975 resultados para Inter-firm Project
[Conceptual Sketch of Roof], untitled. Ink sketch with yellow marker coloring on tracing paper, 12 x 16 1/4 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketch of Roof], untitled. Ink sketch on tracing paper, 12x17 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Firms have embraced electronic commerce as a means of doing business, either because they see it as a way to improve efficiency, grow market share, expand into new markets, or because they view it as essential for survival. Recent research in the United States provides some evidence that the market does value investments in electronic commerce. Following research that suggests that, in certain circumstances, the market values noninnovative investments as well as innovative investments in new products, we partition electronic commerce investment project announcements into innovative and noninnovative to determine whether there are excess returns associated with these types of announcements. Apart from our overall results being consistent with the United States findings that the market values investments in electronic commerce projects, we also find that noninnovative investments are perceived as more valuable to the firm than innovative investments. On average, the market expects innovative investments to earn a return commensurate with their risk. We conclude that innovative electronic commerce projects are most likely seen by the capital market as easily replicable, and consequently have little, if any, competitive advantage period. On the other hand, we conclude from the noninnovative investment results that these types of investments are seen as being compatible with a firm's assets-in-place, in particular, its information technology capabilities, a view consistent with the resource-based view of the firm.
International trade and investment economies are highly integrated and interdependent and can be exploited by organized, international terrorism. The network of inter dependencies in the international economy means that a terrorist attack has the potential to disrupt the functioning of the network, so the effects can reverberate around the world. Governments can control the distributed effects of terrorism by auditing industrial networks to reveal and protect critical hubs and by promoting flexibility in production and distribution of goods and services to improve resilience in the economy. To explain these network effects, the authors draw on the new science of complex networks which has been applied to the physical sciences and is now increasingly being used to explain organizational and economic phenomena.
Large areas of tropical sub- and inter-tidal seagrass beds occur in highly turbid environments and cannot be mapped through the water column. The purpose of this project was to determine if and how airborne and satellite imaging systems could be used to map inter-tidal seagrass properties along the wet-tropics coast in north Queensland, Australia. The work aimed to: (1) identify the minimum level of seagrass foliage cover that could be detected from airborne and satellite imagery; and (2) define the minimum detectable differences in seagrass foliage cover in exposed intertidal seagrass beds. High resolution spectral-reflectance data (2040 bands, 350 – 2500nm) were collected over 40cm diameter plots from 240 sites on Magnetic Island, Pallarenda Beach and Green Island in North Queensland at spring low tides in April 2006. The seagrass species sampled were: Thalassia hemprechii, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninerivs; Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea serrulata, and Cymodoea rotundata. Digital photos were captured for each plot and used to derive estimates of seagrass species cover, epiphytic growth, micro- and macro-algal cover, and substrate colour. Sediment samples were also collected and analysed to measure the concentration of Chlorophyll-a associated with benthic micro-algae. The field reflectance spectra were analysed in combination with their corresponding seagrass species foliage cover levels to establish the minimum foliage projective cover required for each seagrass to be significantly different from bare substrate and substrate with algal cover. This analysis was repeated with reflectance spectra resampled to the bandpass functions of Quickbird, Ikonos, SPOT 5 and Landsat 7 ETM. Preliminary results indicate that conservative minimum detectable seagrass cover levels across most the species sampled were between 30%- 35% on dark substrates. Further analysis of these results will be conducted to determine their separability and satellite images and to assess the effects epiphytes and algal cover.
Inter-organisational knowledge transfer is very important for SMEs. However, compared to knowledge transfer within an organisation, its ‘boundary paradox’ makes its process more complicated and difficult to understand. In order to solve the ‘paradox’, inter-organisational knowledge transfer strategies need to be developed for SMEs. Through a review of the literature on knowledge transfer, this paper proposes an inter-organisational knowledge transfer process model that contains four stages (initiation, selection, interaction and conversion). It classifies three situations in which an SME exchanges knowledge with a customer (whether a larger company or an SME). It then applies a coordinating mechanism to analyse knowledge transfer strategies for the SME when it is a knowledgegiving firm and knowledge-receiving firm respectively, in the different stages of each situation.
Report on a pilot project funded by the Dept of Health and involving 350 repeat dispensing patients at 7 community pharmacies and two medical practices. 82% of patients approached were willing to enter a repeat dispensing service and after 6 months 86% liked the system. Concludes that successful repeat dispensing depends on a good infrastructure in both the pharmacy and the medical practice, and requires established inter-professional communication.
The purpose of this paper is to examine, using panel data econometric techniques, the determinants of a firm’s strategy to invest in a conflict location. To the best of our knowledge this has not been done before. We use a large database of firm-level data that includes 2858 multinational firms that have a subsidiary in a developing country (during 1999-2006). Out of these firms 290 are classified as having a subsidiary in a conflict location. The choice of a conflict location is based on data from the Inter Country Risk Guide (ICRG). We start with the population of multinationals who have chosen to invest in low income countries with weak institutions. Our analysis then proceeds to explain the decision of those firms to invest in conflict locations. We have four hypotheses: (1) Firms with concentrated ownership are more likely to invest in a conflict region; (2) Firms from countries with weaker institutions are more likely to invest in conflict regions; (3) Firms and Countries with less concern over corporate social responsibility are more likely to invest in conflict countries; and (4) that there is large sector level differences in the propensity to invest in a conflict region. The results suggest that all of these hypotheses can be confirmed.
This article discusses the importance of collaboration with suppliers and partners during research and development (R&D) technology projects. It details how this can be accomplished using the collaborative enterprise governance (CEG) concept to manage a technology project. CEG is based on the premise that parts of companies work with parts of other companies, which are reconfigured on dynamic bases according to a variety of different internal and external factors. This article presents an overview of the founding literature, the CEG and its methodology, and examples based at Jaguar Land Rover in the UK. CEG has been used here to explain why some technology projects have succeeded while others have done less well. This article concludes by offering new propositions, inducted through grounded theory, relating to the successful management of R&D projects, which should be picked up by future research studies in the area.
This article investigates whether (1) cross-functional integration within a firm and the use of information systems (IS) that support information sharing with external parties can enhance integration across the supply chain and wider networks and (2) whether collaboration with customers, suppliers and other external parties leads to increased supply chain performance in terms of new product development and introduction of new processes. Data from a high-quality survey carried out in Taiwan in 2009 were used, and appropriate econometric models were applied. Results show that the adoption of IS that enhance information sharing is vital not only for the effective communication with suppliers and with wider network members, but their adoption also has a direct effect across a firm's innovative effort. Cross-functional integration appears to matter only for the introduction of an innovative process. Collaboration with customers and suppliers affected a product's design and its overall features and functionality, respectively. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
In repetitive operations the productivity dilemma has been widely studied, but there is a lack of research in non-repetitive operations, such as in project-based firms. This paper investigates why project-based firms foster or hinder project flexibility through an embedded multi-case study with six projects within a large German project-based firm. The results suggest that although such firms have projects as their key source of revenue, their focus lies in longevity and survival and this logic is, in some instances, at odds with the temporary nature of the project context.
A dolgozat célja egy vállalati gyakorlatból származó eset elemzése. Egy könyvkiadót tekintünk. A kiadó kapcsolatban van kis- és nagykereskedőkkel, valamint a fogyasztók egy csoportjával is vannak kapcsolatai. A könyvkiadók projekt rendszerben működnek. A kiadó azzal a problémával szembesül, hogy hogyan ossza el egy frissen kiadott és nyomtatott könyv példányszámait a kis- és nagykereskedők között, valamint mekkora példányszámot tároljon maga a fogyasztók közvetlen kielégítésére. A kiadóról feltételezzük, hogy visszavásárlási szerződése van a kereskedőkkel. A könyv iránti kereslet nem ismert, de becsülhető. A kis- és nagykereskedők maximalizálják a nyereségüket. = The aim of the paper is to analyze a practical real world problem. A publishing house is given. The publishing firm has contacts to a number of wholesaler / retailer enterprises and direct contact to customers to satisfy the market demand. The book publishers work in a project industry. The publisher faces with the problem how to allocate the stocks of a given, newly published book to the wholesaler and retailer, and to hold some copies to satisfy the customers direct from the publisher. The publisher has a buyback option. The distribution of the demand is unknown, but it can be estimated. The wholesaler / retailer maximize the profits. The problem can be modeled as a one-warehouse and N-retailer supply chain with not identical demand distribution. The model can be transformed in a game theory problem. It is assumed that the demand distribution follows a Poisson distribution.
Egy könyvkiadó vállalatot vizsgálunk. A kiadó kiadványait a szokásos értékesítési láncon (kis- és nagykereskedelem) keresztül értékesíti. A kérdés az, hogy egy új könyv példányait hogyan allokálja az értékesítési láncban. Feltételezzük, hogy a kereslet ismert, Poisson-eloszlású. A készletezés költségeit szintén ismertnek tételezzük fel. Cél a költségek minimalizálása. = The aim of the paper is to analyze a practical real world problem. A publishing house is given. The publishing firm has contacts to a number of wholesaler / retailer enterprises and direct contact to customers to satisfy the market demand. The book publishers work in a project industry. The publisher faces with the problem to allocate the stocks of a given, newly published book to the wholesaler and retailer, and to hold some copies to satisfy the customers direct from the publisher. The distribution of the demand is unknown, but it can be estimated. The costs consist of inventory holding and shortage, backorder costs. The decision maker wants to minimize these relevant costs. The problem can be modeled as a one-warehouse and N-retailer supply chain with not identical demand distribution. The problem structure is similar that of a newsvendor model. It is assumed that the demand distribution follows a Poisson distribution.
The increase in the number of financial restatements in recent years has resulted in a significant decrease in the amount of market capitalization for restated companies. Prior literature did not differentiate between single and multiple restatements announcements. This research investigated the inter-relationships among multiple financial restatements, corporate governance, market microstructure and the firm’s rate of return in the form of three essays by differentiating between single and multiple restatement announcement companies. First essay examined the stock performance of companies announcing the financial restatement multiple times. The postulation is that prior research overestimates the abnormal return by not separating single restatement companies from multiple restatement companies. This study investigated how market penalizes the companies that announce restatement more than once. Differentiating the restatement announcement data based on number of restatement announcements, the results supported the non persistence hypothesis that the market has no memory and negative abnormal returns obtained after each of the restatement announcements are completely random. Second essay examined the multiple restatement announcements and its perceived resultant information asymmetry around the announcement day. This study examined the pattern of information asymmetry for these announcements in terms of whether the bid-ask spread widens around the announcement day. The empirical analysis supported the hypotheses that the spread does widen not only around the first restatement announcement day but around every subsequent announcement days as well. The third essay empirically examined the financial and corporate governance characteristics of single and multiple restatement announcements companies. The analysis showed that corporate governance variables influence the occurrence of multiple restatement announcements and can distinguish multiple restatements announcement companies from single restatement announcement companies.