605 resultados para ISA


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1. A total of 240 Shaver White and 240 ISA Brown pullets that had been reared in multi-bird cages on a 10-h photoperiod, and maintained at a light intensity of 3 or 25 lux, or changed from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 9 or 16 weeks of age, were moved into individual-bird cages at 20 weeks and transferred to 15-h photoperiods at 25 lux. 2. In both breeds, birds transferred from 3 to 25 lux at 16 or 20 weeks laid significantly more eggs than birds maintained on the brighter intensity from one day or increased to it at 9 weeks. 3. Mean egg weight, shell deformation, albumen height, feed intake and body weight gain in lay were not significantly affected by the light intensity treatments during the rearing period. There was, however, a small, but significant, negative correlation of egg numbers with mean egg weight, although this only partially explained the difference in egg numbers. The differences in egg production were unrelated to rate of sexual maturation.


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1. Shaver White and ISA Brown pullets were reared to 140 d in groups of 8 in cages on a 10-h photoperiod of incandescent light and maintained at an illuminance of 3 or 25 lux, or transferred from 3 to 25 lux or from 25 to 3 lux at 63 or 112 d of age. 2. There was no significant difference in sexual maturity, measured as eggs per 100 bird.d at 139 and 140 d, for ISA Brown maintained on 3 or 25 lux, but Shaver White pullets exposed to constant 3 lux matured significantly later than those maintained on 25 lux. 3. In Shaver Whites, sexual maturity was significantly delayed by an increase from 3 to 25 lux at 63 and 112 d, and advanced by a decrease from 25 to 3 lux at 112 d. Sexual maturity of ISA Browns was not significantly affected by a change in illuminance at 63 or 112 d, though responses were in the same direction as for Shaver Whites. 4. In both breeds, total feed consumed to 112 d was higher for birds on 3 lux than 25 lux, but lower between 112 d and 140 d when birds on 25 lux underwent rapid sexual development. In both breeds, body weight at 63 d was higher for birds exposed to 3 lux than 25 lux, but body weight gain thereafter was similar for the two light intensities. 5. In both breeds, plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentration at 63 and 112 d was lower in birds maintained on 3 lux than 25 lux. At 63 and 112 d, transfers from 25 to 3 lux depressed, whereas transfers from 3 to 25 lux at 63 d, but not at 112 d, increased plasma LH. 6. Advances or delays in sexual maturity induced by changes in illuminance were not correlated with differences in feed intake, body weight gain, or with changes in plasma LH. 7. One possible explanation for the inverse relationship between the direction of change in illuminance at 63 and 112 d in pullets exposed to a 10-h photoperiod and the age at which they became sexually mature is that changes in light intensity and/or spectral composition affect the entrainment of the circadian rhythm of photoinducibility, to effect a phase shift in the photoinducible phase and/or the responsiveness of phototransduction pathways.


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Surfactin is a bacterial lipopeptide produced by Bacillus subtilis and it is a powerful surfactant, having also antiviral, antibacterial and antitumor properties. The recovery and purification of surfactin from complex fermentation broths is a major obstacle to its commercialization; therefore, two-step membrane filtration processes were evaluated using centrifugal and stirred cell devices while the mechanisms of separation were investigated by particle size and surface charge measurements. In a first step of ultrafiltration (UF-1), surfactin was retained effectively by membranes at above its critical micelle concentration (CMC); subsequently in UF-2, the retentate micelles were disrupted by addition of 50% (v/v) methanol solution to allow recovery of surfactin in the permeate. Main protein contaminants were effective]), retained by the membrane in UF-2. Ultrafiltration was carried out either using centrifugal devices with 30 and 10 kDa MWCO regenerated cellulose membranes, or a stirred cell device with 10 kDa MWCO polyethersulfone (PES) and regenerated cellulose (RC) membranes. Total rejection of surfactin was consistently observed in UF-1, while in UF-2 PES membranes had the lowest rejection coefficient of 0.08 +/- 0.04. It was found that disruption of surfactin micelles, aggregation of protein contaminants and electrostatic interactions in UF-2 can further improve the selectivity of the membrane based purification technique. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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B. subtilis under certain types of media and fermentation conditions can produce surfactin, a biosurfactant which belongs to the lipopeptide class. Surfactin has exceptional surfactant activity, and exhibits some interesting biological characteristics such as antibacterial activity, antitumoral activity against ascites carcinoma cells, and a hypocholesterolemic activity that inhibits cAMP phosphodiesterase, as well as having anti-HIV properties. A cost effective recovery and purification of surfactin from fermentation broth using a two-step ultrafiltration (UF) process has been developed in order to reduce the cost of surfactin production. In this study, competitive adsorption of surfactin and proteins at the air-water interface was studied using surface pressure measurements. Small volumes of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and β-casein solutions were added to the air-water interface on a Langmuir trough and allowed to stabilise before the addition of surfactin to the subphase. Contrasting interfacial behaviour of proteins was observed with β-casein showing faster initial adsorption compared to BSA. On introduction of surfactin both proteins were displaced but a longer time were taken to displace β-casein. Overall the results showed surfactin were highly surface-active by forming a β-sheet structure at the air-water interface after reaching its critical micelle concentration (CMC) and were effective in removing both protein films, which can be explained following the orogenic mechanism. Results showed that the two-step UF process was effective to achieve high purity and fully functional surfactin.


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The effect of increasing salinity and freezing stress singly and in combination on a range of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in foliar tissue of six Crataegus genotypes was examined. In general, increased stress reduced fluorescence values and absorption, trapping and electron transport energy fluxes per leaf reaction center and cross section, with decreased sigmoidicity of OJIP curves as a measure of the plastoquinone pool, reflecting decreased energy fluxes. Based on percentage reduction in a performance index from controls compared to stress-treated values, plants were ranked in order of tolerant > intermediate > sensitive. Use of this PIp ranking criteria enabled the distinguishing of marked differences in foliar salt/freezing hardiness between the Crataegus species used. Interpretation of the photochemical data showed that salinity and freezing affects both the acceptor and donor side of Photosystem II, while OJIP observations provided information regarding structural and functional changes in the leaf photosynthetic apparatus of the test species. It is concluded that chlorophyll fluorescence offers a rapid screening technique for assessing foliar salinity and freezing tolerance of woody perennials


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The effect of increasing salinity on a range of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in foliar tissue of 30 Acer genotypes was examined. The magnitude of the fluorescence responses differed among genotypes ranging from minor effects to substantial leaf tissue damage. Interpretation of the fluorescence expressions provided an insight into mechanisms of salt damage and resilience among genotypes. Based on reductions in a performance index (PIp) following salinity, genotypes were ranked in order from tolerant to sensitive. Based on this ranking criterion, marked differences in salt tolerance among genotypes were distinguished. It is concluded that chlorophyll fluorescence offers a rapid screening technique for assessing the foliar salinity tolerance of urban trees.


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Objective The colonic microbiota ferment dietary fibres, producing short chain fatty acids. Recent evidence suggests that the short chain fatty acid propionate may play an important role in appetite regulation. We hypothesised that colonic delivery of propionate would increase peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion in humans, and reduce energy intake and weight gain in overweight adults. Design To investigate whether propionate promotes PYY and GLP-1 secretion, a primary cultured human colonic cell model was developed. To deliver propionate specifically to the colon, we developed a novel inulin-propionate ester. An acute randomised, controlled cross-over study was used to assess the effects of this inulin-propionate ester on energy intake and plasma PYY and GLP-1 concentrations. The long-term effects of inulin-propionate ester on weight gain were subsequently assessed in a randomised, controlled 24-week study involving 60 overweight adults. Results Propionate significantly stimulated the release of PYY and GLP-1 from human colonic cells. Acute ingestion of 10 g inulin-propionate ester significantly increased postprandial plasma PYY and GLP-1 and reduced energy intake. Over 24 weeks, 10 g/day inulin-propionate ester supplementation significantly reduced weight gain, intra-abdominal adipose tissue distribution, intrahepatocellular lipid content and prevented the deterioration in insulin sensitivity observed in the inulin-control group. Conclusions These data demonstrate for the first time that increasing colonic propionate prevents weight gain in overweight adult humans


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The purpose of this presentation is to discuss how teacher’s leadership can be used as a teaching method in web based language education. The environments that offer online courses provide a wide field for discussion on the contact between teacher and student. My intention is to contribute to the debate on teacher leadership in online courses. In my earlier studies on leadership, I have explored how some religious leaders affected different social movements in Brazil during the military dictatorship (1964-1985). Pruth (2004) by examining the three kinds of legitimacy described by Max Weber I aimed at seeing and analyzing how religious leaders used different teaching methods to explain their messages to ordinary citizens. Thus my research showed how educational leadership is a way to get people to reach their goals. I became interested in the subject teacher’s leadership whenI participated in a survey of the teaching methods of language courses in Dalarna University which is funded by the NGL Center of Dalarna University. In  this project, we have made interviews with the teachers, undertaken the course plans (in the language department at Dalarna University) and categorized the learning outcomes. A questionnaire was constructed based on the learning outcomes and then either sent out remotely to teachers or completed face to face through interviews. The answers provided to the questionnaires enabled the  project to identify many differences in how language teachers interact with their students but  also, the way of giving feedback, motivating and helping students, types of class activities and materials used. This made me aware of how teachers use their leadership or not in their teaching. My focus is to look at the relationship between teachers and students as an important part of the development and quality of online courses. The teacher's performance on campus is different from online courses. I want to understand how the contact between teachers and students in online courses develop and look at how students can make use of this contact and what influence the teacher's leadership has on the ability for the students to achieve the goals of their course


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Uppsatsen har som syfte att undersöka förändringen i användningen av begrepp kopplade till partiet Feministiskt initiativ mellan riksdagsvalet år 2010 och år 2014 hos de sittande riksdagspartierna. Utifrån detta syftar uppsatsen även till att undersöka huruvida det går att utläsa mönster i den eventuella förändringen med utgångspunkt i deras placering i det politiska spektrumet. Studiens primärkällor är valmanifest, valaffischer samt almedalstalen från de nuvarande sittande riksdagspartierna. Dessa källor har bearbetats utifrån en kvantitativ deskriptiv innehållsanalys (almedalstal samt valmanifest), deskriptiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys (valaffischerna) samt en kvalitativ innehållsanalys (valmanifesten). Resultaten från dessa analyser har studerats utifrån Bonnie Meguids teori kring etablerade partiers möjlighet att påverka framgången hos nischade partier, samt Anthony Down’s teori som syftar till att förklara varför partier väljer att vara flexibla gentemot åsikts-strömningar, även om åsikten tidigare inte varit en fokusfråga hos partiet. Slutsatserna visar att det finns en påverkan på alla nuvarande sittande riksdagspartier utom Moderaterna, och att det inte går att utläsa något mönster på partiernas anpassning till Feministiskt initiativ utifrån politisk färg. Majoriteten av de undersökta partierna har valt ett följsamt förhållningssätt till Feministiskt initiativ, vilket innebär att de valt att anamma de frågor som Feministiskt initiativ lyfter.


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A gestão pela qualidade total-TQM é um modelo amplamente utilizado por diversas organizações em todos os setores, seja ele público, privado ou não -governamental. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde criou e incentiva todos os hospitais a participarem do programa de acreditação, prova cabal de que o TQM é um modelo que merece ser implementado nas unidade de saúde.


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Cerca de 15% da safra de arroz é perdida anualmente, principalmente em práticas inadequadas de pós-colheita. Nesse contexto, a avaliação de técnicas de secagem e armazenamento é necessária em função das perdas quali e quantitativas de grãos, resultantes do desenvolvimento de fungos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a contaminação fúngica e por micotoxinas do arroz submetido aos sistemas de secagem intermitente e estacionário, com armazenamento em sacaria e em silo-secador, avaliando o comportamento das principais variáveis de influência no processo. O trabalho foi realizado entre os meses de maio de 2003 a maio de 2004. As amostras de arroz com casca foram coletadas a cada dois meses, em duplicatas. Foram, ainda, analisadas amostras de arroz branco polido e parboilizado de ambos sistemas. O número de colônias de bolores e leveduras foi determinado e a capacidade produtora de micotoxinas dos isolados do gênero Aspergillus foi investigada. A detecção de aflatoxinas, ocratoxina A, zearalenona e citrinina foi realizada por cromatografia em camada delgada. Os grãos secados no sistema estacionário apresentaram maior contagem de colônias fúngicas. Enquanto no sistema intermitente, a contaminação foi mais uniforme ao longo do armazenamento. Predominaram representantes do gênero Penicillium nos dois sistemas, principalmente P. commune e P. islandicum. Entre os isolados do gênero Aspergillus, destacou-se A. flavus. Foram encontrados 7 (13, 20%) isolados de A.flavus produtores de aflatoxina B1, mas não foram detectadas micotoxinas nas amostras. A umidade dos grãos afetou significativamente a contaminação fúngica no manejo intermitente e no terço superior (altura 2) do silo-secador. A temperatura no interior do silo influenciou a contaminação no terço inferior (altura 1).


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Abordando a Política Empresarial como a disciplina mais diretamente ligada à direção geral da empresa, a dissertação apresenta um modelo de análise onde o Marketing é enfocado de forma inovadora. Analisa o papel do Estado como um dos componentes integrantes da Política Empresarial, introduz o leitor nos principais conceitos do "Modelo Strategor" criado pelo Centre HEC-ISA e aprofunda na formação e gerência da Imagem dentro de uma orientação estratégica mais ampla com ênfase nos aspectos mercadológicos. Diante desse quadro referencial, a Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT) é analisada através de entrevistas e observações participativas com seus principais estrategistas relatando como nesse caso concreto a Política Empresarial afetou o gerenciamento da Imagem Corporativa.


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A utilização de ingredientes fibrosos pode resultar efeitos deletérios sobre a energia metabolizável (EM) e líquida (EL) da dieta para frangos que dependem do nível, fonte e estrutura macromolecular da fibra. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos com frangos em crescimento, com os objetivos de avaliar os efeitos do nível e fonte de fibra sobre a disponibilidade e partição da EM, testar diversas medidas da fibra em equações de predição da concentração dietética de EM e EL e avaliar e aperfeiçoar metodologias de estudo da partição metabólica da energia. No experimento I, utilizando abate comparativo e regressão múltipla com frangos ISA em gaiolas individuais, foram observados efeitos significativos do nível e fonte de fibra sobre a disponibilidade e eficiência de retenção da EM (K0). As melhores medidas isoladas do efeito da fibra foram a parede celular insolúvel em água e a fibra total da dieta, e as melhores equações de predição obtidas para a EM e a EL contiveram combinações de uma medida da quantidade de fibra, como as fibra bruta, detergente ácido ou uma das citadas anteriormente, com as medidas de viscosidade e/ou de retenção de água. No experimento II, utilizando calorimetria indireta e modelagem com frangos Ross alojados em grupo, foi demonstrado que o efeito do nível de fibra sobre o K0 em dietas com baixa viscosidade pode estar relacionado com o aumento no efeito térmico do alimento (ETA) de curto prazo. A perda de calor total (61% dos 360 kcal EM/kg0,75 consumidos) e partida em metabolismo basal (52%), atividade física (19%) e ETA total (29%) e de longo prazo (16%), não foram alterados pelo nível de fibra. O peso do trato gastrintestinal das aves aumentou com o aumento no nível de fibra nos dois experimentos Foram obtidos coeficientes médios para a EL de mantença de 97,5 e 115,2 kcal/kg0,75/dia, respectivamente para os experimentos I e II, e o K0 variou de 0,638 (alta fibra de trigo e far. soja) a 0,708 (controle milho e far. soja) no experimento I, e foi de 0,706 (dieta normal) e 0,714 (alta fibra) no experimento II.


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A água é um bem escasso, com demanda crescente tanto pelo crescimento das populações como pelo maior uso da água pelos novos processos e produtos impostos pelos padrões de conforto e bem estar da vida moderna e na produção de alimentos. Ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta a demanda de água,com seus usos múltiplos, a sua qualidade vem diminuindo pela degradação ambiental. Ouso racional da água deve ser tratado comointeresse público que se traduz na busca sistemática de diminuição dos desperdícios de água. No Brasil existem políticas públicasfederais que incluem esta preocupação, mas que devem ser aprimoradas, pois não exigem uma gestão por desempenho dos operadores dos sistemas de água. O governo local, municipal, tem dupla responsabilidade: como produtor de água, via sistemas públicos de águaecomo grande consumidor, através da rede de sistemas prediais públicos. A gestão dos desperdícios de água é focadono incentivo à cultura da medição, na prática do Balanço Hídrico dos sistemas de água, na gestão do consumo descentralizado nas unidades públicas consumidoras, e incentivos motivacionais para o melhor uso, com ênfase na transparência das informações.