990 resultados para Juntunen, Simo


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The aim of this paper is the study of moon effects on ten different crops divided in four groups: 1) salad and cole crops (lettuce, endive, cabbage, cauliflower); 2) root crops (beet, carrot, radish, turnip); 3) bulb crops (onion); 4) solanaceous fruits (eggplant). The design of the experiment was randomized blocks, with four replications, the different treatments being the four phases of the moon. The analyses of variance are given in the work of Simão (1953) and the analises of the mean in tables 1 to 2. The main conclusions are: 1) No difference in production were found related to different moon phases, even it the crops supposed to be sensible to moon effects. 2) In a few cases, where some increase in production was observed, such increase could be atributed by other apents 3) The agents supposed to interfere with increase in production were temperature and photoperiodism, rather than moon phases. 4) The most sensible crops to low temperature, during the night, were: lettuce, endive, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, turnips and radish. 5) The most sensible crops to both low temperature and photoperiodism were: onion and beet. 6) The moon phases supposed to have opposed effects, namely full-moon and half-moon, gave mixed results sometimes both giving the best yield simultaneously and sometimes giving the poorest crops. 7) As a final conclusion, no moon effects could be detectable in the present experiment.


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This paper brings to light new data on the absence of influence of lunar phases on the preservation of bamboo sticks. The author cut down for one and a half years (from - June 18, 1947 to December 30,1948) bamboos in every phase of the moon. With part of the sticks obtained a fence was built; the rest v/as kept under shelter. In the fence there were: 5 whole sticks with no preservative, 5 whole sticks with thanalith, 5 halved sticks with no preservative, 5 halved sticks with thanalith, all buried 10 centimeters in the soil. An equal number of the same types and in the same fence were kept upright 10 centimeters above the soil. Under shelter, in a shed, there was another group of sticks, 10 of each of the same four types. After 5 1/2 years no damage was observed in the fence for any treatment or any phase of the moon. On the other hand, for those bamboos kept under shelter the following numbers of perforated sticks were observed. Number of perforated sticks after 5 1/2 years Without Thanalith Thanalith Date of cutting Phase of the moon Whole Halved Whole Halved 8 - 25 - 47 Prime 0 3 0 0 9 - 29 - 47 Full 0 3 0 0 10 - 7 - 47 Wane 0 3 0 0 10 - 14 - 47 New 2 4 0 0 10 - 29 - 47 Full 0 5 0 0 11 - 6 - 47 Wane 3 3 0 0 11 - 13 - 47 New 0 1 0 0 4 - 1 - 43 Wane 3 5 0 0 8 - 27 - 48 Wane 1 3 0 0 10 - 10 - 48 Prime 1 3 0 0 Totals 10 36 0 0 So, among the 400 sticks kept under shelter, after 5 1/2 years, only 46 were perforated, all among those withe no preservative. No influence of lunar phase at cutting down of sticks seems to be present.


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The author studied the storage of seeds of mango trees with the aim of Keeping high its ability of germination. Seven means of storage were tried, with two temperatures: environment temperature (22 to 27 degrees Centigrade) and cold store room (5 degrees centigrade). The methods of storage tried were: 1 - The frewit kept complete. 2 - Seeds taken within the stone. 3 - Seeds taken out of the stone. 4 - Stones heated with a Fungicida (Zineb). 5 - Stones cut laterally and heated with a fungicide (Zineb). 6 - Seeds (out of sones) heated with Zineb. 7 - Stones steatified with sand. The best results were obtained for seeds kept within whole fruits, probably owing to protection provided by outer layers. The use of fungicide imposed the sanitary aspect of seeds and stones. Storage in cold store room (5 degrees Centigrade) injured the seeds and stones in all cases. Germinating power was kept high up to 70 days for complete fruits. It seems that biggers fruits were more favorable to keep high the ability of theirs seeds to germinate.


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The authors study the insect population that visit the mango trees and search for their pollinizing activity. Prior operations showed that very few bees (Apis mellifera) visited the flowers of mango trees. It was known that the percentage of fecundation is low (Simão 1955), Popenoe (1929), Spencer and Kennard (1955), Lynch and Mustard (1955), Ruehle and Ledin (1955), so that the authors wented to Know if insects could be responsible for this. Insects were collected from mango trees, belonging to 10 orders, which, on the whole are not pollinizing agents. Bees were not collected, 21% were Hymenoptera, 20% were Diptera, 13% Hemiptera, 10% Coleoptera, 3% Blattariae and smoller percentages belonged to other orders.


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The author studied the possibility of propagating "Samambaia de Metro" Polypodium Subauriculatum, by means of spores, since vegetative multiplication is hard to obtain for large numbers of plants. Five treatments were tried, with 4 replications. I - Coarse "Flores Floor" and fine "Flores Floor". II - Coarse Flores Floor and moss. III - Coarse sand, Flores Floor and brick powder VI - Coarse sand, Flores Floor and brick powder V - Coarse sand and Flores Floor. The best germination was obtained with treatment V (Coarse sand et the boltom), topesed by Flores Floor. The pots were permanently kept on a tray pul of water, in a Greenhouse. This method provided over 4.000 offspring, which at 2 ½ years of age were of a size mitable for ornamental use.


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During 1952 and 1953 the author observed that radish, Raphanus sativus, L, developed rapidily in the warmer and damper period of the year and endured the lower temperatures. The yiel of leaves counted from 20 to 40% of the plant weigth.


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The author carried out a study on the behavior of cabbage for a period of two years (1952 and 1953). From the results obtained it was concluded that, cabbage, Brassica oleraceae, var. capitata, developed better during the cooler season of the year, that is, from April to June and, the yield decresed from the beginning to the end of the sowing time, that is, from April to Ocotber.


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In the field of agrometeorological studies we are in need of the estimation of the solar radiation frequently. At the present study the authors have worked out some dat:t regarding the hours of sunshine during the months of August, September, October, November, December and January of 1957, 1958 and 1959. Based on such hours of sunshine in the Agrometeorological Station, located at the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - U.S. P., in Piracicaba, the authors calculated the solar radiation received on a plane and horizontal surface, from the method proposed by Glover and Mc Culloch. With those results the authors estimated the percentual part of radiation that would be received on vertical wall facing north.


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O presente trabalho foi realizado em Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Os autores fizeram observações sôbre a posição que as gemas ocupam na base das bainhas das fôlhas da bananeira e às quais estão associadas. Utilizaram o cultivar Musa (Grupo AAA, Sub-Grupo Cavendish) "Nanicão", classificado de acôrdo com a nomenclatura de SIMMONDS (1966). Chegaram às seguintes conclusões: 1. As gemas associadas às bases das bainhas foliares estão colocadas em sua metade esquerda. 2. A metade direita das bainhas encobre as gemas colocadas mais internamente no caule da bananeira. 3. A disposição das gemas no caule é função da filotaxia da planta.


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Os estudos relativos as melhores condições de umidade do solo para a cultura da cebola são importantes, para a região em que os ensaios foram instalados, devido a necessidade de aplicação da água suplementar. O experimento foi conduzido utilizando-se do processo de bulbinhos para a propagação da cultura, do método de sulcos de infiltração para a irrigação e do método gravimétrico direto para a avaliação da umidade do solo. Implantaram-se, os ensaios, num solo Latosol Vermelho Escuro-Orto (COMISSÃO DE SOLOS, 1960). Os tratamentos diferenciaram-se pelos potenciais matriciais médios mínimos de água permitidos ao solo antes de cada irrigação em: -0,5; -1,0; -6,0 e -15,0 barias. Verificou-se, ainda, a evapotranspiração potencial, que se conduziu com valores intermediários.


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As mudas utilizadas no experimento foram plantadas em setembro de 1971, sendo cinco os tratamentos: planta matriz sem rebento, planta matriz com seleção dos rebentos, de janeiro, março e maio de 1972 e planta matriz com todos os rebentos. Os resultados obtidos revelam influência da época da seleção dos rebentos sobre: diâmetro do pseudo-caule e lançamento de folhas no mês de abril, durante a fase de desenvolvimento vegetativo; número de dias decorridos do plantio ao florescimento, número de plantas florescidas no mês de julho, número de folhas, altura e diâmetro do pseudo-caule, número de pencas por cacho e altura do rebento na fase do florescimento.


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No presente trabalho foram feitos os tratamentos: planta matriz sem rebentos; planta matriz com rebentos de janeiro, março e maio e testemunha com todos os rebentos, sendo estudada sua influência no desenvolvimento e produção da planta matriz de bananeira. Os resultados mostraram diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, com relação ao número de dias do plantio ao florescimento, ciclo de produção, número de folhas na colheita e peso do cacho. Não houve diferença significativa em relação ao diâmetro do pseudo-caule no florescimento e colheita, número de pencas e frutos.


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O presente experimento foi conduzido para verificar uma possível translocação de herbicidas do grupo das uréias substituidas no solo. No bioensaio foi utilizado o tomateiro como planta teste. o solo testado foi de uma cultura de cenoura, com alto teor de matéria orgânica e argila. Os herbicidas testados foram o linuron, cloroxuron e clorobromuron, em 2 dosagens: a mínima e a máxima recomendadas pelos produtores. Os resultados indicaram que não houve translocações lateral e através de uma profundidade de 30 cm. a possível causa foi o alto teor de matéria orgânica e argila.


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Efeitos de parcelamento de adubação nitrogenada e potássica foram estudados na cultura de Gladiolus grandiflorus, L., cv. 'Friendship', no que concerne a produção de bulbos, bulbilhos e hastes florais. Houve influência do parcelamento sobre número e peso de bulbos e bulbilhos e sobre comprimento de haste floral do gladíolo. Em geral o nitrogênio influiu sobre número de bulbos e de bulbilhos, enquanto o potássio influenciou em seu peso.