456 resultados para Interconnection


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The increasing penetration of wind generation on the Island of Ireland has been accompanied by close investigation of low-frequency pulsations contained within active power flow. A primary concern is excitation of low-frequency oscillation modes already present on the system, particularly the 0.75 Hz mode as a consequence of interconnection between the Northern and Southern power system networks. In order to determine whether the prevalence of wind generation has a negative effect (excites modes) or positive impact (damping of modes) on the power system, oscillations must be measured and characterised. Using time – frequency methods, this paper presents work that has been conducted to extract features from low-frequency active power pulsations to determine the composition of oscillatory modes which may impact on dynamic stability. The paper proposes a combined wavelet-Prony method to extract modal components and determine damping factors. The method is exemplified using real data obtained from wind farm measurements.


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The paper presents a simple game-theoretic model of two Internet service providers (ISPs), drawn from a larger set consisting of Tiers-1 and -2 ISPs, who choose between peering and transit agreements. The study focuses on the costs of interconnection taking into account traffic imbalances. The analysis suggests that if the traffic flows and the costs of interconnection are fairly shared, the provider's peer, otherwise they choose transit. Moreover, the joint profits are maximized under the transit arrangement. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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As a potential alternative to CMOS technology, QCA provides an interesting paradigm in both communication and computation. However, QCAs unique four-phase clocking scheme and timing constraints present serious timing issues for interconnection and feedback. In this work, a cut-set retiming design procedure is proposed to resolve these QCA timing issues. The proposed design procedure can accommodate QCAs unique characteristics by performing delay-transfer and time-scaling to reallocate the existing delays so as to achieve efficient clocking zone assignment. Cut-set retiming makes it possible to effectively design relatively complex QCA circuits that include feedback. It utilizes the similar characteristics of synchronization, deep pipelines and local interconnections common to both QCA and systolic architectures. As a case study, a systolic Montgomery modular multiplier is designed to illustrate the procedure. Furthermore, a nonsystolic architecture, an S27 benchmark circuit, is designed and compared with previous designs. The comparison shows that the cut-set retiming method achieves a more efficient design, with a reduction of 22%, 44%, and 46% in terms of cell count, area, and latency, respectively.


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Over the last decade there has been a rapid global increase in wind power stimulated by energy and climate policies. However, as wind power is inherently variable and stochastic over a range of time scales, additional system balancing is required to ensure system reliability and stability. This paper reviews the technical, policy and market challenges to achieving ambitious wind power penetration targets in Ireland’s All-Island Grid and examines a number of measures proposed to address these challenges. Current government policy in Ireland is to address these challenges with additional grid reinforcement, interconnection and open-cycle gas plant. More recently smart grid combined with demand side management and electric vehicles have also been presented as options to mitigate the variability of wind power. In addition, the transmission system operators have developed wind farm specific grid codes requiring improved turbine controls and wind power forecasting techniques.


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One of the crucial aspects of disaster management of emergency situations is the early assessment of needs and damages. In most disaster situations, higher fatality and increased casualty results from lack of access to timely available emergency services rather than the initial disaster itself. This is usually caused by lack of access to the affected area in order to properly assess the situation for relevant and urgent measures. Cognitive wireless sensor networks provide an opportunity to overcome this situation especially through interconnection via mobile systems. This paper presents a cognitive wireless sensor mobile networks-based framework (CoWiSMoN), designed to offer real-time emergency services to victims and rescue personnel in event of disasters. Critical issues underlying the implementation of such a system are discussed and analyzed.


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Scalability and efficiency of on-chip communication of emerging Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) are critical design considerations. Conventional bus based interconnection schemes no longer fit for MPSoC with a large number of cores. Networks-on-Chip (NoC) is widely accepted as the next generation interconnection scheme for large scale MPSoC. The increase of MPSoC complexity requires fast and accurate system-level modeling techniques for rapid modeling and veri-fication of emerging MPSoCs. However, the existing modeling methods are limited in delivering the essentials of timing accuracy and simulation speed. This paper proposes a novel system-level Networks-on-Chip (NoC) modeling method, which is based on SystemC and TLM2.0 and capable of delivering timing accuracy close to cycle accurate modeling techniques at a significantly lower simulation cost. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the proposed method. ©2010 IEEE.


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The key attributes of a smarter power grid include: pervasive interconnection of smart devices; extensive data generation and collection; and rapid reaction to events across a widely dispersed physical infrastructure. Modern telecommunications technologies are being deployed across power systems to support these monitoring and control capabilities. To enable interoperability, several new communications protocols and standards have been developed over the past 10 to 20 years. These continue to be refined, even as new systems are rolled out.

This new hyper-connected communications infrastructure provides an environment rich in sub-systems and physical devices that are attractive to cyber-attackers. Indeed, as smarter grid operations become dependent on interconnectivity, the communications network itself becomes a target. Consequently, we examine cyber-attacks that specifically target communications, particularly state-of-the-art standards and protocols. We further explore approaches and technologies that aim to protect critical communications networks against intrusions, and to monitor for, and detect, intrusions that infiltrate Smart Grid systems.


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The future European power system will have a hierarchical structure created by layers of system control from a Supergrid via regional high-voltage transmission through to medium and low-voltage distribution. Each level will have generation sources such as large-scale offshore wind, wave, solar thermal, nuclear directly connected to this Supergrid and high levels of embedded generation, connected to the medium-voltage distribution system. It is expected that the fuel portfolio will be dominated by offshore wind in Northern Europe and PV in Southern Europe. The strategies required to manage the coordination of supply-side variability with demand-side variability will include large scale interconnection, demand side management, load aggregation and storage in the context of the Supergrid combined with the Smart Grid. The design challenge associated with this will not only include control topology, data acquisition, analysis and communications technologies, but also the selection of fuel portfolio at a macro level. This paper quantifies the amount of demand side management, storage and so-called 'back-up generation' needed to support an 80% renewable energy portfolio in Europe by 2050. © 2013 IEEE.


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The power system of the future will have a hierarchical structure created by layers of system control from via regional high-voltage transmission through to medium and low-voltage distribution. Each level will have generation sources such as large-scale offshore wind, wave, solar thermal, nuclear directly connected to this Supergrid and high levels of embedded generation, connected to the medium-voltage distribution system. It is expected that the fuel portfolio will be dominated by offshore wind in Northern Europe and PV in Southern Europe. The strategies required to manage the coordination of supply-side variability with demand-side variability will include large scale interconnection, demand side management, load aggregation and storage in the concept of the Supergrid combined with the Smart Grid. The design challenge associated with this will not only include control topology, data acquisition, analysis and communications technologies, but also the selection of fuel portfolio at a macro level. This paper quantifies the amount of demand side management, storage and so-called ‘back-up generation’ needed to support an 80% renewable energy portfolio in Europe by 2050.


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O desenvolvimento das soluções baseadas em telemedicina tem permitido a criação e o desenvolvimento de novas formas de prestar cuidados de saúde, aproximando prestadores de pacientes e diminuindo os tempos de espera associados, melhorando a qualidade do serviço prestado. No entanto, nem sempre a introdução de tecnologia nos processos de saúde corresponde a uma redução nas assimetrias existentes a nível nacional na prestação de cuidados. O principal objectivo deste trabalho consistiu em desenvolver um sistema que permita a criação de um mercado electrónico de teleradiologia tirando partido das soluções tecnologicamente evoluídas já existentes e da boa distribuição de equipamento a nível nacional. Neste mercado é possível maximizar a satisfação de pacientes e entidades requisitantes de exames radiológicos em relação ao serviço prestado, sem prejudicar a qualidade do serviço prestado, ao mesmo tempo que optimiza a utilização do equipamento disponibilizado. Para tal, foi verificado o actual estado da arte em termos de sistemas de telemedicina e de teleradiologia, tendo igualmente sido confirmada a percepção existente das assimetrias a nível nacional em termos de distribuição de recursos humanos no sector da saúde. Depois de verificar o actual fluxo de trabalho em termos de requisição, execução e interpretação de exames imagiológicos, procedeu-se à sua optimização e adaptação para um mercado de teleradiologia, desenhando um conjunto de requisitos associados com as principais etapas de execução dos exames, identificando os principais entraves ao seu funcionamento e propondo mecanismos originais de resolução com base em sistemas de informação. Ao nível de sistemas de informação, é apresentado um protótipo que possibilita a demonstração da implementação de alguns dos mais importantes requisitos anteriormente apresentados e o seu funcionamento, demonstrando o funcionamento prático do sistema de mercado de imagens baseado em teleradiologia. Finalmente é demonstrada a exequibilidade prática desta solução mediante a apresentação de um modelo de negócio onde se apresentam os benefícios decorrentes da implementação deste sistema e os respectivos custos associados com a implementação de uma infra-estrutura desta natureza.


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Recentemente assiste-se a um crescimento da utilização das tecnologias de informação em diversas áreas, em particular dos dispositivos móveis. Na área da saúde é possível encontrar soluções inovadoras para apoio ao diagnóstico e tratamento de patologias que afectam milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, como é o caso do risco de amputação em pacientes diabéticos. Aproveitando a existência de um ambiente de interligação telemática entre instituições de saúde Região do Baixo Vouga, o presente trabalho visa implementar o sistema HOPE Wounds na rotina diária de trabalho de profissionais de saúde, em especial médicos e enfermeiros, na prática da prestação de cuidados a pacientes diabéticos, com complicações de pé diabético. A interacção do dispositivo móvel e o ambiente web faz com que este sistema possibilite aceder e gravar diversa informação clínica, como por exemplo o registo fotográfico de feridas em escala temporal. O sistema HOPE Wounds integrado na Rede Telemática da Saúde permite ainda estabelecer a ponte entre profissionais do Centro de Saúde, da Consulta de Especialidade e do Internamento Hospitalar. A receptividade dos profissionais de saúde deixa antever a possibilidade de extensão a outras áreas médicas.


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Over the years, the increased search and exchange of information lead to an increase of traffic intensity in todays optical communication networks. Coherent communications, using the amplitude and phase of the signal, reappears as one of the transmission techniques to increase the spectral efficiency and throughput of optical channels. In this context, this work present a study on format conversion of modulated signals using MZI-SOAs, based exclusively on all- optical techniques through wavelength conversion. This approach, when applied in interconnection nodes between optical networks with different bit rates and modulation formats, allow a better efficiency and scalability of the network. We start with an experimental characterization of the static and dynamic properties of the MZI-SOA. Then, we propose a semi-analytical model to describe the evolution of phase and amplitude at the output of the MZI-SOA. The model’s coefficients are obtained using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. We validate the model experimentally, by exploring the dependency of the optical signal with the operational parameters of the MZI-SOA. We also propose an all-optical technique for the conversion of amplitude modulation signals to a continuous phase modulation format. Finally, we study the potential of MZI-SOAs for the conversion of amplitude signals to QPSK and QAM signals. We show the dependency of the conversion process with the operational parameters deviation from the optimal values. The technique is experimentally validated for QPSK modulation.


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Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Educação (Especialização em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialidade em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo Automação e Electrónica Industrial