941 resultados para Interfacial tension


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Three distinct mechanisms — sliding, bonding and bearing — for the mobilisation of interfacial friction have been identified. In the light of these mechanisms, the effect of variation in reinforcement parameters, such as extensibility, flexibility and hardness on mobilisation of interfacial friction, and the mechanisms themselves has been examined. The influence of boundary effects of apparatus on the interfacial friction has been discussed and a method of estimating the same in a pull-out box has been proposed.


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Back face strain (BFS) measurement is now well-established as an indirect technique to monitor crack length in compact tension (CT) fracture specimens [1,2]. Previous work [2] developed empirical relations between fatigue crack propagation (FCP) parameters. BFS, and number of cycles for CT specimens subjected to constant amplitude fatigue loading. These predictions are experimentally validated in terms of the variations of mean values of BFS and load as a function of crack length. Another issue raised by this study concerns the validity of assigning fixed values for the Paris parameters C and n to describe FCP in realistic materials.


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The surface tensions of binary mixtures of 1-alkanols (Cl-Cd with benzene, toluene, or xylene were measured. The results were correlated with the activity coefficients calculated through the group contribution method such as UNIFAC, with the maximum deviation from the experimental results less that 5%. The coefficients of the correlation are correlated with the chain length.


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We present results on interfacial shear rheology measurements on Langmuir monolayers of two different polymers, poly(vinyl acetate) and poly(methyl methacrylate) as a function of surface concentration and temperature. While for the high glass transition poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer we find a systematic transition from a viscous dominated regime to an elastic dominated regime as surface concentration is increased, monolayers of the low glass transition polymer, poly(vinyl acetate), remain viscous even at very high surface concentrations. We further interpret the results in terms of the soft glassy rheology model of Sollich et al. P. Sollich, F. C. Lequeux, P. Hebraud and M. E. Cates, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1997, 78, 2020-2023] and provide evidence of possible reduction in glass transition temperatures in both poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(vinyl acetate) monolayers due to finite size effects.


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This paper presents methodologies for fracture analysis of concrete structural components with and without considering tension softening effect. Stress intensity factor (SIF) is computed by using analytical approach and finite element analysis. In the analytical approach, SW accounting for tension softening effect has been obtained as the difference of SIP obtained using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) principles and SIP due to closing pressure. Superposition principle has been used by accounting for non-linearity in incremental form. SW due to crack closing force applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been computed using Green's function approach. In finite element analysis, the domain integral method has been used for computation of SIR The domain integral method is used to calculate the strain energy release rate and SIF when a crack grows. Numerical studies have been conducted on notched 3-point bending concrete specimen with and without considering the cohesive stresses. It is observed from the studies that SW obtained from the finite element analysis with and without considering the cohesive stresses is in good agreement with the corresponding analytical value. The effect of cohesive stress on SW decreases with increase of crack length. Further, studies have been conducted on geometrically similar structures and observed that (i) the effect of cohesive stress on SW is significant with increase of load for a particular crack length and (iii) SW values decreases with increase of tensile strength for a particular crack length and load.


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Estimates of interfacial friction angle (delta) are necessary for the design of retaining structures and deep foundations, Recommendations in the literature regarding delta values are often contradictory and are therefore not easy to apply in geotechnical design, A critical examination of past studies in terms of data generation techniques used and conclusions drawn indicates that two distinctly different test procedures/techniques have been evolved. The interfacial situation in practice can also be categorized into two broad types, These two types of interface problems in geotechnical engineering are (a) the structure is placed on the free surface of prepared fill (type A situation) and (b) the fill is placed against the material surface which functions as a confined boundary (type B situation), The friction angle delta depends on the surface roughness of the construction material, But in the type A situation, it is independent of density and its limiting maximum value (delta(lim)) is the critical state friction angle phi(cv). In the type B situation, it is dependent on density of the fill and its limiting maximum value is the peak angle of internal friction phi(p) of the fill.


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Surface melting by a stationary, pulsed laser has been modelled by the finite element method. The role of the surface tension driven convection is investigated in detail. Numerical results are presented for a triangular laser pulse of durations 10, 50 and 200 ms. Though the magnitude of the velocity is high due to the surface tension forces, the present results indicate that a finite time is required for convection to affect the temperature distribution within the melt pool. The effect of convection is very significant for pulse durations longer than 10 ms.


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This report deals with a study of the properties of internal cavities of dendritic macromolecules that are capable Of encapsulating and mediating photoreactions of guest molecules. The internal cavity structures of dendrimers are determined by the interfacial regions between the aqueous exterior and hydrocarbon like interior constituted by the linkers that connect symmetrically sited branch points constituting the dendrimer and head groups that cap the dendrimers. Phloroglucinol-based poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers constituted with a homologous series of alkyl linkers were undertaken for the current study. Twelve dendrimers within first, second, and third generations, having ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, and n-pentyl groups as the linkers and hydroxyl groups at peripheries in each generation, were synthesized. Encapsulation of pyrene and coumarins by aqueous basic solutions of dendrimers were monitored-by UV-vis and fluorescence spectroscopies, which showed that a lower generation dendrimer with an optimal alkyl linker presented better encapsulation abilities than a higher generation dendrimer. Norrish type I photoreaction of dibenzyl ketone was carried out within the above: series of dendrimers to probe their abilities to hold guests and reactive inthermediate radical pairs within themselves. The extent of cage effect from the series of third generation dendrimers was observed to be higher with dendrimers having an n-pentyl group as the linker.


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The present investigation analyses the thermodynamic behaviour of the surfaces and adsorption as a function of temperature and composition in the Fe-S-O melts based on the Butler's equations. The calculated-values of the surface tensions exhibit an elevation or depression depending on the type of the added solute at a concentration which coincides with that already present in the system. Generally, the desorption of the solutes as a function of temperature results in an initial increase followed by a decrease in the values of the surface tension. The observations are analyzed based on the surface interaction parameters which are derived in the present research.


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The interaction of two interfacial arc cracks around a circular elastic inclusion embedded in an elastic matrix is examined. New results for stress intensity factors for a pair of interacting cracks are derived for a concentrated force acting in the matrix. For verifying the point load solutions, stress intensity factors under uniform loading are obtained by superposing point force results. For achieving this objective, a general method for generating desired stress fields inside a test region using point loads is described. The energetics of two interacting interfacial arc cracks is discussed in order to shed more light on the debonding of hard or soft inclusions from the matrix. The analysis based on complex variables is developed in a general way to handle the interactions of multiple interfacial arc cracks/straight cracks.


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We consider the breaking of a polymer molecule which is fixed at one end and is acted upon by a force at the other. The polymer is assumed to be a linear chain joined together by bonds which satisfy the Morse potential. The applied force is found to modify the Morse potential so that the minimum becomes metastable. Breaking is just the decay of this metastable bond, by causing it to go over the barrier. Increasing the force causes the potential to become more and more distorted and eventually leads to the disappearance of the barrier. The limiting force at which the barrier disappears is D(e)a/2,D-e with a the parameters characterizing the Morse potential. The rate of breaking is first calculated using multidimensional quantum transition state theory. We use the harmonic approximation to account for vibrations of all the units. It includes tunneling contributions to the rate, but is valid only above a certain critical temperature. It is possible to get an analytical expression for the rate of breaking. We have calculated the rate of breaking for a model, which mimics polyethylene. First we calculate the rate of breaking of a single bond, without worrying about the other bonds. Inclusion of other bonds under the harmonic approximation is found to lower this rate by at the most one order of magnitude. Quantum effects are found to increase the rate of breaking and are significant only at temperatures less than 150 K. At 300 K, the calculations predict a bond in polyethylene to have a lifetime of only seconds at a force which is only half the limiting force. Calculations were also done using the Lennard-Jones potential. The results for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials were rather different, due to the different long-range behaviors of the two potentials. A calculation including friction was carried out, at the classical level, by assuming that each atom of the chain is coupled to its own collection of harmonic oscillators. Comparison of the results with the simulations of Oliveira and Taylor [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 10 118 (1994)] showed the rate to be two to three orders of magnitude higher. As a possible explanation of discrepancy, we consider the translational motion of the ends of the broken chains. Using a continuum approximation for the chain, we find that in the absence of friction, the rate of the process can be limited by the rate at which the two broken ends separate from one another and the lowering of the rate is at the most a factor of 2, for the parameters used in the simulation (for polyethylene). In the presence of friction, we find that the rate can be lowered by one to two orders of magnitude, making our results to be in reasonable agreement with the simulations.


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The structure and energetics of interfacial water molecules in the aqueous micelle of cesium perfluorooctanoate have been investigated, using large-scale atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, with the primary objective of classifying them. The simulations show that the water molecules at the interface fall into two broad classes: bound and free, present in a ratio of 9:1. The bound water molecules can be further categorized on the basis of the number of hydrogen bonds (one or two) that they form with the surfactant headgroups. The hydrogen bonds of the doubly hydrogen-bonded species are found to be, on the average, slightly weaker than those in the singly bonded species. The environment around interfacial water molecules is more ordered than that in the bulk. The surface water molecules have substantially lower potential energy, because of interaction with the micelle. In particular, both forms of bound water have energies that are lower by �2.5-4.0 kcal/ mol. Entropy is found to play an important role in determining the relative concentration of the species.


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A linear stability analysis is presented to study the self-organized instabilities of a highly compliant elastic cylindrical shell filled with a viscous liquid and submerged in another viscous medium. The prototype closely mimics many components of micro-or nanofluidic devices and biological processes such as the budding of a string of pearls inside cells and sausage-string formation of blood vessels. The cylindrical shell is considered to be a soft linear elastic solid with small storage modulus. When the destabilizing capillary force derived from the cross-sectional curvature overcomes the stabilizing elastic and in-plane capillary forces, the microtube can spontaneously self-organize into one of several possible configurations; namely, pearling, in which the viscous fluid in the core of the elastic shell breaks up into droplets; sausage strings, in which the outer interface of the mircrotube deforms more than the inner interface; and wrinkles, in which both interfaces of the thin-walled mircrotube deform in phase with small amplitudes. This study identifies the conditions for the existence of these modes and demonstrates that the ratios of the interfacial tensions at the interfaces, the viscosities, and the thickness of the microtube play crucial roles in the mode selection and the relative amplitudes of deformations at the two interfaces. The analysis also shows asymptotically that an elastic fiber submerged in a viscous liquid is unstable for Y = gamma/(G(e)R) > 6 and an elastic microchannel filled with a viscous liquid should rupture to form spherical cavities (pearling) for Y > 2, where gamma, G(e), and R are the surface tension, elastic shear modulus, and radius, respectively, of the fiber or microchannel.