of negative intra-regional embeddedness effects, but there is a positive contribution to innovation from extra-regional connectivity, particularly links to customers. Relationships between innovation, exporting, and productivity prove complex, but suggest that innovation itself is not sufficient to generate productivity improvements. Only when innovation is combined with increased export activity are productivity gains evident.
The research consists of three empirical studies. The first examines how source country characteristics affect the aggregate FDI inflows in the Japanese economy during the period of 1989-2002. Our results demonstrate that the stable investment climate of the home country is an essential factor indicating FDI inflows to Japan. By contrast, the export performance of the source country is negatively correlated with FDI inflows, indicating that international trade and FDI are substitutes. The second study identifies the determinants of foreign penetration across Japanese manufacturing sectors at the three-digit level during the period of 1997-2003. More importantly, this study examines the moderating effects of keiretsu affiliations on the relationship between various sectoral characteristics and foreign participation. The evidence of both horizontal and vertical keiretsu impacts on foreign penetration depends on not only different proxy measures used for inward FDI, but also on the level of technological sophistication in given sectors. In general, our results demonstrate that horizontally linked keiretsu are positively associated with foreign productions in knowledge-intensive sectors. By contrast, this effect becomes a significant entry barrier to foreign employment in low-tech sectors. The final study evaluates the impacts of a foreign presence on the productivity of Japanese manufacturing firms over the period of 1997-2003. Our results suggest that spillover effects largely differ according to the level of absorptive capacity of indigenous firms.
This paper explains how dynamic client portfolios can be a source of ambidexterity (i.e., exploration and exploitation) for knowledge-intensive firms (KIFs). Drawing from a unique qualitative dataset of firms in the global reinsurance market, we show how different types of client relationships underpin a dynamic client portfolio and become a source of ambidexterity for a KIF. We develop a process model to show how KIFs attain knowledge by segmenting their client portfolios, use that knowledge to explore and exploit within and across their client relationships, and dynamically adjust their client portfolios over time. Our study contributes to the literature on external sources of ambidexterity and dynamic management of client knowledge within KIFs.
Macroeconomic developments, such as the business cycle, have a remarkable influence on firms and their performance. In business-to-business (B-to-B) markets characterized by a strong emphasis on long-term customer relationships, market orientation (MO) provides a particularly important safeguard for firms against fluctuating market forces. Using panel data from an economic upturn and downturn, we examine the effectiveness of different forms of MO (i.e., customer orientation, competitor orientation, interfunctional coordination, and their combinations) on firm performance in B-to-B firms. Our findings suggest that the impact of MO increases especially during a downturn, with interfunctional coordination clearly boosting firm performance and, conversely, competitor orientation becoming even detrimental. The findings further indicate that both the role of MO and its most effective forms vary across industry sectors, MO having a particularly strong impact on performance among B-to-B service firms. The findings of our study provide guidelines for executives to better manage performance across the business cycle and tailor their investments in MO more effectively, according to the firm's specific industry sector.