923 resultados para Holy Crown of Hungary.
[ES]A lo largo de este artículo se pasan revista a cinco cuentiones que muestran la evolución de la pena de muerte en la Corona de Castilla a lo largo de la Edad Media. En primer lugar, se presta atención al paso de la ejecución privada de la justicia a la pública y en qué casos se mantuvo la venganza, aunque con la autorización judicial. En segundo lugar, se pasa revista a las formas de aplicar la pena de muerte, privilegiando los siguientes tipos: el ahorcamiento por los pies, el asaeteamiento, el empozamiento y el encubamiento. En tercer lugar, se expone el ritual de ejecución de las penas capitales desde que el reo sale de la cárcel y es conducido al cadalso, hasta que el cuerpo es sepultado o queda expuesto a perpetuidad. En cuarto lugar, se reflexiona sobre la incidencia de la rebeldía o contumacia del acusado ante los requerimientos de la justicia en la imposición de la pena de muerte. En quinto y último lugar, se analizan las circunstancias que llevaron a la Corona de Castilla, a partir del último tercio del siglo XV, a relegar la pena de muerte entre el elenco punitivo y preferir castigos que tuvieran utilidad pública.
Objetiva analisar o trabalho da Frente Parlamentar de apoio às Santas Casas de Misericórdia, Hospitais e Entidades Filantrópicas na área de saúde, durante a 1ª Sessão Ordinária da 54ª Legislatura. A Instituição Legislativa, por força regimental, pauta seus trabalhos no poder decisório dos dirigentes da Mesa e das Lideranças Partidárias restringindo estratégias individuais. Dessa forma como se dão a criação de espaços para constituição e atuação das Frentes? A saúde como um dos principais fundamentos para o exercício de uma cidadania plena justificou a busca e aferição das informações. A construção da pesquisa se deu através do levantamento de dados documentais, eventos públicos e entrevistas com parlamentares. Pesquisou-se a gradual abrangência da assistência médica, o papel das instituições filantrópicas e da legislação que as ampara. Para contextualizar o modo de atuação da Frente, elaborou-se revisão de literaturas clássicas e contemporâneas abordando democracia e representação política, com enfoque em estudos atuais que demonstram que os parlamentares são orientados pela obediência partidária, previsibilidade nas votações, em oposição a teorias que classificam de prevalência da indisciplina partidária, patronagem e fisiologismo os fatores norteadores dos legisladores. Em detrimento da escassez de literatura, pode-se levantar dados históricos da formação no parlamento de colegiados nos moldes das Frentes - principalmente no período democrático de 1945/1964, e nos dias atuais retroagiu-se à 52ª Legislatura o acesso a dados eletrônicos.
探讨全球气候变化的生物学和生态学效应是当今生态学中的热点,研究大气CO2浓度升高对植物-昆虫相互作用关系的影响具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文使用开顶式气室(Open-top chamber,OTC)在野外条件下研究了CO2浓度升高对三种树木(小青杨、白桦和蒙古栎)叶片化学成分含量的影响,以及树木叶片品质变化对一种广食性森林昆虫(舞毒蛾)幼虫取食、生长发育和取食偏嗜性的影响。得出如下结果:(1)CO2浓度升高对3个受试树种叶片中的营养成分及次生代谢物含量均有显著影响,总体表现为氮含量降低,而碳氮比、非结构性碳水化合物、总酚和缩合丹宁含量增加。叶片中的化学成分含量可随时间发生显著变化,不同树种、甚至同一树种不同冠层高度的叶片对CO2浓度升高的响应强度也是不同的。叶片的干物质含量和比叶重对CO2浓度升高的响应不显著。(2)室内非选择性取食实验、室内选择性取食实验以及上树取食饲养方式下的多龄期取食实验,均发现高浓度CO2处理组内舞毒蛾幼虫的生长发育受到显著抑制。但对四龄舞毒蛾幼虫所进行的短期生物测定并未发现不同CO2浓度处理下幼虫的生长发育速率、对食物的取食率和转化率等昆虫营养指标存在显著差异。(3)叶片品质的降低是导致舞毒蛾幼虫生长发育受抑制的主要原因。但是总体上,CO2浓度升高导致的叶片品质变化并未显著影响幼虫的取食率和取食量。(4)舞毒蛾幼虫对不同叶片种类表现出清晰的取食选择性,这种选择性在其幼龄期就可表现出来。幼虫对小青杨上层叶片有最显著的偏嗜性,对蒙古栎下层叶片有最明显的拒食性。但是CO2浓度升高导致的叶片品质变化对舞毒蛾幼虫的取食选择性和寄主偏嗜行为并未产生显著影响。(5)检测出高浓度CO2处理组内舞毒蛾幼虫虫粪中含有浓度更高的植物次生代谢物质(总酚和缩合单宁),这很可能是昆虫整体生长发育受抑制的重要原因之一。
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii Sztuki
Musical exoticism is the evocation of a culture different from that of the composer. It occurs anytime a composer tries to conjure up the music of a country not his own. Although there have been studies of exoticism in the piano works of an individual composer, namely Debussy, there has not been a comprehensive study of musical exoticism in the piano literature as a whole. Upon chronological examination of the piano repertoire, general trends exhibiting exoticism become evident. The first general trend is the emergence of the Turkish style (alia turca) in the eighteenth century. Turkish style soon transmuted to the Hungarian-Gypsy style (all 'ongarese or style hongrois). [In Beethoven's Op. 129, it is alia ingharese.] Composers often alternated between the two styles even in the same composition. By the late nineteenth century, style hongrois was firmly entrenched in the musical language of Austro-German composers, as seen in the works of Brahms. In the nineteenth century, composers turned to the Middle East, North Africa and Spain for inspiration. In particular are several compositions emulating Spanish dance music, culminating in the Spanish works of Debussy and Ravel. The gamelans from Indonesia and objects from the Far East of Japan and China, brought by advances in trade and transportation, captivated the imagination of composers at the turn of the twentieth century. Also in the early twentieth century, composers tried emulating dance and jazz music coming from the Americas, such as the cakewalk, minstrelsy, and the blues. One sees the ever widening sphere of exotic inspiration for western music composers: from the Turkish invasions to the traveling Gypsies of Hungary; to the captivating dance rhythms, soulful cante jondo sections, and guitar flourishes of Spain; expanding further to the far reaches of Asia and the jazzy rhythms of the Americas. This performance dissertation consists of three recitals presented at the University of Maryland, and is documented on compact disc recordings which are housed within the University of Maryland Library System. The recordings present the music of Balakirev, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, Haydn, Hummel, Milhaud, Moszkowski, Mozart, Ravel, and Schubert.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, composers Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály collected thousands of folksongs from the rural regions of Hungary. In an effort to preserve a part of their culture that they feared would be lost, they not only transcribed and catalogued these folksongs, but also incorporated the folk traditions they encountered into their own compositional style. This dissertation deals with violin music written by Bartók, Kodály and their Hungarian contemporaries that have in common the use of rhythms, modes, melodies, figurations and playing techniques sourced in folk traditions. The use of the Hungarian folk idiom in classical music was not exclusive to the twentieth century. From the late eighteenth century until the first decades of the twentieth century, composers utilized aspects of a popular eighteenth-century form of Hungarian folk music called verbunkos. What makes the use of folk music unique in the twentieth century is that, thanks to the work of Bartók and Kodály, composers found inspiration in the more authentic “peasant music.” Unlike the popular, urban verbunkos music, peasant music was the product of the more secluded village-music tradition, largely untouched by the influences of city life. In addition to stimulating a new focus on peasant music, Bartók and Kodály fully assimilated the folk idiom into their compositional toolkits, creating a new style of folk-inspired art music that influenced a generation of Hungarian composers. The new style included characteristic elements of both peasant music and the verbunkos tradition, such as ancient modes and scales, accompanimental and melodic rhythmic patterns, ornamentation, and phrase structures sourced in folk song. To demonstrate the implementation of the folk idiom by twentieth-century Hungarian composers, three recital programs were given at the University of Maryland that included works by Béla Bartók, Sándor Veress, Leo Weiner, Zoltán Kodály, Ernő Dohnányi, Zoltán Székely and György Kurtág. The works can be divided into two main categories: settings or transcriptions of folk material (e.g. Bartók’s Hungarian Folksongs) and compositions using classical forms that include the Hungarian folk idiom (e.g. Bartók’s Contrasts). Recital collaborators include Li-Tan Hsu, Evelyn Elsing, Elizabeth Brown, Shelby Sender and Samantha Angelo.
Este trabalho analisa a formação de uma sensibilidade barroca em Minas Gerais a partir da orientação participativa e altamente emotiva das festas coloniais, cujo legado se mantem presente nas festas religiosas de muitas antigas cidades mineradoras do estado. Enfocando as celebrações da Semana Santa na cidade sul-mineira de Campanha, o texto mostra como este evento anual era organizado pela Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento, passando então às mãos de uma comissão local após a extinção da irmandade. Se até meados do século XIX, havia músicos semi-profissionais contratados para tocar e cantar nas celebrações, a música foi assumida progressivamente por grupos de amadores. Assim, a festa passou a ser entendida como uma produção local e a cada ano a população renova o seu orgulho campanhense, ao contemplar sua capacidade de produzir um evento tão ‘maravilhoso’.
This paper analyses the formation of a baroque sensibility in the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil) that derives from the participatory and highly emotive orientation of the colonial festivals, the legacy of which is still present in many former mining towns in the region. By focusing upon the Holy Week celebrations in Campanha, a small town in southern Minas Gerais, the text shows how this annual event was organized by the Confraternity of the Holy Sacrament, but was then transferred to a local committee after the confraternity was made extinct. If up to the mid 19th century there were semi-professional musicians to perform for the celebrations, responsibility for the music was slowly taken over by amateur groups. In this way the festival came to be understood as a local affair, and each year the population renews its pride in itself for its capacity to stage such a ‘marvelous’ event.
Juan Mayorga’s La Lengua en Pedazos (2010) strikes at the heart of the compositional circumstances of St Teresa's Libro de la Vida– staging, and arguably heightening the origins of her rhetorical strategies, the sense of awareness of readership and potential censure we encounter within the Libro de la Vida. His inquisitor refuses to be complicit in the tacit agreement that the word spoken in the theatrical space can conjure new realities –insistent on underscoring the textual origin of the visions painfully and partially offered up for his and our scrutiny. I will suggest that the persistent undertow towards a meta-commentary on the unmaking and remaking of the autobiographical text creates an unresolved tension between Teresa’s eloquent ability to take the spectator to a place beyond language, and our awareness that we are in the presence of a consummate performer, the textual source for the script itself produced with a supreme awareness of audience scrutiny. The play reflects ongoing lines of inquiry in our evolving understanding of the cultural production of Teresa and other holy women of the Early Modern period.
No presente trabalho avalia-se o contributo de uma vasta tradição literária na configuração de um topos/motivo – o locus amoenus – patente na produção dinisiana. Analisaram-se as influências da literatura clássica greco-romana, das Sagradas Escrituras, da literatura italiana, e também da literatura produzida em Portugal desde o final da Idade Média até ao Maneirismo. As obras de dois escritores representativos do Romantismo vintista português, Pároco da Aldeia, de Alexandre Herculano, e Os contos do tio Joaquim, de Rodrigo Paganino, tornaram-se tributárias do topos/motivo. A pesquisa centrou-se na narrativa dinisiana com vista a investigar, por um lado, as relações que o locus amoenus, topos/motivo em estudo, mantém com categorias narrativas contíguas, como sejam o espaço ou a descrição; e, por outro, a aferir o eventual contributo do lugar ameno para a dissipação das fronteiras entre a narrativa e a lírica. Pretendeu-se igualmente, sem desprezar uma inclinação natural de Júlio Dinis para os ambientes campestres, demonstrar a existência de três dimensões fundamentais do lugar ameno: a psicológica, cujas origens se perdem no tempo; a social, vertente inovadora no contexto do tópico abordado; e a simbólica, em que a conexão com o locus horrendus se revelou incontornável. Com o estudo do vocabulário configurador do locus amoenus da produção narrativa dinisiana, reflectiu-se mais aprofundadamente sobre as questões tratadas no cômputo geral desta tese. A complexidade que envolve a tentativa de filiação de Júlio Dinis a um movimento ou escola não fica ainda resolvida com este trabalho. Porém surge a proposta de lançar um novo olhar sobre este assunto, à luz dos pressupostos do movimento alemão Biedermeier. Independentemente dos problemas que se levantam, fica a certeza de que muitos escritores do panorama literário nacional se inspiraram nas obras de Júlio Dinis
Ayant en perspective la faible représentativité des élèves d’origine haïtienne issus des milieux défavorisés de la grande région de Montréal dans les filières scientifiques à l’école secondaire et dans les orientations de carrière, cette étude vise à examiner l’incidence de caractéristiques individuelles ainsi que de facteurs associés à l’environnement familial, scolaire, socioéconomique et culturel sur les attitudes de ces élèves envers les sciences. L’analyse des données est basée sur les résultats d’un questionnaire portant sur le profil sociodémographique d’un groupe d’élèves de quatrième et cinquième année fréquentant deux écoles secondaires multiethniques de la couronne-nord de Montréal ainsi que sur des entretiens avec quinze de ces élèves qui sont d’origine haïtienne. Des entretiens ont également été réalisés avec des parents, un membre d’un organisme communautaire, des membres du personnel des écoles ainsi que des professionnels et scientifiques haïtiano-québécois dans le but de porter un regard croisé sur les différentes positions exprimées par les quinze élèves. Le modèle écosystémique de Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1986) a servi de cadre de référence permettant de dégager les pôles les plus marquants dans les attitudes envers les sciences chez les élèves d’origine haïtienne. La synthèse des opinions exprimées par les différents répondants souligne l’existence d’un environnement peu valorisant des sciences autour des élèves d’origine haïtienne. Les conditions socioéconomiques, les pratiques familiales, le statut ethnoculturel ainsi que des représentations individuelles des sciences concourent à créer et à maintenir des attitudes très peu engageantes envers les sciences chez ces élèves. L’étude met en évidence l’urgence de démystifier les sciences en brisant certains stéréotypes qui empêchent certaines catégories d’élèves d’accéder aux sciences. Elle commande aussi les politiques en matière d’éducation d’être plus ouvertes aux différences ethnoculturelles et d’explorer des manières dynamiques de rendre la culture scientifique accessible à tous les groupes sociaux.
A través de l'anàlisi de dos sèries de diferents llibres de comptabilitat de Barcelona, els procedents de la gestió dels molins reals i els redactats per una institució eclesiàstica, la Pia Almoina, vam començar a estudiar el mercat del blat a Barcelona durant l'edat mitjana. Hem analitzat anteriorment el valor de les mesures a Barcelona i, per poder qualificar el preu real del pa, també hem estudiat els diferents processos industrials per fer pa de blat. Després, hem analitzat el conjunt d'impostos que pesaven sobre la comercialització de cereals. A través de l'estudi de l'evolució dels preus, hem tractat de fer una primera aproximació de la primera etapa de la crisi baixmedieval, concretament entre 1283 i 1345, tenint en compte els contrastos amb els treballs ja coneguts sobre la base de les fonts on la noció de quantitat no va ser considerada. Finalment, hem comparat els nostres resultats amb alguns treballs referents a la Corona d'Aragó i el món mediterrani, a fi d'obtenir una idea més precisa de la cronologia de les crisis de subsistència
El Grupo Visegrád es un escenario de cooperación multilateral, conformado por Polonia, República Checa, Eslovaquia y Hungría, el cual tiene como objetivo principal contribuir al cumplimiento de los intereses de dichos países, por medio de la financiación de proyectos culturales. El interés de esta monografía consiste en determinar la incidencia de la cooperación cultural en la reafirmación identitaria de cada uno de los miembros del Grupo y, por ende, en la manera como éstos se proyectan dentro de la Unión Europea. Así pues, se identifican los principales hechos históricos que han moldeado los intereses de los países del V4 y que condujeron a la creación de una estructura institucional sólida, que ha servido como plataforma para el accionar de dichos países dentro del bloque europeo. Se utiliza la perspectiva constructivista de Alexander Wendt, la cual permite entender la naturaleza de la cooperación y, su relación con las identidades y los intereses de los Estados.
Fra Bernat Hug de Rocabertí (c.1420-1485) was a prominent member of the Order of the Hospital in the Crown of Aragon in which to attain the dignity of Castilian of Amposta, the most important dignity in the Crown. This work is a historical biography of him, since he entered into the Order by the hand of his brotherin- law, fra Joan de Vilagut, until he became a confidant of King Joan II and his side took part in Catalan Civil War in the fifteenth century. In parallel, Rocabertí also devoted himself to poetry and wrote at least two pieces, the Estrampa, so far unpublished, here this work is published critically, and La glòria d’amor, a long narrative poem, which is a study of possible chronology. Moreover, also studied other people linked to Bernat Hug, like his brothers, authors of some interesting battle letters, also published for the first time, or their brothers-inlaw, among them Joan de Vilagut, also a poet, and Guillem Tinter, who had a poetic Exchange with Vilagut. The whole work is accompanied by transcription of an interesting collection of documents.
Understanding the onset of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is surely one of the holy grails of solar physics today. Inspection of data from the Heliospheric Imagers (HI), which are part of the SECCHI instrument suite aboard the two NASA STEREO spacecraft, appears to have revealed pre-eruption signatures which may provide valuable evidence for identifying the CME onset mechanism. Specifically, an examination of the HI images has revealed narrow rays comprised of a series of outward-propagating plasma blobs apparently forming near the edge of the streamer belt prior to many CME eruptions. In this pilot study, we inspect a limited dataset to explore the significance of this phenomenon, which we have termed a pre-CME ‘fuse’. Although, the enhanced expulsion of blobs may be consistent with an increase in the release of outward-propagating blobs from the streamers themselves, it could also be interpreted as evidence for interchange reconnection in the period leading to a CME onset. Indeed, it is argued that the latter could even have implications for the end-of-life of CMEs. Thus, the presence of these pre-CME fuses provides evidence that the CME onset mechanism is either related to streamer reconnection processes or the reconnection between closed field lines in the streamer belt and adjacent, open field lines. We investigate the nature of these fuses, including their timing and location with respect to CME launch sites, as well as their speed and topology.
A 7000 word chapter on the literary production, chiefly in Occitan, of Toulouse and adjacent regions (including the Crown of Aragon) in the 14th-15th centuries.