927 resultados para ISSR molecular markers
During the last 10 years several molecular markers have been established as useful tools among the armamentarium of a hematologist. As a consequence, the number of performed hematologic molecular analyses has immensely increased. Often, such tests replace or complement other laboratory methods. Molecular markers can be useful in many ways: they can serve for diagnostics, describe the prognostic profile, predict which types of drugs are indicated, and can be used for the therapeutic monitoring of the patient to indicate an adequate response or predict resistance or relapse of the disease. Many markers fulfill more than one of these aspects. Most important, however, is the right choice of analyses at the right time-points!
BACKGROUND Low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are rare brain neoplasms, with survival spanning up to a few decades. Thus, accurate evaluations on how biomarkers impact survival among patients with LGG require long-term studies on samples prospectively collected over a long period. METHODS The 210 adult LGGs collected in our databank were screened for IDH1 and IDH2 mutations (IDHmut), MGMT gene promoter methylation (MGMTmet), 1p/19q loss of heterozygosity (1p19qloh), and nuclear TP53 immunopositivity (TP53pos). Multivariate survival analyses with multiple imputation of missing data were performed using either histopathology or molecular markers. Both models were compared using Akaike's information criterion (AIC). The molecular model was reduced by stepwise model selection to filter out the most critical predictors. A third model was generated to assess for various marker combinations. RESULTS Molecular parameters were better survival predictors than histology (ΔAIC = 12.5, P< .001). Forty-five percent of studied patients died. MGMTmet was positively associated with IDHmut (P< .001). In the molecular model with marker combinations, IDHmut/MGMTmet combined status had a favorable impact on overall survival, compared with IDHwt (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.33, P< .01), and even more so the triple combination, IDHmut/MGMTmet/1p19qloh (HR = 0.18, P< .001). Furthermore, IDHmut/MGMTmet/TP53pos triple combination was a significant risk factor for malignant transformation (HR = 2.75, P< .05). CONCLUSION By integrating networks of activated molecular glioma pathways, the model based on genotype better predicts prognosis than histology and, therefore, provides a more reliable tool for standardizing future treatment strategies.
Molecular data are now widely used in epidemiological studies to investigate the transmission, distribution, biology, and diversity of pathogens. Our objective was to establish recommendations to support good scientific reporting of molecular epidemiological studies to encourage authors to consider specific threats to valid inference. The statement Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (STROME-ID) builds upon the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) initiative. The STROME-ID statement was developed by a working group of epidemiologists, statisticians, bioinformaticians, virologists, and microbiologists with expertise in control of infection and communicable diseases. The statement focuses on issues relating to the reporting of epidemiological studies of infectious diseases using molecular data that were not addressed by STROBE. STROME-ID addresses terminology, measures of genetic diversity within pathogen populations, laboratory methods, sample collection, use of molecular markers, molecular clocks, timeframe, multiple-strain infections, non-independence of infectious-disease data, missing data, ascertainment bias, consistency between molecular and epidemiological data, and ethical considerations with respect to infectious-disease research. In total, 20 items were added to the 22 item STROBE checklist. When used, the STROME-ID recommendations should advance the quality and transparency of scientific reporting, with clear benefits for evidence reviews and health-policy decision making.
La zanahoria es una planta bienal de estación fría que requiere de un período de vernalización para florecer. Sin embargo, algunos cultivares adaptados a zonas más cálidas requieren de menor vernalización y son clasificados como anuales o de floración temprana. El objetivo de esta tesis fue determinar la base genética e identificar los genes y/o regiones cromosómicas involucradas en los requerimientos de vernalización en la zanahoria. Para ello fueron evaluadas a campo familias segregantes F1, F2, F3, RC1 y RC2 obtenidas a partir de un cruzamiento entre una planta anual y una bienal. En base a los patrones de segregación observados se concluyó que la anualidad, o bajos requerimientos de vernalización, estaría determinada por un gen simple dominante. Al evaluar introducciones de zanahoria anuales y bienales de diversos orígenes geográficos y sus cruzamientos, se volvió a observar la total dominancia de la anualidad y se encontró variabilidad en el ciclo entre materiales anuales y entre materiales bienales. Utilizando un método molecular que se basa en similitud completa (BLAST), no se encontró en el genoma de la zanahoria secuencias homólogas al gen FLC, el cual juega un rol central en la respuesta a la vernalización en Arabidopsis y otras especies como las Brassicas. Mediante la técnica de mapeo se encontró una región cromosómica ligada a la respuesta a la vernalización en zanahoria. La misma se localizó en un grupo de ligamiento con 78 marcadores moleculares a una distancia de 0,69 cM y de 0,79 cM de los marcadores más cercanos. Este mapa servirá como base para el desarrollo de marcadores moleculares ligados al carácter y en un futuro para el mapeo físico y secuenciación de la región de interés utilizando una librería génica de BACs de zanahoria.
El trigo blando (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L., AABBDD, 2n=6x=42) presenta propiedades viscoélasticas únicas debidas a la presencia en la harina de las prolaminas: gluteninas y gliadinas. Ambos tipos de proteínas forman parte de la red de gluten. Basándose en la movilidad en SDS-PAGE, las gluteninas se clasifican en dos grupos: gluteninas de alto peso molecular (HMW-GS) y gluteninas de bajo peso molecular (LMW-GS). Los genes que codifican para las HMW-GS se encuentran en tres loci del grupo 1 de cromosomas: Glu-A1, Glu-B1 y Glu-D1. Cada locus codifica para uno o dos polipéptidos o subunidades. La variación alélica de las HMW-GS es el principal determinante de de la calidad harino-panadera y ha sido ampliamente estudiado tanto a nivel de proteína como de ADN. El conocimiento de estas proteínas ha contribuido sustancialmente al progreso de los programas de mejora para la calidad del trigo. Comparadas con las HMW-GS, las LMW-GS forman una familia proteica mucho más compleja. La mayoría de los genes LMW se localizan en el grupo 1 de cromosomas en tres loci: Glu-A3, Glu-B3 y Glu-D3 que se encuentran estrechamente ligados a los loci que codifican para gliadinas. El número de copias de estos genes ha sido estimado entre 10-40 en trigo hexaploide, pero el número exacto aún se desconoce debido a la ausencia de un método eficiente para diferenciar los miembros de esta familia multigénica. La nomenclatura de los alelos LMW-GS por electroforesis convencional es complicada, y diferentes autores asignan distintos alelos a la misma variedad lo que dificulta aún más el estudio de esta compleja familia. El uso de marcadores moleculares para la discriminación de genes LMW, aunque es una tarea dificil, puede ser muy útil para los programas de mejora. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido profundizar en la relación entre las gluteninas y la calidad panadera y desarrollar marcadores moleculares que permitan ayudar en la correcta clasificación de HMW-GS y LMW-GS. Se han obtenido dos poblaciones de líneas avanzadas F4:6 a partir de los cruzamientos entre las variedades ‘Tigre’ x ‘Gazul’ y ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’, seleccionándose para los análisis de calidad las líneas homogéneas para HMW-GS, LMW-GS y gliadinas. La determinación alélica de HMW-GS se llevó a cabo por SDS-PAGE, y se complementó con análisis moleculares, desarrollándose un nuevo marcador de PCR para diferenciar entre las subunidades Bx7 y Bx7*del locus Glu-B1. Resumen 2 La determinación alélica para LMW-GS se llevó a cabo mediante SDS-PAGE siguiendo distintas nomenclaturas y utilizando variedades testigo para cada alelo. El resultado no fue concluyente para el locus Glu-B3, así que se recurrió a marcadores moleculares. El ADN de los parentales y de los testigos se amplificó usando cebadores diseñados en regiones conservadas de los genes LMW y fue posteriormente analizado mediante electroforesis capilar. Los patrones de amplificación obtenidos fueron comparados entre las distintas muestras y permitieron establecer una relación con los alelos de LMW-GS. Con este método se pudo aclarar la determinación alélica de este locus para los cuatro parentales La calidad de la harina fue testada mediante porcentaje de contenido en proteína, prueba de sedimentación (SDSS) y alveógrafo de Chopin (parámetros P, L, P/L y W). Los valores fueron analizados en relación a la composición en gluteninas. Las líneas del cruzamiento ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’ mostraron una clara influencia del locus Glu-A3 en la variación de los valores de SDSS. Las líneas que llevaban el nuevo alelo Glu-A3b’ presentaron valores significativamente mayores que los de las líneas con el alelo Glu-A3f. En las líneas procedentes del cruzamiento ‘Tigre ’x ‘Gazul’, los loci Glu-B1 y Glu-B3 loci mostraron ambos influencia en los parámetros de calidad. Los resultados indicaron que: para los valores de SDSS y P, las líneas con las HMW-GS Bx7OE+By8 fueron significativamente mejores que las líneas con Bx17+By18; y las líneas que llevaban el alelo Glu-B3ac presentaban valores de P significativamente superiores que las líneas con el alelo Glu-B3ad y significativamente menores para los valores de L . El análisis de los valores de calidad en relación a los fragmentos LMW amplificados, reveló un efecto significativo entre dos fragmentos (2-616 y 2-636) con los valores de P. La presencia del fragmento 2-636 estaba asociada a valores de P mayores. Estos fragmentos fueron clonados y secuenciados, confirmándose que correspondían a genes del locus Glu-B3. El estudio de la secuencia reveló que la diferencia entre ambos se hallaba en algunos SNPs y en una deleción de 21 nucleótidos que en la proteína correspondería a un InDel de un heptapéptido en la región repetida de la proteína. En este trabajo, la utilización de líneas que difieren en el locus Glu-B3 ha permitido el análisis de la influencia de este locus (el peor caracterizado hasta la fecha) en la calidad panadera. Además, se ha validado el uso de marcadores moleculares en la determinación alélica de las LMW-GS y su relación con la calidad panadera. Summary 3 Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L., AABBDD, 2n=6x=42) flour has unique dough viscoelastic properties conferred by prolamins: glutenins and gliadins. Both types of proteins are cross-linked to form gluten polymers. On the basis of their mobility in SDS-PAGE, glutenins can be classified in two groups: high molecular weight glutenins (HMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenins (LMW-GS). Genes encoding HMW-GS are located on group 1 chromosomes in three loci: Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, each one encoding two polypeptides, named subunits. Allelic variation of HMW-GS is the most important determinant for bread making quality, and has been exhaustively studied at protein and DNA level. The knowledge of these proteins has substantially contributed to genetic improvement of bread quality in breeding programs. Compared to HMW-GS, LMW-GS are a much more complex family. Most genes encoded LMW-GS are located on group 1 chromosomes. Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 loci are closely linked to the gliadin loci. The total gene copy number has been estimated to vary from 10–40 in hexaploid wheat. However, the exact copy number of LMW-GS genes is still unknown, mostly due to lack of efficient methods to distinguish members of this multigene family. Nomenclature of LMW-GS alleles is also unclear, and different authors can assign different alleles to the same variety increasing confusion in the study of this complex family. The use of molecular markers for the discrimination of LMW-GS genes might be very useful in breeding programs, but their wide application is not easy. The objective of this work is to gain insight into the relationship between glutenins and bread quality, and the developing of molecular markers that help in the allele classification of HMW-GS and LMW-GS. Two populations of advanced lines F4:6 were obtained from the cross ‘Tigre’ x ‘Gazul’ and ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’. Lines homogeneous for HMW-GS, LMW-GS and gliadins pattern were selected for quality analysis. The allele classification of HMW-GS was performed by SDS-PAGE, and then complemented by PCR analysis. A new PCR marker was developed to undoubtedly differentiate between two similar subunits from Glu-B1 locus, Bx7 and Bx7*. The allele classification of LMW-GS was initially performed by SDS-PAGE following different established nomenclatures and using standard varieties. The results were not completely concluding for Glu-B3 locus, so a molecular marker system was applied. DNA from parental lines and standard varieties was amplified using primers designed in conserved domains of LMW genes and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. The pattern of amplification products obtained was compared among samples and related to the protein allele classification. It was possible to establish a correspondence between specific amplification products and almost all LMW alleles analyzed. With this method, the allele classification of the four parental lines was clarified. Flour quality of F4:6 advanced lines were tested by protein content, sedimentation test (SDSS) and alveograph (P, L, P/L and W). The values were analyzed in relation to the lines prolamin composition. In the ‘Fiel’ x ‘Taber’ population, Glu-A3 locus showed an influence in SDSS values. Lines carrying new allele Glu-A3b’, presented a significantly higher SDSS value than lines with Glu-A3f allele. In the ‘Tigre ’x ‘Gazul’ population, the Glu-B1 and Glu-B3 loci also showed an effect in quality parameters, in SDSS, and P and L values. Results indicated that: for SDSS and P, lines with Bx7OE+By8 were significantly better than lines with Bx17+By18; lines carrying Glu-B3ac allele had a significantly higher P values than Glu-B3ad allele values. lines with and lower L The analysis of quality parameters and amplified LMW fragments revealed a significant influence of two peaks (2-616 y 2-636) in P values. The presence of 2-636 peak gave higher P values than 2-616. These fragments had been cloned and sequenced and identified as Glu-B3 genes. The sequence analysis revealed that the molecular difference between them was some SNPs and a small deletion of 21 nucleotides that in the protein would produce an InDel of a heptapeptide in the repetitive region. In this work, the analysis of two crosses with differences in Glu-3 composition has made possible to study the influence of LMG-GS in quality parameters. Specifically, the influence of Glu-B3, the most interesting and less studied loci has been possible. The results have shown that Glu-B3 allele composition influences the alveograph parameter P (tenacity). The existence of different molecular variants of Glu-B3 alleles have been assessed by using a molecular marker method. This work supports the use of molecular approaches in the study of the very complex LMW-GS family, and validates their application in the analysis of advanced recombinant lines for quality studies.
Bread wheat quality constitutes a key trait for the demands of the baking industry as well as the broad consumer preferences. The role of the low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) with regard to bread quality is so far not well understood owing to their genetic complexity and to the use of different nomenclatures and standards for the LMW-GS assignment by different research groups, which has made difficult the undertaking of association studies between genotypes and bread quality. The development of molecular markers to carry out genetic characterization and allele determination is demanding. Nowadays, the most promising LMW gene marker system is based on PCR and high resolution capillary electrophoresis for the simultaneous analysis of the complete multigene family. The molecular analysis of the bread wheat Glu-B3 locus in F2 and F4:6 populations expressed the expected one-locus Mendelian segregation pattern, thus validating the suitability of this marker system for the characterization of LMW-GS genes in segregating populations, allowing for the successful undertaking of studies related to bread-making quality. Moreover, the Glu-B3 allele characterization of standard cultivars with the molecular marker system has revealed its potential as a complementary tool for the allelic determination of this complex multigene family.
DNA of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), the causal agent of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane, was detected in the fibrovascular fluid of sugarcane plants using random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR-based amplification using two 10-mer oligonucleotide primers. The primers OPC-02 and OPC-11 produced Lxx-specific markers of approximately 800 bp and 1000 bp, respectively. A cloned DNA fragment from the 800 bp PCR product (pSKC2-800) hybridised to a single genomic DNA fragment from Lxx when used as a probe in Southern hybridisation. This cloned fragment did not hybridise to L. xyli subsp. cynodontis (Lxc), or L. xyli-like bacteria isolated from grasses in Australia, indicating the usefulness of this DNA fragment as a specific probe for Lxx. A cloned fragment from the 1000 bp PCR product ( pSKC11-1000) hybridised to three genomic fragments in Lxx isolates, one genomic fragment in two of the four isolates of L. xyli-like bacteria, and in two of the four isolates of Lxc isolated from the USA. These results indicate that L. xyli-like bacteria are more likely to be related to Lxc than Lxx. These probes did not hybridise to the DNA from strains of the species of Clavibacter, Rathayibacter, Acidovorax, Ralstonia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas tested. Two oligonucleotide primers (21-mer) designed from the pSKC2-800 sequences specifically amplified template DNA from Lxx and detected as few as 5 x 10(4) cells/mL in fibrovascular fluid from sugarcane plants infected with Lxx.
Of all human cancers, HNSCC is the most distressing affecting pain, disfigurement, speech and the basic survival functions of breathing and swallowing. Mortality rates have not significantly changed in the last 40 years despite advances in radiotherapy and surgical treatment. Molecular markers are currently being identified that can determine prognosis preoperatively by routine tumour biopsy Leading to improved management of HNSCC patients. The approach could help decide which early stage patient should have adjuvant neck dissection and radiotherapy, and whether Later stage patients with operable lesions would benefit from resection and reconstructive surgery or adopt a conservative approach to patients with poor prognosis regardless of treatment. In the future, understanding these basic genetic changes in HNSCC would be important for the management of HNSCC. (C) 2004 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two important factors influencing sugar yield, the primary focus of sugarcane plant breeding programs, are stalk number and suckering. Molecular markers linked to both of these traits are sought to assist in the identification of high sugar yield, high stalk number, low-suckering sugarcane clones. In this preliminary mapping study, 108 progeny from a biparental cross involving two elite Australian sugarcane clones were evaluated at two sites for two years for both stalk number and suckering. A total of 258 DNA markers, including both restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and radio-labelled amplified fragments (RAFs), were scored and evaluated using single-factor analysis. Sixteen (7 RFLPs and 9 RAFs) and 14 (6 RFLPs and 8 RAFs) markers were identified that were significantly associated (P < 0.01) with stalk number and suckering, respectively, across both years and sites. The seven and six RFLP markers associated with stalk number and suckering, respectively, were generated by eight different RFLP probes, of which seven had been mapped in sorghum and (or) sugarcane. Of significant interest was the observation that all seven RFLP probes could be shown to be located within or near QTLs associated with tillering and rhizomatousness in sorghum. This observation highlights the usefulness of comparative mapping between sorghum and sugarcane and suggests that the identification of useful markers for stalk number and suckering in sugarcane would be facilitated by focussing on sorghum QTLs associated with related traits.
Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora medicaginis, is a major limitation to lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) production in Australia and North America. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) involved in resistance to P. medicaginis were identified in a lucerne backcross population of 120 individuals. A genetic linkage map was constructed for tetraploid lucerne using 50 RAPD ( randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), 104 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers, and one SSR ( simple sequence repeat or microsatellite) marker, which originated from the resistant parent (W116); 13 markers remain unlinked. The linkage map contains 18 linkage groups covering 2136.5 cM, with an average distance of 15.0 cM between markers. Four of the linkage groups contained only either 2 or 3 markers. Using duplex markers and repulsion phase linkages the map condensed to 7 homology groups and 2 unassigned linkage groups. Three regions located on linkage groups 2, 14, and 18, were identified as associated with root reaction and the QTLs explained 6 - 15% of the phenotypic variation. The research also indicates that different resistance QTLs are involved in conferring resistance in different organs. Two QTLs were identified as associated with disease resistance expressed after inoculation of detached leaves. The marker, W11-2 on group 18, identified as associated with root reaction, contributed 7% of the phenotypic variation in leaf response in our population. This marker appears to be linked to a QTL encoding a resistance factor contributing to both root and leaf reaction. One other QTL, not identified as associated with root reaction, was positioned on group 1 and contributed to 6% of the variation. This genetic linkage map provides an entry point for future molecular-based improvement of lucerne in Australia, and markers linked to the QTLs we have reported should be useful for marker-assisted selection for partial resistance to P. medicaginis in lucerne.
Despite the importance of peritubular myoid (PM) cells in the histogenesis of the fetal testis, understanding the origin and function of these cells has been hampered by the lack of suitable markers. The current study was aimed at identifying molecular markers for PM cells during the early stages of testis development in the mouse embryo. Expression of candidate marker genes was tested by section in situ hybridisation, in some instances followed by immunofluorescent detection of protein products. Collagen type-1, inhibin beta A, caldesmon 1 and tropomyosin 1 were found to be expressed by early-stage PM cells. These markers were also expressed in subsets of interstitial cells, most likely reflecting their common embryological provenance from migrating mesonephric cells. Although not strictly specific for PM cells, these markers are likely to be useful in studying the biology of early PM cells in the fetal testis.
We compared within-population variability and degree of population differentiation for neutral genetic markers (RAPDS) and eight quantitative traits in Central American populations of the endangered tree, Cedrela odorata. Whilst population genetic diversity for neutral markers (Shannon index) and quantitative traits (heritability, coefficient of additive genetic variation) were uncorrelated, both marker types revealed strong differentiation between populations from the Atlantic coast of Costa Rica and the rest of the species' distribution. The degree of interpopulation differentiation was higher for RAPD markers (F-ST 0.67 for the sampled Mesoamerican range) than for quantitative traits (Q(ST) = 0.30). Hence, the divergence in quantitative traits was lower than could have been achieved by genetic drift alone, suggesting that balancing selection for similar phenotypes in different populations of this species. Nevertheless, a comparison of pair-wise estimates of population differentiation in neutral genetic markers and quantitative traits revealed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.66) suggesting that, for C. odorata, neutral marker divergence could be used as a surrogate for adaptive gene divergence for conservation planning. The utility of this finding and suggested further work are discussed.
Everglades National Park (ENP) is about to undergo the world's largest wetland restoration with the aim of improving the quality, timing and distribution of water flow. The changes in water flow are hypothesized to alter the nutrient fluxes and organic matter (OM) dynamics within ENP, especially in the estuarine areas. This study used a multi-proxy approach of molecular markers and stable δ 13C isotope measurements, to determine the present day OM dynamics in ENP. ^ OM dynamics in wetland soils/sediments have proved to be difficult to understand using traditional geochemical approaches. These are often inadequate to describe the multitude of OM sources (e.g. higher land plant, emergent vegetation, submerged vegetation) to the soils/sediments and the complex diagenetic processes that can alter the OM characteristics. A multi-proxy approach, however, that incorporates both molecular level and bulk parameter information is ideal to comprehend complex OM dynamics in aquatic environments. Therefore, biomass-specific molecular markers or proxies can be useful in tracing the sources and processing of OM. This approach was used to examine the OM dynamics in the two major drainage basins, Shark River Slough and Taylor River Slough, of ENP. Freshwater to marine transects were sampled in both systems for soils/sediments and suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) to be characterized through bulk OM analyses, lipid biomarker determinations (e.g. sterols, fatty acids, hydrocarbons and triterpenoids) and compound-specific stable carbon isotope (δ 13C) determinations. ^ One key accomplishment of the research was the assessment of a molecular marker proxy (Paq) to distinguish between emergent/higher plant vegetation from submerged vegetation within ENP. This proxy proved to be quite useful at tracing OM inputs to the soils/sediments of ENP. A second key accomplishment was the development of a 3-way model using vegetation specific molecular markers. This novel, descriptive model was successfully applied to the estuarine areas of Taylor and Shark River sloughs, providing clear evidence of mixing of freshwater, estuarine and marine derived OM in these areas. In addition, diagenetic transformations of OM in these estuaries were found to be quite different between Taylor and Shark Rivers, and are likely a result of OM quality and hydrological differences. ^
With the development and improvement of techniques for molecular studies and their subsequent application to the systematic, significant changes occurred in the classification of gasteroid fungi. The genus Morganella belongs to the family Lycoperdaceae, and is characterized mainly by lignicolous habit and presence of paracapilicium. Recent data demonstrate the discovery of new species for the group and the existence of a wide variety of species occurring in tropical ecosystems. However, the phylogenetic relationships of the genus, as well as the taxonomic classification, still require revisions to be better understood, the literature studies that address this issue are still very scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to conduct studies of molecular phylogeny with species of the genus Morganella, to enhance understanding of the phylogeny of the group by including tropical species data. For this, the specimens used both for DNA extractions as for morphological review were obtained from Brazilian and foreign herbaria. For morphological analysis were observed characters relevant to the group's taxonomy. For phylogenetic analysis the Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Analyzes were used, using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. In phylogenetic analyzes, representatives from Morganella form a monophyletic clade with good support value and based on these results the genus should not be included as subgenus of Lycoperdon. The analysis indicated that M. pyriformis was not grouped with other representatives of Morganella, and therefore should not be included in the group as representative of Apioperdon subgenus because it is a Lycoperdon representative. Moreover, M. fuliginea, M. nuda, M. albostipitata, M. velutina, M. subincarnata are grouped with high support values within the genus Morganella. Morganella arenicola based on morphological and molecular studies does not aggregate in Morganella. Morganella nuda was grouped with M. fuliginea giving indications that can be treated as an intraspecific variation. The results of the analyzes favor to a better understanding of the species of Morganella. However, additional studies using a greater number of species, as well as other molecular markers are needed for a better understanding of the phylogenetic of Morganella.
The development of molecular markers for genomic studies in Mangifera indica (mango) will allow marker-assisted selection and identification of genetically diverse germplasm, greatly aiding mango breeding programs. We report here our identification of thousands of unambiguous molecular markers that can be easily assayed across genotypes of the species. With origin centered in Southeast Asia, mangos are grown throughout the tropics and subtropics as a nutritious fruit that exhibits remarkable intraspecific phenotypic diversity. With the goal of building a high density genetic map, we have undertaken discovery of sequence variation in expressed genes across a broad range of mango cultivars. A transcriptome sequence reference was built de novo from extensive sequencing and assembly of RNA from cultivar 'Tommy Atkins'. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in protein coding transcripts were determined from alignment of RNA reads from 24 mango cultivars of diverse origins: 'Amin Abrahimpur' (India), 'Aroemanis' (Indonesia), 'Burma' (Burma), 'CAC' (Hawaii), 'Duncan' (Florida), 'Edward' (Florida), 'Everbearing' (Florida), 'Gary' (Florida), 'Hodson' (Florida), 'Itamaraca' (Brazil), 'Jakarata' (Florida), 'Long' (Jamaica), 'M. Casturi Purple' (Borneo), 'Malindi' (Kenya), 'Mulgoba' (India), 'Neelum' (India), 'Peach' (unknown), 'Prieto' (Cuba), 'Sandersha' (India), 'Tete Nene' (Puerto Rico), 'Thai Everbearing' (Thailand), 'Toledo' (Cuba), 'Tommy Atkins' (Florida) and 'Turpentine' (West Indies). SNPs in a selected subset of protein coding transcripts are currently being converted into Fluidigm assays for genotyping of mapping populations and germplasm collections. Using an alternate approach, SNPs (144) discovered by sequencing of candidate genes in 'Kensington Pride' have already been converted and used for genotyping.