867 resultados para Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis


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There is emerging evidence that individuals have the capacity to learn to be resilient by developing protective mechanisms that prevent them from the maladaptive effects of stress that can contribute to addiction.The emerging field of the neuroscience of resilience is beginning to uncover the circuits and molecules that protect against stress-related neuropsychiatric diseases, such as addiction. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are important regulators of basal and stress-related homeostasis in all higher organisms and influence a wide array of genes in almost every organ and tissue. GCs, therefore, are ideally situated to either promote or prevent adaptation to stress. In this review, we will focus on the role of GCs in the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenocortical axis and extra-hypothalamic regions in regulating basal and chronic stress responses. GCs interact with a large number of neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems that are associated with the development of addiction. Additionally, the review will focus on the orexinergic and cholinergic pathways and highlight their role in stress and addiction. GCs play a key role in promoting the development of resilience or susceptibility and represent important pharmacotherapeutic targets that can reduce the impact of a maladapted stress system for the treatment of stress-induced addiction.


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Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is the most frequent karyotype disorder of male reproductive function. Since its original clinical description in 1942 and the identification of its chromosomal basis 47,XXY in 1959, the typical KS phenotype has become well recognized, but the mechanisms behind the testicular degeneration process have remained unrevealed. This prospective study was undertaken to increase knowledge about testicular function in adolescent KS boys. It comprised a longitudinal follow-up of growth, pubertal development, and serum reproductive hormone levels in 14 prepubertal and pubertal KS boys. Each boy had a testicular biopsy that was analyzed with histomorphometric and immunohistochemical methods. The KS boys had sufficient testosterone levels to allow normal onset and progression of puberty. Their serum testosterone levels remained within the low-normal range throughout puberty, but from midpuberty onwards, findings like a leveling-off in testosterone and insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) concentrations, high gonadotropin levels, and exaggerated responses to gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulation suggest diminished testosterone secretion. We also showed that the Leydig cell differentiation marker INSL3 may serve as a novel marker for onset and normal progression of puberty in boys. In the KS boys the number of germ cells was already markedly lower at the onset of puberty. The pubertal activation of the pituitary-testicular axis accelerated germ cell depletion, and germ cell differentiation was at least partly blocked at the spermatogonium or early primary spermatocyte stages. The presence of germ cells correlated with serum reproductive hormone levels. The immature Sertoli cells were incapable of transforming to the adult type, and during puberty the degeneration of Sertoli cells increased markedly. The older KS boys displayed an evident Leydig cell hyperplasia, as well as fibrosis and hyalinization of the interstitium and peritubular connective tissue. Altered immunoexpression of the androgen receptor (AR) suggested that in KS boys during puberty a relative androgen deficiency develops at testicular level. The impact of genetic features of the supernumerary X chromosome on the KS phenotype was also studied. The present study suggests that parental origin of the supernumerary X chromosome and the length of the CAG repeat of the AR gene influence pubertal development and testicular degeneration. The current study characterized by several means the testicular degeneration process in the testes of adolescent KS boys and confirmed that this process accelerates at the onset of puberty. Although serum reproductive hormone levels indicated no hypogonadism during early puberty, the histological analyses showed an already markedly reduced fertility potential in prepubertal KS boys. Genetic features of the X chromosome affect the KS phenotype.


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Na última década, surgiram evidências de que a Síndrome Metabólica (SM), relatada de forma crescente entre adolescentes, tem início na vida intrauterina e seus sinais e sintomas já estão presentes na adolescência, porém, ainda faltam critérios diagnósticos específicos para essa faixa etária. O ciclo menstrual representa o resultado do funcionamento normal não apenas do eixo Hipotálamo-Hipófise-Ovário (HHO), do útero e do aparelho genital, mas também, do equilíbrio metabólico do organismo. Alterações no ciclo menstrual podem representar sinais de desequilíbrio e anormalidade. A SM está também relacionada à Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP), disfunção ovariana caracterizada por oligoanovulação, hiperandrogenismo e/ou ovários policísticos. A resistência à insulina (RI) tem um papel central na fisiopatologia e na inter-relação dos componentes tanto da SM como também da SOP. A RI é compensada pelo aumento da produção de insulina pelas células beta pancreáticas, e essa hiperinsulinemia compensatória tem conseqüências no endotélio, nos fatores inflamatórios, no metabolismo glicídico e lipídico, além de afetar o ciclo menstrual pelo estímulo da androgênese ovariana, suprimindo a SHBG e possivelmente alterando o padrão da secreção pulsátil do GnRH. Estas alterações menstruais podem apresentar-se de forma precoce, antes das alterações metabólicas da RI, portanto, a avaliação atenta do padrão menstrual de adolescentes pode representar um valioso sinal que alerta para o risco metabólico e cardiovascular. Avaliamos o comportamento de parâmetros da Síndrome Metabólica e sua relação com o ciclo menstrual em adolescentes através de um estudo observacional transversal com 59 adolescentes do sexo feminino entre 12 e 19 anos e presença de pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco para SM: Sobrepeso - Obesidade - Acantose Nigricans. Todas as adolescentes foram submetidas a uma avaliação clínica com levantamento de dados antropométricos, e laboratoriais composta de: Glicose de Jejum, Colesterol Total, HDL-Colesterol, Triglicerídeos, Teste Oral de Tolerância a Glicose (Glicose 120), Insulina pré (insulina jejum), pós TOTG (insulina 120), Folículo-Estimulante (FSH), Hormônio Luteinizante (LH), Testosterona Total (TT), Androstenediona, Foram criados 2 grupos:G-1- adolescentes com ciclos irregulares, e G-2- adolescentes com ciclos regulares. Das 59 adolescentes avaliadas, 36 formaram o G-1, e 23 o G-2. A média da idade ginecológica foi de 4,5 anos e da menarca 11,3 anos. Na análise estatística das diferenças nas variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais entre os grupos, observou-se que o G-1 apresentou: Cintura (p=0,026), Insulina de jejum (p=0,001), Glicose 120 (p=0,002), insulina 120 (p=0,0001), HOMA-IR (p=0,0008), Triglicerídeos (p=0,013), SM (p<0,0001) e SOP (p<0,0001) significativamente maiores e QUICK (p=0,008), G/I (p=0,002), HDL (p=0,001) significativamente menores que o G-2. (88,8% das adolescentes com ciclos irregulares no ultimo ano apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca. Estes resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre a irregularidade menstrual, RI, SM e SOP na população estudada. Todas as adolescentes com diagnóstico de SM apresentavam irregularidade desde a menarca e destas, 93,5% tiveram o diagnóstico de SOP. O nosso estudo chama a atenção para o comportamento do ciclo menstrual na adolescência em relação aos riscos cardiovasculares e metabólicos, sinalizando assim que outros estudos precisam ser desenvolvidos nesta população.


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In animal models, variations in early maternal care are associated with differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal(HPA) stress response in the offspring, mediated via changes in the epigenetic regulation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene (Nr3c1) expression.


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Pyridoxine-deficient young rats (3 weeks old) had significantly reduced levels of pituitary TSH, serum thyroxine (T4) and tri iodothyn nine (T,,) Compared with pyridoxine-supplemented rats. The status of the pituitary-thyroid axis of normal, pyridoxine-supplemented and pyridoxine-deficient rats was evaluated by studying the binding parameters of [3H](3-nicthylhistidine2) TRH in the pituitary of these rats. The effects of TRH and 1'4 injections on pituitary TSH and serum TSH, T4 and T3 of these two groups were also compared. The maximal binding of TRH receptors in the pituitary of pyridoxine-deficient rats was significantly higher than that of pyridoxine-supplemented control and normal rats, but there was no change in the binding affinity. Treatment with TRH stimulated TSH synthesis and release. It also increased serum T4 and T3 in both pyridoxine-supplemented and pyridoxine-deficient rats. Treatment with T4 decreased serum and pituitary TSH in both pyridoxine-supplemented and pyridoxine-deficient rats, compared with saline-treated rats. The increased pituitary TRH receptor content, response to TRH administration and the fact that regulation at the level of the pituitary is not affected in the pyridoxinedeficient rat indicates a hypothalamic origin for the hypothyroidism of the pyridoxine-deficient rat.


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Antecedentes: El tratamiento de los espasmos infantiles generalmente se realiza con ACTH a pesar de perfil de efectos secundarios y el alto costo financiero. Se ha propuesto el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento para la enfermedad, no obstante no existe certeza sobre la eficacia de este esquema. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia del uso de los corticoides comparados con la ACTH como primera línea de tratamiento en el manejo de pacientes con espasmos infantiles. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se efectuó en las bases de datos Pubmed, Embase, Ovid, LiLaCs y en el registro de ensayos clínicos de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron estudios en portugués, ingles y español, no se fijo límite de tiempo para la publicación. Se realizó un análisis de riesgo de sesgo y de calidad de la evidencia utilizando el programa GRADEPRO. Se estimaron OR y sus respectivos intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 4 estudios, un ensayo clínico y tres estudios de cohorte retrospectiva. Dos estudios aportaron evidencia de calidad moderada y alta. No se encontraron diferencias en la eficacia a corto plazo entre el uso de los corticoides y la ACTH sobre desenlaces clínicos o electroencefalográficos. No se encontraron estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La seguridad a corto plazo no mostró diferencias. Conclusiones: Es muy probable que el uso de los corticoides como primera línea de tratamiento puedan reemplazar el uso de la ACTH, se requiere estudios de seguridad a largo plazo. La decisión de su uso rutinario debería estar basada en un análisis de costo efectividad y bajo la mirada del balance riesgo/beneficio.


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The utility of repeated salivary cortisol sampling as a substitute for 24-hour urinary-free cortisol (UFC) assessment was examined. Forty-four participants completed both 24-hour collections and 6 salivary collections at wake-up, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 and bedtime, during the same 24-hour period. The results demonstrated that mean, maximum, and amplitude (maximum minus minimum) for salivary cortisol all correlated positively with urinary cortisol, but the associations of these variables with urinary-free cortisol excretion were relatively small. Furthermore, a single salivary sample taken at wake-up was as good an indicator of overall cortisol production as the measures derived from multiple salivary samples. An examination of subject compliance indicated that many subjects failed to collect the timed salivary collections as instructed. The authors conclude that diurnal salivary cortisol sampling versus 24-hour urinary cortisol collections are likely to provide different information about ambient hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal productivity, and therefore these measures should not be used interchangeably. In addition, subject compliance is a serious consideration in designing studies that employ home salivary collections. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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STUDY QUESTION: How does insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) concentration in blood vary across the menstrual cycle in women? SUMMARY ANSWER: INSL3 is secreted by the theca interna cells of growing antral follicles and is phasic in its expression. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: The relaxin-like hormone INSL3 is known to be expressed in follicles of several mammal species, and was recently shown in cows to be specifically secreted into the bloodstream by growing antral follicles, corresponding to follicular waves. In males INSL3 is known to be acutely independent of the hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, suggesting that in women INSL3 might be a novel biomarker for antral follicle recruitment and development. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Two cohorts of women were studied. First, 18 healthy women of reproductive age were followed longitudinally for one and a half cycles, with blood sampling and hormone measurement every 2-3 days. A second cohort comprised a cross-sectional study of 909 women attending an infertility clinic, with a single blood sample taken at entry, together with other clinical and hormonal parameters. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Blood samples from both retrospective cohorts were analyzed for INSL3 using a highly sensitive time-resolved fluorescent immunoassay, and data were analyzed in comparison with other clinical and hormonal parameters. MAIN RESULT AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: For young healthy women of reproductive age, we showed a phasic expression of INSL3 corresponding to antral follicle growth in both the follicular and luteal phases of the cycle, which was significantly (P < 0.05) elevated compared with that during menses. For women attending an infertility clinic, those with diagnosed polycystic ovarian syndrome indicated significantly (P < 0.0005) greater circulating INSL3 levels and those with low ovarian reserve showed significantly (P < 0.002) decreased INSL3 values. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: These were retrospective studies and the results were obtained from natural cycles only, with their inherent variability. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: We show for the first time that INSL3 in women does vary across the menstrual cycle, and appears to reflect the number of growing antral follicles recruited within both follicular and luteal phases. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): The present retrospective study was largely supported by departmental funds. There were no competing interests.


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Objective: We investigated the effect of intrauterine undernourishment on some features of asthma using a model of allergic lung inflammation in rats. The effects of age at which the rats were challenged (5 and 9 wk) were also evaluated. Methods: Intrauterine undernourished offspring were obtained from dams that were fed 50% of the nourished diet of counterparts and were immunized at 5 and 9 wk of age. They were tested for immunoglobulin E anti-ova titers (by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis), cell count in the bronchoal-veolar fluid, leukotriene concentration, airway reactivity, mucus production, and blood corticosterone and leptin concentrations 21 d, after immunologic challenge. Results: Intrauterine undernourishment significantly reduced the antigen-specific immunoglobulin E production, inflammatory cell infiltration into airways, mucus secretion, and production of leukotrienes B-4/C-4 in the lungs in both age groups compared with respective nourished rats. The increased reactivity to methacholine that follows antigen challenge was not affected by intrauterine undernourishment. Corticosterone levels increased with age in the undernourished rats` offspring, but not in the nourished rats` offspring. Undernourished offspring already presented high levels of corticosterone before inflammatory stimulus and were not modified by antigen challenge. Leptin levels increased with challenge in the nourished rats but not in the undernourished rats and could not be related to corticosterone levels in the. undernourished rats. Conclusion: Intrauterine undernourishment has a striking and age-dependent effect on the off spring, reducing lung allergic inflammation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Study Objectives: Chronic sleep deprivation of rats causes hyperphagia without body weight gain. Sleep deprivation hyperphagia is prompted by changes in pathways governing food intake; hyperphagia may be adaptive to sleep deprivation hypermetabolism. A recent paper suggested that sleep deprivation might inhibit ability of rats to increase food intake and that hyperphagia may be an artifact of uncorrected chow spillage. To resolve this, a palatable liquid diet (Ensure) was used where spillage is insignificant. Design: Sleep deprivation of male Sprague Dawley rats was enforced for 10 days by the flowerpot/platform paradigm. Daily food intake and body weight were measured. On day 10, rats were transcardially perfused for analysis of hypothalamic mRNA expression of the orexigen, neuropeptide Y (NPY). Setting: Morgan State University, sleep deprivation and transcardial perfusion; University of Maryland, NPY in situ hybridization and analysis. Measurements and Results: Using a liquid diet for accurate daily measurements, there was no change in food intake in the first 5 days of sleep deprivation. Importantly, from days 6-10 it increased significantly, peaking at 29% above baseline. Control rats steadily gained weight but sleep-deprived rats did not. Hypothalamic NPY mRNA levels were positively correlated to stimulation of food intake and negatively correlated with changes in body weight. Conclusion: Sleep deprivation hyperphagia may not be apparent over the short term (i.e., <= 5 days), but when extended beyond 6 days, it is readily observed. The timing of changes in body weight and food intake suggests that the negative energy balance induced by sleep deprivation prompts the neural changes that evoke hyperphagia.


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Depression is associated with glucocorticoid hypersecretion, due to dysfunction of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocorticol axis (HPA-axis). Because excess glucocorticoids are associated with depressive-like features in humans, glucocorticoid receptor antagonists are currently being tested for antidepressant efficacy in clinical trials. In the current study the hypothesis that mifepristone (RU486), a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, would decrease the neuroendocrine and central HPA-axis responses to an acute stressor and attentuate depressive like behavior in an animal model of behavioral helplessness (forced swim test) was tested. Adult male rats were treated with 10 mglkg RU486 (subcutaneous) for five days and then exposed to a IO-minute forced swim test (FST), conducted in Plexiglas cylinders. FST sessions were videotaped for later analysis of behavioral immobility. Plasma ACTH and corticosterone CORT were measured at 15min and 90min after FST cessation. Animals were perfused and brains were collected for immunocytochemical assessment of c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a brain region implicated in both depression and central control of the HPA axis. RU486 significantly decreased peak ACTH and CORT concentrations following FST exposure. In addition, glucocorticoid negative feedback was at1enuated in RU486-treated animals exposed to the FST. Exposure to FST alone induced c-FOS expression in the mPFC, as measured by the number of c-Fos positive neurons. Treatment with RU486 significantly increased the number of rnPFC c-Fos positive cell following FST exposure. The behavioral data obtained from FST paradigm, demonstrated that RU486 decreased immobility in the FST illustrating the potential efficacy of this drug as an antidepressant. Collectively these data suggest that RU486 dampens HPA-axis responses to stress, possibly by enhancing the excitability of stress-inhibitory neurons in the mPFC. This is particularly exciting, given the fact that this neural region is associated with decreased neural activity during depression in humans.


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Os efeitos da captura (perseguição, contenção em puçá e exposição aérea) no perfil sanguíneo do cortisol, glicose, cloreto, sódio, potássio, cálcio e na osmolaridade, hematócrito, hemoglobina, número de células vermelhas (CV) e volume corpuscular médio (VCM) foram investigados no pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Um total de 132 peixes (49,7 ± 11,7 g) foi submetido à captura com 3 ou 5 minutos de exposição aérea. Nove peixes de cada tratamento foram amostrados 5, 15, 30, 60 minutos e 24 horas depois e outros nove peixes foram amostrados antes da captura e considerados controle. A captura resultou em aumento do cortisol e glicose no sangue 30 e 5 minutos depois da captura, respectivamente, independente do tempo de exposição aérea. Ambos os indicadores recuperaram os valores controle em 24 horas. Nos dois grupos de peixes, o cloreto plasmático diminuiu 60 minutos após captura e não recuperou os valores controle, enquanto o sódio sérico aumentou entre 15 e 30 minutos recuperando a condição controle em 24 horas. Não houve alteração significativa nos valores de potássio, cálcio, osmolaridade ou no hematócrito, hemoglobina, CV e VCM como consequência da captura. Os estressores sequenciais aplicados no pacu durante a captura ativaram o eixo cérebro-pituitária-interrenal (respostas do cortisol e glicose), mas a ativação do eixo cérebro-sistema simpático-células cromafins foi aparentemente moderada (respostas iônicas e hematológicas).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A case of a 43-year-old nonobese woman with adiposis dolorosa (Dercum's disease) is reported. Muscle glucose uptake and oxidation before and after ingestion of 75 g of glucose were similar to control group values, although a greater insulin release (16,578 vs 6,242 +/- 1,136 muU/3 h) occurred simultaneously. In vitro studies of abdominal normal and painful subcutaneous adipose tissue of the patient revealed lower responsiveness to norepinephrine and lack of response to the antilipolytic effect of insulin in the painful adipose tissue (0.98 vs 1.43 muM FFA/10(6) cells at 5.0 muM of norepinephrine). The disease was not correlated with the HLA system and there were no alterations in hormonal secretion at the pituitary, adrenal, gonadal, and thyroid levels. These findings indicate the presence of peripheral insulin resistance in this patient with adiposis dolorosa.