710 resultados para Intracardiac Echocardiography


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We investigated the effects of the matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13)-selective inhibitor, 5-(4-{4-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-oxazol-2-yl]phenoxy}phenoxy)-5-(2-methoxyethyl) pyrimidine-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione (Cmpd-1), on the primary tumor growth and breast cancer-associated bone remodeling using xenograft and syngeneic mouse models. We used human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells inoculated into the mammary fat pad and left ventricle of BALB/c Nu/Nu mice, respectively, and spontaneously metastasizing 4T1.2-Luc mouse mammary cells inoculated into mammary fat pad of BALB/c mice. In a prevention setting, treatment with Cmpd-1 markedly delayed the growth of primary tumors in both models, and reduced the onset and severity of osteolytic lesions in the MDA-MB-231 intracardiac model. Intervention treatment with Cmpd-1 on established MDA-MB-231 primary tumors also significantly inhibited subsequent growth. In contrast, no effects of Cmpd-1 were observed on soft organ metastatic burden following intracardiac or mammary fat pad inoculations of MDA-MB-231 and 4T1.2-Luc cells respectively. MMP13 immunostaining of clinical primary breast tumors and experimental mice tumors revealed intra-tumoral and stromal expression in most tumors, and vasculature expression in all. MMP13 was also detected in osteoblasts in clinical samples of breast-to-bone metastases. The data suggest that MMP13-selective inhibitors, which lack musculoskeletal side effects, may have therapeutic potential both in primary breast cancer and cancer-induced bone osteolysis.


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Close attention to technical quality or image optimization in transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is important for the acquisition of high-quality diagnostic images and to ensure that measurements are accurately performed. For this purpose, the echocardiographer must be familiar with all the controls on the ultrasound machine that can be manipulated to optimize the two-dimensional (2D) images, color Doppler images, and spectral Doppler traces...


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Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a significantly higher risk of coronary heart disease, despite being less likely to report symptoms of angina, and are more likely to experience unrecognised myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death than non-RA controls.1 Furthermore, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction has been described in up to 40% of patients with RA.2...


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Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia requiring treatment. This Thesis investigated atrial fibrillation (AF) with a specific emphasis on atrial remodeling which was analysed from epidemiological, clinical and magnetocardiographic (MCG) perspectives. In the first study we evaluated in real-life clinical practice a population-based cohort of AF patients referred for their first elective cardioversion (CV). 183 consecutive patients were included of whom in 153 (84%) sinus rhythm (SR) was restored. Only 39 (25%) of those maintained SR for one year. Shorter duration of AF and the use of sotalol were the only characteristics associated with better restoration and maintenance of SR. During the one-year follow-up 40% of the patients ended up in permanent AF. Female gender and older age were associated with the acceptance of permanent AF. The LIFE-trial was a prospective, randomised, double-blinded study that evaluated losartan and atenolol in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Of the 8,851 patients with SR at baseline and without a history of AF 371 patients developed new-onset AF during the study. Patients with new-onset AF had an increased risk of cardiac events, stroke, and increased rate of hospitalisation for heart failure. Younger age, female gender, lower systolic blood pressure, lesser LVH in ECG and randomisation to losartan therapy were independently associated with lower frequency of new-onset AF. The impact of AF on morbidity and mortality was evaluated in a post-hoc analysis of the OPTIMAAL trial that compared losartan with captopril in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and evidence of LV dysfunction. Of the 5,477 randomised patients 655 had AF at baseline, and 345 patients developed new AF during the follow-up period, median 3.0 years. Older patients and patients with signs of more serious heart disease had and developed AF more often. Patients with AF at baseline had an increased risk of mortality (hazard ratio (HR) of 1.32) and stroke (HR 1.77). New-onset AF was associated with increased mortality (HR 1.82) and stroke (HR of 2.29). In the fourth study we assessed the reproducibility of our MCG method. This method was used in the fifth study where 26 patients with persistent AF had immediately after the CV longer P-wave duration and higher energy of the last portion of atrial signal (RMS40) in MCG, increased P-wave dispersion in SAECG and decreased pump function of the atria as well as enlarged atrial diameter in echocardiography compared to age- and disease-matched controls. After one month in SR, P-wave duration in MCG still remained longer and left atrial (LA) diameter greater compared to the controls, while the other measurements had returned to the same level as in the control group. In conclusion is not a rare condition in either general population or patients with hypertension or AMI, and it is associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, atrial remodeling that increases the likelihood of AF and also seems to be relatively stable has to be identified and prevented. MCG was found to be an encouraging new method to study electrical atrial remodeling and reverse remodeling. RAAS-suppressing medications appear to be the most promising method to prevent atrial remodeling and AF.


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Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder in which the cardinal symptoms arise from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and bone marrow dysfunction. Previous studies have suggested increased risk of fatal complications among Finnish SDS infants. The genetic defect responsible for the disease was recently identified; the SBDS gene is located at chromosome 7q11 and encodes a protein that is involved in ribosome biosynthesis. The discovery of the SBDS gene has opened new insights into the pathogenesis of this multi-organ disease. This study aimed to assess phenotypic and genotypic features of Finnish patients with SDS. Seventeen Finnish patients with a clinical diagnosis of SDS were included in the study cohort. Extensive clinical, biochemical and imaging assessments were performed to elucidate the phenotypic features, and the findings were correlated with the SBDS genotype. Imaging studies included abdominal magnetic reso-nance imaging (MRI), brain MRI, cardiac echocardiography including tissue Doppler examination, and cardiac MRI. The skeletal phenotype was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and bone histomorphometry. Twelve patients had mutations in the SBDS gene. In MRI, a characteristic pattern of fat-replaced pancreas with occasional enhancement of scattered parenchymal foci and of pancreatic duct was noted in the SBDS mutation-positive patients while the mutation-negative patients did not have pancreatic fat accumulation. The patients with SBDS mutations had significantly reduced bone mineral density associated with low-energy peripheral fractures and vertebral compression fractures. Bone histomorphometry confirmed low-turnover osteoporosis. The patients with SBDS mutations had learning difficulties and smaller head size and brain volume than control subjects. Corpus callosum, cerebellar vermis, and pos-terior fossa structures were significantly smaller in SDS patients than in controls. Patients with SDS did not have evidence of clinical heart disease or myocardial fibrosis. However, subtle diastolic changes in the right ventricle and exercise-induced changes in the left ventricle contractile reserve were observed. This study expanded the phenotypic features of SDS to include primary low-turnover osteoporosis and structural alterations in the brain. Pancreatic MRI showed characteristic changes in the SBDS mutation-positive patients while these were absent in the mutation-negative patients, suggesting that MRI can be used to differentiate patients harbouring SBDS mutations from those without mutations. No evidence for clinical cardiac manifestations was found, but imaging studies revealed slightly altered myocardial function that may have clinical implications. These findings confirm the pleiotropic nature of SDS and underscore the importance of careful multidisciplinary follow-up of the affected individuals.


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The project consisted of two long-term follow-up studies of preterm children addressing the question whether intrauterine growth restriction affects the outcome. Assessment at 5 years of age of 203 children with a birth weight less than 1000 g born in Finland in 1996-1997 showed that 9% of the children had cognitive impairment, 14% cerebral palsy, and 4% needed a hearing aid. The intelligence quotient was lower (p<0.05) than the reference value. Thus, 20% exhibited major, 19% minor disabilities, and 61% had no functional abnormalities. Being small for gestational age (SGA) was associated with sub-optimal growth later. In children born before 27 gestational weeks, the SGA had more neuropsychological disabilities than those appropriate for gestational age (AGA). In another cohort with birth weight less than 1500 g assessed at 5 years of age, echocardiography showed a thickened interventricular septum and a decreased left ventricular end-diastolic diameter in both SGA and AGA born children. They also had a higher systolic blood pressure than the reference. Laser-Doppler flowmetry showed different endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation responses in the AGA children compared to those of the controls. SGA was not associated with cardio-vascular abnormalities. Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) were recorded using an oddball paradigm with frequency deviants (standard tone 500 Hz and deviant 750-Hz with 10% probability). At term, the P350 was smaller in SGA and AGA infants than in controls. At 12 months, the automatic change detection peak (mismatch negativity, MMN) was observed in the controls. However, the pre-term infants had a difference positivity that correlated with their neurodevelopment scores. At 5 years of age, the P1-deflection, which reflects primary auditory processing, was smaller, and the MMN larger in the preterm than in the control children. Even with a challenging paradigm or a distraction paradigm, P1 was smaller in the preterm than in the control children. The SGA and AGA children showed similar AERP responses. Prematurity is a major risk factor for abnormal brain development. Preterm children showed signs of cardiovascular abnormality suggesting that prematurity per se may carry a risk for later morbidity. The small positive amplitudes in AERPs suggest persisting altered auditory processing in the preterm in-fants.


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Sydämen vajaatoiminta on erilaisista sydän- ja verisuonisairauksista aiheutuva monimuotoinen oireyhtymä, johon sairastuneiden ja kuolleiden potilaiden määrä on yhä suuri. Sen patofysiologiaan voi kuulua muun muassa sympaattisen hermoston ja reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni–järjestelmän aktiivisuutta, huonosti supistuva vasen kammio, sydämen uudelleenmuokkautumista, muutoksia [Ca2+]i:n säätelyssä, kardiomyosyyttien apoptoosia sekä systeeminen tulehdustila. Johonkin osaan sairauden patofysiologiasta eivät nykyiset lääkehoidot riittävästi vaikuta. Klassiset inotroopit lisäävät sydämen supistusvireyttä kasvattamalla solunsisäistä Ca2+-pitoisuutta, mutta ne lisäävät rytmihäiriöriskiä, sydämen hapenkulutusta sekä heikentävät ennustetta. Levosimendaani, kalsiumherkistäjä, lisää sydämen supistusvoimaa [Ca2+]i:ta kohottamatta herkistämällä sydänlihaksen kalsiumin vaikutuksille. Lisäksi levosimendaani avaa sarkolemmaalisia ja mitokondriaalisia K+-kanavia, jotka välittävät vasodilataatiota ja kardioprotektiota. Suurilla annoksilla levosimendaani on selektiivinen PDE3-estäjä. Levosimendaania suositellaan äkillisesti pahentuneen sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoitoon, mutta muitakin lupaavia indikaatioita sille on keksitty. Esimerkiksi kroonisesti annosteltu oraalinen levosimendaani on suojannut kardiovaskulaarijärjestelmää ja parantanut selviytymistä in vivo. Erikoistyössä selvitettiin kroonisesti annostellun oraalisen levosimendaanin, valsartaanin ja näiden kombinaatioterapian vaikutuksia selviytymiseen, verenpaineeseen sekä sydämen hypertrofioitumiseen Dahlin suolaherkillä (Dahl/Rapp) rotilla. Levosimendaanin suojavaikutus ilmeni vähäisempänä kuolleisuutena, mutta ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä kontrolliryhmään nähden. Kombinaatioterapia suojasi rottia kardiovaskulaarikuolleisuudelta ja vähensi todennäköisesti verenpaineesta riippuvaisesti sydämen hypertofioitumista niin sydän/kehonpaino–suhteen kuin ultraäänitutkimuksenkin perusteella arvioituna paremmin kuin kumpikaan lääke monoterapiana. Lääkekombinaatio alensi additiivisesti hypertensiota kaikissa mittauspisteissä. Sydämen systolista toimintaa levosimendaani kohensi vain vähäisesti. Dahl/Rapp-rotille kehittyikin pääosin hypertension indusoimaa diastolista sydämen vajaatoimintaa kohonneen IVRT-arvon perusteella. Levosimendaani sekä monoterapiana että kombinaatioterapiana valsartaanin kanssa vähensi sydämen diastolista vajaatoimintaa.


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Nybildning av blodkärl från tidigare existerande kärl, angiogenes, är ett väsentligt skede vid tumörtillväxt. Denna process regleras av bland annat tillväxtfaktorer, var av den vaskulära endoteliala tillväxtfaktorn har en central roll. Hämning av angiogenes kan ske antingen extracellulärt med hjälp av humaniserade monoklonala antikroppar eller intracellulärt med hjälp av småmolekylära hämmaren. Sunitinib är en småmolekylär multikinashämmare och inhiberar flera tyrosinkinasreceptorer som påverkar tumörtillväxten och metastasutvecklingen vid cancer. Sunitinibs främsta indikationer är gastrointestinala stromacellstumörer, metastaserad njurcellscancer och neuroendokrina tumörer i bukspottskörteln. Behandling med tyrosinkinashämmare orsakar biverkningar som hypertension, kardiotoxicitet och njursvikt, vilka antas bero på de hämmande effekterna på mål som inte är väsentliga för anti-cancer-aktiviteten (”off-target” biverkningar). Bland annat AMP-aktiverat proteinkinas (AMPK), ett kinas som upprätthåller metabolisk homeostas i hjärtat, inhiberas av sunitinib och antas framkalla kardiovaskulära biverkningar. För att reducera ”off-target” biverkningar strävar man till att hitta alternativ som minskar de skadliga effekterna utan att den terapeutiska aktiviteten försvagas. Bland annat ett begränsat kaloriintag har uppvisat skyddande effekt på hjärtat via mekanismer sammankopplade till ökad resistens mot oxidativ stress, inflammation och mitokondriell dysfunktion, samt avtagande apoptos och autofagi. Detta sker delvis genom aktivering av enzymet Sirt1. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka ifall kaloribegränsning skyddar mot kardiovaskulära och renala biverkningar inducerade av sunitinib hos råttor. Dessutom studerades vilka signalkedjor i cellen som medverkar. I studien användes 40 spontant hypertensiva råttor samt 10 normotensiva Wistar-Kyoto råttor. Försöksdjuren delades in i fem grupper beroende på behandling; I WKY kontroll, II SHR kontroll, III SHR + kaloribegränsning 70 %, IV SHR + sunitinib 3 mg/kg och V SHR + sunitinib 3 mg/kg + kaloribegränsning 70 %. Behandlingsperioden var åtta veckor. Blodtrycket mättes varje vecka med svansmanchett, urinutsöndringen undersöktes vecka 4 och vecka 8 med metabolismburar, ultraljudsundersökning av hjärtat utfördes sista veckan och blodkärlens respons till acetylkolin och natriumnitroprussid studerades i samband med avlivning. Proteinerna Sirt1 och AMPK analyserades i hjärtat med Western blotting samt förekomsten av makrofagmarkören ED1 i njurarna med immunhistokemi. Studien visade att sunitinibdosen 3 mg/kg är mycket väl tolererbar hos råttor eftersom sunitinib inte orsakade högre blodtryck, kraftigare hypertrofi eller mer omfattande njurskada jämfört med obehandlade SHR- grupper. Utgående från resultaten kan man också konstatera att kaloribegränsningen har positiva kardiovaskulära effekter.


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Background and aim of the study: The quantification of incidentally found aortic valve calcification on computed tomography (CT) is not performed routinely, as data relating to the accuracy of aortic valve calcium for estimating the severity of aortic stenosis (AS) is neither consistent nor validated. As aortic valve calcium quantification by CT is confounded by wall and coronary ostial calcification, as well as motion artifact, the ex-vivo micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) of stenotic aortic valves allows a precise measurement of the amounts of calcium present. The study aim, using excised aortic valves from patients with confirmed AS, was to determine if the amount of calcium on micro-CT correlated with the severity of AS. Methods: Each of 35 aortic valves that had been excised from patients during surgical valve replacement were examined using micro-CT imaging. The amount of calcium present was determined by absolute and proportional values of calcium volume in the specimen. Subsequently, the correlation between calcium volume and preoperative mean aortic valve gradient (MAVG), peak transaortic velocity (V-max), and aortic valve area (AVA) on echocardiography, was evaluated. Results: The mean calcium volume across all valves was 603.2 +/- 398.5 mm(3), and the mean ratio of calcium volume to total valve volume was 0.36 +/- 0.16. The mean aortic valve gradient correlated positively with both calcium volume and ratio (r = 0.72, p <0.001). V-max also correlated positively with the calcium volume and ratio (r = 0.69 and 0.76 respectively; p <0.001). A logarithmic curvilinear model proved to be the best fit to the correlation. A calcium volume of 480 mm(3) showed sensitivity and specificity of 0.76 and 0.83, respectively, for a diagnosis of severe AS, while a calcium ratio of 0.37 yielded sensitivity and specificity of 0.82 and 0.94, respectively. Conclusion: A radiological estimation of calcium amount by volume, and its proportion to the total valve volume, were shown to serve as good predictive parameters for severe AS. An estimation of the calcium volume may serve as a complementary measure for determining the severity of AS when aortic valve calcification is identified on CT imaging. The Journal of Heart Valve Disease 2012;21:320-327


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O Câncer de mama é um dos problemas de saúde pública mais importantes em nosso país. São estimados, para 2010, 49.400 novos casos de câncer de mama no Brasil, com um risco estimado de 51 casos a cada 100 mil mulheres. A estratégia de tratamento das pacientes com tumores de mama pode passar pelo uso de quimioterapia. A doxorrubicina é uma das drogas mais ativas para o câncer de mama, pertencendo ao grupo das antraciclinas. A família das antraciclinas apresenta como efeito colateral dano ao miocárdio que pode chegar a 36% dependendo da dose utilizada. O efeito sobre o miocárdio costuma ocorrer mais comumente durante ou logo após o último ciclo de quimioterapia podendo, entretanto ocorrer após vários anos do último ciclo de quimioterapia. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as alterações da função diastólica ventricular esquerda em mulheres usuárias de antraciclínicos no tratamento do câncer de mama. Realizamos um estudo prospectivo, em uma coorte de mulheres entre 18 e 69 anos, com câncer de mama e indicação de quimioterapia com doxorrubicina. Acompanhamos por período não inferior a 18 meses um grupo de 38 pacientes que cumpriram os critérios de elegibilidade. A dose de doxorrubicina utilizada variou de 50 a 60 mg/m/SC. Todos os pacientes são do sexo feminino, e portadores do tipo histológico carcinoma ductal infiltrante. Duas pacientes faleceram durante o estudo, de causa não cardíaca. Em nossa avaliação, ao final do estudo observamos que os parâmetros: dimensões do átrio esquerdo, dimensões do ventrículo esquerdo na diástole, dimensões do ventrículo esquerdo na sístole, velocidade da onda E, relação da fase de enchimento rápido pela sístole atrial, velocidade diastólica tardia do anel mitral, velocidade diastólica precoce do anel mitral, tempo de desaceleração e a relação da velocidade de enchimento rápido precoce de VE pela velocidade diastólica precoce do anel mitral demonstraram serem parâmetros de grande utilidade para seguimento da lesão cardíaca por antraciclínicos. Já o que não ocorreu com: a fração de encurtamento, fração de ejeção, volume do AE, volume do AE corrigido pela superfície corporal, velocidade diastólica tardia, tempo de relaxamento isovolumétrico, velocidade sistólica do anel mitral, que não apresentaram alterações significativas neste estudo. A análise da função diastólica utilizando o ecocardiograma mostrou ser um método eficaz, que em conjunto com a da função sistólica possibilita detectar precocemente o possível dano miocárdico, oriundo ao uso da quimioterapia com antraciclínicos, favorecendo uma intervenção terapêutica precoce e adequada.


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O Câncer de mama (CM) é hoje o tipo de câncer mais incidente entre as mulheres, com a estimativa de 53 mil novos casos para o ano de 2013, segundo o Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA). É considerada uma doença de bom prognóstico, principalmente quando diagnosticada na sua fase mais precoce. A evolução no diagnóstico, e nas técnicas de tratamento para o CM, que incluem a quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia, aumentaram a expectativa de sobrevida para este tipo de câncer. Uma das complicações tardias induzidas pelo tratamento desta doença é a cardiotoxicidade. O termo cardiotoxicidade abrange uma série de efeitos colaterais, que incluem arritmias, alterações na pressão arterial, isquemia do miocárdio, trombose ou insuficiência cardíaca. É, por isso, fundamental entender os mecanismos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da toxicidade cardíaca para o sucesso do tratamento dos pacientes com CM. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos cardíacos tardios induzidos pela irradiação e quimioterapia, simulando um tratamento para o CM, em ratas Wistar. Ratas Wistar, com aproximadamente 3 meses de idade, foram divididas em: grupo controle, grupo que recebeu quimioterapia + irradiação (TC+IR), e grupo que recebeu apenas irradiação (IR). A quimioterapia foi administrada em 4 ciclos, com intervalo de 1 semana entre eles. A irradiação na região do coração foi realizada em dose única, de 20Gy, em um campo de 2x2 cm2. Os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia 5 meses após o término dos tratamentos, para que os efeitos tardios pudessem ser avaliados. Vários estudos foram conduzidos: ecocardiografia para observar as alterações funcionais do coração; PCR em tempo real para detectar alterações no nível mRNA de procolágeno tipo I, TGF-β1, angiotensinogênio, renina, ECA, AT1, VEGF e razão Bax/;bcl2, no tecido do ventrículo esquerdo (VE); Além de ensaios histológicos para avaliar o aspecto do tecido cardíaco do VE. Resultados e discussão Os resultados obtidos indicam um processo de remodelamento cardíaco após os tratamentos para o CM. Sugere-se que este remodelamento inicie-se com a diminuição de vasos no VE, causada pelos tratamentos, conforme os resultados da estereologia e do PCR para VEGF. Em seguida mostrou-se hipertrofia dos cardiomiócitos, o aumento da expressão de procolágeno e TGF-β1 e de tecido conjuntivo neste tecido. E associado a estes resultados, mostrou-se a participação dos sistema renina angiotensina cardíaco neste processo de remodelamento. Porém, apesar de todas estas alterações terem ocorrido em ambos os grupos tratados, apenas o grupo que recebeu irradiação e quimioterapia concomitantemente apresentou alteração da função cardíaca, na ecocardiografia. Sugere-se, desta forma, que a associação destas terapias seja mais lesiva ao coração, do que a irradiação aplicada exclusivamente. Conclusão Os objetivos do trabalho foram alcançados, e pode-se entender melhor as vias envolvidas na cardiotoxicidade. Este é um estudo inédito, o assunto abordado é recente, e de sumo importância para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de tratamento para o CM, onde sejam consideradas as complicações cardíacas tardias envolvidas.


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Real-time cardiac ultrasound allows monitoring the heart motion during intracardiac beating heart procedures. Our application assists atrial septal defect (ASD) closure techniques using real-time 3D ultrasound guidance. One major image processing challenge is the processing of information at high frame rate. We present an optimized block flow technique, which combines the probability-based velocity computation for an entire block with template matching. We propose adapted similarity constraints both from frame to frame, to conserve energy, and globally, to minimize errors. We show tracking results on eight in-vivo 4D datasets acquired from porcine beating-heart procedures. Computing velocity at the block level with an optimized scheme, our technique tracks ASD motion at 41 frames/s. We analyze the errors of motion estimation and retrieve the cardiac cycle in ungated images. © 2007 IEEE.


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Aims Surgery for infective endocarditis (IE) is associated with high mortality. Our objectives were to describe the experience with surgical treatment for IE in Spain, and to identify predictors of in-hospital mortality. Methods Prospective cohort of 1000 consecutive patients with IE. Data were collected in 26 Spanish hospitals. Results Surgery was performed in 437 patients (43.7%). Patients treated with surgery were younger and predominantly male. They presented fewer comorbid conditions and more often had negative blood cultures and heart failure. In-hospital mortality after surgery was lower than in the medical therapy group (24.3 vs 30.7%, p = 0.02). In patients treated with surgery, endocarditis involved a native valve in 267 patients (61.1%), a prosthetic valve in 122 (27.9%), and a pacemaker lead with no clear further valve involvement in 48 (11.0%). The most common aetiologies were Staphylococcus (186, 42.6%), Streptococcus (97, 22.2%), and Enterococcus (49, 11.2%). The main indications for surgery were heart failure and severe valve regurgitation. A risk score for in-hospital mortality was developed using 7 prognostic variables with a similar predictive value (OR between 1.7 and 2.3): PALSUSE: prosthetic valve, age ≥ 70, large intracardiac destruction, Staphylococcus spp, urgent surgery, sex [female], EuroSCORE ≥ 10. In-hospital mortality ranged from 0% in patients with a PALSUSE score of 0 to 45.4% in patients with PALSUSE score > 3. Conclusions The prognosis of IE surgery is highly variable. The PALSUSE score could help to identify patients with higher in-hospital mortality.


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The interest in the study of ventricular function has grown considerably in the last decades. In this review, we analyse the extreme values of ventricular function as obtained with Doppler echocardiography. We mainly focus on the parameters that have been used throughout the history of Doppler echocardiography to assess left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function. The ‘athlete's heart’ would be the highest expression of ventricular function whereas its lowest expression is represented by the failing heart, independently from the original aetiology leading to this condition. There are, however, morphological similarities (dilation and hypertrophy) between the athlete's and the failing heart, which emerge as physiological and pathophysiological adaptations, respectively. The introduction of new assessment techniques, specifically speckle tracking, may provide new insight into the properties that determine ventricular filling, specifically left ventricular twisting. The concept of ventricular function must be always considered, although it may not be always possible to distinguish the normal heart of sedentary individuals from that of highly trained hearts based solely on echocardiographic or basic studies.


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BACKGROUND: Stimulation of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenergic receptors (ARs) in the heart results in positive inotropy. In contrast, it has been reported that the beta(3)AR is also expressed in the human heart and that its stimulation leads to negative inotropic effects. METHODS AND RESULTS: To better understand the role of beta(3)ARs in cardiac function, we generated transgenic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of 330 fmol/mg protein of the human beta(3)AR (TGbeta(3) mice). Hemodynamic characterization was performed by cardiac catheterization in closed-chest anesthetized mice, by pressure-volume-loop analysis, and by echocardiography in conscious mice. After propranolol blockade of endogenous beta(1)- and beta(2)ARs, isoproterenol resulted in an increase in contractility in the TGbeta(3) mice (30%), with no effect in wild-type mice. Similarly, stimulation with the selective human beta(3)AR agonist L-755,507 significantly increased contractility in the TGbeta(3) mice (160%), with no effect in wild-type mice, as determined by hemodynamic measurements and by end-systolic pressure-volume relations. The underlying mechanism of the positive inotropy incurred with L-755,507 in the TGbeta(3) mice was investigated in terms of beta(3)AR-G-protein coupling and adenylyl cyclase activation. Stimulation of cardiac membranes from TGbeta(3) mice with L-755,507 resulted in a pertussis toxin-insensitive 1.33-fold increase in [(35)S]GTPgammaS loading and a 1.6-fold increase in adenylyl cyclase activity. CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac overexpression of human beta(3)ARs results in positive inotropy only on stimulation with a beta(3)AR agonist. Overexpressed beta(3)ARs couple to G(s) and activate adenylyl cyclase on agonist stimulation.