850 resultados para Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988
Describir el desarrollo de la enseñanza de las Bellas Artes en España desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad.. Estudia los principios de sistematización de la enseñanza, sus efectos y su relación con la organización general de la educación española y en especial con las enseñanzas artísticas del Bachillerato. Examina los procedimientos para la formación inicial de los profesores de las enseñanzas artísticas.. La metodología se centra fundamentalmente en el análisis de los textos legales que han regulado y estructurado las Escuelas de Bellas Artes españolas y las enseñanzas secundarias. También se incluye una revisión de la literatura más relevante y específica en el mismo periodo.. Históricamente, desde el punto de vista administrativo y académico, las Academias han ejercido un auténtico monopolio sobre las enseñanzas artísticas. Así, tanto las enseñanzas artísticas como la actividad del profesorado encargado de su instrucción, han servido de control sobre la actividad artística. En la segunda mitad del siglo XX ha existido un movimiento internacional encaminado a desarrollar el estudio de la educación artística especulativa y experimental, y a fomentar su instrucción.. La orientación seguida por las enseñanzas artísticas y su orientación metodológica en los distintos niveles educativos son homogéneos, y se llegan a repetir los modelos didácticos de todas las escuelas, salvo a partir de la Ley General de Educación..
La presente investigación analiza el diálogo que se estableció entre distintos grupos de mujeres: religiosas, laicas e indígenas con la Teología de la Liberación y la influencia que ejerció Monseñor Leonidas Proaño en el compromiso pastoral y socio-político que asumieron las mujeres en Riobamba y Quito Sur durante las décadas de 1970 y 1980. La confluencia entre las mujeres y la Teología de la Liberación ocurre desde los inicios de la década del 1970. A ellas se las encuentra en los distintos espacios de acción pastoral que se lleva adelante en la Diócesis de Riobamba como en las comunidades religiosas insertas, comunidades eclesiales de base, equipos de pastoral, campañas de alfabetización, grupos de cantoras y aportes a la reflexión teológica. En la parroquia Quito sur la vinculación de las mujeres con la pastoral liberadora se refleja en las memorias a partir de la década de 1980. A través de la memoria y los testimonios de las mujeres que fueron partícipes de la pastoral liberadora, se reconstruye esta historia de aportes a los procesos históricos que realizan las mujeres desde la Teología de la Liberación y la incidencia que ésta ejerce en el empoderamiento y construcción de nuevas identidades. Desde las comunidades de base y a través de la metodología del “ver, juzgar y actuar”, las mujeres realizaron un cuestionamiento a las desigualdades sociales y una crítica a la propia Teología de la Liberación que asume los problemas de exclusión social, pero deja a un lado la exclusión de género. La incursión de las mujeres en los espacios de compromiso socio-político y pastoral supuso procesos permanentes de deconstrucción y reelaboración de su identidad, en los que dan cuenta de tensiones entre la invisibilización y desvalorización de sus experiencias.
Using topographic data collected by radar interferometry, stereo-photogrammetry, and field survey we have measured the changing surface of Volcan Arenal in Costa Rica over the period from 1980 to 2004. During this time this young volcano has mainly effused basaltic andesite lava, continuing the activity that began in 1968. Explosive products form only a few percent of the volumetric output. We have calculated digital elevation models for the years 1961, 1988 and 1997 and modified existing models for 2000 and 2004. From these we have estimated the volume of lava effused and coupled this with the data presented by an earlier study for 1968-1980. We find that a dense rock equivalent volume of 551 M m(3) was effused from 1968 to 2004. The dense rock equivalent effusion rate fell from about 2 m(3) s(-1) to about 0.1-0.2 m(3) s(-1) over the same period, with an average rate of about 0.5 m(3) s(-1). Between 1980 and 2004, the average effusion rate was 0.36 m(3) s(-1), a similar rate to that measured between 1974 and 1980. There have been two significant deviations from this long-term rate. The effusion rate increased from 1984 to 1991, at the same time as explosivity increased. After a period of moderate effusion rates in the 1990s, the rate fell to lower levels around 1999. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Most discussions of Immanuel Kant's political theory of international politics focus on his work on Eternal Peace and its normative and empirical relevance for contemporary international relations and international law. Yet for all his concern with peace, Kant's work is characterised by a fascinating preoccupation with the concept of war and its role in human history. The purpose of this essay is to investigate critically Kant's different conceptualisations of war and to evaluate his writing as a critique against contemporary versions of Liberal war and peace, as well as recent attempts to reduce war to an immanent logic of biopolitics.
At the heart of the ‘special relationship’ ideology, there is supposed to be a grand bargain. In exchange for paying the ‘blood price’ as America's ally, Britain will be rewarded with exceptional influence over American foreign policy and its strategic behaviour. Soldiers and statesman continue to articulate this idea. Since 9/11, the notion of Britain playing ‘Greece’ to America's ‘Rome’ gained new life thanks to Anglophiles on both sides of the Atlantic. One potent version of this ideology was that the more seasoned British would teach Americans how to fight ‘small wars’ in Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby bolstering their role as tutor to the superpower. Britain does derive benefits from the Anglo-American alliance and has made momentous contributions to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet British solidarity and sacrifices have not purchased special influence in Washington. This is partly due to Atlanticist ideology, which sets Britain unrealistic standards by which it is judged, and partly because the notion of ‘special influence’ is misleading as it loses sight of the complexities of American policy-making. The overall result of expeditionary wars has been to strain British credibility in American eyes and to display its lack of consistent influence both over high policy and the design and execution of US military campaigns. While there may be good arguments in favour of the UK continuing its efforts in Afghanistan, the notion that the war fortifies Britain's vicarious world status is a dangerous illusion that leads to repeated overstretch and disappointment. Now that Britain is in the foothills of a strategic defence review, it is important that the British abandon this false consciousness.
Chester Crocker was appointed as Reagan's Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs in 1981. He had criticised the inconsistencies of US African policy and proposed a renewed emphasis on the balance between America's global interests with specific regional priorities. While the focus of Congressmen, journalists and public opinion centred on the issue of apartheid, it was the Namibian War of Independence (South African Border War) that initially drew the attention of the Reagan administration, and it was the resolution of this war that remained the priority for the US government in this region throughout Crocker's time in office.
This research had for objective to fammi1iarize the user of accounting information to an efficient instrument in the modern financiaI ana1izes of eva1uation of entities: the Statement of Sources and App1ication of Resources. This statement goes on, ti11 today, to be 1ess used by the financiaI ana1ists because it is not understood concerning its objectives, concepts of Resources and shares of to bui1d and disc10sure the statement. During the period of time between 1980 and 1985 the Brazi1's economy spent of a situation of recession to another of prosperity and growth. In the first four years of the historiaI series, the country had a recession period and it was kept unti1 the end of 1983: the national private company increased its debt degree and decreased its 1iquidity. After 1984 the economy began to grow and that was pushed by the export entities: the entities decreased its debt degree and increased its 1iquidity. The Statement of Sources and Uses of Resources has been bui1t and pub1ished in United States since the 1ast 50 years of nineteenth century, and it has been known as Statement of Funds. In Brazi1 it has just introducted after the Security Exchange Law in 1976 that put 1imits for obrigatority to disc10sure by the companies. This 1aw described, summari1y, the objective, cQII1position and manner to disc1osure. The ma in objective of the statement is to show the financiaI position of the entity. This objective envolves aspects relationed to the long-term's strategy of the company because it disclosure the policy of application of resources in long-term assets, the policy of dividends that has been used, and the structure of resources provided by long-t:erm financing, the resources of the operations, and so on. There are several means of Resources. The concept more used in Brazil is Working Capital, till for orientation of the law. Concepts as Cash and Equivalent-Cash and Net Realizable Assets can be more informatives to the users because they show informations with better complexity, including informations concerning to the short-term. Concerning to the building methods, there are three that are known: the Transations Analizing method, the T-Account method and the Work-Sheet method. AlI of them are efficient, but it's recomendable that the method used can be in accordance with the disclosured formato The statement, despite of others statements, fell \
O objetivo do presente trabalho fora compreender de que modo se deu a tematização do racismo e das questões raciais no momento que inaugura as possibilidades de interlocução entre sociedade civil e instituições formais do Estado Brasileiro: a Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC) de 1987-1988. Por meio do estudo dos documentos que registram a participação do Movimento Negro ao longo do processo Constituinte buscou-se responder as seguintes questões: 1- Quais foram as demandas pleiteadas por organizações do Movimento Negro no contexto da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte? 2- Que tipos de argumentos são mobilizados por tais atores/atrizes para sustentar a necessidade e viabilidade da inserção dos pleitos no texto constitucional? 3- Essas demandas foram incluídas na Constituição Federal? De que maneira? Para além da pesquisa documental, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o contexto sociopolítico em questão bem como fez-se considerações sobre a mobilização antirracista entre as décadas de 1970 e 1980. Através do estudo da atuação do movimento social na ANC e do balanço das inclusões e exclusões de dispositivos na Carta Constitucional apontamos os desafios do tratamento da temática pelo Estado brasileiro, os avanços e a persistência de determinadas questões passadas quase três décadas do evento histórico estudado.
This work aims to describe and analyze the process of the mathematics teacher modernizing in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980. For that, we use as theoretical foundation assumptions of Cultural History and memories of the researchers Maurice Halbwach, Ecléa Bosi and Paul Thompson. As methodological tools, we used bibliographical resources and semi-structured interviews, in order to do a historical reconstruct of the mathematics educational scene of institutions and people who taught mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte, or those who participated in the modernization of the teaching of this subject, recovering their training and its practices in teaching. For the analysis of the bibliographical resources, initially we organized in a systematic way the transcripts of the interviews and documents, which were accumulated during the research, so long our thoughts, returning to the theoretical basis of this research, through questioning of knowledge acquired and that guided the problem of our study. The analysis showed that, important moments to modernize the teaching of mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte happened such: (1) Training Course of Lay Teachers in Rio Grande do Norte, in 1965, (2) Course for Teachers in Normal Schools, in 1971 (3) Satelite Project on Interdisciplinary Advanced Communications (SPIAC) in 1973; (4) Lectures of the teacher Malba Tahan, at Natal, from the end of the 50 s, that could be analyzed through the lessons notes of the teacher Maria Nalva Xavier de Albuquerque and the narrative of teacher Evaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho and (5) Courses of the Campaign for Improvement of Secondary Education and Broadcasting (CISEB). Thereby, the modernization of the school s mathematics teaching in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980, was given mainly by disclosure of the Discovery Method and by the Set Theory contents in Teacher Training Courses
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