976 resultados para Information Resources for Health


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There is limited information regarding oral health status and other predictors of oral health-related quality of life. An association between oral health status and perceived oral health-related quality of life (OHQOL) might help clinicians motivate patients to prevent oral diseases and improve the outcome of some dental public health programs. This study evaluated the relationship between older persons' OHQOL and their functional dentition, caries, periodontal status, chronic diseases, and some demographic characteristics. A group of 733 low-income elders (mean age 72.7 [SD = 4.71, 55.6% women, 55.1% members of ethnic minority groups in the U.S. and Canada) enrolled in the TEETH clinical trial were interviewed and examined as part of their fifth annual visit for the trial. OHQOL was measured by the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI); oral health and occlusal status by clinical exams and the Eichner Index; and demographics via interviews. Elders who completed the four-year assessment had an average of 21.5 teeth (SD = 6.9), with 8.5 occluding pairs (SD = 4.6), and 32% with occlusal contacts in all four occluding zones. Stepwise multiple regressions were conducted to predict total GOHAI and its subscores (Physical, Social, and Worry). Functional dentition was a less significant predictor than ethnicity and being foreign-born. These variables, together with gender, years since immigrating, number of carious roots, and periodontal status, could predict 32% of the variance in total GOHAI, 24% in Physical, 27% in Social, and 21% in the Worry subscales. These findings suggest that functional dentition and caries influence older adults' OHQOL, but that ethnicity and immigrant status play a larger role.


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Background Public information about prevention of zoonoses should be based on the perceived problem by the public and should be adapted to regional circumstances. Growing fox populations have led to increasing concern about human alveolar echinococcosis, which is caused by the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. In order to plan information campaigns, public knowledge about this zoonotic tapeworm was assessed. Methods By means of representative telephone interviews (N = 2041), a survey of public knowledge about the risk and the prevention of alveolar echinococcosis was carried out in the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Switzerland in 2004. Results For all five questions, significant country-specific differences were found. Fewer people had heard of E. multilocularis in the Czech Republic (14%) and France (18%) compared to Germany (63%) and Switzerland (70%). The same effect has been observed when only high endemic regions were considered (Czech Republic: 20%, France: 17%, Germany: 77%, Switzerland: 61%). In France 17% of people who knew the parasite felt themselves reasonably informed. In the other countries, the majority felt themselves reasonably informed (5460%). The percentage that perceived E. multilocularis as a high risk ranged from 12% (Switzerland) to 43% (France). In some countries promising measures as deworming dogs (Czech Republic, Switzerland) were not recognized as prevention options. Conclusion Our results and the actual epidemiological circumstances of AE call for proactive information programs. This communication should enable the public to achieve realistic risk perception, give clear information on how people can minimize their infection risk, and prevent exaggerated reactions and anxiety.


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High-quality data are essential for veterinary surveillance systems, and their quality can be affected by the source and the method of collection. Data recorded on farms could provide detailed information about the health of a population of animals, but the accuracy of the data recorded by farmers is uncertain. The aims of this study were to evaluate the quality of the data on animal health recorded on 97 Swiss dairy farms, to compare the quality of the data obtained by different recording systems, and to obtain baseline data on the health of the animals on the 97 farms. Data on animal health were collected from the farms for a year. Their quality was evaluated by assessing the completeness and accuracy of the recorded information, and by comparing farmers' and veterinarians' records. The quality of the data provided by the farmers was satisfactory, although electronic recording systems made it easier to trace the animals treated. The farmers tended to record more health-related events than the veterinarians, although this varied with the event considered, and some events were recorded only by the veterinarians. The farmers' attitude towards data collection was positive. Factors such as motivation, feedback, training, and simplicity and standardisation of data collection were important because they influenced the quality of the data.


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Expert Panel: Documenting Teaching Scholarship for Promotion and Tenure Lemuel Moye, School of Public Health Miguel daCunha, School of Nursing William Tate, Dental School Katherine Loveland, Medical School


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In response to the recent rapid influx of refugees from Myanmar, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston (IM), a refugee resettlement agency, started to support them in June 2007. The study looked at the refugees' perspectives and identified the gaps in their understanding on US health care system, health seeking behaviors and challenges in utilizing health care in United States. The major issues identified were non-compliance with tuberculosis prevention medication due to barriers in obtaining medication refills, barriers in accessing specialty care services, transportation issues, written and oral language barrier, difficulties in the application for and use of Medicaid and Gold Card, misunderstanding of emergency health services, lack of resources for health education, self-treatment with Western medicine and income too low to buy private health insurance. In order to transform them to healthy citizens able to contribute to the US workforce, several multi-faceted and comprehensive approaches and better coordination among agencies are recommended. ^


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Background. Each year thousands of people participate in mass health screenings for diabetes and hypertension, but little is known about whether or not those who receive higher than normal screening results obtain the recommended follow-up medical care, or what barriers they perceive to doing so. ^ Methods. Study participants were recruited from attendees at three health fairs in low-income neighborhoods in Houston, Texas Potential participants had higher than normal blood pressure (> 90/140 mgHg) or blood glucose readings (100 mm/dL fasting or 140 mm/dL random). Study participants were called at one, two, and three months and asked if they had obtained follow-up medical care; those who had not yet obtained follow-up care were asked to identify barriers. Using a modified Aday-Andersen model of health service access, the independent variables were individual and community characteristics and self-perceived need. The dependent variable was obtaining follow-up care, with barriers to care a secondary outcome. ^ Results. Eighty-two study participants completed the initial questionnaire and 59 participants completed the study protocol. Forty-eight participants (59% under an intent to treat analysis, 81% of those completing the study protocol) obtained follow-up care. Those who completed the initial questionnaire and who reported a regular source of care were significantly more likely to obtain follow-up care. For those who completed the study protocol the relationship between having a regular source of care and obtaining follow-up care approached but did not reach significance. For those who completed the initial questionnaire, self-described health status, when examined as a binary variable (good, very good, excellent, or poor, fair, not sure) was associated with obtaining follow-up care for those who rated their health as poor, fair, or not sure. While the group who completed the study protocol did not reach statistical significance, the same relationship between self-described health status of poor, fair, or not sure and obtaining follow-up care was present. The participants who completed the study protocol and described their blood pressure as OK or a little high were statistically more likely to get follow-up care than those who described it as high or very high. All those on oral medications for hypertension (12/12) and diabetes (4/4) who were told to obtain follow-up care did so; however, the small sample size allows this correlation to be of statistical significance only for those treating hypertension. ^ The variables significantly associated with obtaining follow-up care were having a regular source of care, self-described health status of poor, fair, or not sure, self-described blood pressure of OK or a little high, and taking medication for blood pressure. ^ At the follow-up telephone calls, 34 participants identified barriers to care; cost was a significant barrier reported by 16 participants, and 10 reported that they didnt have time because they were working long hours after Hurricane Ike. ^ The study included the offer of access assistance: information about nearby safety-net providers, a visit to or information from the Health Information Center at their Neighborhood Center location, or information from Project Safety Net (a searchable web site for safety net providers). Access assistance was offered at the health fairs and then again at follow-up telephone calls to those who had not yet obtained follow-up care. Of the 48 participants who reported obtaining follow-up care, 26 said they had made use of the access assistance to do so. The use of access assistance was associated with being Hispanic, not having health insurance or a regular source of care, and speaking Spanish. It was also associated with being worried about blood glucose. ^ Conclusion. Access assistance, as a community enabling characteristic, may be useful in aiding low-income people in obtaining medical care. ^


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Children with Special Health Care Needs comprise approximately 13% of children within the state of Texas. In addition to their primary diagnosis, it is estimated that approximately 18% of these children with special health care needs are overweight. Many times parents of children with special health care needs are extremely busy dealing with the daily responsibilities required to care for a child with a chronic illness, and thus, lose connections with their local communities and available resources for health needs such as obesity. Texas Childrens Hospitals Wellness Program for Children with Special Health Care Needs is a family-centered wellness program to prevent obesity in this population; however, no formal evaluation of the program has been conducted. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Texas Childrens Saturday Wellness Program on weight status, nutrition knowledge, and the frequency of physical activity of children who participated in the program. A secondary data analysis was conducted with 50 children with special health care needs and their families who participated in the program during 2007 and 2008. A pre post-test study design was used with data collected immediately before and after participation in the 4 week program. Data measures included demographics (age, race, etc.), anthropometrics (height and weight), a quality of life survey focusing on nutrition and physical activity behaviors, and a knowledge survey on physical activity and nutrition. Of 50 participants, 33 (66%) completed the program. Children participating in the program showed a significant decrease in BMI (mean=29.83 to mean=29.22, BMI z score p<0.01), as well as frequency of physical activity (p<0.05) and knowledge (p<0.01). Texas Childrens Hospitals wellness program for children with special health care needs provided a promising structure for a wellness program within a multi-ethnic special needs population; however, long term effect research is needed with a larger sample size and more comprehensive outcomes and process measures. Nonetheless, this program indicates the effectiveness and feasibility of a family-based approach to weight loss in children with special needs.^


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Effective communication; whether from an interpersonal, mass media, or global perspective, is a critical component in public health. It is an essential conduit in increasing public awareness of available health resources, potential health hazards and related disease prevention strategies, and in delivering better health care. Within this context, available literature asserts doctor-patient communication as central to healthcare delivery. It has been shown to affect patient health outcomes, satisfaction with care, adherence to treatment recommendations, and even understanding of medical information. While research supports the essential imperative of interventions aimed at teaching doctors and patients the communication skills necessary for a successful and meaningful medical interaction, most interventions to date, focus on teaching these communication skills to doctors and seem to rely, largely, on mass media for providing patients with the information needed to increase communication efficacy. This study sought to fill a significant gap in the doctor-patient communication literature by reviewing the context of the doctor-patient exchange in the medical interaction, the implications of this exchange in resulting care of the patient, and the potential improvements to practice through interventions aimed at improving the communication exchange. Closing with an evaluation of a patient-centered communication intervention, the How to Talk to Your Doctor (HTTTYD) program that combines previously identified optimal strategies for improving communication between doctors and patients, this study examined the patients perspective of their potential as better communicators in the medical interaction. ^ Specific Aims, Hypotheses or Questions (Aim I) To examine the context of health communication within a public health framework and its relation to health care delivery. (Aim II) To review doctor-patient communication as a central focus within health care delivery and the resulting implications to patient care. (Aim III) To assess the utility of interventions to improve doctor-patient communication. Specifically, to evaluate the effectiveness of a patient-centered community education intervention, the How to Talk to Your Doctor (HTTTYD) program, aimed at improving patient communication efficacy.^


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The research project is an extension of the economic theory to the health care field and health care research projects evaluating the influence of demand and supply variables upon medical care inflation. The research tests a model linking the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population, its community case mix, and technology, the prices of goods and services other than medical care, the way its medical services are delivered and the health care resources available to its population to different utilization patterns which, consequently, lead to variations in health care prices among metropolitan areas. The research considers the relationship of changes in community characteristics and resources and medical care inflation.^ The rapidly increasing costs of medical care have been of great concern to the general public, medical profession, and political bodies. Research and analysis of the main factors responsible for the rate of increase of medical care prices is necessary in order to devise appropriate solutions to cope with the problem. An understanding of the community characteristics and resources-medical care costs relationships in the metropolitan areas potentially offers guidance in individual plan and national policy development.^ The research considers 145 factors measuring community milieu (demographic, social, educational, economic, illness level, prices of goods and services other than medical care, hospital supply, physicians resources and techological factors). Through bivariate correlation analysis, the number of variables was reduced to a set of 1 to 4 variables for each cost equation. Two approaches were identified to track inflation in the health care industry. One approach measures costs of production which accounts for price and volume increases. The other approach measures price increases. One general and four specific measures were developed to represent each of the major approaches. The general measure considers the increase on medical care prices as a whole and the specific measures deal with hospital costs and physician's fees. The relationships among changes in community characteristics and resources and health care inflation were analyzed using bivariate correlation and regression analysis methods. It has been concluded that changes in community characteristics and resources are predictive of hospital costs and physician's fees inflation, but are not predictive of increases in medical care prices. These findings provide guidance in the formulation of public policy which could alter the trend of medical care inflation and in the allocation of limited Federal funds.^


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Cultural heritage is a complex and diverse concept, which brings together a wide domain of information. Resources linked to a cultural heritage site may consist of physical artefacts, books, works of art, pictures, historical maps, aerial photographs, archaeological surveys and 3D models. Moreover, all these resources are listed and described by a set of a variety of metadata specifications that allow their online search and consultation on the most basic characteristics of them. Some examples include Norma ISO 19115, Dublin Core, AAT, CDWA, CCO, DACS, MARC, MoReq, MODS, MuseumDat, TGN, SPECTRUM, VRA Core and Z39.50. Gateways are in place to fit in these metadata standards into those used in a SDI (ISO 19115 or INSPIRE), but substantial work still remains to be done for the complete incorporation of cultural heritage information. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the complexity of cultural heritage resources can be dealt with by a visual exploration of their metadata within a 3D collaborative environment. The 3D collaborative environments are promising tools that represent the new frontier of our capacity of learning, understanding, communicating and transmitting culture.


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The deployment of home-based smart health services requires effective and reliable systems for personal and environmental data management. ooperation between Home Area Networks (HAN) and Body Area Networks (BAN) can provide smart systems with ad hoc reasoning information to support health care. This paper details the implementation of an architecture that integrates BAN, HAN and intelligent agents to manage physiological and environmental data to proactively detect risk situations at the digital home. The system monitors dynamic situations and timely adjusts its behavior to detect user risks concerning to health. Thus, this work provides a reasoning framework to infer appropriate solutions in cases of health risk episodes. Proposed smart health monitoring approach integrates complex reasoning according to home environment, user profile and physiological parameters defined by a scalable ontology. As a result, health care demands can be detected to activate adequate internal mechanisms and report public health services for requested actions.


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Esta Tesis tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de mtodos de identificacin del dao que sean robustos y fiables, enfocados a sistemas estructurales experimentales, fundamentalmente a las estructuras de hormign armado reforzadas externamente con bandas fibras de polmeros reforzados (FRP). El modo de fallo de este tipo de sistema estructural es crtico, pues generalmente es debido a un despegue repentino y frgil de la banda del refuerzo FRP originado en grietas intermedias causadas por la flexin. La deteccin de este despegue en su fase inicial es fundamental para prevenir fallos futuros, que pueden ser catastrficos. Inicialmente, se lleva a cabo una revisin del mtodo de la Impedancia Electro-Mecnica (EMI), de cara a exponer sus capacidades para la deteccin de dao. Una vez la tecnologa apropiada es seleccionada, lo que incluye un analizador de impedancias as como novedosos sensores PZT para monitorizacin inteligente, se ha diseado un procedimiento automtico basado en los registros de impedancias de distintas estructuras de laboratorio. Basndonos en el hecho de que las mediciones de impedancias son posibles gracias a una colocacin adecuada de una red de sensores PZT, la estimacin de la presencia de dao se realiza analizando los resultados de distintos indicadores de dao obtenidos de la literatura. Para que este proceso sea automtico y que no sean necesarios conocimientos previos sobre el mtodo EMI para realizar un experimento, se ha diseado e implementado un Interfaz Grfico de Usuario, transformando la medicin de impedancias en un proceso fcil e intuitivo. Se evala entonces el dao a travs de los correspondientes ndices de dao, intentando estimar no slo su severidad, sino tambin su localizacin aproximada. El desarrollo de estos experimentos en cualquier estructura genera grandes cantidades de datos que han de ser procesados, y algunas veces los ndices de dao no son suficientes para una evaluacin completa de la integridad de una estructura. En la mayora de los casos se pueden encontrar patrones de dao en los datos, pero no se tiene informacin a priori del estado de la estructura. En este punto, se ha hecho una importante investigacin en tcnicas de reconocimiento de patrones particularmente en aprendizaje no supervisado, encontrando aplicaciones interesantes en el campo de la medicina. De ah surge una idea creativa e innovadora: detectar y seguir la evolucin del dao en distintas estructuras como si se tratase de un cncer propagndose por el cuerpo humano. En ese sentido, las lecturas de impedancias se emplean como informacin intrnseca de la salud de la propia estructura, de forma que se pueden aplicar las mismas tcnicas que las empleadas en la investigacin del cncer. En este caso, se ha aplicado un algoritmo de clasificacin jerrquica dado que ilustra adems la clasificacin de los datos de forma grfica, incluyendo informacin cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre el dao. Se ha investigado la efectividad de este procedimiento a travs de tres estructuras de laboratorio, como son una viga de aluminio, una unin atornillada de aluminio y un bloque de hormign reforzado con FRP. La primera ayuda a mostrar la efectividad del mtodo en sencillos escenarios de dao simple y mltiple, de forma que las conclusiones extradas se aplican sobre los otros dos, diseados para simular condiciones de despegue en distintas estructuras. Demostrada la efectividad del mtodo de clasificacin jerrquica de lecturas de impedancias, se aplica el procedimiento sobre las estructuras de hormign armado reforzadas con bandas de FRP objeto de esta tesis, detectando y clasificando cada estado de dao. Finalmente, y como alternativa al anterior procedimiento, se propone un mtodo para la monitorizacin continua de la interfase FRP-Hormign, a travs de una red de sensores FBG permanentemente instalados en dicha interfase. De esta forma, se obtienen medidas de deformacin de la interfase en condiciones de carga continua, para ser implementadas en un modelo de optimizacin multiobjetivo, cuya solucin se haya por medio de una expansin multiobjetivo del mtodo Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). La fiabilidad de este ltimo mtodo de deteccin se investiga a travs de sendos ejemplos tanto numricos como experimentales. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to develop robust and reliable damage identification methods focused on experimental structural systems, in particular Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures externally strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) strips. The failure mode of this type of structural system is critical, since it is usually due to sudden and brittle debonding of the FRP reinforcement originating from intermediate flexural cracks. Detection of the debonding in its initial stage is essential thus to prevent future failure, which might be catastrophic. Initially, a revision of the Electro-Mechanical Impedance (EMI) method is carried out, in order to expose its capabilities for local damage detection. Once the appropriate technology is selected, which includes impedance analyzer as well as novel PZT sensors for smart monitoring, an automated procedure has been design based on the impedance signatures of several lab-scale structures. On the basis that capturing impedance measurements is possible thanks to an adequately deployed PZT sensor network, the estimation of damage presence is done by analyzing the results of different damage indices obtained from the literature. In order to make this process automatic so that it is not necessary a priori knowledge of the EMI method to carry out an experimental test, a Graphical User Interface has been designed, turning the impedance measurements into an easy and intuitive procedure. Damage is then assessed through the analysis of the corresponding damage indices, trying to estimate not only the damage severity, but also its approximate location. The development of these tests on any kind of structure generates large amounts of data to be processed, and sometimes the information provided by damage indices is not enough to achieve a complete analysis of the structural health condition. In most of the cases, some damage patterns can be found in the data, but none a priori knowledge of the health condition is given for any structure. At this point, an important research on pattern recognition techniques has been carried out, particularly on unsupervised learning techniques, finding interesting applications in the medicine field. From this investigation, a creative and innovative idea arose: to detect and track the evolution of damage in different structures, as if it were a cancer propagating through a human body. In that sense, the impedance signatures are used to give intrinsic information of the health condition of the structure, so that the same clustering algorithms applied in the cancer research can be applied to the problem addressed in this dissertation. Hierarchical clustering is then applied since it also provides a graphical display of the clustered data, including quantitative and qualitative information about damage. The performance of this approach is firstly investigated using three lab-scale structures, such as a simple aluminium beam, a bolt-jointed aluminium beam and an FRP-strengthened concrete specimen. The first one shows the performance of the method on simple single and multiple damage scenarios, so that the first conclusions can be extracted and applied to the other two experimental tests, which are designed to simulate a debonding condition on different structures. Once the performance of the impedance-based hierarchical clustering method is proven to be successful, it is then applied to the structural system studied in this dissertation, the RC structures externally strengthened with FRP strips, where the debonding failure in the interface between the FRP and the concrete is successfully detected and classified, proving thus the feasibility of this method. Finally, as an alternative to the previous approach, a continuous monitoring procedure of the FRP-Concrete interface is proposed, based on an FBGsensors Network permanently deployed within that interface. In this way, strain measurements can be obtained under controlled loading conditions, and then they are used in order to implement a multi-objective model updating method solved by a multi-objective expansion of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The feasibility of this last proposal is investigated and successfully proven on both numerical and experimental RC beams strengthened with FRP.


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The North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Library and Information Services (NC AHEC LIS) Network provides library outreach services to rural health care providers in all nine AHEC regions of North Carolina. Over the last twenty-five years, the AHEC and university-based librarians have collaborated to create a model program for support of community-based clinical education and information access for rural health care providers. Through several collaborative projects, they have supported Internet access for rural health clinics. The NC AHEC Digital Libraryunder development by NC AHEC, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, East Carolina University, and Wake Forest Universitywill further extend access to electronic biomedical information and resources to health professionals in a statewide digital library.


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The development of expertise for two groups of rhythmic gymnasts was studied where a group of elite (Olympic) gymnasts was compared to a group of subelite (International) gymnasts. Structured interviews were used to collect retrospective information about the gymnasts health, training resources, level and ranking, and hours spent in training activities. The gymnasts rated practice activities during the last period of their development (age 16 and older) with respect to their perceived physical effort, mental concentration, and fun. The Olympic gymnasts were involved in significantly fewer activities and sports throughout their development compared to the International gymnasts. All gymnasts reported engaging in five practice activities of warmup, ballet, technique training, routines, and conditioning in their rhythmic gymnastics training. Olympic gymnasts allocated substantially more time to the practice activities of ballet, technique, routines, and conditioning, compared to the International gymnasts. Olympic gymnasts also rated their health as lower than the International gymnasts. All gymnasts reported that the practice activities of technique and routine training required more physical effort and mental concentration than warmup, ballet, and conditioning. The Olympic gymnasts reported experiencing less fun in their participation overall. The findings of this study provide a comprehensive description of early activity involvement, training activities, training resources, and health and injury ratings of expert level rhythmic gymnasts and help to further the understanding of how to assess sport expertise development


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The inability to invest in and develop mortality information systems has been considered the single most critical failure in health information systems. Health information systems are an integral part of health systems. This includes strengthening not only the information content but also the information systems themselves, health information platforms and infrastructure. In this article, particular focus has been placed on the regional and inter-sectoral approach to implementation adopted in Portugal. The article shows how legal and operational barriers have been overcome and focuses on the potential of the new system to improve the quality and timeliness of mortalitystatistics.