935 resultados para Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG)


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The aim of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of isora fibre as reinforcement material in short and long forms, for unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins.Studies on the optimization of fibre length and fibre loading of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite are described.The salient features of the alkali treatment of short isora fibre on the properties of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite are outlined in this thesis.The effect of surface modification of the hydrophilic isora fibre by different chemical treatments on the properties of randomly oriented isora-polyester composite is outlined.The properties of oriented and randomly oriented isora fibre reinforced epoxy composites with special reference to the effect of fibre loading are reported and also the dynamic mechanical properties ofthe oriented and randomly oriented isora-polyester and isora-epoxy composites are presented and the water absorption kinetics of oriented and randomly oriented isora-polyester composites and oriented isoraepoxy composites are given. The effect of hot air oven aging on the tensile and flexural properties of oriented isora-polyester and isora-epoxy composites are also reported in this thesis.


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A new formulation for recovering the structure and motion parameters of a moving patch using both motion and shading information is presented. It is based on a new differential constraint equation (FICE) that links the spatiotemporal gradients of irradiance to the motion and structure parameters and the temporal variations of the surface shading. The FICE separates the contribution to the irradiance spatiotemporal gradients of the gradients due to texture from those due to shading and allows the FICE to be used for textured and textureless surface. The new approach, combining motion and shading information, leads directly to two different contributions: it can compensate for the effects of shading variations in recovering the shape and motion; and it can exploit the shading/illumination effects to recover motion and shape when they cannot be recovered without it. The FICE formulation is also extended to multiple frames.


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Local descriptors are increasingly used for the task of object recognition because of their perceived robustness with respect to occlusions and to global geometrical deformations. Such a descriptor--based on a set of oriented Gaussian derivative filters-- is used in our recognition system. We report here an evaluation of several techniques for orientation estimation to achieve rotation invariance of the descriptor. We also describe feature selection based on a single training image. Virtual images are generated by rotating and rescaling the image and robust features are selected. The results confirm robust performance in cluttered scenes, in the presence of partial occlusions, and when the object is embedded in different backgrounds.


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This article describes a novel algorithmic development extending the contour advective semi-Lagrangian model to include nonconservative effects. The Lagrangian contour representation of finescale tracer fields, such as potential vorticity, allows for conservative, nondiffusive treatment of sharp gradients allowing very high numerical Reynolds numbers. It has been widely employed in accurate geostrophic turbulence and tracer advection simulations. In the present, diabatic version of the model the constraint of conservative dynamics is overcome by including a parallel Eulerian field that absorbs the nonconservative ( diabatic) tendencies. The diabatic buildup in this Eulerian field is limited through regular, controlled transfers of this field to the contour representation. This transfer is done with a fast newly developed contouring algorithm. This model has been implemented for several idealized geometries. In this paper a single-layer doubly periodic geometry is used to demonstrate the validity of the model. The present model converges faster than the analogous semi-Lagrangian models at increased resolutions. At the same nominal spatial resolution the new model is 40 times faster than the analogous semi-Lagrangian model. Results of an orographically forced idealized storm track show nontrivial dependency of storm-track statistics on resolution and on the numerical model employed. If this result is more generally applicable, this may have important consequences for future high-resolution climate modeling.


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We examine the motion of the ground surface on the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat between 1998 and 2000 using radar interferometry (InSAR). To minimise the effects of variable atmospheric water vapour on the InSAR measurements we use independently-derived measurements of the radar path delay from six continuous GPS receivers. The surfaces providing a measurable inter-ferometric signal are those on pyroclastic flow deposits, mainly emplaced in 1997. Three types of surface motion can be discriminated. Firstly, the surfaces of thick, valley-filling deposits subsided at rates of 150-120 mm/year in the year after emplacement to 50-30 mm/year two years later. This must be due to contraction and settling effects during cooling. The second type is the near-field motion localised within about one kilometre of the dome. Both subsidence and uplift events are seen and though the former could be due to surface gravitational effects, the latter may reflect shallow (< 1 km) pressurisation effects within the conduit/dome. Far-field motions of the surface away from the deeply buried valleys are interpreted as crustal strains. Because the flux of magma to the surface stopped from March 1998 to November 1999 and then resumed from November 1999 through 2000, we use InSAR data from these two periods to test the crustal strain behaviour of three models of magma supply: open, depleting and unbalanced. The InSAR observations of strain gradients of 75-80 mm/year/krn uplift during the period of quiescence on the western side of the volcano are consistent with an unbalanced model in which magma supply into a crustal magma chamber continues during quiescence, raising chamber pressure that is then released upon resumption of effusion. GPS motion vectors agree qualitatively with the InSAR displacements but are of smaller magnitude. The discrepancy may be due to inaccurate compensation for atmospheric delays in the InSAR data. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The polar oceans of Earth are covered by sea ice. On timescales much greater than a day, the motion and deformation of the sea ice cover (i.e., its dynamics) are primarily determined by atmospheric and oceanic tractions on its upper and lower surfaces and by internal ice forces that arise within the ice cover owing to its deformation. This review discusses the relationship between the internal ice forces and the deformation of the ice cover, focusing on representations suitable for inclusion within global climate models. I first draw attention to theories that treat the sea ice cover as an isotropic continuum and then to the recent development of anisotropic models that deal with the presence of oriented weaknesses in the ice cover, known as leads.


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There exists a well-developed body of theory based on quasi-geostrophic (QG) dynamics that is central to our present understanding of large-scale atmospheric and oceanic dynamics. An important question is the extent to which this body of theory may generalize to more accurate dynamical models. As a first step in this process, we here generalize a set of theoretical results, concerning the evolution of disturbances to prescribed basic states, to semi-geostrophic (SG) dynamics. SG dynamics, like QG dynamics, is a Hamiltonian balanced model whose evolution is described by the material conservation of potential vorticity, together with an invertibility principle relating the potential vorticity to the advecting fields. SG dynamics has features that make it a good prototype for balanced models that are more accurate than QG dynamics. In the first part of this two-part study, we derive a pseudomomentum invariant for the SG equations, and use it to obtain: (i) linear and nonlinear generalized Charney–Stern theorems for disturbances to parallel flows; (ii) a finite-amplitude local conservation law for the invariant, obeying the group-velocity property in the WKB limit; and (iii) a wave-mean-flow interaction theorem consisting of generalized Eliassen–Palm flux diagnostics, an elliptic equation for the stream-function tendency, and a non-acceleration theorem. All these results are analogous to their QG forms. The pseudomomentum invariant – a conserved second-order disturbance quantity that is associated with zonal symmetry – is constructed using a variational principle in a similar manner to the QG calculations. Such an approach is possible when the equations of motion under the geostrophic momentum approximation are transformed to isentropic and geostrophic coordinates, in which the ageostrophic advection terms are no longer explicit. Symmetry-related wave-activity invariants such as the pseudomomentum then arise naturally from the Hamiltonian structure of the SG equations. We avoid use of the so-called ‘massless layer’ approach to the modelling of isentropic gradients at the lower boundary, preferring instead to incorporate explicitly those boundary contributions into the wave-activity and stability results. This makes the analogy with QG dynamics most transparent. This paper treats the f-plane Boussinesq form of SG dynamics, and its recent extension to β-plane, compressible flow by Magnusdottir & Schubert. In the limit of small Rossby number, the results reduce to their respective QG forms. Novel features particular to SG dynamics include apparently unnoticed lateral boundary stability criteria in (i), and the necessity of including additional zonal-mean eddy correlation terms besides the zonal-mean potential vorticity fluxes in the wave-mean-flow balance in (iii). In the companion paper, wave-activity conservation laws and stability theorems based on the SG form of the pseudoenergy are presented.


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Introdução: O conhecimento da distribuição da perfusão pulmonar pela cintilografia na bronquiolite viral aguda, pode auxiliar no entendimento das alterações no equilíbrio da ventilação - perfusão, peculiares a essa doença do lactente jovem. Objetivo: Avaliar o padrão de distribuição da perfusão pulmonar em pacientes hospitalizados com bronquiolite viral aguda por meio de cintilografia pulmonar perfusional quantitativa com macroagregado de albumina com tecnécio (99mTc-MAA), estabelecendo associação com as avaliações clínica e radiológica, bem como determinando o seu padrão evolutivo até a condição de normalidade. Tipo de estudo: Dois estudos prospectivos com enfoque diagnóstico: um transversal, comparativo, e um longitudinal, evolutivo, controlado. Pacientes e métodos: A amostra da pesquisa foi constituída por pacientes hospitalizados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre com diagnóstico de bronquiolite viral aguda, no período de abril de 1998 a setembro de 2000, baseada em critérios clínicos de inclusão: idade entre 01 e 24 meses, com quadro respiratório obstrutivo de vias aéreas inferiores (primeiro episódio de sibilância expiratória de início súbito, com sinais de coriza, tosse irritativa, hipertermia, taquipnéia, tiragem, batimentos de asa de nariz, esforço expiratório), com gravidade suficiente para determinar a hospitalização e cujos pais aceitaram participar do estudo. Todos os pacientes da pesquisa foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, radiológica e da perfusão pulmonar com o radiofármaco. A cintilografia foi realizada na condição de crise (primeiras 24 horas da admissão) e na convalescência (depois de 7 dias da alta hospitalar). A quantificação do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar, representada em valores percentuais, foi realizada em três áreas de interesse, nas projeções anterior e posterior, de ambos os pulmões. As comparações foram feitas entre ambos os pulmões e entre as condições de crise e controle, considerando as áreas de interesse e os gradientes entre elas e entre as projeções anterior e posterior das mesmas. Para análise comparativa das médias foi utilizado o teste t de Student para amostras pareadas, considerando o nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados: Iniciaram o estudo transversal 38 pacientes e permaneceram no estudo longitudinal 19 pacientes; da amostra total, 22 eram do sexo masculino. A idade variou de 1 a 8 meses (média 2,8 meses). A distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar regional foi maior na região superior do pulmão esquerdo (PE) em relação ao pulmão direito (PD), na crise (P < 0,001), e maior na região média do PD, no controle. Os gradientes de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar entre as regiões superior e média e superior e inferior foi maior no PE, na crise e no controle (P < 0,05). O gradiente de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar entre as regiões média e inferior foi maior no PD, na crise e no controle. O gradiente de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar no eixo ântero-posterior na região superior foi > 1,0 em ambos os pulmões, na crise, e apenas no PE, no controle; na região média, foi > 1,0 em ambos os pulmões, na crise e no controle; na região inferior, foi > 1,0 apenas no PD, na crise e no controle (P < 0,05). A distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar, comparada entre crise e controle, não mostrou diferença em quaisquer das regiões ou dos gradientes avaliados. Não houve associação entre o padrão de distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar regional na crise com a avaliação clínica ou com a avaliação radiológica dos pacientes. Conclusão: não se evidenciou uma distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar com caraterística de expressar o padrão da relação ventilação-perfusão em lactentes jovens hospitalizados com bronquiolite viral aguda. Ocorreu apenas uma tendência de redirecionamento da distribuição do fluxo sangüíneo pulmonar para as regiões superiores.


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O segundo satélite da Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira (SCD2/MECB) foi colocado em órbita em 23 de Outubro de 1998 e carrega a bordo um experimento de células solares. Célula solar de silício é um dispositivo semicondutor, que pode medir a intensidade da radiação visível e parte da radiação infravermelha (400-1100 nm). O experimento permite medir simultaneamente a insolação direta e parte da radiação solar que é refletida pela Terra para o espaço. Os dados do experimento célula solar são transmitidos em tempo real pela telemetria do satélite e recebidos pela estação terrestre em Cuiabá, MT-Brasil (16°S; 56°W). Este fato limita a cobertura espacial para um círculo sobre a América do Sul. O albedo planetário é obtido dentro desta cobertura e seus valores podem ser agrupados em períodos temporais (anual, sazonal ou mensal), ou podem ser estudados para várias localizações (latitude e longitude) durante a vida do satélite. O coeficiente de transmissão atmosférica ou índice de claridade (Kt), medido em estações meteorológicas na superfície da Terra, junto com o valor medido simultaneamente do albedo planetário, permite calcular o coeficiente de absorção atmosférica (Ka). O método desenvolvido neste trabalho para avaliar Ka considera que o albedo planetário é composto por duas partes: uma refletividade local e uma refletividade não local. Considerando este novo conceito, é definida uma taxa de absorção atmosférica (denominada Ra) que é a razão entre Ka e a potência de irradiância solar líquida, que não atravessou a atmosfera (100%-Kt). A taxa de absorção atmosférica assim definida é independente da cobertura de nuvens. O histograma de freqüência de Ra mostra os valores de 0,86±0,07 e 0,88±0,09 sobre as cidades de Botucatu-SP e do Rio de Janeiro-RJ, durante os anos de 1999 até 2006, respectivamente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e relacionar a radiação líquida com o calor latente equivalente, em mm de água, nos cultivos protegido e de campo, na cultura de pimentão. O experimento foi feito em Botucatu, SP. A estimativa do fluxo de calor latente foi feita pelo método do balanço de energia, por meio da razão de Bowen. Foram feitas medidas instantâneas da radiação líquida (Rn), dos fluxos convectivos de calor latente (LE) e sensível (H), do fluxo de calor no solo (G), e dos gradientes psicrométricos sobre a cultura. O cultivo protegido, apesar de receber menor quantidade de radiação solar global, foi mais eficiente na conversão da radiação líquida disponível em matéria seca total e na produtividade de frutos. No balanço de energia, o cultivo protegido apresentou razões G/Rn e LE/Rn inferiores e H/Rn superior, com um fluxo de calor latente, equivalente em milímetros, 45,43% menor que no cultivo no campo. Apresentou, ainda, menor quantidade de radiação líquida disponível e menores perdas de energia, mostrando-se mais eficiente no uso da água.


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The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points


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The complex behavior of a wide variety of phenomena that are of interest to physicists, chemists, and engineers has been quantitatively characterized by using the ideas of fractal and multifractal distributions, which correspond in a unique way to the geometrical shape and dynamical properties of the systems under study. In this thesis we present the Space of Fractals and the methods of Hausdorff-Besicovitch, box-counting and Scaling to calculate the fractal dimension of a set. In this Thesis we investigate also percolation phenomena in multifractal objects that are built in a simple way. The central object of our analysis is a multifractal object that we call Qmf . In these objects the multifractality comes directly from the geometric tiling. We identify some differences between percolation in the proposed multifractals and in a regular lattice. There are basically two sources of these differences. The first is related to the coordination number, c, which changes along the multifractal. The second comes from the way the weight of each cell in the multifractal affects the percolation cluster. We use many samples of finite size lattices and draw the histogram of percolating lattices against site occupation probability p. Depending on a parameter, ρ, characterizing the multifractal and the lattice size, L, the histogram can have two peaks. We observe that the probability of occupation at the percolation threshold, pc, for the multifractal is lower than that for the square lattice. We compute the fractal dimension of the percolating cluster and the critical exponent β. Despite the topological differences, we find that the percolation in a multifractal support is in the same universality class as standard percolation. The area and the number of neighbors of the blocks of Qmf show a non-trivial behavior. A general view of the object Qmf shows an anisotropy. The value of pc is a function of ρ which is related to its anisotropy. We investigate the relation between pc and the average number of neighbors of the blocks as well as the anisotropy of Qmf. In this Thesis we study likewise the distribution of shortest paths in percolation systems at the percolation threshold in two dimensions (2D). We study paths from one given point to multiple other points. In oil recovery terminology, the given single point can be mapped to an injection well (injector) and the multiple other points to production wells (producers). In the previously standard case of one injection well and one production well separated by Euclidean distance r, the distribution of shortest paths l, P(l|r), shows a power-law behavior with exponent gl = 2.14 in 2D. Here we analyze the situation of one injector and an array A of producers. Symmetric arrays of producers lead to one peak in the distribution P(l|A), the probability that the shortest path between the injector and any of the producers is l, while the asymmetric configurations lead to several peaks in the distribution. We analyze configurations in which the injector is outside and inside the set of producers. The peak in P(l|A) for the symmetric arrays decays faster than for the standard case. For very long paths all the studied arrays exhibit a power-law behavior with exponent g ∼= gl.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Multivariate orthogonal polynomials associated with a Sobolev-type inner product, that is, an inner product defined by adding to a measure the evaluation of the gradients in a fixed point, are studied. Orthogonal polynomials and kernel functions associated with this new inner product can be explicitly expressed in terms of those corresponding with the original measure. We apply our results to the particular case of the classical orthogonal polynomials on the unit ball, and we obtain the asymptotics of the kernel functions. © 2011 Universidad de Jaén.


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Rare collisions of a classical particle bouncing between two walls are studied. The dynamics is described by a two-dimensional, nonlinear and area-preserving mapping in the variables velocity and time at the instant that the particle collides with the moving wall. The phase space is of mixed type preventing diffusion of the particle to high energy. Successive and therefore rare collisions are shown to have a histogram of frequency which is scaling invariant with respect to the control parameters. The saddle fixed points are studied and shown to be scaling invariant with respect to the control parameters too. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.