869 resultados para Investigacion
We test the hypothesis that PARP inhibition can decrease acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and other renal lesions related to prolonged cold ischemia/reperfusion (IR) in kidneys preserved at 4°C in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution. Material and Methods. We used 30 male Parp1(+/+) wild-type and 15 male Parp1(0/0) knockout C57BL/6 mice. Fifteen of these wild-type mice were pretreated with 3,4-dihydro-5-[4-(1-piperidinyl)butoxyl]-1(2H)-isoquinolinone (DPQ) at a concentration of 15 mg/kg body weight, used as PARP inhibitor. Subgroups of mice were established (A: IR 45 min/6 h; B: IR + 48 h in UW solution; and C: IR + 48 h in UW solution plus DPQ). We processed samples for morphological, immunohistochemical, ultrastructural, and western-blotting studies. Results. Prolonged cold ischemia time in UW solution increased PARP-1 expression and kidney injury. Preconditioning with PARP inhibitor DPQ plus DPQ supplementation in UW solution decreased PARP-1 nuclear expression in renal tubules and renal damage. Parp1(0/0) knockout mice were more resistant to IR-induced renal lesion. In conclusion, PARP inhibition attenuates ATN and other IR-related renal lesions in mouse kidneys under prolonged cold storage in UW solution. If confirmed, these data suggest that pharmacological manipulation of PARP activity may have salutary effects in cold-stored organs at transplantation.
Individualized treatment regimens may reduce patient burden with satisfactory patient outcomes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Intravitreal anti-VEGF drugs are the current gold standard. Fixed monthly injections offer the best visual outcome but this regimen is not commonly followed outside clinical trials. A PRN regimen requires monthly visits where the patient is treated in the presence of signs of lesion activity. Therefore, an early detection of reactivation of the disease with immediate retreatment is crucial to prevent visual acuity loss. Several trials suggest that "treat and extend" and other proactive regimens provide a reasonable approach. The rationale of the proactive regimens is to perform treatment anticipating relapses or recurrences and therefore avoid drops in vision while individualizing patient followup. Treat and extend study results in significant direct medical cost savings from fewer treatments and office visits compared to monthly treatment. Current data suggest that, for one year, PRN is less expensive, but treat and extend regimen would likely be less expensive for subsequent years. Once a patient is not a candidate to continue with treatment, he/she should be sent to an outpatient unit with adequate resources to follow nAMD patients in order to reduce the burden of specialized ophthalmologist services.
72 p.
Presenta los resultados obtenidos dentro del marco de cooperación entre el Instituto del Mar del Perú y la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, para investigar la posición taxonómica de los parásitos que pudieran estar presentes en los tejidos musculares de la merluza, así mismo, se averiguo la existencia de alguna relación entre la presencia del o de los parásitos, con el reblandecimiento degenerante de los músculos de la merluza.
Describe las actividades desplegadas en el crucero 9004-05 del BIC "Fridtjof Nansen", se realizaron 24 arrastres en el área comprendida entre 03°41,8 '-03°49,4´S y 81°24,7 'W, en profundidades de 540 a 880 m, con la finalidad de seleccionar las especies de crustáceos con posibilidades de explotación a nivel comercial, así como determinar sus índices de abundancia, biomasa, proporción sexual, relación longitud-ancho del cefalotórax, relación longitud-peso y algunas variaciones morfométricas. Se analizaron también, las condiciones oceanográficas del hábitat.
83 p.
89 p.
97 p.
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123 p.
95 p.
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88 p.