989 resultados para Individual Programme
We studied the variation in toxin profiles of purified extracts of 10 individual specimens and two pools of ciguateric Caranx latus. High-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) identified in all individual samples at least seven Caribbean ciguatoxins (C-CTXs) comprising C-CTX-1 and its epimer C-CTX-2 ([M + H](+) m/z 1141.58), and five new C-CTX congeners with pseudo-molecular ions at m/z 1141.58, 1143.60, 1157.57, 1159.58, and 1127.57. In some samples, additional C-CTX isomers were detected with [M + H](+) ions at m/z 1141.58 (two), 1143.60 (one) and 1157.57 (two). The two low-toxic pools contained only four to six ciguatoxins. The comparison in relative proportions of four different mass classes ([M + H](+) at m/z 1141, 1143, 1157 and 1127) showed that the group at m/z 1157 increased (2-20%) with flesh toxicity. More than 80% of group m/z 1141 comprised C-CTX-1, C-CTX-2 and their isomer C-CTX-1 a whose level in this group correlated with fish toxicity. Contrary to low-toxic fishes, high-risk specimens had C-CTX-1 levels
Objective : To report the history of the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children (RAHC) Papua New Guinea (PNG) cardiac surgical programme and describe the selection, preoperative clinical features and postoperative outcome of children with congenital heart disease managed by the programme. Methods : Details for each of the PNG cardiac patients admitted to RAHC following selection by visiting cardiologists between 1978 and 1994 were entered into a database, and analysed and interpreted. Results : A congenital heart defect was confirmed in 165 of the 170 children selected. The male to female ratio was 1:1 and the mean age on admission to RAHC was 5.5 years. Almost all of the children for whom data were available (98%) had a weight for age and 41% had a height for age less than the 3rd centile. One-sixth had delayed milestones. A large number were tachypnoeic, in heart failure, or had pulmonary hypertension on admission. Ventricular septal defect and tetralogy of Fallot were the commonest defects, and lesions such as aortic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta and transposition of the great arteries were absent or rare. Thirty-one (19%) of the children selected initially did not receive surgery because of pulmonary hypertension, or because the lesions did not fall within the programme guidelines for operation. One hundred and twenty-nine children had corrective and four had palliative procedures. Half of the operated children had postoperative complications. Eight children died, all following open-heart procedures, giving a case fatality rate of 6%. Preoperative tachypnoea, hepatomegaly, cardiac failure and pulmonary hypertension were strongly associated with poor outcome. Conclusions : The programme was an arduous exercise for all organizations concerned, but achieved comparatively good short-term outcomes. The experience gained should assist in planning for similar programmes.
The prevalence of people who are overweight or obese is continuing to rise. This is a key risk indicator of preventable morbidity and mortality resulting from many diseases. The increase in the number of obese people is associated with dietary practices and a reduction in physical activity. There is a need to implement strategies for the reduction of obesity in at-risk groups. People with a mental illness are at high risk of many physical illnesses related to behavioural factors, which include poor diet and lack of exercise. Health promotion programmes need to be incorporated into mental-health services to improve the general health and wellbeing of people with a mental illness. An Australian psychiatric rehabilitation service developed and implemented a health promotion programme, NEW Solutions, which aimed to address issues related to weight gain, dietary practice and physical inactivity.
The purpose of this investigation was to assess changes in total energy expenditure (TEE), body weight (BW) and body composition following a peripheral blood stem cell transplant and following participation in a 3-month duration, moderate-intensity, mixed-type exercise programme. The doubly labelled and singly labelled water methods were used to measure TEE and total body water (TBW). Body weight and TBW were then used to calculate percentage body fat (%BF), and fat and fat-free mass (FFM). TEE and body composition measures were assessed pretransplant (PI), immediately post-transplant (PII) and 3 months post-PII (PIII). Following PII, 12 patients were divided equally into a control group (CG) or exercise intervention group (EG). While there was no change in TEE between pre- and post-transplant, BW (P
The main question informing this paper is whether it is possible to extend democracy beyond its liberal forms. The paper reflects upon this question with regard to its implications for the individual. For the radicalization of democracy implies a need for self-transformation, if the everyday egoism of contemporary citizens is not to thwart reasonable discussion and participation. Theorists such as Richard Rorty argue that the philosophical resources required to guide such self-transformation can be made available only by sacrificing the political freedom and cultural diversity liberalism has been able to precariously establish. Other theorists insist that the thresholds of pluralism and tolerance that existing liberal democracies are struggling to maintain actually require an extension of democracy. The paper evaluates two different theoretical strategies that aim to identify potentials for democratization without falling prey to the dilemma identified by Rorty: a ‘ deliberative’ strategy explicated with reference to Jürgen Habermas and an ‘existential’ approach represented here by William Connolly.
O Inmetro desenvolveu e implementou modelo de avalia????o de desempenho individual, instrumento de gest??o capaz de promover nova cultura baseada no m??rito, exig??ncia, motiva????o e reconhecimento. Adota remunera????o vari??vel vinculada ao desempenho, com crit??rios objetivos e regras claras, elaborados a partir de amplo debate com os servidores; a avalia????o ?? realizada por comit??s com maioria dos membros externos ?? institui????o, rompendo com a pr??tica limitada da avalia????o exclusivamente pelas chefias. O ciclo ?? anual e o processo consta basicamente da pactua????o de um plano de trabalho do servidor com sua chefia ao in??cio do ciclo, vinculado ao conjunto de objetivos institucionais. A an??lise, ao final do ciclo, do relat??rio de atividades do servidor e do parecer de sua chefia ?? conduzida pelo Comit?? de Avalia????o. A participa????o dos servidores nos dois primeiros ciclos foi irrestrita, com excelente receptividade, independente dos resultados
Maria Cec??lia, divorciada e com dois filhos, ?? servidora p??blica h?? vinte anos e h?? seis trabalha como coordenadora em um projeto da Secretaria de Educa????o do seu Estado. Com a proposta de se transformar em uma pol??tica p??blica e com um or??amento significativo, o projeto passa por um momento de crise, pois os resultados est??o abaixo do esperado. Maria Cec??lia e outros membros da equipe entram em conflito e divergem quanto aos ajustes que devem ser feitos no plano de trabalho. Nesse contexto, todos, incluindo Maria Cec??lia, encontram-se em um momento de tomada de decis??o
Neste artigo, pretende-se fazer uma abordagem cr??tica da avalia????o de desempenho dirigida aos servidores p??blicos em suas m??ltiplas dimens??es, notadamente a partir da experi??ncia dos Minist??rios da Fazenda e do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o com a implementa????o de sistemas de avalia????o de desempenho individual e institucional vinculados ao pagamento de gratifica????es de desempenho, e ?? tend??ncia ?? generaliza????o desse tipo de vantagem remunerat??ria. Como elemento inovador, recomenda-se analisar a gest??o por compet??ncias associada ?? avalia????o de desempenho, como forma de integrar, de modo mais eficaz e satisfat??rio, o planejamento organizacional ao dia-a-dia da organiza????o e ao desempenho dos servidores. Inicia-se por uma breve descri????o dos sistemas de avalia????o organizacionais que funcionam em conjunto com as avalia????es de desempenho para fins remunerat??rios at?? o momento atual para, em seguida, apresentar um breve hist??rico sobre as avalia????es de desempenho dos servidores atualmente existentes e experi??ncias ainda em fase de consolida????o. Encerra-se apresentando algumas perspectivas para a avalia????o de desempenho no setor p??blico brasileiro.
A Resolu????o n?? 6, de 21 de junho de 2012 estabelece os crit??rios e procedimentos espec??ficos de avalia????o de desempenho individual e institucional e de atribui????o da Gratifica????o de Desempenho do Plano Geral de Cargos do Poder Executivo (GDPGPE).
A Resolu????o n?? 6, de 07 de junho de 2011, estabelece crit??rios e procedimentos de avalia????o de desempenho individual e institucional da Gratifica????o de Desempenho do Plano Geral de Cargos do Poder Executivo ??? GDPGPE, no ??mbito da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica ??? ENAP.