994 resultados para Industrial buildings -- Reconstruction -- Alcudia (Spain)


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El creixent ritme d’exportacions del Brasil, fa que la demanda de papers d’embalatges’incrementi constantment. El material més utilitzat per al transport són les caixes de cartróondulat (OCC). Aquestes caixes, quan se’ls acaba la vida útil, són recuperades per afabricar nou cartró ondulat. El paper de diari, que un cop llegit es converteix en un residu, nos’acostuma a utilitzar per a la fabricació de nous productes paperers, tot i estar fabricat ambfibres de qualitat elevada.Amb la utilització d’aquests materials com a alternativa es disminueix la demanda defibres verges com és el pi, que al Brasil, es troba en una situació crítica a causa de la malagestió de les plantacions.Cal dir que la part pràctica de l’estudi, que consisteix bàsicament en treball de laboratori,ha estat realitzada al Brasil, d’on provenen també les matèries primeres utilitzades. Peraquest motiu, el context de l’estudi està centrat en el mercat, en les necessitats i en larealitat d’aquest país.Aquest projecte té com a objectiu determinar la composició òptima d’una barreja depastes de pi, sisal, retalls i paper de diari, per a la fabricació de paper tripa industrial. Aquestpaper és el que es col•loca, ondulat, enmig de les capes externes del cartró multicapa


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This article analyses the impact that innovation expenditure and intrasectoral and intersectoral externalities have on productivity in Spanish firms. While there is an extensive literature analysing the relationship between innovation and productivity, in this particular area there are far fewer studies that examine the importance of sectoral externalities, especially with the focus on Spain. One novelty of the study, which covers the industrial and service sectors, is that we also consider jointly the technology level of the sector in which the firm operates and the firm size. The database used is the Technological Innovation Panel, PITEC, which includes 12,813 firms for the year 2008 and has been little used in this type of study. The estimation method used is Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares method, IRLS, which is very useful for obtaining robust estimations in the presence of outliers. The results confirm that innovation has a positive effect on productivity, especially in high-tech and large firms. The impact of externalities is more heterogeneous because, while intrasectoral externalities have a poitive and significant effect, especially in low-tech firms independently of size, intersectoral externalities have a more ambiguous effect, being clearly significant for advanced industries in which size has a positive effect.


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This paper analyzes Spanish infrastructure policy since the early 1700s: Road building in the eighteenth century, railway creation and expansion in the nineteenth, motorway expansion in the twentieth, and high speed rail development in the twenty-first. The analysis reveals a long-term pattern, in which infrastructure policy in Spain has been driven not by the requirements of commerce and economic activity, but rather by the desire to centralize transportation around the country’s political capital.


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Una empresa familiar d’embotits ecològics especialitzada en l’elaboració de xoriç, volampliar la seva producció. Té com apart clau el procés d’estufatge i l’assecament. Aquests processos, que tenen lloc alsassecadors, consisteixen en fer re-circular aire a unes temperatures determinades durant unscerts temps, refredant aquest aire quan surt de la sala per extreure’n part del vapor d’aiguaque conté, i tornant-lo a escalfar per poder absorbir més aigua en tornar entrar a la sala.L’abast d’aquest projecte consisteix en la descripció del funcionament dels assecadors,i la realització de simulacions de flux d’aire i temperatura per tal de poder optimitzar unassecador concret. Dins aquest assecador es faran modificacions com pot ser l’alçada lliure quequeda entre la filera més elevada de xoriç i el sostre o el radi inferior que tenen aquestsaparells per tal d’obtenir una geometria òptima d’una sala d’assecatge. L’estudi que es duu a terme consta del comportament del flux d’aire i del flux detemperatura per tal de poder observar els punts crítics i poder determinar els paràmetres queinflueixen en el seu bon funcionament


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La discriminación de las mujeres rurales y la falta de una aplicación efectiva de la legislación sobre la igualdad de género es un fenómeno extendido alrededor del mundo. Las mujeres han sido tradicionalmente las responsables del cuidado y alimentación familiar, en consecuencia han desarrollado tareas productivas que facilitan la combinación de actividades productivas y reproductivas en la explotación agraria. La transformación alimentaria es una de esas actividades que permite a las mujeres tener un trabajo remunerado o complementar la renta agraria en un contexto dónde la mayoría de los trabajos agrícolas están vetados para ellas. Sin embargo, las mujeres suelen estar vinculadas a proyectos que priorizan la producción local y de calidad, y la expansión de la producción industrial de alimentos ha empeorado la situación de las mujeres artesanas alimentarias. En el presente estudio se pretende, mediante el uso de metodologías cualitativas, abordar un diagnóstico de la situación de las mujeres que llevan a cabo proyectos de transformación alimentaria a pequeña escala en España mostrando sus principales dificultades, necesidades y propuestas.


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This paper examines the direct and indirect impacts of transport infrastructure on industrial employment. We estimate regressions with spatial econometric methods using data from the Spanish regions for the period 1995-2008. We find that the density of motorways and the amount of port traffic (particularly general non-containerized and container traffic) are significant determinants of industrial employment in the region, while the effects of railway density and the amount of airport traffic are unclear. Our empirical analysis shows the existence of significant negative spatial spillovers for the density of motorways and levels of container port traffic while the impact of general non-containerized port traffic seems to be mainly local.


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In many industrial applications, accurate and fast surface reconstruction is essential for quality control. Variation in surface finishing parameters, such as surface roughness, can reflect defects in a manufacturing process, non-optimal product operational efficiency, and reduced life expectancy of the product. This thesis considers reconstruction and analysis of high-frequency variation, that is roughness, on planar surfaces. Standard roughness measures in industry are calculated from surface topography. A fast and non-contact method to obtain surface topography is to apply photometric stereo in the estimation of surface gradients and to reconstruct the surface by integrating the gradient fields. Alternatively, visual methods, such as statistical measures, fractal dimension and distance transforms, can be used to characterize surface roughness directly from gray-scale images. In this thesis, the accuracy of distance transforms, statistical measures, and fractal dimension are evaluated in the estimation of surface roughness from gray-scale images and topographies. The results are contrasted to standard industry roughness measures. In distance transforms, the key idea is that distance values calculated along a highly varying surface are greater than distances calculated along a smoother surface. Statistical measures and fractal dimension are common surface roughness measures. In the experiments, skewness and variance of brightness distribution, fractal dimension, and distance transforms exhibited strong linear correlations to standard industry roughness measures. One of the key strengths of photometric stereo method is the acquisition of higher frequency variation of surfaces. In this thesis, the reconstruction of planar high-frequency varying surfaces is studied in the presence of imaging noise and blur. Two Wiener filterbased methods are proposed of which one is optimal in the sense of surface power spectral density given the spectral properties of the imaging noise and blur. Experiments show that the proposed methods preserve the inherent high-frequency variation in the reconstructed surfaces, whereas traditional reconstruction methods typically handle incorrect measurements by smoothing, which dampens the high-frequency variation.


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During the first decade of this century, Spain experienced the most important economic and housing boom in its recent history. This situation led the lending industry to dramatically expand through the mortgage market. The high competition among lenders caused a dramatic lowering of credit standards. During this period, lenders operating in the Spanish mortgage market artificially inflated appraised home values in order to draw larger mortgages. By doing this, lenders gave financially constrained households access to mortgage credit. In this paper, we analyze this phenomenon for this first time. To do so, we resort to a unique dataset of matched mortgage-dwelling-borrower characteristics covering the period 2004–2010. Our data allow us to construct an unbiased measure of property’s over-appraisal, since transaction prices in our data also includes any potential side payment in the transactions. Our findings indicate that i) in Spain, appraised home values were inflated on average by around 30% with respect to transaction prices; ii) creditconstrained households were more likely to be involved in mortgages with inflated house values; and iii) a regional indicator of competition in the lending market suggests that inflated appraisal values were also more likely to appear in more competitive regional mortgage markets. Keywords: Housing demand, appraisal values, house prices, housing bubble, credit constraints, mortgage market. JEL Classification: R21, R31


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Postprint (published version)


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Redacció del projecte de reforma de l’aparcament subterrani de la seu de Barcelona del’Institut del Teatre i la direcció d’obres


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Breast cancer is the most prevalent neoplasm among women in the majority of countries worldwide. Breast cancer treatment include mastectomy which is associated to strong impact in women. Breast reconstruction is an option for many women to re-establish their body image and also to decrease psychological impact. However, breast reconstruction rates are low and many factors are involved in not undergoing breast reconstruction. Patient involvement in the decision-making process increases breast reconstruction rates and is associated to higher satisfaction and less anxiety and depression symptoms. More physician-patient relation and more education in terms of breast reconstruction are needed to achieve our objective. A new approach of medical care, called Patson Approach, is created in order to meet our goal with more patient involvement, as well as, physician and psychological counsellingObjective: to increase breast reconstruction rates in women who are candidates for breast reconstruction after mastectomy and are included in the Patson Approach compared to women included in the Standard ApproachMethods: the study design will be a randomized, controlled, open-label clinical trial. 62 patients will be recruited during two years and randomly divided in two groups, 31 will be included in the Standard Approach and 31 will be included in the Patson Approach. Preoperative and postoperative appointments are established in order to do a follow-up of the patients and collect all the data


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Remodelació d’un habitatge unifamiliar de dos plantes entre mitgeres a Campdevànol amb l’adequació de les instal•lacions al Codi Tècnic de d’Edificació (CTE). L’estudi incideix especialment en l’estalvi energètic i la millora de l’eficiència energètica


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El projecte Torre Iberdrola s’engloba en les actuacions urbanístiques de Bilbao per a regenerar espais industrials no utilitzats situats al Paseo de la Ribera, la Avenida Abandoibarra i la passarel•la Pedro Arrupe. La Torre Iberdrola, situada a la parcel•la 204 del PERI de Abandoibarra (veure plànol nº2), en el districte de Abando (Bilbao), és un gratacels d’oficines de 41 plantes amb una altura total de 165 metres i una superfície construïda total d’aproximadament 62.100 m2 sobre rasant. A més, l’edifici a construir consta de 5 plantes sota rasant amb una superfície total construïda d’aproximadament 32.100 m2. L’objecte del present projecte és presentar la solució acordada conjuntament entre l’arquitecte Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, les consultories Buro Happold i IDOM, i BELLAPART per a l’execució del revestiment del vestíbul d’entrada de la Torre Iberdrola