533 resultados para KNX, ETS
El treball presentat ve motivat per la necessitat dinstallaci dun prquing pblic i privat de nova construcci a nivell dilluminaci i ventilaci. Per poder satisfer les necessitats del nostre client destalvi energtic i confort en ledifici es decideix dimplementar una installaci immtica que s laplicaci de tcniques de gesti i control automatitzat a un edifici terciari amb bus de comunicaci KNX/EIB. Per a la illuminaci shan utilitzat fluorescents amb balasts DALI, que permeten la seva regulaci i control, per aix poder adequar en tot moment lencesa i intensitat de llum daquests. En quant a la ventilaci shan utilitzat variadors de freqncia per tamb poder optimitzar el funcionament dels ventiladors podent posar-los en marxa quan realment sigui necessari i a la potncia que calgui. Per enllaar tots els elements de la installaci, detectors i actuadors, sorgeig la necessitat dimplementar xarxes de comunicaci com el KNX/EIB, DALI, Modbus i Ethernet. Per gestionar variables, comunicacions i controlar elements, shi han implementen dos autmats programables a ms dun PC integrat per la visualitzaci i el control del prquing. Sha aconseguit de realitzar un prquing totalment automtic on no s necessaria lactuaci dels operaris i amb les principals crregues elctriques totalment regulables en potncia. Sha comprovat que la installaci funciona per sota de la potncia nominal de les crregues amb lestalvi energtic que aix suposa.
RESUMECette recherche empirique porte sur les emplois temporaires subventionns (ETS) instaurs dans le cadre du chmage et de l'aide sociale en Suisse depuis une dizaine d'annes. La mise en place de politiques d'activation dans le cadre de la protection sociale met l'accent sur les liens explicites, souvent rglementaires, qu'entretiennent actuellement la protection sociale, les politiques de l'emploi et le march du travail dans les pays industrialiss. Ces transformations ont largement contribu au dveloppement d'activits exerces en marge du march de l'emploi. Dans le cadre du chmage, comme dans celui de l'aide sociale, une mise au travail peut tre exige en contrepartie du versement des indemnits ; en Suisse, on nomme ce procd l'assignation au travail. L'assignation est le processus par lequel un-e conseiller?re en placement peut contraindre, sous peine de sanction (suppression des indemnits pour un temps dtermin) une personne au chmage (inscrit-e auprs d'un office rgional de placement) souscrire une mesure du march du travail (MMT), particulirement les ETS.Cette recherche propose une analyse de l'assignation un programme d'emploi temporaire sous l'clairage de la sociologie du travail. Elle adopte une perspective comprhensive attentive aux tensions que vivent les individus pris dans une situation de travail hybride et indite qui les place aux frontires des diffrentes catgories administratives de chmage, d'inactivit et de population occupe. Partant d'une tude empirique auprs de personnes assignes, cette recherche mne une analyse qualitative des conditions et de l'organisation du travail en ETS, des modalits contractuelles et statutaires des personnes assignes une activit de travail contrainte et matriellement non reconnue, puisque non salarie. Elle s'attache galement cerner le vcu de l'assignation au travail, ainsi que le sens que les personnes lui attribuent dans leur trajectoire biographique et professionnelle.SUMMARYThis research investigates a specific and new form of labor, namely temporary subsidized jobs {emplois temporaires subventionns, ETS) that have been developed since the late 1990s in Switzerland in the context of unemployment and social assistance benefits. Although ETS are specific to Switzerland, they echo similar workfare measures imposed on unemployed and welfare recipients introduced in recent years in almost all industrialized countries. Indeed, the evolution of public policies and the generalization of active labour-market policies {politiques d'activation) have become central to social protection in the majority of Western countries and have emerged in parallel to the expansion of work activities situated at the margins of traditional wage- labor.My analysis of the ETS phenomenon is informed by labor sociology and discusses the pertinence of a classical approach in grasping this hybrid and new work situation, which sets individual persons at the border between various administrative categories such as unemployed, inactive and at work. I investigate in particular the issue of contractual and statutory modalities imposed on persons who have been assigned to a form of activity that is both constraining as well as materially non-recognized (as it remains outside of traditional wage-labor forms). In order to understand ETS conditions and labor organization, my fieldwork consist of interviews of persons who have been assigned to it and observations. I investigate their personal experience, as well as the meaning that these individuals attribute to the ETS experience in the context of their biographical and professional trajectory.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Hospitality workers are a population particularly at risk from the noxious effects of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The Canton of Vaud, Switzerland banned smoking in public places in September 2009. This prospective study addresses the impact of the ban on the health of hospitality workers. METHODS: ETS exposure was evaluated using a passive sampling device that measures airborne nicotine; lung function was assessed by spirometry; health-related quality of life, ETS exposure symptoms and satisfaction were measured by questionnaire. RESULTS: 105 participants (smokers and non-smokers) were recruited initially and 66 were followed up after one year. ETS exposure was significantly lower after the ban. Hospitality workers had lower pre-ban forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) values than expected. FEV1 remained stable after the ban, with a near-significant increase in the subgroup of asthmatics only. FVC increased at one year follow-up from 90.42% to 93.05% (p = 0.02) in the entire cohort; women, non-smokers and older participants gained the greatest benefit. The health survey showed an increase in physical wellbeing after the ban, the greatest benefit being observed in non-smokers. ETS exposure symptoms were less frequent after the ban, especially red and irritated eyes and sneezing. The new law was judged useful and satisfactory by the vast majority of employees, including smokers. CONCLUSION: The recent cantonal ban on smoking in public places brought about an improvement in lung function, physical well-being and ETS symptoms of hospitality workers, including smokers.
CDK10/cyclin M is a protein kinase that controls ETS2 degradation and is deficient in STAR syndrome.
Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) regulate a variety of fundamental cellular processes. CDK10 stands out as one of the last orphan CDKs for which no activating cyclin has been identified and no kinase activity revealed. Previous work has shown that CDK10 silencing increases ETS2 (v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene homolog 2)-driven activation of the MAPK pathway, which confers tamoxifen resistance to breast cancer cells. The precise mechanisms by which CDK10 modulates ETS2 activity, and more generally the functions of CDK10, remain elusive. Here we demonstrate that CDK10 is a cyclin-dependent kinase by identifying cyclin M as an activating cyclin. Cyclin M, an orphan cyclin, is the product of FAM58A, whose mutations cause STAR syndrome, a human developmental anomaly whose features include toe syndactyly, telecanthus, and anogenital and renal malformations. We show that STAR syndrome-associated cyclin M mutants are unable to interact with CDK10. Cyclin M silencing phenocopies CDK10 silencing in increasing c-Raf and in conferring tamoxifen resistance to breast cancer cells. CDK10/cyclin M phosphorylates ETS2 in vitro, and in cells it positively controls ETS2 degradation by the proteasome. ETS2 protein levels are increased in cells derived from a STAR patient, and this increase is attributable to decreased cyclin M levels. Altogether, our results reveal an additional regulatory mechanism for ETS2, which plays key roles in cancer and development. They also shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying STAR syndrome.
A espectroscopia de raios-X por reflexo total (TXRF) uma tcnica promissora para anlise de elementos-trao (ETs), principalmente por no ser necessria a digesto das amostras, reduzindo assim a gerao de resduos e emisso de vapores txicos. Este trabalho comparou os teores dos ETs: Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Se, Hg e Pb, coletados em solos de rea de agricultura intensiva e vegetao nativa, determinados por TXRF e por espectrometria de absoro atmica de chama ou forno de grafite (FAAS/GFAAS). Adicionalmente, compararam-se os teores dos ET com valores de referncia para solos no contaminados. As amostras de solo foram coletadas na profundidade 0,0-0,2 m em municpios representativos de cada regio agrcola do Estado de Mato Grosso (Rondonpolis, Alto Gara, Primavera do Leste, Campo Novo, Nova Mutum, Lucas do Rio Verde, Sorriso, Sinop, Campo Novo dos Parecis, Campos de Julho e Vila Bela da Santssima Trindade). Em cada municpio, foram selecionadas seis reas, totalizando 72 amostras, todas georreferenciadas. Para a leitura dos teores de ET no aparelho de TXRF S2 Picofox™, foram preparadas suspenses de solo usando Triton X-100 a 5 % v/v utilizando glio como padro interno, enquanto no FAAS/GFAAS as amostras foram submetidas digesto cida pelo mtodo 3051A. Considerando rea cultivada e rea nativa, respectivamente, os teores mdios dos ET por TXRF, em mg kg-1, foram: Cr, 69 e 62; Zn, 16 e 8; Pb, 28 e 21; Mn, 56 e 42; As, 2 e 2; Cu, 9 e 8; e Ni, 2 e 2. O Cd, Se e Hg no foram detectados por TXRF nas amostras analisadas. Para As, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Pb, houve correlao linear (p<0,001) positiva entre as tcnicas e, no geral, os teores obtidos para esses ET em TXRF foram superiores aos do FAAS/GFAAS. Os teores de todos os elementos detectados pelo TXRF, exceto o Cr, esto dentro das faixas dos relatados para solos no contaminados e muito inferiores aos limites de alerta estipulados na literatura.
A passive sampling device called Monitor of NICotine or "MoNIC", was constructed and evaluated by IST laboratory for determining nicotine in Second Hand Tobacco Smoke (SHTS) or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). Vapour nicotine was passively collected on a potassium bisulfate treated glass fibre filter as collection medium. Analysis of collected nicotine on the treated filter by gas chromatography equipped with Thermoionic-Specific Detector (GC-TSD) after liquid-liquid extraction of 1mL of 5N NaOH : 1 mL of n-heptane saturated with NH3 using quinoline as internal standard. Based on nicotine amount of 0.2 mg/cigarette as the reference, the inhaled Cigarette Equivalents (CE) by non-smokers can be calculated. Using the detected CE on the badge for non-smokers, and comparing with amount of nicotine and cotinine level in saliva of both smokers and exposed non-smokers, we can confirm the use of the CE concept for estimating exposure to ETS. The regional CIPRET (Center of information and prevention of the addiction to smoking) of different cantons (Valais (VS), Vaud (VD), Neuchtel (NE) and Fribourg (FR)) are going to organize a big campaign on the subject of the passive addiction to smoking. This campaign took place in 2007-2008 and has for objective to inform clearly the Swiss population of the dangerousness of the passive smoke. More than 3'900 MoNIC badges were gracefully distributed to Swiss population to perform a self-monitoring of population exposure level to ETS, expressed in term of CE. Non-stimulated saliva was also collected to determine ETS biomarkers nicotine/cotinine levels of participating volunteers. Results of different levels of CE in occupational and non-occupational situations in relation with ETS were presented in this study. This study, unique in Switzerland, has established a base map on the population's exposure to SHTS. It underscored the fact that all the Swiss people involved in this campaign (N=1241) is exposed to passive smoke, from <0.2 cig/d (10.8%), 1-2 to more than 10 cig/d (89.2%). In the area of high exposure (15-38 cig/d), are the most workers in public restaurant, cafe, bar, disco. By monitoring ETS tracer nicotine and its biomarkers, salivary nicotine and cotinine, it is demonstrated that the MoNIC badge can serve as indicator of CE passive smoking. The MoNIC badge, accompanied with content of salivary nicotine/cotinine can serve as a tool of evaluation of the ETS passive smoking and contributes to supply useful data for future epidemiological studies. It is also demonstrated that the salivary nicotine (without stimulation) is a better biomarker of ETS exposure than cotinine.
B lymphocytes are among the first cells to be infected by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), and they play a crucial role in its life cycle. To study transcriptional regulation of MMTV in B cells, we have analyzed two areas of the long terminal repeat (LTR) next to the glucocorticoid receptor binding site, fp1 (at position -139 to -146 from the cap site) and fp2 (at -157 to -164). Both showed B-cell-specific protection in DNase I in vitro footprinting assays and contain binding sites for Ets transcription factors, a large family of proteins involved in cell proliferation and differentiation and oncogenic transformation. In gel retardation assays, fp1 and fp2 bound the heterodimeric Ets factor GA-binding protein (GABP) present in B-cell nuclear extracts, which was identified by various criteria: formation of dimers and tetramers, sensitivity to pro-oxidant conditions, inhibition of binding by specific antisera, and comigration of complexes with those formed by recombinant GABP. Mutations which prevented complex formation in vitro abolished glucocorticoid-stimulated transcription from an MMTV LTR linked to a reporter gene in transiently transfected B-cell lines, whereas they did not affect the basal level. Exogenously expressed GABP resulted in an increased level of hormone response of the LTR reporter plasmid and produced a synergistic effect with the coexpressed glucocorticoid receptor, indicating cooperation between the two. This is the first example of GABP cooperation with a steroid receptor, providing the opportunity for studying the integration of their intracellular signaling pathways.
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a key role in immune system homeostasis and tolerance to antigens, thereby preventing autoimmunity, and may be partly responsible for the lack of an appropriate immune response against tumor cells. Although not sufficient, a high expression of forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) is necessary for their suppressive function. Recent reports have shown that histones deacetylase inhibitors increased FOXP3 expression in T cells. We therefore decided to investigate in non-Tregs CD4-positive cells, the mechanisms by which an aspecific opening of the chromatin could lead to an increased FOXP3 expression. We focused on binding of potentially activating transcription factors to the promoter region of FOXP3 and on modifications in the five miRs constituting the Tregs signature. Valproate treatment induced binding of Ets-1 and Ets-2 to the FOXP3 promoter and acted positively on its expression, by increasing the acetylation of histone H4 lysines. Valproate treatment also induced the acquisition of the miRs Tregs signature. To elucidate whether the changes in the miRs expression could be due to the increased FOXP3 expression, we transduced these non-Tregs with a FOXP3 lentiviral expression vector, and found no changes in miRs expression. Therefore, the modification in their miRs expression profile is not due to an increased expression of FOXP3 but directly results from histones deacetylase inhibition. Rather, the increased FOXP3 expression results from the additive effects of Ets factors binding and the change in expression level of miR-21 and miR-31. We conclude that valproate treatment of human non-Tregs confers on them a molecular profile similar to that of their regulatory counterpart.
L'agitation postopratoire chez les patients adultes dans les premires heures aprs le rveilest un domaine peu tudi. Nous avons effectu des recherches pour trouver des tudesconcernant l'agitation postopratoire sur Pubmed pour les 10 dernires annes. Les termes derecherche taient agitation, emergence delirium, facteurs de risques (anglais : risk factors),agitation treatment, Riker scale. Ceci n'a permis de trouver que 2 tudes propos de ce sujet.Pourtant, elle concerne environ 5% (1) (2) des patients adultes oprs, ce qui n'est pasngligeable.En effet, elle peut avoir de srieuses consquences en terme de lsions des patients(arrachement de cathter, de tube d'intubation) ou du personnel soignant, ainsi qu'en terme decots occasionns par les diffrentes complications.Selon l'tude de Lepous (1) et l'tude de Radtke (2), certains facteurs seraient dterminantsdans la survenue de l'agitation postopratoire, dont quelques-uns sont vitables.Dans l'tude observationnelle prospective de Radtke (2), il a dj t dmontr que l'ge taiten lien avec l'agitation postopratoire. Les tranches d'ge les plus risque sont : les moins de40 ans (18-39 ans) (OR=2.1, CI=1.1-3.8, p=0.02) et les plus de 64 ans (OR=2.1, CI=1.1-3.4,p=0.02). Les tudes de Lepous (1) et de Radtke (2) ont montr que la prmdication parbenzodiazpines pourrait aussi tre un facteur de risque (Lepous (1): CI=1.1-3.3, p=0.02)(Radtke (2): OR=2.4, CI=1.0-5.6, p≤0.05). L'intensit de la douleur est galement lie lasurvenue d'une agitation postopratoire (OR=1.8, CI=1.0-3.0, p<0.04) (2). D'autres facteurscomme certains mdicaments utiliss lors de l'anesthsie (l'tomidate) (2), le type dechirurgie [abdominale (1) (2), musculosquelettique (2), de la tte et du cou(2), de lapoitrine(1)] seraient en lien avec la survenue d'une agitation postopratoire.4Il restait toutefois beaucoup de facteurs dont la relation avec l'agitation postopratoire n'avaitpas t value ou dont l'tude n'a pas eu de rsultat significatif [par exemple, lesbenzodiazpines long terme (1), ou l'anesthsie locorgionale(2)].Le but de cette tude tait premirement de dterminer si la frquence de l'agitationpostopratoire dans la population prise en compte ici est comparable celle observe dans lestudes de Radtke et de Lepous.Ensuite il s'agissait d'identifier, lors d'agitation postopratoire chez des patients adultes,parmi certains facteurs possibles, ceux pouvant tre en lien avec l'agitation postopratoire, ets'ils taient similaires ceux retrouvs dans les tudes dj publies.Les comorbidits sont un de ces facteurs. La dose de benzodiazpines dans les 24 heuresprcdent l'intervention, ainsi que les benzodiazpines en mdication chronique, par un effetparadoxal, pourraient tre en lien avec un tat d'agitation. Dans le mme ordre d'ide, nousavons compar le type d'anesthsie utilis, locorgionale versus gnrale ou combine, avecla survenue de cet tat. Nous nous sommes aussi penchs sur la dose intraopratoire totaled'opiodes et l'administration intraopratoire d'atropine, mdicaments largement utiliss lorsdes interventions, et qui seraient des facteurs modifiables si une relation avec l'agitation taitdmontre. Enfin, l'hypotension intraopratoire provoquant une hypoperfusion crbralerelative pourrait tre lie la survenue d'une agitation postopratoire.Nous avons galement observ d'autres variables, comme l'intensit de la douleur, djdmontre comme tant en rapport avec l'agitation postopratoire, et l'hypoxieintraopratoire, qui pourrait favoriser une hypoxie crbrale, et par l une agitation.Enfin, nous avons cherch s'il existe un lien entre la survenue d'une agitation postopratoireet d'un tat confusionnel postopratoire, c'est--dire se dveloppant dans la semaine suivantl'opration, une question qui n'avait pas encore t tudie.
Aquest text s un recull de procediments per inserir els blocs d'AutoCAD de forma ms eficient, en la resoluci de problemes prviament tipificats: la PRIMERA PART descriu protocols d'actuaci que l'usuari haur d'aplicar manualment, mentre que la SEGONA PART ofereix rutines programades en AutoLISP i VisualLISP que l'eximiran d'aquesta obligaci.Si ho deixssim aqu, per, podria semblar que els mateixos mtodes manuals presentats en primer lloc sn desprs els que AutoLISP automatitza; per aix conv aclarir que la problemtica de la PRIMERA PART, tot i que prxima a la de la SEGONA, s diferent i reprodueix el contingut d'una monografia (BLOCS I GEOMETRIA: 5 EXERCICIS COMENTATS) que forma part del material de suport a l'assignatura ELEMENTS DE CAD, impartida per l'autor en l'ETS d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicaci de Barcelona i que t per objecte cobrir el buit bibliogrfic que es detectava en el vessant geomtric de la inserci de blocs, a diferncia del que s'ocupa de l'estructura de dades ms adient en cada context (incrustaci de dibuixos amb INSERT versus vinculaci mitjanant REFX), ms profusament tractat, proposant una sistematitzaci tipolgica dels casos on l'escala s funci lineal d'una distncia.La SEGONA PART va ms enll i amplia el repertori d'AutoCAD amb les ordres GINSERT, RATREDIT, INSERTOK, INS2D, INS3D, BLOQUEOK, DESCOMPOK, DEF-TRANSF, APL-TRANSF-V i APL-TRANSF-N, de les quals INS2D i INS3D (INSERTOK s una versi simplificada de INS2D, per a blocs sense atributs) sn l'aportaci ms innovadora i que ms lluny porta les potencialitats de la inserci de blocs: resumint-ho en una frase, es tracta daconseguir que la inserci dun bloc (que pot ser loriginal, un bloc constitut per una inserci de loriginal o un de constitut per la inserci del precedent) sencabeixi en un marc prviament establert, a semblana de les ordres ESCALA o GIRA, que mitjanant l'opci Referencia apliquen als objectes seleccionats la transformaci d'escalat o de rotaci necessria per tal que un element de referncia assoleixi una determinada grandria o posici. Tot i que, per identificar amb encert el nucli del problema, ser inevitable introduir una reflexi: quan sha tingut la precauci de referir un bloc 2D a un quadrat unitari ortogonal, inserir-lo de manera que sadapti a qualsevol marc rectangular establert en el dibuix s immediat, per ja no ho s tant concatenar insercions de manera que, a ms duna combinaci simple de escalat, gir i translaci, loperaci dugui implcita una transformaci de cisallament. Perqu s clar que si inserim el bloc girat i convertim la inserci en un bloc que al seu torn tornem a inserir, ara per amb escalat no uniforme, el transformat del quadrat de referncia primitiu ser un parallelogram, per el problema s: dibuixat un marc rombodal concret, quin gir caldr donar a la primera inserci, i quin gir i factors descala caldr aplicar a la segona perqu el quadrat de referncia sadapti al marc? El problema es complica si, a ms, volem aprofitar el resultat de la primera inserci per a daltres parallelograms, organitzant un sistema no redundant de insercions intermdies. Doncs b: INS2D i INS3D donen satisfacci a aquestes qestions (la segona ja no contempla l'encaix en un parallelogram, sin en un paralleleppede) i sn aplicables a blocs provets datributs, no noms de tipus convencional (els continguts en el pla de base del bloc, nics de funcionament garantit amb lordre INSERT), sin tamb dels situats i orientats lliurement.
OBJECTIVES: To document the prevalence of asynchrony events during noninvasive ventilation in pressure support in infants and in children and to compare the results with neurally adjusted ventilatory assist. DESIGN: Prospective randomized cross-over study in children undergoing noninvasive ventilation. SETTING: The study was performed in a PICU. PATIENTS: From 4 weeks to 5 years. INTERVENTIONS: Two consecutive ventilation periods (pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist) were applied in random order. During pressure support (PS), three levels of expiratory trigger (ETS) setting were compared: initial ETS (PSinit), and ETS value decreased and increased by 15%. Of the three sessions, the period allowing for the lowest number of asynchrony events was defined as PSbest. Neurally adjusted ventilator assist level was adjusted to match the maximum airway pressure during PSinit. Positive end-expiratory pressure was the same during pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilator assist. Asynchrony events, trigger delay, and cycling-off delay were quantified for each period. RESULTS: Six infants and children were studied. Trigger delay was lower with neurally adjusted ventilator assist versus PSinit and PSbest (61 ms [56-79] vs 149 ms [134-180] and 146 ms [101-162]; p = 0.001 and 0.02, respectively). Inspiratory time in excess showed a trend to be shorter during pressure support versus neurally adjusted ventilator assist. Main asynchrony events during PSinit were autotriggering (4.8/min [1.7-12]), ineffective efforts (9.9/min [1.7-18]), and premature cycling (6.3/min [3.2-18.7]). Premature cycling (3.4/min [1.1-7.7]) was less frequent during PSbest versus PSinit (p = 0.059). The asynchrony index was significantly lower during PSbest versus PSinit (40% [28-65] vs 65.5% [42-76], p < 0.001). With neurally adjusted ventilator assist, all types of asynchronies except double triggering were reduced. The asynchrony index was lower with neurally adjusted ventilator assist (2.3% [0.7-5] vs PSinit and PSbest, p < 0.05 for both comparisons). CONCLUSION: Asynchrony events are frequent during noninvasive ventilation with pressure support in infants and in children despite adjusting the cycling-off criterion. Compared with pressure support, neurally adjusted ventilator assist allows improving patient-ventilator synchrony by reducing trigger delay and the number of asynchrony events. Further studies should determine the clinical impact of these findings.