963 resultados para Illinois. Ambient Air Monitoring Section
Na frota automotiva nacional, veículos movidos a diesel e biodiesel são utilizados em larga e pequena escala, respectivamente, fazendo com que haja uma preocupação com os gases da exaustão provenientes destes motores. Ao ser fabricado, o veículo passa por testes rigorosos das emissões gasosas, segundo as regras do PROCONVE. Porém, estes testes regulam apenas as substâncias químicas contidas na legislação vigente, cujos riscos à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente são conhecidos. Portanto, conhecer o maior número de componentes ainda não contemplados pela legislação, em especial metais no material particulado, é de suma importância para subsidiar futuras alterações e inclusões na lista de componentes regulados. De acordo com o tamanho das partículas do material particulado, podendo chegar a escalas nanométricas, a inalação deste material pode causar lesões graves no organismo, pois têm a capacidade de atingir órgãos internos. O estudo é baseado na amostragem do material particulado proveniente dos gases de motores alimentados com diesel e/ou biodiesel em diferentes proporções de combustível e ar ambiente com impactador em cascata; determinando metais e arsênio na atmosfera de diferentes localidades do estado do Rio de Janeiro e no material particulado dos gases de escape de motores de ônibus/caminhão (EURO III), por intermédio de abertura ácida do material coletado e da técnica analítica ICP-OES. Os resultados obtidos para motor EURO III variaram de 100 a 10000 ng m-3, com a redução de emissão conforme adição de biodiesel no diesel sendo comprovada. Porém, em todas as proporções de combustíveis empregadas, houve grande incidência de emissão de partículas em escala manométrica, sendo esse comportamento também observado nas amostragens em ar ambiente. Neste caso, teores de 1,0 a 45,0 ng m-3 evidenciaram Caxias e Madureira como locais mais poluídos dos amostrados. Ni é o metal que possui situação mais alarmante, pois em todos os tamanhos de partícula e locais amostrados, os teores deste elemento foram superiores ao permitido pela legislação internacional. A análise estatística multivariada propôs que os combustíveis B10 e B15 são quimicamente semelhantes, enquanto B5 e B20 sofrem fortes alterações no decorrer de sua combustão e a correlação de Pearson mostrou em ar ambiente, que locais com níveis próximos de poluição apresentaram similaridade nos resultados, a qualidade do ar de Madureira é afetado predominantemente pela construção civil e tráfego, a presença da Baía de Guanabara ao redor da Cidade Universitária influencia nas emissões, a refinaria em Caxias é responsável por emissões importantes de metais e no Parque Nacional de Itatiaia , ao contrário de que se supunha, não está totalmente livre de poluição
Crianças de mães fumantes são mais suscetíveis a se tornarem adultos obesos e se viciarem em drogas ou alimentos palatáveis. Drogas e alimentos ativam a via mesolímbica de recompensa, causando sensação de prazer que induz ainda mais o consumo. Assim, avaliamos a relação entre a exposição apenas à nicotina ou à fumaça do cigarro durante a lactação com a preferência alimentar e sistema dopaminérgico de recompensa cerebral das proles, em dois modelos de programação: Modelo I: no 2o dia pós-natal (PN), lactantes receberam implante de minibombas osmóticas que liberam nicotina (NIC) ou salina (C), durante 14 dias. Em PN150 e novamente em PN160, as proles foram divididas em 4 grupos para um desafio alimentar: N-SC e C-SC que receberam ração padrão; N-SSD e C-SSD que podiam escolher livremente entre as dietas hiperlipídica e hiperglicídica. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada após 12 h. As mães foram sacrificadas apenas na 21 da lactação (desmame) e as proles em PN15 (com nicotina), PN21 e PN170 (ausência da NIC). Ao desmame, as ratas lactantes NIC apresentaram menor conteúdo de tirosina hidroxilase (TH), maior OBRb e SOCS3 na area tegmentar ventral (VTA); menor TH, maior receptor de dopamina 1 (D1R), receptor de dopamina 2 (D2R) e transportador de dopamina (DAT) no núcleo accumbens (NAc); maior conteúdo de TH no estriado dorsal (DS); e maior D2R e SOCS3 no núcleo arqueado (ARC). Em PN15, os filhotes NIC apresentaram maior conteúdo de D1R, D2R e menor DAT no NAc, enquanto em PN21, apresentaram apenas menor DAT no DS, e menor conteúdo de pSTAT3 em ARC. Aos 170 dias, as proles SSD demonstraram maior preferência para a ração hiperlipídica. No entanto, os animais N-SSD consumiram mais ração hiperglicidica do que as proles C-SSD. A prole N apresentou menor conteúdo de D2R e DAT no NAc e menor D2R no ARC. Modelo II: as mães e suas proles foram divididas em: expostos à fumaça do cigarro (grupo S: 4 vezes / dia, do 3 ao 21 dia de lactação), e expostos ao ar filtrado (grupo C). Em PN175, as proles foram divididas em 4 grupos para o desafio alimentar S-SC, C-SC, S-SSD e C-SSD. A ingestão alimentar foi avaliada após 30 min e 12 h. Em PN180, as proles foram sacrificadas. O grupo S-SSD ingeriu mais das rações palatáveis do que o grupo C-SSD em 30 min e 12 h. Ambos os grupos preferiram a ração hiperlipídica. No entanto, os animais S-SSD consumiram mais ração hiperlipídica do que C-SSD em 30 min. A prole S apresentou menor conteúdo de TH no VTA, menor conteúdo de TH, D2R e maior conteúdo de D1R no NAc e menor OBRb no ARC. Demonstramos que tanto a nicotina isolada como a exposição à fumaça do cigarro durante a lactação resultaram em mudanças no sistema dopaminérgico das proles, programando o comportamento alimentar devido à diminuição da dopamina no NAc.
The present paper explores the influence of room geometry on the overturning of smoke owing to a centrally located floor fire, and examines the implications on smoke filling times. The focus is on presenting practical design guidelines based on the theoretical predictions of the model of Kaye and Hunt. An engineering platform is developed for the prediction of smoke filling times, and a rational basis is provided by way of which smoke behaviour can be specified for simple room designs. The time taken for smoke to fill a room to a given height is critically affected by the room aspect ratio and the characteristic size of the buoyancy source. At large times, taller (small aspect ratio) rooms are shown to fill with smoke at a faster rate than wide (large aspect ratio) rooms owing to large-scale overturning and engulfing of ambient air during the initial transients. Larger area sources of buoyancy also decrease significantly the smoke filling times, with important implications for fire and smoke safety design. Simplified design curves incorporating the main findings have been developed for use as a tool by practising fire-safety engineers.
Complementary in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffractometry, and environmental scanning electron microscopy are used to fingerprint the entire graphene chemical vapor deposition process on technologically important polycrystalline Cu catalysts to address the current lack of understanding of the underlying fundamental growth mechanisms and catalyst interactions. Graphene forms directly on metallic Cu during the high-temperature hydrocarbon exposure, whereby an upshift in the binding energies of the corresponding C1s XPS core level signatures is indicative of coupling between the Cu catalyst and the growing graphene. Minor carbon uptake into Cu can under certain conditions manifest itself as carbon precipitation upon cooling. Postgrowth, ambient air exposure even at room temperature decouples the graphene from Cu by (reversible) oxygen intercalation. The importance of these dynamic interactions is discussed for graphene growth, processing, and device integration.
A high-CO2-requiring mutant of Synechococcus sp. PCC7942 las been isolated after chemical mutagenesis of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS). It was able to grow at 4% CO2, but not under ambient CO2. The initial screening of the mutant showed that the genetic reversion rate was about 10(-7) and death occurred 2 -3 days after being transferred from 4% CO2 to the ambient air. Its photosynthetic dependence on external dissolved inorganic carbon was higher than that of the wild type cells, but its carbonic anhydrase activity was comparatively low. In the ultrastructural level, various types of aberrant carboxysomes appeared in the mutant cells: rod-shaped carboxysomes, irregular carboxysomes and the "empty-inclusion carboxysomes" with increasing number of glycogen granules surrounding the thylakoids. All these alterations indicated that the mutant was defective in utilizing the external CO2. The induction of carboxysomes by lower levels of CO2 and the biogenesis of carboxysomes are herein discussed.
In this study we report on surface crystallization phenomena and propose a solution for the fabrication of long and robust tellurite glass fibers. The bulk tellurite glasses of interest were prepared by melting and quenching techniques. Tellurite glass preforms and fibers were fabricated by suction casting and rod-in-tube drawing methods, respectively. The surfaces of the tellurite bulk glass samples and of the drawn fibers prepared under different controlled atmospheres were examined by X-ray diffraction. When the tellurite glass fibers were drawn in ambient air containing water vapor, four primary kinds of small crystals were found to appear on the fiber surface, alpha-TeO(2), gamma-TeO(2), Zn(2)Te(3)O(8) and Na(2)Zn(3)(CO(3))(4)center dot 3H(2)O. A mechanism for this surface crystallization is proposed and a solution described, using an ultra-dry oxygen gas atmosphere to effectively prevent surface crystallization during fiber drawing. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The luminescence properties of CaBPO5: Eu, Tb phosphor and the sensitization of Ce3+ were investigated. The CaBPO5: Eu, Tb phosphors were synthesized in the ambient air and the emission spectra of Eu3+, Tb3+ and Eu2+ were Observed in the phosphor. The result shows that there is electron transfer between conjugate rare earth ions. Sensitization of Ce3+ can improve the intensity of emission of Tb3+ and Eu2+. A novel trichromatic lamp phosphor codoped with Eu3+-Tb3+ in matrix CaBPO5 is then predicted.
汞是一种有毒的人体非必需重金属元素,是一种全球性污染物。大气在全球汞生物地球化学循环中占极其重要的地位,20世纪80年代末和90年代初,在没有人为和自然汞污染源的北欧和北美偏远地区的大片湖泊中发现的鱼体高甲基汞负荷就是由人为排放的汞通过大气长距离迁移后的沉降造成的。我国被认为是全球汞排放最多的国家,大量的汞排放到大气中势必会造成不同形态大气汞浓度以及大气汞沉降通量的升高,然而就目前而言,国内关于长时间分辨率的大气汞分布规律及汞沉降通量的系统研究还比较缺乏。 2005年5月到2007年5月,采用高时间分辨率大气自动测汞仪、镀KCl石英扩散管和颗粒汞微型捕汞管对贡嘎山地区大气中的气态总汞(TGM)、活性气态汞(RGM)和颗粒汞(TPM)进行了为期2年的系统监测;同时,系统的采集分析了贡嘎山地区的大气降水、植物叶片和河流水体样品,对大气汞的干、湿沉降进行了研究,并初步探讨了贡嘎山地区汞的输入和输出。主要得到以下结论: (1) 贡嘎山大气本底站两年的大气气态总汞的几何平均浓度为3.94±1.16 ng m-3,显著高于欧洲和北美同类型地区的大气气态总汞浓度,但和亚洲一些同类型地区的监测结果较为一致;和国内城市等受人为污染区域的大气气态总汞浓度相比,贡嘎山的浓度明显偏低,但略高于长白山大气本底站的气态总汞年均浓度。以上说明,贡嘎山地区的监测结果基本上反映了亚洲特别是我国西南偏远地区的大气汞的含量水平,说明我国人为活动的汞排放,已经造成了一定程度的大气汞污染。 (2) 活性气态汞和颗粒汞表现出和气态总汞不一致的分布特征,贡嘎山地区的活性气态汞平均浓度为6.2±3.9 pg m-3,颗粒汞的平均浓度为30.7±32.1 pg m-3,分别占到大气总汞的0.2%和0.8%,和国外偏远地区的研究结果一致。而活性气态汞和颗粒汞较高的沉降速率和较短的大气迁移距离是导致活性气态汞和颗粒汞偏低的主要原因。 (3) 贡嘎山不同功能区(特别是取暖季节)的大气气态总汞浓度明显高于全球背景区的平均浓度,且具有显著的空间分布特征:城区(8.63~22.5 ng m-3)>乡镇(4.74 ng m-3)>村落(2.55~8.83 ng m-3)>区域参照点(1.65~3.57 ng m-3)。 (4) 西南地区较高的汞释放背景是贡嘎山地区大气气态总汞偏高的一个重要原因;另外,石棉地区的金属冶炼活动、城市等人口集中地区的汞释放是造成该地区大气气态总汞浓度升高的区域性污染源。 (5) 气态总汞和颗粒汞表现出冬季>秋季>春季>夏季的季节性分布规律,而活性气态汞的季节性分布规律为春季>秋季>夏季>冬季。影响气态总汞和颗粒汞季节性变化的因素有释放源强度、气象条件(特别是风向)、光化学反应和干沉降速率的季节性变化;而活性气态汞的季节性变化则可能与大气光化学反应速率以及湿沉降的季节性变化有关。 (6) 贡嘎山地区海拔1600米和3000米空旷处的大气降水的湿沉降通量分别为9.1和26.1 μg m-2 yr-1,而森林地区的湿沉降通量可达57.0 μg m-2 yr-1;贡嘎山地区大气汞的干沉降通量51.9 μg m-2 yr-1,其中约15.9 μg m-2 yr-1(31 %)来自于植物落叶的沉降。 (7) 贡嘎山地区是大气汞的汇,仅泸定县的年均大气汞净沉降量就达142 kg yr-1,且绝大部分(>95%)进入了森林生态系统,而非森林地区的大气汞输入和输出则基本平衡。
A new principle of sampling aerosol particles by means of steam injection with the consequent collection of grown droplets has been established. An air stream free of water-soluble gases is rapidly mixed with steam. The resulting supersaturation causes aerosol particles to grow into droplets. The droplets containing dissolved aerosol species are then collected by two cyclones in series. The solution collected in the cyclones is constantly pumped out and can be on- or off-line analysed by means of ion chromatography or flow injection analysis. On the basis of the new sampling principle a prototype of an aerosol sampler was designed which is capable of sampling particles quantitatively down to several nanometres in diameter. The mass sampling efficiency of the instrument was found to be 99\%. The detection limit of the sampler for ammonium, sulphate, nitrate and chloride ions is below 0.7 mu g m(-3). By reduction of an already identified source of contamination, much lower detection limits can be achieved. During measurements the sampler proved to be stable, working without any assistance for extended periods of time. Comparison of the sampler with filter packs during measurements of ambient air aerosols showed that the sampler gives good results.
A pre-concentration system has been validated for use with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC/MS/IRMS) to determine ambient air 13C/12C ratios for methyl halides (MeCl and MeBr) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The isotopic composition of specific compounds can provide useful information on their atmospheric budgets and biogeochemistry that cannot be ascertained from abundance measurements alone. Although pre-concentration systems have been previously used with a GC/MS/IRMS for atmospheric trace gas analysis, this is the first study also to report system validation tests. Validation results indicate that the pre-concentration system and subsequent separation technologies do not significantly alter the stable isotopic ratios of the target methyl halides, CFC-12 (CCl2F2) and CFC-113 (C2Cl3F3). Significant, but consistent, isotopic shifts of -27.5 to -25.6 do occur within the system for CFC-11 (CCl3F), although the shift is correctible. The method presented has the capacity to separate these target halocarbons from more than 50 other compounds in ambient air samples. Separation allows for the determination of stable carbon isotope ratios of five of these six target trace atmospheric constituents within ambient air for large volume samples (10 L). Representative urban air analyses from Belfast City are also presented which give carbon isotope results similar to published values for 13C/12C analysis of MeCl (-39.1) and CFC-113 (-28.1). However, this is the first paper reporting stable carbon isotope signatures for CFC-11 (-29.4) and CFC-12 (-37.0).
An effective ellipsometric technique to determine parameters that characterize second-harmonic optical and magneto-optical effects in centrosymmetric media within the electric-dipole approximation is proposed and outlined in detail. The parameters, which are ratios of components of the nonlinear-surface-susceptibility tensors, are obtained from experimental data related to the state of polarization of the second-harmonic-generated radiation as a function of the angle between the plane of incidence and the polarization plane of the incident, linearly polarized, fundamental radiation. Experimental details of the technique are described. A corresponding theoretical model is given as an example for a single isotropic surface assuming polycrystalline samples. The surfaces of air-Au and air-Ni (in magnetized and demagnetized states) have been investigated ex situ in ambient air, and the results are presented. A nonlinear, least-squares-minimization fitting procedure between experimental data and theoretical formulas has been shown to yield realistic, unambiguous results for the ratios corresponding to each of the above materials. Independent methods for verifying the validity of the fitting parameters are also presented. The influence of temporal variations at the surfaces on the state of polarization (due to adsorption, contamination, or oxidation) is also illustrated for the demagnetized air-Ni surface. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America
Carbon stable isotope ((13)C) fractionation in chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds arising from abiotic (chemical) degradation using zero-valent iron (ZVI) and biotic (landfill gas attenuation) processes is investigated. Batch tests (at 25 °C) for CFC-113 and CFC-11 using ZVI show quantitative degradation of CFC-113 to HCFC-123a and CFC-1113 following pseudo-first-order kinetics corresponding to a half-life (t(1/2)) of 20.5 h, and a ZVI surface-area normalized rate constant (k(SA)) of -(9.8 ± 0.5) × 10(-5) L m(-2) h(-1). CFC-11 degraded to trace HCFC-21 and HCFC-31 following pseudo-first-order kinetics corresponding to t(1/2) = 17.3 h and k(SA) = -(1.2 ± 0.5) × 10(-4) L m(-2) h(-1). Significant kinetic isotope effects of e(‰) = -5.0 ± 0.3 (CFC-113) and -17.8 ± 4.8 (CFC-11) were observed. Compound-specific carbon isotope analyses also have been used here to characterize source signatures of CFC gases (HCFC-22, CFC-12, HFC-134a, HCFC-142b, CFC-114, CFC-11, CFC-113) for urban (UAA), rural/remote (RAA), and landfill (LAA) ambient air samples, as well as in situ surface flux chamber (FLUX; NO FLUX) and landfill gas (LFG) samples at the Dargan Road site, Northern Ireland. The latter values reflect biotic degradation and isotopic fractionation in LFG production, and local atmospheric impact of landfill emissions through the cover. Isotopic fractionations of ?(13)C ~ -13‰ (HCFC-22), ?(13)C ~ -35‰ (CFC-12) and ?(13)C ~ -15‰ (CFC-11) were observed for LFG in comparison to characteristic solvent source signatures, with the magnitude of the isotopic effect for CFC-11 apparently similar to the kinetic isotope effect for (abiotic) ZVI degradation.
It has long been accepted that thermal and moisture regimes within stonework exert a major influence upon patterns of salt movement and, subsequently, the type and severity of salt-induced decay. For example, it is suggested that slow drying is more likely to bring dissolved salts to the surface, whereas rapid drying could result in the retention of some salt at or near the frequent wetting depth. In reality however, patterns of heating, cooling and surface wetting regimes that drive them – are complex and inconsistent responses to a wide range of environmental controls. As a first step to understanding the complexity of these relationships, this paper reports a series of experiments within a climatic cabinet designed to replicate the effects of short-term temperature fluctuations on the surface and sub-surface temperature regimes of a porous Jurassic limestone, and how they are influenced by surface wetting, ambient temperature and surface airflow. Preliminary results confirm the significance of very steep temperature/stress gradients within the outer centimetre or less of exposed stone under short-duration cycles of heating and cooling. This is important because this is the zone in which many stone decay processes, particularly salt weathering, operate, these processes invariably respond to temperature and moisture fluctuations, and short-term interruptions to insolation could, for example,
trigger these fluctuations on numerous occasions over a day. The data also indicate that there are complex patterns of temperature reversal with depth that are influenced in their intensity and location by surface wetting and moisture penetration, airflow across the surface and ambient air temperature. The presence of multiple temperature reversals and their variation over the course of heating and cooling phases belies previous assumtions of smooth, exponential increases and decreases in subsurface temperatures in response, for example to diurnal patterns of heating and cooling
Data on rock temperatures has previously been collected to characterise typical diurnal regimes, and more recently to describe short-term variability in extreme locations. However, there is also the case that little is understood concerning the impact of extreme events in otherwise temperate environments. Internal stone temperatures (5?cm) collected during the atypical cold extreme experienced, throughout the UK, in December 2010 show a difference between ambient air temperatures and aspect-related thermal differences, particularly concerning temperature lows and the influence of radiative heating. In this case, debris release was not visible; however, laboratory simulations have shown that under such conditions, surface loss does not necessarily negate the occurrence of internal stone modifications. This preparatory sequence of change demonstrates that surface loss is not the result of one process, but rather many operating over time to sufficiently decrease stone strength to facilitate obvious damage.