943 resultados para Inversão cinemática e magmatismo de abrolhos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks, located in the extreme NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain (RN), are representative of the Ediacaran-Cambrian magmatism, an important magmatic feature of the Brasilian / Panafrican orogeny of the Borborema Province. These bodies are lithologically similar, intrusive in paleoproterozoic gneiss embasement, being separated by a thin belt of mylonitic orthogneiss. The field relations show a magmatic stratigraphy initiated by dioritic facies that coexists with the porphyritic granitic and equigranular granitic I facies, and less frequently with equigranular granitic II facies. These rocks are crosscut by late granitic dykes and sheets with NE-SW / NNE-SSW orientation. The dioritic facies (diorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite) is leucocratic to melanocratic, rich in biotite and hornblende. The granitic facies are hololeucocratic to leucocratic, and have biotite ± hornblende. Petrographic and geochemical (whole rock) data, especially from Serra do Caramuru pluton, suggest fractionation of zircon, apatite, clinopyroxene (in diorites), opaque minerals, titanite, biotite, hornblende, allanite, plagioclase, microcline and garnet (in dykes). The behavior of trace elements such as Zr, La and Yb indicates that the dioritic magma does not constitute the parental magma for the granitic facies. On the other hand, the granitic facies seems to be cogenetic to each other, displaying differentiation trends and very similar rare earth elements (REE) spectra [12.3≤(La/Yb)N≤190.8; Eu/Eu*=0.30-0.68]. Field relationships and REE patterns [6.96≤(La/Yb)N≤277.8; Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.58] demonstrate that the granitic dykes and sheets are not cogenetically related to the Serra do Caramuru magmatism. The dioritic facies is metaluminous (A/CNK = 0.88-0.74) and shoshonitic, whereas the granitic ones are metaluminous to peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.08-0.93) and high potassium calc-alkaline. Dykes and sheets are strictly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01-1.04). Binary diagrams relating compatible and incompatible trace elements and microtextures indicate the fractional crystallization as the dominant mechanism of magmatic evolution of the various facies. The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks have well preserved magmatic fabric, do not show metamorphic minerals and are structurally isotropic, showing crosscutting contact with the ductile fabric of the basement. These observations lead to interpretate a stage of relative tectonic stability, consistent with the orogenic relaxation period of the Brasiliano / Pan-African orogeny. Chemical plots involving oxides and trace elements indicate late to post-collisional emplacement. In this context, the assumed better mechanism to describe the stocks emplacement within an extensional T Riedel joint, with ENE-WSW extensional vector. The U-Pb zircon age of 553 ± 10 Ma allows correlating the Serra do Caramuru magmatism to the group of post-collisional bodies, equigranular high potassium calc-alkaline granites of the NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain.


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The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks, located in the extreme NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain (RN), are representative of the Ediacaran-Cambrian magmatism, an important magmatic feature of the Brasilian / Panafrican orogeny of the Borborema Province. These bodies are lithologically similar, intrusive in paleoproterozoic gneiss embasement, being separated by a thin belt of mylonitic orthogneiss. The field relations show a magmatic stratigraphy initiated by dioritic facies that coexists with the porphyritic granitic and equigranular granitic I facies, and less frequently with equigranular granitic II facies. These rocks are crosscut by late granitic dykes and sheets with NE-SW / NNE-SSW orientation. The dioritic facies (diorite, quartz diorite, quartz monzodiorites, tonalite and granodiorite) is leucocratic to melanocratic, rich in biotite and hornblende. The granitic facies are hololeucocratic to leucocratic, and have biotite ± hornblende. Petrographic and geochemical (whole rock) data, especially from Serra do Caramuru pluton, suggest fractionation of zircon, apatite, clinopyroxene (in diorites), opaque minerals, titanite, biotite, hornblende, allanite, plagioclase, microcline and garnet (in dykes). The behavior of trace elements such as Zr, La and Yb indicates that the dioritic magma does not constitute the parental magma for the granitic facies. On the other hand, the granitic facies seems to be cogenetic to each other, displaying differentiation trends and very similar rare earth elements (REE) spectra [12.3≤(La/Yb)N≤190.8; Eu/Eu*=0.30-0.68]. Field relationships and REE patterns [6.96≤(La/Yb)N≤277.8; Eu/Eu*=0.18-0.58] demonstrate that the granitic dykes and sheets are not cogenetically related to the Serra do Caramuru magmatism. The dioritic facies is metaluminous (A/CNK = 0.88-0.74) and shoshonitic, whereas the granitic ones are metaluminous to peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.08-0.93) and high potassium calc-alkaline. Dykes and sheets are strictly peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.01-1.04). Binary diagrams relating compatible and incompatible trace elements and microtextures indicate the fractional crystallization as the dominant mechanism of magmatic evolution of the various facies. The Serra do Caramuru and Tapuio stocks have well preserved magmatic fabric, do not show metamorphic minerals and are structurally isotropic, showing crosscutting contact with the ductile fabric of the basement. These observations lead to interpretate a stage of relative tectonic stability, consistent with the orogenic relaxation period of the Brasiliano / Pan-African orogeny. Chemical plots involving oxides and trace elements indicate late to post-collisional emplacement. In this context, the assumed better mechanism to describe the stocks emplacement within an extensional T Riedel joint, with ENE-WSW extensional vector. The U-Pb zircon age of 553 ± 10 Ma allows correlating the Serra do Caramuru magmatism to the group of post-collisional bodies, equigranular high potassium calc-alkaline granites of the NE of Rio Piranhas-Seridó Domain.


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Nell'elaborato viene affrontato il processo di diffusione di fotoni denominato Compton Inverso. Per prima cosa c'è una breve introduzione dove vengono elencati i vari processi di diffusione di radiazione e alcune applicazioni astrofisiche del Compton inverso che saranno poi affrontate nella seconda parte. Nel capitolo 1 viene fatta una trattazione fisica del processo e vengono analizzati potenza emessa e spettro risultante. Infine nel capitolo finale vengono approfondite le applicazioni astrofisiche più importanti del Compton inverso: Comptonizzazione, effetto Sunyaev-Zeldovich e Synchrotron Self Compton.


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Obiettivo della tesi è la realizzazione di un dispositivo in grado di riprodurre il sistema del pendolo inverso e di trovare soluzioni vicine alla posizione di equilibrio stabile. Verranno ricavate le equazioni del moto che descrivono il sistema attraverso la meccanica Lagrangiana. Una volta integrate numericamente le equazioni, si procederà con la ricerca di una funzione di controllo per mantenere in equilibrio il sistema: l'efficacia della soluzione verrà valutata graficamente, senza approfondire l'approccio proveniente dalla teoria del controllo che ne è alla base. Infine il sistema verrà realizzato praticamente ed utilizzeremo le stesse funzioni studiate in precedenza.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.


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La colección de textos "Lecciones de Física", iniciativa del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de Medellín y su grupo de investigación SUMMA (Del latín SUMMA, que es el equivalente a SUMA, "Recopilación de todas las partes de una ciencia o facultad), incluye en cada número la exposición detallada de un tema en física. Se procura abordar las fenomenologías con el rigor y la claridad que en la mayoría de las oportunidades no es posible lograr en un curso regular. El texto Cinemática es una presentación ordenada, rigurosa y clara de los conceptos sobre los cuales se apoyan las descripciones del movimiento de una partícula. La obra pretende abordar de una manera integral la cinemática desde la visión newtoniana o mecánica clásica de la partícula. Sus principales conceptos se orientan desde la idea imaginaria de un punto que se mueve de diferentes formas según sean sus condiciones. Se enfoca en los conceptos de trayectoria y sistema de referencia, a diferencia de los textos tradicionales que frecuentemente olvidan el vínculo entre las descripciones geométricas y las situaciones físicas, para describir las fenomenologías involucradas en la interpretación de la naturaleza.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2015.


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The new oil reservoirs discoveries in onshore and ultra deep water offshore fields and complex trajectories require the optimization of procedures to reduce the stops operation during the well drilling, especially because the platforms and equipment high cost, and risks which are inherent to the operation. Among the most important aspects stands out the drilling fluids project and their behavior against different situations that may occur during the process. By means of sedimentation experiments, a correlation has been validated to determe the sedimentation particles velocity in variable viscosity fluids over time, applying the correction due to effective viscosity that is a shear rate and time function. The viscosity evolution over time was obtained by carrying out rheologic tests using a fixed shear rate, small enough to not interfere in the fluid gelling process. With the sedimentation particles velocity and the fluid viscosity over time equations an iterative procedure was proposed to determine the particles displacement over time. These equations were implemented in a case study to simulate the cuttings sedimentation generated in the oil well drilling during stops operation, especially in the connections and tripping, allowing the drilling fluid project in order to maintain the cuttings in suspension, avoiding risks, such as stuck pipe and in more drastic conditions, the loss of the well


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Recurso educativo de apoio à unidade curricular de física


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Recurso educativo de apoio à unidade curricular de física


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Recurso educativo de apoio à unidade curricular de física


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Many challenges have been presented in petroleum industry. One of them is the preventing of fluids influx during drilling and cementing. Gas migration can occur as result of pressure imbalance inside the well when well pressure becomes lower than gas zone pressure and in cementing operation this occurs during cement slurry transition period (solid to fluid). In this work it was developed a methodology to evaluate gas migration during drilling and cementing operations. It was considered gel strength concept and through experimental tests determined gas migration initial time. A mechanistic model was developed to obtain equation that evaluates bubble displacement through the fluid while it gels. Being a time-dependant behavior, dynamic rheological measurements were made to evaluate viscosity along the time. For drilling fluids analyzed it was verified that it is desirable fast and non-progressive gelation in order to reduce gas migration without affect operational window (difference between pore and fracture pressure). For cement slurries analyzed, the most appropriate is that remains fluid for more time below critical gel strength, maintaining hydrostatic pressure above gas zone pressure, and after that gels quickly, reducing gas migration. The model developed simulates previously operational conditions and allow changes in operational and fluids design to obtain a safer condition for well construction