Studies in our laboratory as well as others strongly suggest that salicylic acid (SA) plays an important signaling role in plant defense against pathogens. We have found that increases in endogenous SA levels correlates with both resistance of tobacco to infection with tobacco mosaic virus and induction of defense-related genes such as that encoding pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1). Some of this newly synthesized SA was conjugated to glucose to form SA beta-glucoside. A cell wall-associated beta-glucosidase activity that releases SA from this glucoside has been identified, suggesting that SA beta-glucoside serves as an inactive storage form of SA. By purifying a soluble SA-binding protein and isolating its encoding cDNA from tobacco, we have been able to further characterize the mechanism of SA signaling. This protein is a catalase, and binding of SA and its biologically active analogues inhibited catalase's ability to convert H2O2 to O2 and H2O. The resulting elevated levels of cellular H2O2 appeared to induce PR-1 gene expression, perhaps by acting as a second messenger. Additionally, transgenic tobacco expressing an antisense copy of the catalase gene and exhibiting depressed levels of catalase also showed constitutive expression of PR-1 genes. To further dissect the SA signaling pathway, we have tested several abiotic inducers of PR gene expression and disease resistance for their ability to stimulate SA production. Levels of SA and its glucoside rose following application of all of the inducers except 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid. 2,6-Dichloroisonicotinic acid was found to bind catalase directly and inhibit its enzymatic activity. Thus, it appears that many compounds that induce PR gene expression and disease resistance in plants inactivate catalases directly or indirectly.
A penciled notation on this notebook's cover indicates that the handwriting is of Thomas Prince, Nathan's brother. Informally titled "An Heavenly Interposition of a Storm & Tempest," this notebook details Prince's point-by-point responses to the accusations against him. Prince also includes lists of each accusation and those making the accusation; he appears to have believed there was a conspiracy against him.
"Prince's Defence of himself before the Overseers" is written on the cover in ink. "Papers relating to Mr. Prince's iniquities" is written in pencil, in a different hand. This volume, similar to the one in folder 9, records at great length Prince's responses to the accusations against him.
In Morocco, the new Constitution promised by King Mohammed VI in 2011 has raised high expectations regarding the improvement of socio-economic standards in the country and the possible redistribution of national wealth in a more transparent and democratic way. Just like Tunisia and Egypt, Moroccan demonstrators of the 20 February Movement had taken to the streets to ask for more freedom and democracy, but also to call for social equality and an end to corruption. Many of the grievances and the claims raised by demonstrators fell within the domain of socio-economic rights. Even though it might still be early to take stock, five years down the road, it is possible to provide a fist assessment of the major changes in Morocco in the socio-economic area. The attempt is to analyse whether the improvements introduced by the new Constitution have met the expectations of the people standing up for their rights in the wake of the Arab Spring, or whether the Kingdom of Morocco has fallen short on its promise to undertake structural change.
Since mid-2015 Turkey has been affected by a deep internal crisis, caused by rising political polarisation, increased levels of terrorist threat (posed by the Kurds and Islamic radicals) and the revived conflict with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). As a consequence of this crisis, over 350,000 residents of south-eastern Turkey have been forced to leave their homes. At the same time, due to the migration crisis and despite mutual distrust in relations between Turkey and the EU, cooperation between Ankara and Brussels has been intensifying. Turkey’s ongoing destabilisation does not challenge the status of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which is de facto controlled by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; paradoxically, it strengthens the party. The internal crisis which the authorities have been deliberately fuelling is an element of a plan to rubber-stamp political change by introducing a presidential system of government. This is happening amid a thorough reconstruction of the socio-political order which has been underway for over a decade. In the upcoming months it is expected to result in the constitution being changed and, as a consequence, the institutionalisation of Erdoğan’s autocratic rule.
"Adopted January, 1846. Revised April, 1857. Amended March 1, 1859; January 13, 1863; February 6, 1866; January 10, 1871; November 6, 1877, and March 11, 1879."
"Text translated from Constitución política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, décima edición, 1959, Editorial Porrúa, S. A., México, D. F. Subsequent amendments to June 1, 1961, from Diario oficial."
"The attached report was prepared ... by Dr. Mark Lowenthal ..."--p. iv.