337 resultados para Innovate


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On this paper, I propose a reflexion on the formation of a youth maroon, as a political subject , based on experience, personal expectations and social projects in the construction of a political identity in the community quilombola Capoeiras, which is located in the district of Macaíba (RN). I observed two social situations; the projects of the Pau-furado Youth and the Swingueira Quilombola , those kinds of dances that have as protagonists or as audience the youth people who lives in the community here mentioned, those people that legitimize and innovate in these traditions and roles they play and crucial positions in the construction of ethnic identities and generation within a political community. It seeks to understand the place of youth in this new context of political affirmation and identity. It is, therefore, to understand the diversity in their local youth from different social, cultural, political and economic


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The health transition experienced in Brazilian health care model requires a metamorphosis in human and society, placing new demands on health and education. The Faculty of Science, Culture and Extension of Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), aware of their responsibilities to the Health System, which brings the principle of comprehensiveness as its structural axis, dared to implement a course of nursing in complex thinking and Experiential Pedagogy Humanescente with curriculum inter / transdisciplinary. For deployment of proprosta was not enough to reform thinking of educators, there was a need corporalizar new teaching practices that are aimed at the integral formation of human beings. In this context, emerged the workshop on Human Education autopoietic, self-forming area of the educator, where he developed an Action Research Existential (PA-E) which enabled experience, describe and analyze how the human autopoietic educators could contribute to the practice educational humanescente transdisciplinary curriculum project. Were worked out in meetings, knowledge necessary to practice the transdisciplinary 1st Meeting - learn to create; 2nd Meeting - learn to recognize the laws of nature with emphasis on complexity theory, 3rd Meeting - learn to organize, 4th meeting - namely autoestruturar themselves; 5th Meeting - know how to choose, 6th Meeting - knowing innovate 7th Meeting - namely exchange. Next an autobiographical perspective, we chose the metaphorical possibility to narrate the ways and strategies covered by the author and apprentice in the company of the Little Prince de Saint-Exupery, in search of a sensible pedagogical practice complex, which promotes re-enchant transdisicplinar education. The route involved five methodological connections: a literature review which relate to training for care in undergraduate nursing: the study of learning processes that drive the formation humanopoiética, emphasizing the relationship that involves the complexity and embodiment in the educational process transdisciplinary, highlighting the analysis of what is to learn from the findings of biosciences and recent cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela, the description of the interdisciplinary curriculum of the nursing course of Facex and Training Workshop, Human autopoietic, with emphasis on Experiential Education Humanescente; the report of seven meetings of the Workshops (cocoon), recording the experiences and listening to educators (luminescent butterflies), the final reflections with learning opportunized. Experientiality lived through, the expressions and words, educators say the influence of workshops for their teaching practices, highlighting it as a space for selforganizing, creating, learning and enchantment, and can identify the workshop as a place of transformation necessary for deployment an interdisciplinary curriculum. The knowledge emerging from the study indicate the need for permanent spaces of self, in which the educator learns from its body, between cognitive processes and vital, and in the experiences of their formative process the opportunity to act on the dimensions of knowing and being


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The present study analyses the supervisory practice of the nurse in the hospital environment. It has, as its main objective identify the use of planning, supervision and evaluation, as managerial instruments in the daily nursing practice. It tries also to identify the importance given to these instruments in their supervisory actions and the difficulties encountered in their use. It deals with an exploratory and analytical investigation with a qualitative approach having as its main point of analysis the principles of strategic planning. In order for it to be done 10 nurses were interviewed, distributed in three public hospitals in the city of Natal/RN. The results show that, although the nurses recognize the importance of the managerial instruments, they do not put them into practice in an effective and systematic way. They justify it because of the existence of personal, professional and institutional difficulties. On the other hand we could conclude from what they say that there is the desire to overcome the eminently burocratic vision of the management. Thus, they express a feeling for change and point in the direction of looking for ways that will contribute to innovate this practice


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O processo pirometalúrgico convencional para a produção de chumbo metálico é comparado com dois novos processos ambientalmente não agressivos: o eletrohidrometalúrgico e fusão alcalina. O processo eletrohidrometalúrgico consiste em reduzir o tamanho das partículas dos compostos de chumbo e lixiviar os mesmos com uma solução ácida de fluoborato férrico. Neste ponto, o chumbo é dissolvido com os íons férricos sendo reduzidos a íons ferrosos. A solução resultante da lixiviação é bombeada para os compartimentos catódicos de uma célula eletrolítica de diafragma nos quais o chumbo metálico é depositado em catodos de aço inoxidável numa forma compacta e pura. A solução que é empobrecida em íons Pb2+ é então enviada aos compartimentos anódicos da mesma célula onde, nas superfícies de anodos ocorre a oxidação dos íons ferrosos a férricos, que retornam ao estágio de lixiviação. O processo de fusão alcalina consiste em se juntar soda cáustica fundida, enxofre e compostos de chumbo num reator a uma temperatura entre 600 °C e 700 °C. Como um resultado chumbo metálico é obtido juntamente com sais fundidos de sódio, sulfetos metálicos e borra. O fundido é processado, resultando em borra, sulfetos metálicos, soda cáustica e enxofre. Estes dois últimos retornam para o reator. Ambos os processos permitem a recuperação de metais como antimônio, estanho, enxofre e prata, que em processo convencional são perdidos na escória. Esses novos processos são ambientalmente corretos sem poluições severas de Pb e SO2. O chumbo metálico obtido é mais puro que aquele do processo convencional.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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International Financial System's Reform Agenda Must Be Broadened Women's Employment More Vulnerable than Men's Economic Prospects for 2001. Op-ed of ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Antonio Ocampo Highlights: The Pros and Cons of the FTAA Indicators Innovate, Innovate, Innovate Recent titles and calendar of activities