999 resultados para Interações nucleon-nucleon


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The enhancement in the production of even-Z nuclei observed in nuclear fission has also been observed in fragments produced from heavy ion collsions. Beams of 40Ar, 40Cl, and 40Ca at 25 MeV/nucleon were impinged on 58Fe and 58Ni targets. The resulting fragments were detected using the MSU 4pi detector array, which had additional silicon detectors for better isotopic resolution. Comparison of the ratios of yields for each element showed enhancement of even-Z fragment production. The enhancement was more pronounced for reactions with a greater difference in the N/Z of the compound system. However, this effect was less for systems that were more neutron rich. The average N/Z for fragments also displayed an odd-even effect with a lower average N/Z for the even-Z fragments. This is related to the greater availability of neutron-poor isotopes for even-Z nuclei


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The Brueckner-Hartree-Fock formalism is applied to study spin polarized neutron matter properties. Results of the total energy per particle as a function of the spin polarization and density are presented for two modern realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions, Nijmegen II and Reid93. We find that the dependence of the energy on the spin polarization is practically parabolic in the full range of polarizations. The magnetic susceptibility of the system is computed. Our results show no indication of a ferromagnetic transition which becomes even more difficult as the density increases.


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Isotopic and isotonic chains of superheavy nuclei are analyzed to search for spherical double shell closures beyond Z=82 and N=126 within the new effective field theory model of Furnstahl, Serot, and Tang for the relativistic nuclear many-body problem. We take into account several indicators to identify the occurrence of possible shell closures, such as two-nucleon separation energies, two-nucleon shell gaps, average pairing gaps, and the shell correction energy. The effective Lagrangian model predicts N=172 and Z=120 and N=258 and Z=120 as spherical doubly magic superheavy nuclei, whereas N=184 and Z=114 show some magic character depending on the parameter set. The magicity of a particular neutron (proton) number in the analyzed mass region is found to depend on the number of protons (neutrons) present in the nucleus.


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The nucleon spectral function in nuclear matter fulfills an energy weighted sum rule. Comparing two different realistic potentials, these sum rules are studied for Greens functions that are derived self-consistently within the T matrix approximation at finite temperature.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.


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Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.


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We determine the structure of neutron stars within a Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach based on realistic nucleon-nucleon, nucleon-hyperon, and hyperon-hyperon interactions. Our results indicate rather low maximum masses below 1.4 solar masses. This feature is insensitive to the nucleonic part of the EOS due to a strong compensation mechanism caused by the appearance of hyperons and represents thus strong evidence for the presence of nonbaryonic "quark" matter in the interior of heavy stars.


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The neutron and proton single-particle spectral functions in asymmetric nuclear matter fulfill energy-weighted sum rules. The validity of these sum rules within the self-consistent Green's function approach is investigated. The various contributions to these sum rules and their convergence as a function of energy provide information about correlations induced by the realistic interaction between the nucleons. The study of the sum rules in asymmetric nuclear matter exhibits the isospin dependence of the nucleon-nucleon correlations.


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Realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions induce correlations to the nuclear many-body system, which lead to a fragmentation of the single-particle strength over a wide range of energies and momenta. We address the question of how this fragmentation affects the thermodynamical properties of nuclear matter. In particular, we show that the entropy can be computed with the help of a spectral function, which can be evaluated in terms of the self-energy obtained in the self-consistent Green's function approach. Results for the density and temperature dependences of the entropy per particle for symmetric nuclear matter are presented and compared to the results of lowest order finite-temperature Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations. The effects of correlations on the calculated entropy are small, if the appropriate quasiparticle approximation is used. The results demonstrate the thermodynamical consistency of the self-consistent T-matrix approximation for the evaluation of the Green's functions.


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The modification of the two center screened electronic Coulomb potential due to relativistic kinematical effects is investigated in the Coulomb gauge. Both nuclear and electronic charges were approximated by Gaussian distributions. For ion velocities v/c =0.1 the effect may roughly be approximated by a 0.1% increase in the effective strength for the monopole term of the two center potential. Thus for ion kinetic energies not exceeding a few MeV/nucleon this relativistic contribution induces small effects on the binding energy of the 1 \omega-electrons except for super critical charges.


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A preocupação central desta pesquisa foi avaliar a utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na prática pedagógica de professores dos cursos de Bacharelado em Fisioterapia de Instituições de Ensino Superior da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. A pesquisa foi conduzida com 100 professores fisioterapeutas que lecionam em quatro instituições de ensino da referida cidade, e com quatro coordenadores dos cursos de Fisioterapia das mesmas instituições. Procedeu-se à aplicação de um questionário validado e adaptado aos professores e uma entrevista semi-estruturada aos coordenadores de curso. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada por meio do programa SPSS 18.0; enquanto a análise dos dados qualitativos foi orientada pela análise de discurso. Os resultados demonstraram a falta de formação profissional dos docentes fisioterapeutas para a utilização das novas tecnologias no ensino da Fisioterapia, visto que, apesar de a maioria dos professores ter acesso aos recursos tecnológicos, poucos fazem uso destas ferramentas em contexto educativo. Assim, sugere-se que muito se tem a evoluir para que toda a potencialidade dos recursos tecnológicos possa ser utilizada a favor do ensino da Fisioterapia, tanto para construção das práticas pedagógicas de seus docentes quanto para a facilitação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem com os alunos.


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Os tripanossomatídeos são caracterizados por processos moleculares diferenciados como a transcrição policistrônica e regulação pós-transcricional da expressão gênica. Em mamíferos, a tradução se inicia com a ligação do complexo eIF4F (formado pelos eIF4A, eIF4E e eIF4G) a extremidade 5' dos mRNAs, o que facilita seu reconhecimento pelo ribossomo. A atividade do eIF4F é reforçada pela proteína de ligação a cauda poli-A (PABP), na extremidade 3' dos mRNAs, que interage com o eIF4G. Dois complexos do tipo eIF4F foram identificados em tripanossomatídeos: o primeiro formado pelos EIF4G3, EIF4E4 e EIF4AI com a PABP1; e um outro baseado na interação do EIF4G4 com o EIF4E3 e o EIF4A1. Este trabalho buscou caracterizar as interações entre as subunidades destes complexos e sua associação com PABPs de Leishmania, avaliando o efeito de mutações em motivos específicos. Proteínas recombinantes foram geradas fusionadas a GST e avaliadas quanto a sua habilidade de interagir com parceiros marcados radioativamente em ensaios do tipo pull-down. Para o EIF4G3, mutações individuais em dois resíduos vizinhos (I8A e R9A), afetaram a interação com o EIF4E4 e a mutação de ambos os resíduos equivalentes do EIF4G4 (IL25-26AA) também impediu sua ligação ao EIF4E3, sugerindo um motivo comum para a ligação aos seus parceiros. As proteínas EIF4E3 e EIF4E4 foram avaliadas quanto à capacidade de interagir com a PABP2 e PABP1 respectivamente, e mutações em motivos conservados nas regiões N-terminais dos EIF4E (Boxes A, B e C) aboliram sua interação com os homólogos da PABP. Para identificar que regiões da PABP1 estão relacionadas às interações com o parceiro EIF4E4, foram obtidas proteínas PABP1 mutantes em motivos conservados e observou-se que a mutação no motivo TGM, C-terminal, aboliu sua interação com o EIF4E4. Com estas abordagens conseguiu-se avançar na definição das interações entre as referidas subunidades do eIF4F e PABP, identificando-se diferenças relevantes em relação a outros eucariotos


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This paper outlines some of the physics opportunities available with the GSI RISING active stopper and presents preliminary results from an experiment aimed at performing beta-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopic studies in heavy-neutron-rich nuclei produced following the projectile fragmentation of a 1 GeV per nucleon 208Pb primary beam. The energy response of the silicon active stopping detector for both heavy secondary fragments and beta-particles is demonstrated and preliminary results on the decays of neutron-rich Tantalum (Ta) to Tungsten (W) isotopes are presented as examples of the potential of this technique to allow new structural studies in hitherto experimentally unreachable heavy, neutron-rich nuclei. The resulting spectral information inferred from excited states in the tungsten daughter nuclei are compared with results from axially symmetric Hartree–Fock calculations of the nuclear shape and suggest a change in ground state structure for the N = 116 isotone 190W compared to the lighter isotopes of this element.


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The effect of the tensor component of the Skyrme effective nucleon-nucleon interaction on the single-particle structure in superheavy elements is studied. A selection of the available Skyrme forces has been chosen and their predictions for the proton and neutron shell closures investigated. The inclusion of the tensor term with realistic coupling strength parameters leads to a small increase in the spin-orbit splitting between the proton 2f7/2 and 2f5/2 partners, opening the Z=114 shell gap over a wide range of nuclei. The Z=126 shell gap, predicted by these models in the absence of the tensor term, is found to be stongly dependent on neutron number with a Z=138 gap opening for large neutron numbers, having a consequent implication for the synthesis of neutron-rich superheavy elements. The predicted neutron shell structures remain largely unchanged by inclusion of the tensor component.


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The rates of axion emission by nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung are calculated with the inclusion of the full momentum contribution from a nuclear one pion exchange (OPE) potential. The contributions of the neutron-neutron (nn), proton-proton (pp) and neutron-proton (np) processes in both the non-degenerate and degenerate limits are explicitly given. We find that the finite-momentum corrections to the emissivities are quantitatively significant for the non-degenerate regime and temperature-dependent, and should affect the existing axion mass hounds. The trend of these nuclear effects is to diminish the emissivities. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.